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Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × India
1 × Ireland
1 × Italy
1 × Poland
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
2 × Canada
2 × France
2 × Germany
20 × USA
5 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.T.Vechev N.Partush M.Sagiv G.Ramalingam G.Yorsh Y.David N.Rinetzky S.Shoham G.Golan-Gueta Meital Zilberstein S.J.Fink A.M.Dan Y.Meshman S.Chandra S.Sagiv V.Raychev Omer Katz O.Shacham D.F.Bacon E.Geay M.Pistoia Shir Yadid Uri Alon 0002 Omer Levy A.Aiken N.G.Bronson R.Raman V.Sarkar T.W.Reps G.Ramalingam S.Fink D.Drachsler H.Chockler K.Even A.Mishne M.Kuperstein M.Arnold D.Drachsler-Cohen R.El-Yaniv H.Peleg H.Yang E.Aftandilian S.Z.Guyer A.Raman I.Dillig T.Dillig R.J.Flynn R.Manevich R.Wilhelm J.Field D.Goyal R.Shaham E.K.Kolodner F.Liu N.Nedev N.Prisadnikov J.Zhao D.Amit A.Poetzsch-Heffter N.Dor A.Loginov M.G.Nanda
Talks about:
abstract (14) program (10) concurr (9) model (8) code (7) synthesi (6) properti (6) verifi (6) memori (6) automat (5)

Person: Eran Yahav

DBLP DBLP: Yahav:Eran

Facilitated 1 volumes:

SAS 2011Ed

Contributed to:

PPoPP 20152015
VMCAI 20152015
ISSTA 20142014
OOPSLA 20142014
PLDI 20142014
PPoPP 20142014
SAS 20142014
ISSTA 20132013
PLDI 20132013
SAS 20132013
VMCAI 20132013
OOPSLA 20122012
PLDI 20122012
OOPSLA 20112011
PLDI 20112011
ISMM 20102010
POPL 20102010
SAS 20102010
PLDI 20092009
TACAS 20092009
ISMM 20082008
ISSTA 20082008
OOPSLA 20082008
PLDI 20082008
POPL 20082008
CAV 20072007
ESOP 20072007
ICSE 20072007
ISSTA 20072007
PLDI 20072007
ISSTA 20062006
PEPM 20062006
PLDI 20062006
SAS 20052005
VMCAI 20052005
PLDI 20042004
ESOP 20032003
SAS 20032003
POPL 20012001
CAV (1) 20172017
CAV (1) 20182018
Onward! 20162016
PLDI 20162016
POPL 20162016
PLDI 20172017
PLDI 20182018
POPL 20192019
ASPLOS 20182018

Wrote 60 papers:

