Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Brazil
1 × Canada
1 × China
1 × Greece
1 × Ireland
1 × Japan
1 × Portugal
1 × United Kingdom
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.H.F.Laender E.S.d.Moura M.A.Gonçalves B.A.Ribeiro-Neto P.Calado E.Cortez J.M.B.Cavalcanti M.G.d.Carvalho M.L.A.Vidal K.Vieira J.Freire D.F.d.Oliveira R.C.Vieira E.A.Fox H.S.Vieira M.Cristo C.Rossi A.L.Carvalho F.d.C.Hummel M.M.Moro G.A.Toda L.Barbosa G.T.d.Assis I.M.R.E.Filha D.W.Embley P.B.Golgher C.Nascimento R.d.S.Torres E.B.Araújo D.Oliveira C.F.Dorneles C.A.Heuser V.M.Orengo J.P.Lage D.d.C.Reis P.A.Roberto M.V.Vieira E.C.C.Vilarinho F.d.S.Mesquita N.Pinto A.Krowne
Talks about:
web (12) structur (6) queri (6) base (6) extract (5) keyword (4) unsupervis (3) librari (3) databas (3) search (3)
Person: Altigran Soares da Silva
DBLP: Silva:Altigran_Soares_da
Contributed to:
Wrote 26 papers:
- ECIR-2015-VieiraSCM #self #web
- A Self-training CRF Method for Recognizing Product Model Mentions in Web Forums (HSV, ASdS, MC, ESdM), pp. 257–264.
- SIGIR-2013-RossiMCS #performance #query #using
- Fast document-at-a-time query processing using two-tier indexes (CR, ESdM, ALC, ASdS), pp. 183–192.
- ICPR-2012-VidalCMST #database #image #scalability
- Sorted dominant local color for searching large and heterogeneous image databases (MLAV, JMBC, ESdM, ASdS, RdST), pp. 1960–1963.
- CIKM-2011-HummelSML #keyword #multi #query #xml
- Multiple keyword-based queries over XML streams (FdCH, ASdS, MMM, AHFL), pp. 1577–1582.
- SIGIR-2011-FernandesMSRA #web
- A site oriented method for segmenting web pages (DFdO, ESdM, ASdS, BARN, EBA), pp. 215–224.
- SIGMOD-2011-CortezOSML #information management
- Joint unsupervised structure discovery and information extraction (EC, DO, ASdS, ESdM, AHFL), pp. 541–552.
- VLDB-2011-TodaCSM10 #approach #automation #interface #probability #web
- A Probabilistic Approach for Automatically Filling Form-Based Web Interfaces (GAT, EC, ASdS, ESdM), pp. 151–160.
- SIGMOD-2010-CortezSGM #information management #learning #named #on-demand
- ONDUX: on-demand unsupervised learning for information extraction (EC, ASdS, MAG, ESdM), pp. 807–818.
- CIKM-2008-VieiraBFS #interface #keyword
- Siphon++: a hidden-webcrawler for keyword-based interfaces (KV, LB, JF, ASdS), pp. 1361–1362.
- SAC-2008-AssisLSG #crawling
- The impact of term selection in genre-aware focused crawling (GTdA, AHFL, ASdS, MAG), pp. 1158–1163.
- SAC-2008-CarvalhoLGS #identification #programming #search-based #using
- Replica identification using genetic programming (MGdC, AHFL, MAG, ASdS), pp. 1801–1806.
- CIKM-2007-DornelesHOSM #approximate
- A strategy for allowing meaningful and comparable scores in approximate matching (CFD, CAH, VMO, ASdS, ESdM), pp. 303–312.
- CIKM-2007-FernandesMRSG #web
- Computing block importance for searching on web sites (DFdO, ESdM, BARN, ASdS, MAG), pp. 165–174.
- CIKM-2006-VieiraSPMCF #detection #performance #robust #web
- A fast and robust method for web page template detection and removal (KV, ASdS, NP, ESdM, JMBC, JF), pp. 258–267.
- SIGIR-2006-VidalSMC #crawling #generative
- Structure-driven crawler generation by example (MLAV, ASdS, ESdM, JMBC), pp. 292–299.
- CAiSE-2002-FilhaSLE #query #representation #using #web
- Using Nested Tables for Representing and Querying Semistructured Web Data (IMREF, ASdS, AHFL, DWE), pp. 719–723.
- CIKM-2002-CaladoSRLLRRVGF #experience #library #named #web
- Web-DL: an experience in building digital libraries from the web (PC, ASdS, BARN, AHFL, JPL, DdCR, PAR, MVV, MAG, EAF), pp. 675–677.
- CIKM-2002-CaladoSVLR #database #keyword #query #web
- Searching web databases by structuring keyword-based queries (PC, ASdS, RCV, AHFL, BARN), pp. 26–33.
- CIKM-2001-GolgherSLR
- Bootstrapping for Example-Based Data Extraction (PBG, ASdS, AHFL, BARN), pp. 371–378.
- CIKM-1999-Ribeiro-NetoLS
- Extracting Semi-Structured Data Through Examples (BARN, AHFL, ASdS), pp. 94–101.
- JCDL-2002-VieiraCSLR #database #keyword #query #web
- Structuring keyword-based queries for web databases (RCV, PC, ASdS, AHFL, BARN), pp. 94–95.
- JCDL-2003-CaladoGFRLSRRVL #library #web
- The Web-DL Environment for Building Digital Libraries from the Web (PC, MAG, EAF, BARN, AHFL, ASdS, DdCR, PAR, MVV, JPL), pp. 346–357.
- JCDL-2004-GoncalvesFKCLSR #automation #effectiveness #library #query
- The effectiveness of automatically structured queries in digital libraries (MAG, EAF, AK, PC, AHFL, ASdS, BARN), pp. 98–107.
- JCDL-2006-CarvalhoGLS #learning
- Learning to deduplicate (MGdC, MAG, AHFL, ASdS), pp. 41–50.
- JCDL-2007-VilarinhoSGMM #flexibility #metadata #named
- FLUX-CIM: flexible unsupervised extraction of citation metadata (ECCV, ASdS, MAG, FdSM, ESdM), pp. 215–224.
- JCDL-2011-NascimentoLSG #framework #independence #recommendation #research
- A source independent framework for research paper recommendation (CN, AHFL, ASdS, MAG), pp. 297–306.