Travelled to:
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
P.Flener Z.Kiziltan H.Zidoum
Talks about:
program (3) constraint (2) synthesi (2) schema (2) guid (2) constructor (1) problem (1) heurist (1) subset (1) compil (1)
Person: Brahim Hnich
DBLP: Hnich:Brahim
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- PADL-2001-FlenerHK #compilation #constraints #programming
- Compiling High-Level Type Constructors in Constraint Programming (PF, BH, ZK), pp. 229–244.
- PADL-2001-FlenerHK01a #metaheuristic #problem #set
- A Meta-heuristic for Subset Problems (PF, BH, ZK), pp. 274–287.
- ASE-1998-FlenerZH #constraints #logic programming #source code #synthesis
- Schema-Guided Synthesis of Constraint Logic Programs (PF, HZ, BH), pp. 168–176.
- LOPSTR-1998-ZidoumFH #source code #synthesis
- Schema-Guided Synthesis of CLP Programs (HZ, PF, BH), pp. 309–312.