Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × South Africa
1 × USA
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
M.Clavel M.Egea M.A.G.d.Dios M.Schläpfer D.A.Basin
Talks about:
ocl (4) model (2) base (2) sql (2) constraint (1) procedur (1) satisfi (1) languag (1) generat (1) environ (1)
Person: Carolina Dania
DBLP: Dania:Carolina
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- FASE-2015-DaniaC #modelling #reasoning
- Model-Based Formal Reasoning about Data-Management Applications (CD, MC), pp. 218–232.
- ICSE-2010-DiosDSBCE #development #modelling #named #user interface
- SSG: a model-based development environment for smart, security-aware GUIs (MAGdD, CD, MS, DAB, MC, ME), pp. 311–312.
- MoDELS-2016-DaniaC #constraints #first-order #logic #named #ocl #satisfiability
- OCL2MSFOL: a mapping to many-sorted first-order logic for efficiently checking the satisfiability of OCL constraints (CD, MC), pp. 65–75.
- MoDELS-2017-EgeaD #automation #code generation #named #ocl #sql
- SQL-PL4OCL: An Automatic Code Generator from OCL to SQL Procedural Language (ME, CD), p. 54.