PPoPP-2015-Golan-GuetaRSY #automation #scalability #semantics
Automatic scalable atomicity via semantic locking (GGG, GR, MS, EY), pp. 31–41.
VMCAI-2015-DanMVY #abstraction #effectiveness #memory management #modelling #verification
Effective Abstractions for Verification under Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 449–466.
ISSTA-2014-ShachamYGABSV #independence #verification
Verifying atomicity via data independence (OS, EY, GGG, AA, NGB, MS, MTV), pp. 26–36.
OOPSLA-2014-PartushY #correlation #difference #semantics
Abstract semantic differencing via speculative correlation (NP, EY), pp. 811–828.
PLDI-2014-DavidY #bytecode #code search
Tracelet-based code search in executables (YD, EY), p. 37.
PLDI-2014-RaychevVY #code completion #modelling #statistics
Code completion with statistical language models (VR, MTV, EY), p. 44.
PPoPP-2014-DrachslerVY #concurrent #logic
Practical concurrent binary search trees via logical ordering (DD, MTV, EY), pp. 343–356.
PPoPP-2014-Golan-GuetaRSY #automation #semantics
Automatic semantic locking (GGG, GR, MS, EY), pp. 385–386.
SAS-2014-MeshmanDVY #memory management #refinement #synthesis
Synthesis of Memory Fences via Refinement Propagation (YM, AMD, MTV, EY), pp. 237–252.
ISSTA-2013-ChocklerEY #concurrent #fault
Finding rare numerical stability errors in concurrent computations (HC, KE, EY), pp. 12–22.
PLDI-2013-Golan-GuetaRSY #concurrent #library
Concurrent libraries with foresight (GGG, GR, MS, EY), pp. 263–274.
SAS-2013-DanMVY #abstraction #memory management #modelling
Predicate Abstraction for Relaxed Memory Models (AMD, YM, MTV, EY), pp. 84–104.
SAS-2013-PartushY #difference #semantics #source code
Abstract Semantic Differencing for Numerical Programs (NP, EY), pp. 238–258.
SAS-2013-PelegSYY #automaton #mining #specification
Symbolic Automata for Static Specification Mining (HP, SS, EY, HY), pp. 63–83.
SAS-2013-RaychevVY #automation #concurrent #synthesis
Automatic Synthesis of Deterministic Concurrency (VR, MTV, EY), pp. 283–303.
VMCAI-2013-Yahav #synthesis
Abstraction-Guided Synthesis (EY), p. 27.
OOPSLA-2012-MishneSY #code search #semantics #source code
Typestate-based semantic code search over partial programs (AM, SS, EY), pp. 997–1016.
PLDI-2012-LiuNPVY #memory management #modelling #synthesis
Dynamic synthesis for relaxed memory models (FL, NN, NP, MTV, EY), pp. 429–440.
PLDI-2012-RamanZSVY #concurrent #detection #parallel #precise #scalability
Scalable and precise dynamic datarace detection for structured parallelism (RR, JZ, VS, MTV, EY), pp. 531–542.
Asynchronous assertions (EA, SZG, MTV, EY), pp. 275–288.
OOPSLA-2011-Golan-GuetaBARSY #automation #using
Automatic fine-grain locking using shape properties (GGG, NGB, AA, GR, MS, EY), pp. 225–242.
OOPSLA-2011-RamanYVY #named
Sprint: speculative prefetching of remote data (AR, GY, MTV, EY), pp. 259–274.
OOPSLA-2011-ShachamBASVY #concurrent #testing
Testing atomicity of composed concurrent operations (OS, NGB, AA, MS, MTV, EY), pp. 51–64.
PLDI-2011-KupersteinVY #abstraction #memory management #modelling
Partial-coherence abstractions for relaxed memory models (MK, MTV, EY), pp. 187–198.
ISMM-2010-VechevYY #named #parallel
PHALANX: parallel checking of expressive heap assertions (MTV, EY, GY), pp. 41–50.
POPL-2010-VechevYY #synthesis
Abstraction-guided synthesis of synchronization (MTV, EY, GY), pp. 327–338.
SAS-2010-VechevYRS #automation #parallel #source code #verification
Automatic Verification of Determinism for Structured Parallel Programs (MTV, EY, RR, VS), pp. 455–471.
PLDI-2009-ShachamVY #adaptation #named
Chameleon: adaptive selection of collections (OS, MTV, EY), pp. 408–418.
Inferring Synchronization under Limited Observability (MTV, EY, GY), pp. 139–154.
ISMM-2008-DilligDYC #automation #java #resource management
The CLOSER: automating resource management in java (ID, TD, EY, SC), pp. 1–10.
ISSTA-2008-LoginovYCFRN #analysis #safety #verification
Verifying dereference safety via expanding-scope analysis (AL, EY, SC, SF, NR, MGN), pp. 213–224.
OOPSLA-2008-ArnoldVY #detection #fault #named #performance #runtime
