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Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
1 × The Netherlands
2 × Canada
3 × USA
5 × China
Collaborated with:
W.Qian P.Cai W.Gao K.Wong Z.Chong M.Zhou W.Ji C.Sha J.X.Yu S.Zheng H.Lu X.Gong H.Shu G.Qi H.Ma Y.Wu B.C.Ooi K.Tan W.Fan R.Zhang X.Wang J.He W.Ng Y.Zhou Y.Yan C.Jin H.Chen Z.Zhang J.Bao W.Ni M.Benedikt C.Y.Chan R.Rastogi Y.Liang L.Zhang Z.Tian Q.Wang Z.Guo H.Wu J.Xiao K.Yue C.H.Goh Y.Li C.Y.Liau B.Ling W.S.Ng Y.Shu X.Wang M.Zhang
Talks about:
data (6) stream (4) queri (4) rank (4) xml (4) base (3) distribut (2) transact (2) frequent (2) databas (2)

Person: Aoying Zhou

DBLP DBLP: Zhou:Aoying

Facilitated 1 volumes:


Contributed to:

CIKM 20122012
KDD 20122012
ECIR 20112011
SIGIR 20112011
CIKM 20102010
SIGIR 20102010
SIGIR 20072007
SIGMOD 20072007
CIKM 20052005
VLDB 20042004
CIKM 20032003
SIGMOD 20032003
VLDB 20022002
VLDB 20012001
TOOLS Asia 20002000

Wrote 17 papers:

CIKM-2012-ChongCZSQZ #pattern matching #rdf #using
RDF pattern matching using sortable views (ZC, HC, ZZ, HS, GQ, AZ), pp. 315–324.
CIKM-2012-ZhangSZZ #ranking #transaction
Credibility-based product ranking for C2C transactions (RZ, CS, MZ, AZ), pp. 2149–2153.
KDD-2012-ZhouQM #behaviour #data analysis #social #social media
Social media data analysis for revealing collective behaviors (AZ, WQ, HM), p. 1402.
ECIR-2011-CaiGWZ #adaptation #ranking
Weight-Based Boosting Model for Cross-Domain Relevance Ranking Adaptation (PC, WG, KFW, AZ), pp. 562–567.
SIGIR-2011-CaiGZW #adaptation #education #query #ranking
Relevant knowledge helps in choosing right teacher: active query selection for ranking adaptation (PC, WG, AZ, KFW), pp. 115–124.
CIKM-2010-ChongQSBNZ #evaluation #query #rdf #streaming
Open user schema guided evaluation of streaming RDF queries (ZC, GQ, HS, JB, WN, AZ), pp. 1281–1284.
SIGIR-2010-GaoCWZ #learning #rank #using
Learning to rank only using training data from related domain (WG, PC, KFW, AZ), pp. 162–169.
SIGIR-2007-WangZHN #multi #named #xml
MQX: multi-query engine for compressed XML data (XW, AZ, JH, WN), p. 897.
SIGMOD-2007-ZhouQGZ #distributed #named #performance
Sonnet: an efficient distributed content-based dissemination broker (AZ, WQ, XG, MZ), pp. 1094–1096.
CIKM-2005-ZhouYOTZ #distributed #multi #optimisation #query
Optimizing continuous multijoin queries over distributed streams (YZ, YY, BCO, KLT, AZ), pp. 221–222.
VLDB-2004-YuCLZ #data type #mining #transaction
False Positive or False Negative: Mining Frequent Itemsets from High Speed Transactional Data Streams (JXY, ZC, HL, AZ), pp. 204–215.
CIKM-2003-JinQSYZ #data type #maintenance
Dynamically maintaining frequent items over a data stream (CJ, WQ, CS, JXY, AZ), pp. 287–294.
SIGMOD-2003-OoiTZGLLLNSWZ #database #named
PeerDB: Peering into Personal Databases (BCO, KLT, AZ, CHG, YL, CYL, BL, WSN, YS, XW, MZ), p. 659.
SIGMOD-2003-ZhouWGGZWXYF #named #xml
TREX: DTD-Conforming XML to XML Transformations (AZ, QW, ZG, XG, SZ, HW, JX, KY, WF), p. 670.
DTD-Directed Publishing with Attribute Translation Grammars (MB, CYC, WF, RR, SZ, AZ), pp. 838–849.
VLDB-2001-ZhouLZLZJT #database #named #visual notation
VXMLR: A Visual XML-Relational Database System (AZ, HL, SZ, YL, LZ, WJ, ZT), pp. 719–720.
TOOLS-ASIA-2000-WuJZ #design #implementation #normalisation #object-oriented #proving
Implementation and Proof for Normalization Design of Object-Oriented Data Schemes (YW, WJ, AZ), pp. 220–229.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.