Tag #rdf
87 papers:
CIKM-2019-HuUMH #datalog #knowledge base #reasoning- Datalog Reasoning over Compressed RDF Knowledge Bases (PH, JU, BM, IH), pp. 2065–2068.
ECIR-p2-2019-Dosso #dataset #keyword- Keyword Search on RDF Datasets (DD), pp. 332–336.
CIKM-2018-SyedRN #named #using #validation- FactCheck: Validating RDF Triples Using Textual Evidence (ZHS, MR, ACNN), pp. 1599–1602.
CIKM-2017-Han0YZ #approach #assembly #graph #keyword #query- Keyword Search on RDF Graphs - A Query Graph Assembly Approach (SH, LZ0, JXY, DZ0), pp. 227–236.
CIKM-2016-LeekaBBA #framework #named #performance- Quark-X: An Efficient Top-K Processing Framework for RDF Quad Stores (JL, SB, DB, MA), pp. 831–840.
CIKM-2016-WangWZ #distributed #graph #partial evaluation #performance #query #using- Efficient Distributed Regular Path Queries on RDF Graphs Using Partial Evaluation (XW0, JW, XZ), pp. 1933–1936.
DocEng-2015-LesnikovaDE #using- Interlinking English and Chinese RDF Data Using BabelNet (TL, JD, JE), pp. 39–42.
SIGMOD-2015-QiaoO #benchmark #metric #named- RBench: Application-Specific RDF Benchmarking (SQ, ZMÖ), pp. 1825–1838.
SIGMOD-2015-ZhengZLYSZ #approach #graph #how #nondeterminism #similarity- How to Build Templates for RDF Question/Answering: An Uncertain Graph Similarity Join Approach (WZ, LZ, XL, JXY, SS, DZ), pp. 1809–1824.
TPDL-2015-GkirtzouKVD - Keywords-To-SPARQL Translation for RDF Data Search and Exploration (KG, KK, VV, TD), pp. 111–123.
VLDB-2015-AbdelazizHSKM #data analysis #framework #named- SPARTex: A Vertex-Centric Framework for RDF Data Analytics (IA, RH, SS, PK, NM), pp. 1880–1891.
VLDB-2015-BursztynGM #performance #query- Reformulation-based query answering in RDF: alternatives and performance (DB, FG, IM), pp. 1888–1899.
VLDB-2015-CebiricGM #graph #query #summary- Query-Oriented Summarization of RDF Graphs (SC, FG, IM), pp. 2012–2023.
VLDB-2015-HammoudRNBS #adaptation #communication #distributed #named #query- DREAM: Distributed RDF Engine with Adaptive Query Planner and Minimal Communication (MH, DAR, RN, SMRB, SS), pp. 654–665.
VLDB-2015-HarbiAKM #dataset #query- Evaluating SPARQL Queries on Massive RDF Datasets (RH, IA, PK, NM), pp. 1848–1859.
VLDB-2015-KimSHHC #morphism #query- Taming Subgraph Isomorphism for RDF Query Processing (JK, HS, WSH, SH, HC), pp. 1238–1249.
ICEIS-v2-2015-JaouachiKHHJ #image #ontology #semantics #using #web- Semantic Annotation of Images Extracted from the Web using RDF Patterns and a Domain Ontology (RTJ, MTK, NH, OH, MBJ), pp. 137–144.
SEKE-2015-RadulovicGG #towards- Towards the Anonymisation of RDF Data (FR, RGC, AGP), pp. 646–651.
SAC-2015-CorcoglionitiRM #sorting #streaming #using- Processing billions of RDF triples on a single machine using streaming and sorting (FC, MR, MM, MA), pp. 368–375.
SAC-2015-GayathriK #rule-based- Horn-rule based compression technique for RDF data (VG, PSK), pp. 396–401.
SAC-2015-HogenboomNJFV #distributed #optimisation #query- RDF chain query optimization in a distributed environment (AH, EN, MJ, FF, DV), pp. 353–359.
