Stem curriculum$ (all stems)
161 papers:
CSEET-2015-Budgen #education- Applying the SE2014 Curriculum Model (DB), pp. 17–20.
CSEET-2014-GrantS #development #education #re-engineering- Technology-driven software engineering curriculum development (ESG, VS), pp. 168–170.
CSEET-2014-HannaJJSA #case study #re-engineering- Enhancing the software engineering curriculums: A case study of the Jordanian Universities (SH, HJ, FAJ, TAS, AA), pp. 84–93.
CSEET-2014-ReddyN #education- Teaching software product engineering in undergraduate computing curriculum (YRR, KVN), pp. 175–178.
CSEET-2014-ShankararamanD #challenge #design #education #re-engineering #using- Opportunities and challenges in using competencies during design and delivery of software engineering curriculum (VS, JD), pp. 179–182.
LCT-TRE-2014-Tobita #education #effectiveness- Developing an Effective ESP Curriculum Integrating CALL (RT), pp. 328–338.
SCSM-2014-FardounAC #education #network #representation #social #student- Representing Students Curriculum in Social Networks (HMF, AA, APC), pp. 48–58.
CSEET-2013-Georgas #composition #design #education #learning #towards- Toward infusing modular and reflective design learning throughout the curriculum (JCG), pp. 274–278.
CSEET-2013-LongstreetC #development #education #re-engineering- Positive transitions from the classroom to the cubicle: Creating strategies for augmenting professional development in the software engineering curriculum (CSL, KMLC), pp. 365–367.
CSEET-2013-LuukkainenV #education #re-engineering #web- Bringing undergraduates to the web: Baby steps in webifying a software engineering curriculum (ML, AV), pp. 294–298.
ITiCSE-2013-Al-YahyaAG #education #named #ontology #representation- CURONTO: an ontological model for curriculum representation (MMAY, AAF, RG), p. 358.
ITiCSE-2013-BarguryPL #education- A nationwide exam as a tool for improving a new curriculum (IZB, BP, DL), pp. 267–272.
ITiCSE-2013-BuckD #authentication #education #modelling #using- Authentic object modeling in the early computer science curriculum using objektgraph (DB, ID), p. 363.
ITiCSE-2013-DoddsE #education #named- MyCS: building a middle-years CS curriculum (ZD, ME), p. 330.
DUXU-CXC-2013-Abdelnour-NoceraAMM #education #evaluation #human-computer #performance #student- A Cross-Cultural Evaluation of HCI Student Performance — Reflections for the Curriculum (JLAN, AA, MM, SM), pp. 161–170.
DUXU-CXC-2013-TsueiCC #metric #mobile #usability- Measuring Usability of the Mobile Mathematics Curriculum-Based Measurement Application with Children (MT, HYC, BSC), pp. 304–310.
DUXU-PMT-2013-Schaffzin #design #education #social- Social Movement Information Design and a Curriculum of Proper Knowledge Consumption (GYS), pp. 134–143.
HCI-AMTE-2013-GalindoMPWF #aspect-oriented #education #human-computer #interactive #student- Tuning an HCI Curriculum for Master Students to Address Interactive Critical Systems Aspects (MG, CM, PAP, MW, PF), pp. 51–60.
ICSE-2013-Pilgrim #bibliography #comparative #education #industrial- Industry involvement in ICT curriculum: a comparative survey (CJP), pp. 1148–1153.
CSEET-2012-BareissSK #education #re-engineering- Changes in Transferable Knowledge Resulting from Study in a Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum (RB, TS, EPK), pp. 3–12.
CSEET-2012-BollinHMS #case study #education #experience #re-engineering #simulation- Experiences with Integrating Simulation into a Software Engineering Curriculum (AB, EH, RM, LS), pp. 62–71.
CSEET-2012-LeBlancB #education #guidelines- Exploring the Computer Science 2013 Curriculum Guidelines (RL, MB), pp. 75–76.
CSEET-2012-MaoJSZ #education- A New Model on the School-Enterprise Cooperation Curriculum Construction (HM, NJ, WS, YZ), pp. 115–119.
ITiCSE-2012-Bargury #education- A new curriculum for junior-high in computer science (IZB), pp. 204–208.
ITiCSE-2012-BrownCDGHMNPPSSSSS #education- Anatomy, dissection, and mechanics of an introductory cyber-security course’s curriculum at the United States naval academy (CB, FC, RD, RG, CH, JM, DN, AP, AP, SS, JS, SS, DS, SS), pp. 303–308.
ITiCSE-2012-DoranBFB #design #development #education #game studies #performance #student- Outreach for improved student performance: a game design and development curriculum (KD, AKB, SLF, TB), pp. 209–214.
ITiCSE-2012-LeidigGO #component #education #social- Assessing the benefits of integrating social issues components in the computing curriculum (PML, MG, BBO), pp. 367–368.
