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Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × China
5 × USA
Collaborated with:
D.I.August J.W.Lee H.Kim T.B.Jablin S.Ghosh Y.Park A.Zaks G.Yorsh M.T.Vechev E.Yahav T.Oh T.R.Mason E.Raman G.Ottoni M.J.Bridges J.Huang Y.Zhang T.Hung
Talks about:
parallel (6) softwar (3) specul (3) pipelin (2) decoupl (2) execut (2) use (2) transact (1) prefetch (1) orchestr (1)

Person: Arun Raman

DBLP DBLP: Raman:Arun

Contributed to:

LCTES 20152015
PLDI 20122012
OOPSLA 20112011
PLDI 20112011
ASPLOS 20102010
CGO 20102010
CGO 20082008

Wrote 7 papers:

LCTES-2015-GhoshPR #alias #performance
Enabling Efficient Alias Speculation (SG, YP, AR), p. 10.
PLDI-2012-RamanZLA #execution #flexibility #named #parallel
Parcae: a system for flexible parallel execution (AR, AZ, JWL, DIA), pp. 133–144.
OOPSLA-2011-RamanYVY #named
Sprint: speculative prefetching of remote data (AR, GY, MTV, EY), pp. 259–274.
PLDI-2011-RamanKOLA #distributed #parallel #using
Parallelism orchestration using DoPE: the degree of parallelism executive (AR, HK, TO, JWL, DIA), pp. 26–37.
ASPLOS-2010-RamanKMJA #concurrent #parallel #thread #transaction #using
Speculative parallelization using software multi-threaded transactions (AR, HK, TRM, TBJ, DIA), pp. 65–76.
CGO-2010-HuangRJZHA #parallel #pipes and filters
Decoupled software pipelining creates parallelization opportunities (JH, AR, TBJ, YZ, THH, DIA), pp. 121–130.
CGO-2008-RamanORBA #pipes and filters
Parallel-stage decoupled software pipelining (ER, GO, AR, MJB, DIA), pp. 114–123.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.