Travelled to:
1 × France
2 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
D.V.Panfilenko K.Hrom E.Landre J.Oldevik A.Solberg A.Berre M.Kajko-Mattsson M.Striewe M.Goedicke I.Jacobson I.Spence S.Huang P.McMahon B.MacIsaac A.J.Berre E.Seymour
Talks about:
transform (2) model (2) architectur (1) recommend (1) framework (1) softwar (1) refound (1) generat (1) servic (1) orient (1)
Person: Brian Elvesæter
DBLP: Elves=aelig=ter:Brian
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICEIS-v2-2013-PanfilenkoHEL #architecture #model transformation #recommendation
- Model Transformation Recommendations for Service-Oriented Architectures (DVP, KH, BE, EL), pp. 248–256.
- ICSE-2012-Kajko-MattssonSGJSHMMEBS #re-engineering
- Refounding software engineering: The Semat initiative (MKM, MS, MG, IJ, IS, SH, PM, BM, BE, AJB, ES), pp. 1649–1650.
- EDOC-2002-OldevikSEB #code generation #framework #model transformation
- Framework for Model Transformation and Code Generation (JO, AS, BE, AJB), pp. 181–189.