ITiCSE-2012-Retik #education #visual notation- Visual search with deep zoom to explore curriculum resources interactively (AR), p. 405.
ITiCSE-2012-SettleFHSJRW #education- Infusing computational thinking into the middle- and high-school curriculum (AS, BF, RH, FS, CJ, CRM, BW), pp. 22–27.
ICSE-2012-FuhrmanCA #education #framework #re-engineering #tool support- Integrating tools and frameworks in undergraduate software engineering curriculum (CF, RC, AA), pp. 1195–1204.
ICSE-2012-SamarthyamSGN #adaptation #education #industrial #named #requirements- FOCUS: An adaptation of a SWEBOK-based curriculum for industry requirements (GS, GS, AKG, RN), pp. 1215–1224.
CSEET-2011-BareissK #education #formal method #re-engineering- An exploration of knowledge and skills transfer from a formal software engineering curriculum to a capstone practicum project (RB, EPK), pp. 71–80.
CSEET-2011-BarrettBC #architecture #education- Incorporating software architecture in the computer science curriculum (MLB, ABB, SC), pp. 523–524.
CSEET-2011-CarterVGBAH #communication #education #re-engineering- Communication genres: Integrating communication into the software engineering curriculum (MC, MAV, GCG, JEB, PVA, MEH), pp. 21–30.
CSEET-2011-DingLZGSW #education #re-engineering #research- Research and practice on software engineering undergraduate curriculum NJU-SEC2006 (ED, BL, DZ, JG, DS, HW), pp. 492–496.
CSEET-2011-GannodABB #communication #education #integration #question #re-engineering- Is integration of communication and technical instruction across the SE curriculum a viable strategy for improving the real-world communication abilities of software engineering graduates? (GCG, PVA, JEB, AB), pp. 525–529.
CSEET-2011-Jazayeri #education #re-engineering #summary #tutorial- Structuring a software engineering-based curriculum tutorial presentation summary (MJ), pp. 543–545.
CSEET-2011-Sun #challenge #education #re-engineering- The challenge and practice of creating Software Engineering curriculum (YS), pp. 497–501.
CSEET-2011-WhiteGP #education #smarttech- Smartphones in the curriculum workshop (SMACK 2011) (JW, JG, AAP), pp. 520–522.
ITiCSE-2011-BrandHW #development #education- Intelligent systems development in a non engineering curriculum (EAB, WLH, MW), pp. 48–52.
ITiCSE-2011-Connolly #education #web- Awakening Rip Van Winkle: modernizing the computer science web curriculum (RWC), pp. 18–22.
DUXU-v1-2011-Hsu11a #approach #design #education #industrial- Training Designers of Real-World Products: Scenario Approach in Industrial Design Curriculum (YCH), pp. 432–441.
CSEET-2010-HuntM #component #education #re-engineering- Component Based Software Engineering across the Curriculum (JMH, JDM), pp. 9–16.
ITiCSE-2010-BenayaHSZ #education- Individual and group seminars and workshops in the computer science curriculum (TB, MH, DS, EZ), pp. 53–57.
ITiCSE-2010-McGill #collaboration #design #education #framework #game studies- Collaborative design of cross-disciplinary game minors based on the IGDA curriculum framework (MM), pp. 259–263.
ITiCSE-2010-PerkovicSHJ #education #framework- A framework for computational thinking across the curriculum (LP, AS, SH, JJ), pp. 123–127.
ITiCSE-2010-SekiyaMY #analysis #education- Analysis of computer science related curriculum on LDA and Isomap (TS, YM, KY), pp. 48–52.
ICEIS-HCI-2010-RichardsD #education #knowledge base #visualisation- The Visualisation and Exploration of a Curriculum Knowledgebase (SR, HD), pp. 168–173.
KEOD-2010-SegedinacSK #development #education #framework #information management #representation- Knowledge Representation Framework for Curriculum Development (MS, GS, ZK), pp. 327–330.
CSEET-2009-KlapholtzMP #education #re-engineering- The Graduate Software Engineering Reference Curriculum (GSwERC) (DK, JM, ABP), pp. 290–291.
CSEET-2009-Subrahmanyam #education #framework #re-engineering- A Dynamic Framework for Software Engineering Education Curriculum to Reduce the Gap between the Software Organizations and Software Educational Institutions (GVBS), pp. 248–254.
ITiCSE-2009-ColeKMP #education #named- Musicomputation: a pilot course exploring a pre-college computer science curriculum (MCC, EK, ALM, SP), p. 381.
ITiCSE-2009-MahmoudNNPSWD #education #mobile- An academic kit for integrating mobile devices into the CS curriculum (QHM, TN, RN, PP, RS, MW, DD), pp. 40–44.
