Travelled to:
1 × Australia
1 × Canada
1 × Estonia
1 × Ireland
1 × United Kingdom
2 × Austria
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
F.Wolter U.Hustadt M.Ludwig C.Lutz A.Lisitsa R.Williams D.Walther R.A.Schmidt M.Zakharyaschev A.Degtyarev M.Fisher A.Ozaki D.K.Ponomaryov A.Riazanov A.Voronkov
Talks about:
logic (7) tempor (6) descript (3) resolut (3) differ (3) monod (3) problem (2) ontolog (2) prover (2) sat (2)
Person: Boris Konev
DBLP: Konev:Boris
Contributed to:
Wrote 12 papers:
- KR-2014-KonevLOW #learning #lightweight #logic #ontology
- Exact Learning of Lightweight Description Logic Ontologies (BK, CL, AO, FW).
- KR-2014-LudwigK #difference #logic
- Practical Uniform Interpolation and Forgetting for ALC TBoxes with Applications to Logical Difference (ML, BK).
- SAT-2014-KonevL #satisfiability
- A SAT Attack on the Erdős Discrepancy Conjecture (BK, AL), pp. 219–226.
- CADE-2013-WilliamsK #problem #proving #reduction #satisfiability
- Propositional Temporal Proving with Reductions to a SAT Problem (RW, BK), pp. 421–435.
- IJCAR-2012-KonevLW #difference #logic
- Logical Difference Computation with CEX2.5 (BK, ML, FW), pp. 371–377.
- KR-2010-KonevLPW #logic #ontology
- Decomposing Description Logic Ontologies (BK, CL, DKP, FW).
- IJCAR-2008-KonevWW #difference #logic #problem
- The Logical Difference Problem for Description Logic Terminologies (BK, DW, FW), pp. 259–274.
- CADE-2005-HustadtKS
- Deciding Monodic Fragments by Temporal Resolution (UH, BK, RAS), pp. 204–218.
- CADE-2005-KonevWZ #logic #transitive
- Temporal Logics over Transitive States (BK, FW, MZ), pp. 182–203.
- IJCAR-2004-HustadtKRV #named #proving
- TeMP: A Temporal Monodic Prover (UH, BK, AR, AV), pp. 326–330.
- CADE-2003-DegtyarevFK
- Monodic Temporal Resolution (AD, MF, BK), pp. 397–411.
- CADE-2003-HustadtK #proving
- TRP++2.0: A Temporal Resolution Prover (UH, BK), pp. 274–278.