Travelled to:
1 × Israel
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.P.Xing L.Song M.Kolar M.Ishteva H.Park
Talks about:
graphic (2) latent (2) model (2) tree (2) nonparametr (1) decomposit (1) algorithm (1) spectral (1) hierarch (1) tensor (1)
Person: Ankur P. Parikh
DBLP: Parikh:Ankur_P=
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICML-c3-2013-SongIPXP #composition #modelling #visual notation
- Hierarchical Tensor Decomposition of Latent Tree Graphical Models (LS, MI, APP, EPX, HP), pp. 334–342.
- ICML-2011-ParikhSX #algorithm #modelling #visual notation
- A Spectral Algorithm for Latent Tree Graphical Models (APP, LS, EPX), pp. 1065–1072.
- ICML-2010-KolarPX #on the #parametricity
- On Sparse Nonparametric Conditional Covariance Selection (MK, APP, EPX), pp. 559–566.