Travelled to:
1 × Israel
1 × Spain
1 × The Netherlands
Collaborated with:
S.J.Thompson K.Hammond R.Pastel B.Siever J.Earnest H.Loidl J.Berthold G.Ferguson Peter Barnum B.Hu Dave Costello V.Janjic H.Schöner K.Idrees C.W.Glass F.Crabbe R.Doerr R.Greenlaw C.Hoffmeister J.Monroe D.Needham A.Phillips A.Pollman S.Schall J.Schultz S.Simon D.Stahl S.Standard
Talks about:
unit (2) tool (2) introductori (1) curriculum (1) agricultur (1) streamlin (1) refactor (1) platform (1) parallel (1) intellig (1)
Person: Christopher Brown
DBLP: Brown:Christopher
Contributed to:
Wrote 6 papers:
- PDP-2014-BrownJHSIG #parallel #performance #refactoring #tool support #using
- Agricultural Reform: More Efficient Farming Using Advanced Parallel Refactoring Tools (CB, VJ, KH, HS, KI, CWG), pp. 36–43.
- ITiCSE-2012-BrownCDGHMNPPSSSSS #education
- Anatomy, dissection, and mechanics of an introductory cyber-security course’s curriculum at the United States naval academy (CB, FC, RD, RG, CH, JM, DN, AP, AP, SS, JS, SS, DS, SS), pp. 303–308.
- ITiCSE-2012-BrownPSE #analysis #complexity #generative #named
- JUG: a JUnit generation, time complexity analysis and reporting tool to streamline grading (CB, RP, BS, JE), pp. 99–104.
- IFL-2010-BrownLBH #algebra
- Improving Your CASH Flow: The Computer Algebra SHell (CB, HWL, JB, KH), pp. 169–184.
- PEPM-2010-BrownT #clone detection #detection #haskell
- Clone detection and elimination for Haskell (CB, SJT), pp. 111–120.
- AIIDE-2005-BrownFBHC #framework #game studies #named #platform
- Quagents: A Game Platform for Intelligent Agents (CB, GF, PB, BH, DC), pp. 9–14.