Travelled to:
1 × Germany
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
T.Bernardin B.Budge K.E.Isaacs T.Gamblin A.Bhatele P.Bremer M.Schulz V.Pascucci D.E.Laney R.J.Frank F.Gygi G.Scorzelli L.Linsen
Talks about:
straggler (1) algorithm (1) structur (1) scientif (1) parallel (1) identifi (1) schedul (1) monitor (1) extract (1) widget (1)
Person: Bernd Hamann
DBLP: Hamann:Bernd
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- PPoPP-2014-IsaacsGBBSH #execution #identification #logic #parallel
- Extracting logical structure and identifying stragglers in parallel execution traces (KEI, TG, AB, PTB, MS, BH), pp. 397–398.
- SOFTVIS-2008-BernardinBH #algorithm #visualisation
- Stacked-widget visualization of scheduling-based algorithms (TB, BB, BH), pp. 165–174.
- SAC-2003-PascucciLFGSLH #monitoring #realtime #scalability #simulation
- Real-Time Monitoring of Large Scientific Simulations (VP, DEL, RJF, FG, GS, LL, BH), pp. 194–198.