Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Portugal
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
D.Varró A.Darabos A.Balogh G.Varró M.D.Cin W.Hohl E.Michel G.Csertán G.Huszerl I.Majzik Z.Pap
Talks about:
transform (6) model (4) visual (2) uml (2) multiprocessor (1) metamodel (1) implement (1) framework (1) parallel (1) mathemat (1)
Person: András Pataricza
DBLP: Pataricza:Andr=aacute=s
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- GT-VMT-2006-DarabosPV08 #graph transformation #implementation #testing #towards
- Towards Testing the Implementation of Graph Transformations (AD, AP, DV), pp. 75–85.
- SAC-2006-BaloghVVP #compilation #model transformation #plugin
- Compiling model transformations to EJB3-specific transformer plugins (AB, GV, DV, AP), pp. 1288–1295.
- UML-2004-VarroP #model transformation
- Generic and Meta-transformations for Model Transformation Engineering (DV, AP), pp. 290–304.
- ASE-2002-CsertanHMPPV #automation #modelling #named #uml #validation #verification #visual notation
- VIATRA — Visual Automated Transformations for Formal Verification and Validation of UML Models (GC, GH, IM, ZP, AP, DV), pp. 267–270.
- UML-2002-VarroP #framework #metamodelling #modelling #precise #semantics #uml #visual notation
- Metamodeling Mathematics: A Precise and Visual Framework for Describing Semantics Domains of UML Models (DV, AP), pp. 18–33.
- PDP-1993-CinHMP #detection #fault #parallel
- Error detection mechanisms for massively parallel multiprocessors (MDC, WH, EM, AP), pp. 401–408.