HT-2014-ChengKWT #architecture #distributed #memory management #performance #scalability- A two-tier index architecture for fast processing large RDF data over distributed memory (LC, SK, TEW, GT), pp. 300–302.
SIGMOD-2014-GurajadaSMT #distributed #message passing #named- TriAD: a distributed shared-nothing RDF engine based on asynchronous message passing (SG, SS, IM, MT), pp. 289–300.
SIGMOD-2014-KaoudiM #data transformation- Cloud-based RDF data management (ZK, IM), pp. 725–729.
SIGMOD-2014-PapailiouTKKK #data transformation #graph #performance- H2RDF+: an efficient data management system for big RDF graphs (NP, DT, IK, PK, NK), pp. 909–912.
SIGMOD-2014-ZouHWYHZ #approach #data-driven #graph #natural language- Natural language question answering over RDF: a graph data driven approach (LZ, RH, HW, JXY, WH, DZ), pp. 313–324.
VLDB-2014-AlucOD #database #design #matter #why- Workload Matters: Why RDF Databases Need a New Design (GA, MTÖ, KD), pp. 837–840.
VLDB-2014-LiagourisMBT #effectiveness #encoding- An Effective Encoding Scheme for Spatial RDF Data (JL, NM, PB, MT), pp. 1271–1282.
CIKM-2014-ArenasGKMZ - Faceted Search over Ontology-Enhanced RDF Data (MA, BCG, EK, SM, DZ), pp. 939–948.
CIKM-2014-WuZYJL #distributed #named #semantics- SemStore: A Semantic-Preserving Distributed RDF Triple Store (BW, YZ, PY, HJ, LL), pp. 509–518.
SIGIR-2014-Zhang #graph #scalability- Graph-based large scale RDF data compression (WEZ), p. 1276.
PDP-2014-AliJS #distributed #query #towards- Towards Load Balancing and Parallelizing of RDF Query Processing in P2P Based Distributed RDF Data Stores (LA, TJ, CS), pp. 307–311.
HT-2013-StolzH #linked data #open data- From RDF to RSS and atom: content syndication with linked data (AS, MH), pp. 236–241.
PODS-2013-LibkinRV #adaptation #graph #query- Trial for RDF: adapting graph query languages for RDF data (LL, JLR, DV), pp. 201–212.
SIGMOD-2013-BorneaDKSDUB #database #performance #relational- Building an efficient RDF store over a relational database (MAB, JD, AK, KS, PD, OU, BB), pp. 121–132.
SIGMOD-2013-HuangZ #natural language- Natural language question answering over RDF data (RH, LZ), pp. 1289–1290.
TPDL-2013-BikakisGLSDS #graph #keyword #named- RDivF: Diversifying Keyword Search on RDF Graphs (NB, GG, JL, DS, TD, TKS), pp. 413–416.
TPDL-2013-GiannopoulosBS #keyword #personalisation- Personalizing Keyword Search on RDF Data (GG, EB, TKS), pp. 272–278.
VLDB-2013-LeeL #clustering #graph #query #scalability #semantics- Scaling Queries over Big RDF Graphs with Semantic Hash Partitioning (KL, LL), pp. 1894–1905.
VLDB-2013-YuanLWJZL #named #performance #scalability- TripleBit: a Fast and Compact System for Large Scale RDF Data (PY, PL, BW, HJ, WZ, LL), pp. 517–528.
VLDB-2013-ZengYWSW #distributed #graph #web- A Distributed Graph Engine for Web Scale RDF Data (KZ, JY, HW, BS, ZW), pp. 265–276.
CIKM-2012-ChongCZSQZ #pattern matching #using- RDF pattern matching using sortable views (ZC, HC, ZZ, HS, GQ, AZ), pp. 315–324.
KEOD-2012-JiC #editing #html #named #ontology- RDF/XHTML: Ontology Editing in HTML (KJ, LC), pp. 365–368.
SIGIR-2012-ElbassuoniRW #flexibility- RDF Xpress: a flexible expressive RDF search engine (SE, MR, GW), p. 1013.
