31 papers:
CHI-2015-TsandilasBJ #named #sketching #visual notation- SketchSliders: Sketching Widgets for Visual Exploration on Wall Displays (TT, AB, TJ), pp. 3255–3264.
HCI-IT-2015-KabilK #named #navigation- RICHIE: A Step-by-step Navigation Widget to Enhance Broad Hierarchy Exploration on Handheld Tactile Devices (AK, SK), pp. 196–207.
CHI-2014-DixonLF #implementation #runtime- Pixel-based methods for widget state and style in a runtime implementation of sliding widgets (MED, GL, JAF), pp. 2231–2240.
DUXU-DI-2014-BreyerVRK #named #precise- Scissors — A Precise Pointing Widget for Touch Screen Devices (FB, LAV, AR, JK), pp. 184–192.
DUXU-DI-2014-Davis #design #image #interactive #query #retrieval- Interfacing CBIR: Designing Interactive Widgets to Query Attribute Data in Face Image Retrieval (TD), pp. 425–434.
DUXU-DI-2014-ViverosRC #equivalence #mobile #navigation- Equivalence of Navigation Widgets for Mobile Platforms (AMV, EHR, DEVC), pp. 269–278.
HCI-AIMT-2014-KuribaraMOST #named #using- HandyScope: A Remote Control Technique Using Circular Widget on Tabletops (TK, YM, KO, BS, JT), pp. 69–80.
SAC-2014-WatanabeGF #consistency #navigation- Keyboard navigation mechanisms in tab widgets: an investigation on ARIA’s conformance (WMW, RJG, RPdMF), pp. 721–726.
ITiCSE-2013-Al-SubaihinA #developer #mobile- Raising awareness of mobile widgets among developers (AAAS, HSAK), p. 337.
CHI-2013-FuccellaIM #editing #gesture #mobile #multi #performance- Gestures and widgets: performance in text editing on multi-touch capable mobile devices (VF, PI, BM), pp. 2785–2794.
SAC-2013-MattilaM #3d #design #library- Designing a 3D widget library for WebGL enabled browsers (ALM, TM), pp. 757–760.
SIGMOD-2012-BoltonIRT #declarative #development #encapsulation #javascript #web- Declarative web application development: encapsulating dynamic JavaScript widgets (abstract only) (RB, DI, CR, KLT), p. 863.
FASE-2012-BecceMRS #user interface- Extracting Widget Descriptions from GUIs (GB, LM, OR, MS), pp. 347–361.
CHI-2012-ChanMRB- CapStones and ZebraWidgets: sensing stacks of building blocks, dials and sliders on capacitive touch screens (LC, SM, AR, PB), pp. 2189–2192.
CHI-2012-HuRKB- Deploying monotrans widgets in the wild (CH, PR, YK, BBB), pp. 2935–2938.
CHI-2011-CoheDH #3d #named- tBox: a 3d transformation widget designed for touch-screens (AC, FD, MH), pp. 3005–3008.
ITiCSE-2010-IhantolaK #open source- Open source widget for parson’s puzzles (PI, VK), p. 302.
DocEng-2009-ConcolatoFD #declarative #interface- Declarative interfaces for dynamic widgets communications (CC, JLF, JCD), pp. 241–244.
CHI-2009-WeissWJJKHB #physics- SLAP widgets: bridging the gap between virtual and physical controls on tabletops (MW, JW, YJ, RJ, RK, JDH, JOB), pp. 481–490.
HCD-2009-Hong #design #mobile #research- User Research and User Centered Design; Designing, Developing, and Commercializing Widget Service on Mobile Handset (SMH), pp. 854–861.
HIMI-DIE-2009-Polowinski- Widgets for Faceted Browsing (JP), pp. 601–610.
ESEC-FSE-2009-BezemerMD #automation #interactive #security #testing #web- Automated security testing of web widget interactions (CPB, AM, AvD), pp. 81–90.
CHI-2008-DachseltFW #metadata #multi #named #navigation- FacetZoom: a continuous multi-scale widget for navigating hierarchical metadata (RD, MF, MW), pp. 1353–1356.
SOFTVIS-2008-BernardinBH #algorithm #visualisation- Stacked-widget visualization of scheduling-based algorithms (TB, BB, BH), pp. 165–174.
CHI-2006-GrossmanHBAB #using- Hover widgets: using the tracking state to extend the capabilities of pen-operated devices (TG, KH, PB, MA, RB), pp. 861–870.
CHI-2004-RamosBB- Pressure widgets (GR, MB, RB), pp. 487–494.
CSCW-1996-GutwinRG #usability- A Usability Study of Awareness Widgets in a Shared Workspace Groupware System (CG, MR, SG), pp. 258–267.
PLILP-1996-Scholz #concurrent #constraints #framework #functional #named #programming #user interface- PIDGETS — Unifying Pictures and Widgets in a Constraint-Based Framework for Concurrent Functional GUI Programming (ES), pp. 363–377.
CHI-1995-OlsenAK #geometry- Building Geometry-Based Widgets by Example (DRO, BA, DCK), pp. 35–42.
TOOLS-EUROPE-1994-MullerMN- A Motif Widget to Display, Animate and Edit Graphics (DM, LM, AN), pp. 27–34.
CHI-1992-Johnson #interface #named- Selectors: Going Beyond User-Interface Widgets (JAJ), pp. 273–279.