Collaborated with:
C.Romero S.Ventura P.G.Espejo
Talks about:
framework (1) algorithm (1) classifi (1) teacher (1) student (1) dataset (1) measur (1) analyz (1) evalu (1) rule (1)
Person: César Hervás
DBLP: Herv=aacute=s:C=eacute=sar
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- EDM-2008-RomeroVEH #algorithm #data mining #mining #student
- Data Mining Algorithms to Classify Students (CR, SV, PGE, CH), pp. 8–17.
- EDM-2008-VenturaRH #dataset #education #evaluation #framework #metric
- Analyzing Rule Evaluation Measures with Educational Datasets: A Framework to Help the Teacher (SV, CR, CH), pp. 177–181.