SIGIR-2012-KahngL #graph- Exploiting paths for entity search in RDF graphs (MK, SgL), pp. 1027–1028.
SAC-2012-DrumondRS #information management #knowledge base #predict- Predicting RDF triples in incomplete knowledge bases with tensor factorization (LD, SR, LST), pp. 326–331.
SAC-2012-Martinez-PrietoFC - Compression of RDF dictionaries (MAMP, JDF, RC), pp. 340–347.
SAC-2012-VirgilioR #approximate #biology #graph- Approximate matching over biological RDF graphs (RDV, SER), pp. 1413–1414.
ICLP-2012-0002KZPM #approach #data access #logic programming- A Logic Programming approach for Access Control over RDF (NL, SK, AZ, AP, AM), pp. 381–392.
SIGMOD-2011-DuanKSU #benchmark #comparison #dataset #metric- Apples and oranges: a comparison of RDF benchmarks and real RDF datasets (SD, AK, KS, OU), pp. 145–156.
SIGMOD-2011-LianC #graph #performance #probability #query- Efficient query answering in probabilistic RDF graphs (XL, LC), pp. 157–168.
VLDB-2011-HuangAR #graph #query #scalability- Scalable SPARQL Querying of Large RDF Graphs (JH, DJA, KR), pp. 1123–1134.
OCSC-2011-AliprandiRMTM #dataset #semantics #web #wiki- Extracting Events from Wikipedia as RDF Triples Linked to Widespread Semantic Web Datasets (CA, FR, AM, MT, SM), pp. 90–99.
CIKM-2011-0003L - Estimating selectivity for joined RDF triple patterns (HH, CL), pp. 1435–1444.
CIKM-2011-BrodtSM #performance #retrieval- Efficient resource attribute retrieval in RDF triple stores (AB, OS, BM), pp. 1445–1454.
CIKM-2011-ElbassuoniB #graph #keyword- Keyword search over RDF graphs (SE, RB), pp. 237–242.
CIKM-2011-MeiserDT #interactive #knowledge base #nondeterminism #reasoning- Interactive reasoning in uncertain RDF knowledge bases (TM, MD, MT), pp. 2557–2560.
CIKM-2011-PuWLW #incremental #named #performance #query- AWETO: efficient incremental update and querying in rdf storage system (XP, JW, PL, MW), pp. 2445–2448.
SIGMOD-2010-PredaKSNYW #knowledge base #web #web service- Active knowledge: dynamically enriching RDF knowledge bases by web services (NP, GK, FMS, TN, WY, GW), pp. 399–410.
VLDB-2010-NeumannW #consistency #database #named #performance #query- x-RDF-3X: Fast Querying, High Update Rates, and Consistency for RDF Databases (TN, GW), pp. 256–263.
CIKM-2010-ChongQSBNZ #evaluation #query #streaming- Open user schema guided evaluation of streaming RDF queries (ZC, GQ, HS, JB, WN, AZ), pp. 1281–1284.
CIKM-2010-GoasdoueKLM #named- RDFViewS: a storage tuning wizard for RDF applications (FG, KK, JL, IM), pp. 1947–1948.
CIKM-2010-SongH #graph #independence- Domain-independent entity coreference in RDF graphs (DS, JH), pp. 1821–1824.
KDIR-2010-KKD #graph #keyword- Answer Graph Construction for Keyword Search on Graph Structured(RDF) Data (PK, SPK, DD), pp. 162–167.
KEOD-2010-NamgoongKK #in the cloud #scalability- Mitigation of Large-scale RDF Data Loading with the Employment of a Cloud Computing Service (HN, HK, HGK), pp. 489–492.
SAC-2010-HarasicAOT #distributed #named- RDFSwarms: selforganized distributed RDF triple store (MH, AA, PO, RT), pp. 1339–1340.
SLE-2010-BraatzB #algebra #domain-specific language #graph transformation #modelling- Domain-Specific Modelling Languages with Algebraic Graph Transformations on RDF (BB, CB), pp. 82–101.