QVM: an efficient runtime for detecting defects in deployed systems (MA, MTV, EY), pp. 143–162.
PLDI-2008-VechevY #concurrent #fine-grained
Deriving linearizable fine-grained concurrent objects (MTV, EY), pp. 125–135.
POPL-2008-YorshYC #generative #precise #summary
Generating precise and concise procedure summaries (GY, EY, SC), pp. 221–234.
CAV-2007-AmitRRSY #abstraction #comparison #verification
Comparison Under Abstraction for Verifying Linearizability (DA, NR, TWR, MS, EY), pp. 477–490.
ESOP-2007-RinetzkyPRSY #analysis #composition #encapsulation #source code
Modular Shape Analysis for Dynamically Encapsulated Programs (NR, APH, GR, MS, EY), pp. 220–236.
ICSE-2007-PistoiaFFY #enterprise #modelling #policy #security #validation
When Role Models Have Flaws: Static Validation of Enterprise Security Policies (MP, SJF, RJF, EY), pp. 478–488.
ISSTA-2007-ShohamYFP #abstraction #mining #specification #using
Static specification mining using automata-based abstractions (SS, EY, SF, MP), pp. 174–184.
PLDI-2007-VechevYBR #automation #concurrent #named
CGCExplorer: a semi-automated search procedure for provably correct concurrent collectors (MTV, EY, DFB, NR), pp. 456–467.
ISSTA-2006-FinkYDRG #alias #effectiveness #type system #verification
Effective typestate verification in the presence of aliasing (SJF, EY, ND, GR, EG), pp. 133–144.
PEPM-2006-GeayYF #assurance #quality
Continuous code-quality assurance with SAFE (EG, EY, SJF), pp. 145–149.
PLDI-2006-VechevYB #algorithm #concurrent #garbage collection
Correctness-preserving derivation of concurrent garbage collection algorithms (MTV, EY, DFB), pp. 341–353.
SAS-2005-RinetzkySY #analysis #interprocedural #source code
Interprocedural Shape Analysis for Cutpoint-Free Programs (NR, MS, EY), pp. 284–302.
VMCAI-2005-ManevichYRS #abstraction #canonical
Predicate Abstraction and Canonical Abstraction for Singly-Linked Lists (RM, EY, GR, SS), pp. 181–198.
PLDI-2004-YahavR #abstraction #safety #using #verification
Verifying safety properties using separation and heterogeneous abstractions (EY, GR), pp. 25–34.
ESOP-2003-YahavRSW #evolution #logic #verification
Verifying Temporal Heap Properties Specified via Evolution Logic (EY, TWR, SS, RW), pp. 204–222.
SAS-2003-FieldGRY #abstraction #complexity #type system #verification
Typestate Verification: Abstraction Techniques and Complexity Results (JF, DG, GR, EY), pp. 439–462.
SAS-2003-ShahamYKS #memory management #safety
Establishing Local Temporal Heap Safety Properties with Applications to Compile-Time Memory Management (RS, EY, EKK, SS), pp. 483–503.
POPL-2001-Yahav #concurrent #java #logic #safety #source code #using #verification
Verifying safety properties of concurrent Java programs using 3-valued logic (EY), pp. 27–40.
CAV-2017-Drachsler-Cohen #synthesis
Synthesis with Abstract Examples (DDC, SS, EY), pp. 254–278.
CAV-2018-Yahav #modelling #source code
From Programs to Interpretable Deep Models and Back (EY), pp. 27–37.
Onward-2016-YadidY #programming #tutorial
Extracting code from programming tutorial videos (SY, EY), pp. 98–111.
Onward-2016-ZilbersteinY #corpus #natural language #similarity
Leveraging a corpus of natural language descriptions for program similarity (MZ, EY), pp. 197–211.
PLDI-2016-DavidPY #similarity #statistics
Statistical similarity of binaries (YD, NP, EY), pp. 266–280.
POPL-2016-KatzEY #modelling #predict #using
Estimating types in binaries using predictive modeling (OK, REY, EY), pp. 313–326.
PLDI-2017-DavidPY #similarity
Similarity of binaries through re-optimization (YD, NP, EY), pp. 79–94.
PLDI-2018-0002ZLY #predict #representation
A general path-based representation for predicting program properties (UA0, MZ, OL, EY), pp. 404–419.
POPL-2019-AlonZLY #distributed #learning #named
code2vec: learning distributed representations of code (UA0, MZ, OL, EY), p. 29.
ASPLOS-2018-DavidPY #detection #named #precise #static analysis
FirmUp: Precise Static Detection of Common Vulnerabilities in Firmware (YD, NP, EY), pp. 392–404.
ASPLOS-2018-KatzRY #re-engineering #statistics
Statistical Reconstruction of Class Hierarchies in Binaries (OK, NR, EY), pp. 363–376.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.