Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
B.Lings A.Mattsson H.Gustavsson M.Beekveld A.Persson
Talks about:
model (3) tool (3) interchang (2) environ (2) method (2) xmi (2) uml (2) proprietari (1) heterogen (1) distribut (1)
Person: Björn Lundell
DBLP: Lundell:Bj=ouml=rn
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- ICSM-2007-GustavssonLLMB #development #distributed #maintenance #modelling #uml #using
- Simplifying maintenance by using XSLT to unlock UML models in a distributed development environment (HG, BL, BL, AM, MB), pp. 465–468.
- ICSM-2007-GustavssonLLMB07a #modelling #open source #xmi
- Integrating proprietary and open-source tool chains through horizontal interchange of XMI models (HG, BL, BL, AM, MB), pp. 521–522.
- MoDELS-2006-LundellLPM #analysis #uml #xmi
- UML Model Interchange in Heterogeneous Tool Environments: An Analysis of Adoptions of XMI 2 (BL, BL, AP, AM), pp. 619–630.
- ICEIS-v3-2004-LingsL #automation
- Method-in-Action and Method-in-Tool: Some Implications for CASE (BL, BL), pp. 623–628.