SIGMOD-2009-NeumannW #graph #scalability- Scalable join processing on very large RDF graphs (TN, GW), pp. 627–640.
CIKM-2009-ChoiSCSC #distributed #evaluation #named #parallel #scalability- SPIDER: a system for scalable, parallel / distributed evaluation of large-scale RDF data (HC, JS, YC, MKS, YDC), pp. 2087–2088.
CIKM-2009-FletcherB #graph #performance #scalability- Scalable indexing of RDF graphs for efficient join processing (GHLF, PWB), pp. 1513–1516.
SAC-2009-GroppeNL #java #named #query #satisfiability #semantics #type safety #web- SWOBE — embedding the semantic web languages RDF, SPARQL and SPARUL into java for guaranteeing type safety, for checking the satisfiability of queries and for the determination of query result types (SG, JN, VL), pp. 1239–1246.
HT-2008-PourabdollahAB #approach #hypermedia #xml- Are we talking about the same structure?: a unified approach to hypertext links, xml, rdf and zigzag (AP, HA, TJB), pp. 241–242.
VLDB-2008-NeumannW #named- RDF-3X: a RISC-style engine for RDF (TN, GW), pp. 647–659.
VLDB-2008-SidirourgosGKNM #data transformation- Column-store support for RDF data management: not all swans are white (LS, RG, MLK, NN, SM), pp. 1553–1563.
ICEIS-J-2008-DroopFGGLPSSSSZ08a #semantics #web #xml #xpath- Bringing the XML and Semantic Web Worlds Closer: Transforming XML into RDF and Embedding XPath into SPARQL (MD, MF, JG, SG, VL, JP, FS, MS, FS, HS, SZ), pp. 31–45.
SEKE-2007-Chao #approach #documentation #object-oriented #retrieval #xml- An Object-Oriented Approach to Storage and Retrieval of RDF/XML Documents (CMC), pp. 586–591.
SEKE-2007-Garcia-CastroGS #benchmark #metric #ontology #tool support- Benchmarking the RDF(S) Interoperability of Ontology Tools (RGC, AGP, YS), pp. 410–415.
PODS-2006-FranconiT #logic #tutorial- The logic of RDF and SPARQL: a tutorial (EF, ST), p. 355.
DocEng-2005-JacquinFC #documentation- A web-based document harmonization and annotation chain: from PDF to RDF (TJ, OF, BC), pp. 225–226.
VLDB-2005-ChongDES #performance #query- An Efficient SQL-based RDF Querying Scheme (EIC, SD, GE, JS), pp. 1216–1227.
VLDB-2004-HalaschekAAS #ranking #scalability #semantics- Discovering and Ranking Semantic Associations over a Large RDF Metabase (CHW, BAM, IBA, APS), pp. 1317–1320.
CIKM-2004-MaSPZL #enterprise #named #query #resource management- RStar: an RDF storage and query system for enterprise resource management (LM, ZS, YP, LZ, TL), pp. 484–491.
KR-2004-HaarslevM #documentation #optimisation #owl- Optimization Techniques for Retrieving Resources Described in OWL/RDF Documents: First Results (VH, RM), pp. 163–174.
CAiSE-2002-LiuCD #memory management- Exploring RDF for Expertise Matching within an Organizational Memory (PL, JC, PMD), pp. 100–116.
ECOOP-2002-NeumannZ #case study #design #implementation #interpreter #parsing #xml- Pattern-Based Design and Implementation of an XML and RDF Parser and Interpreter: A Case Study (GN, UZ), pp. 392–414.
ADL-1999-KlaprothMS #distributed #library #xml- A Meta Data Model for Distributed Library Systems: Building a Magic Mirror (XML/RDF) for RDBs (FK, WM, RS), p. 89.
ECDL-1999-AmannF #ontology- Integrating Ontologies and Thesauri to Build RDF Schemas (BA, IF), pp. 234–253.