Travelled to:
1 × Italy
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ R.H.Bordini A.Degtyarev B.Konev L.A.Dennis B.Farwer H.Barringer D.M.Gabbay A.Hunter C.Pardavila W.Visser M.Wooldridge
Talks about:
tempor (3) program (2) multi (2) agent (2) resolut (1) formula (1) reason (1) normal (1) execut (1) verif (1)
Person: Michael Fisher
DBLP: Fisher:Michael
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- ASE-2008-BordiniDFF #automation #multi #source code #verification
- Automated Verification of Multi-Agent Programs (RHB, LAD, BF, MF), pp. 69–78.
- CADE-2003-DegtyarevFK
- Monodic Temporal Resolution (AD, MF, BK), pp. 397–411.
- CAV-2003-BordiniFPVW #model checking #multi #source code
- Model Checking Multi-Agent Programs with CASP (RHB, MF, CP, WV, MW), pp. 110–113.
- CADE-1992-Fisher #first-order #normalisation
- A Normal Form for First-Order Temporal Formulae (MF), pp. 370–384.
- KR-1991-BarringerFGH #execution #logic
- Meta-Reasoning in Executable Temporal Logic (HB, MF, DMG, AH), pp. 40–49.