Stem constructor$ (all stems)
48 papers:
GPCE-2013-MartinME #reuse- Template constructors for reusable object initialization (MM, MM, SE), pp. 43–52.
ICALP-v2-2009-LagoM #on the #term rewriting #λ-calculus- On Constructor Rewrite Systems and the λ-Calculus (UDL, SM), pp. 163–174.
ICFP-2009-Voigtlander #functional #theorem- Free theorems involving type constructor classes: functional pearl (JV), pp. 173–184.
OOPSLA-2009-SaitoI- Self type constructors (CS, AI), pp. 263–282.
RTA-2009-Lopez-FraguasRS #semantics- A Fully Abstract Semantics for Constructor Systems (FJLF, JRH, JSH), pp. 320–334.
TLCA-2009-Petit #polymorphism #type system #λ-calculus- A Polymorphic Type System for the λ-Calculus with Constructors (BP), pp. 234–248.
FLOPS-2008-Vidal #linear #termination- Termination of Narrowing in Left-Linear Constructor Systems (GV), pp. 113–129.
RTA-2008-Schmidt-SchaussM #call-by #finite #nondeterminism #simulation #λ-calculus- A Finite Simulation Method in a Non-deterministic Call-by-Need λ-Calculus with Letrec, Constructors, and Case (MSS, EM), pp. 321–335.
TOOLS-EUROPE-2007-BonoK- Modularizing constructors (VB, JDMK), pp. 297–397.
ICSE-2007-StylosC #parametricity #usability- Usability Implications of Requiring Parameters in Objects’ Constructors (JS, SC), pp. 529–539.
CADE-2007-FalkeK #dependence- Dependency Pairs for Rewriting with Non-free Constructors (SF, DK), pp. 426–442.
PPDP-2006-GnaedigK #source code- Computing constructor forms with non terminating rewrite programs (IG, HK), pp. 121–132.
RTA-2006-ArbiserMR #λ-calculus- A λ-Calculus with Constructors (AA, AM, AR), pp. 181–196.
RTA-2006-WangS #decidability #linear #termination- Decidability of Termination for Semi-constructor TRSs, Left-Linear Shallow TRSs and Related Systems (YW, MS), pp. 343–356.
RTA-2005-NishidaSS #term rewriting- Partial Inversion of Constructor Term Rewriting Systems (NN, MS, TS), pp. 264–278.
CSL-2004-AbelM #fixpoint #recursion- Fixed Points of Type Constructors and Primitive Recursion (AA, RM), pp. 190–204.
RTA-2004-MitsuhashiOOY #confluence #problem #unification- The Joinability and Unification Problems for Confluent Semi-constructor TRSs (IM, MO, YO, TY), pp. 285–300.
CSMR-2003-NajjarCLM #object-oriented #refactoring- The Role of Constructors in the Context of Refactoring Object-Oriented System (RN, SC, GL, KM), p. 111–?.
SEKE-2003-Agren #concept #database #named #performance- CHiC: A Fast Concept Hierarchy Constructor for Discrete or Mixed Mode Databases (OÅ), pp. 250–258.
POPL-2003-XiCC #data type #recursion- Guarded recursive datatype constructors (HX, CC, GC), pp. 224–235.
RTA-2002-BaaderT- Combining Decision Procedures for Positive Theories Sharing Constructors (FB, CT), pp. 352–366.
PPDP-2001-Antoy- Constructor-Based Conditional Narrowing (SA), pp. 199–206.
PADL-2001-FlenerHK #compilation #constraints #programming- Compiling High-Level Type Constructors in Constraint Programming (PF, BH, ZK), pp. 229–244.
CSL-2001-Matthes #induction #rank- Monotone Inductive and Coinductive Constructors of Rank 2 (RM), pp. 600–614.
TLCA-2001-Jay #calculus #data type- Distinguishing Data Structures and Functions: The Constructor Calculus and Functorial Types (CBJ), pp. 217–239.
FoSSaCS-2000-BartheR #calculus #induction #type system- Constructor Subtyping in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (GB, FvR), pp. 17–34.
ESOP-1999-BartheF #type system- Constructor Subtyping (GB, MJF), pp. 109–127.
RTA-1999-BaaderT #equation #problem #word- Deciding the Word Problem in the Union of Equational Theories Sharing Constructors (FB, CT), pp. 175–189.
RTA-1997-Dershowitz- Innocuous Constructor-Sharing Combinations (ND), pp. 202–216.
RTA-1996-ArtsG #termination- Termination of Constructor Systems (TA, JG), pp. 63–77.
PEPM-1995-DussartBV- Polyvariant Constructor Specialisation (DD, EB, KDV), pp. 54–65.
PLILP-1995-Jones #programming- Programming with Constructor Classes (Abstract) (MPJ), p. 26.
TLCA-1995-Springintveld #higher-order- Third-Order Matching in the Presence of Type Constructors (JS), pp. 428–442.
PEPM-1993-Mogensen- Constructor Spezialization (TÆM), pp. 22–32.
FME-1993-Ward #calculus #refinement #specification- Adding Specification Constructors to the Refinement Calculus (NW), pp. 652–670.
FPCA-1993-Jones #higher-order #morphism #polymorphism- A System of Constructor Classes: Overloading and Implicit Higher-Order Polymorphism (MPJ), pp. 52–64.
PLILP-1992-PenningsSV #evaluation #incremental #using- Using Cached Functions and Constructors for Incremental Attribute Evaluation (MP, SDS, HV), pp. 130–144.
CADE-1992-Kesner #order #orthogonal #term rewriting- Free Sequentially in Orthogonal Order-Sorted Rewriting Systems with Constructors (DK), pp. 603–617.
RTA-1991-MiddeldorpT- Completeness of Combinations of Constructor Systems (AM, YT), pp. 188–199.
FPCA-1989-Mauny #embedded #functional #parsing- Parsers and Printers as Stream Destructors and Constructors Embedded in Functional Languages (MM), pp. 360–370.
RTA-1989-SekarPR #execution #parallel #performance #term rewriting- Transforming Strongly Sequential Rewrite Systems with Constructors for Efficient parallel Execution (RCS, SP, IVR), pp. 404–418.
ICALP-1988-You #equation- Outer Narrowing for Equational Theories Based on Constructors (JHY), pp. 727–741.
ALP-1988-Moreno-NavarroR #functional #logic programming #named #programming language- BABEL: A Functional and Logic Programming Language based on Constructor Discipline and Narrowing (JJMN, MRA), pp. 223–232.
LICS-1987-GoguenM #algebra #multi #order- Order-Sorted Algebra solves the Constructor-Selector, Multiple (JAG, JM), pp. 18–29.
LICS-1986-JouannaudK #automation #equation #induction #proving- Automatic Proofs by Induction in Equational Theories Without Constructors (JPJ, EK), pp. 358–366.
VLDB-1985-JarkeLS #integration- Data Constructors: On the Integration of Rules and Relations (MJ, VL, JWS), pp. 227–240.
CADE-1984-Fribourg- A Narrowing Procedure for Theories with Constructors (LF), pp. 259–281.
POPL-1980-FriedmanW #programming- An Indeterminate Constructor for Applicative Programming (DPF, DSW), pp. 245–250.