ICML-2009-BengioLCW #education #learning- Curriculum learning (YB, JL, RC, JW), pp. 41–48.
CSEET-2008-BurgeW #communication #education #re-engineering- Teaching Communication Skills in the Software Engineering Curriculum (JEB, CW), pp. 265–266.
ITiCSE-2008-ChoiBJL #design #education #process- Designing offline computer science activities for the korean elementary school curriculum (SC, TB, SJJ, WGL), p. 338.
ITiCSE-2008-MarcosBM #education- Evolutionary approaches for curriculum sequencing (LdM, RB, JJM), p. 373.
ITiCSE-2007-BuechleyEE #education #towards- Towards a curriculum for electronic textiles in the high school classroom (LB, ME, NE), pp. 28–32.
ITiCSE-2007-Cornell #education- CS2 for an IS curriculum (LDC), p. 340.
ITiCSE-2007-Cunningham #education #requirements- A computer graphics curriculum to meet the european bologna requirements (SC), p. 310.
ICSE-2007-RubinM #education #re-engineering #security- Creating a Computer Security Curriculum in a Software Engineering Program (BSR, BSM), pp. 732–735.
CSEET-2006-OLearyLGHB #education #industrial #re-engineering- Developing a Software Engineering Curriculum for the Emerging Software Industry in China (CO, DL, DG, HL, KB), pp. 115–122.
ITiCSE-2006-Chamillard #education #performance #predict #student #using- Using student performance predictions in a computer science curriculum (ATC), pp. 260–264.
ITiCSE-2006-HislopHLS #education #re-engineering- Sharing software engineering curriculum materials (GWH, TBH, MJL, MJS), p. 332.
ITiCSE-2006-HoltRS #education #python- Introducing python into the first year curriculum at wits (AH, SR, IDS), p. 335.
ITiCSE-2006-PakRC #industrial- Industrial demand-driven curriculums for computer-software field in Korea (SP, ER, JC), pp. 63–67.
ITiCSE-2006-RauchasSK #education #experience #programming- The effect of prior programming experience in a scheme-based breadth-first curriculum at wits (SR, IDS, BK), p. 326.
CSEET-2005-SebernH #education #process #re-engineering- Integrating Software Engineering Process in an Undergraduate Curriculum (MJS, TBH), pp. 245–248.
ITiCSE-2005-ChamillardS #education #learning- Learning styles across the curriculum (ATC, RES), pp. 241–245.
ITiCSE-2005-DavisW #convergence #education #learning #multi- A research-led curriculum in multimedia: learning about convergence (HCD, SW), pp. 29–33.
ITiCSE-2005-Demaille #compilation- Making compiler construction projects relevant to core curriculums (AD), pp. 266–270.
ITiCSE-2005-HoodH05a #concept #education #towards- Toward integrating computing concepts into the K-12 curriculum (CSH, DJH), p. 375.
ITiCSE-2005-Liew #development #education #re-engineering- Teaching software development skills early in the Curriculum through software engineering (CWL), pp. 133–137.
ITiCSE-2005-RaoJMSAF #case study #design #education #implementation- Principles of curriculum design and revision: a case study in implementing computing curricula CC2001 (MRKKR, SJ, TM, MS, MA, KAF), pp. 256–260.
ICSE-2005-SherrellS #education #process #question- Will earlier projects plus a disciplined process enforce SE principles throughout the CS curriculum? (LBS, SGS), pp. 619–620.
CSEET-2004-Endicott-PopovskyF #agile #assurance #case study #education #re-engineering- A Case Study in Rapid Introduction of an Information Assurance Track into a Software Engineering Curriculum (BEP, DAF), pp. 118–123.
CSEET-2004-SuriS #challenge #education #process #re-engineering- Incorporating Software Process in an Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum: Challenges and Rewards (DS, MJS), pp. 18–23.
CSEET-2004-TowellT #education #re-engineering- A Further Exploration of Teaching Ethics in the Software Engineering Curriculum (ET, JBT), pp. 39–44.
ITiCSE-2004-Leska #education #programming #using- Introducing undergraduates to programming using robots in the general education curriculum (CL), p. 263.
ITiCSE-2004-VeenML #education #question #what- What is lacking in curriculum schemes for computing/informatics? (MvV, FM, KL), pp. 186–190.
CSEET-2003-BudgenT #education #re-engineering- Norm Gibbs and His Contribution to Software Engineering Education Through the SEI Curriculum Modules (DB, JET), p. 3.
CSEET-2003-Cowling03a #education #modelling #named #re-engineering- Modelling: A Neglected Feature in the Software Engineering Curriculum (AJC), pp. 206–215.
CSEET-2003-DalcherW #education #re-engineering- Together We Stand: Group Projects for Integrating Software Engineering in the Curriculum (DD, MW), p. 193–?.
CSEET-2003-DuleyHHS #education #re-engineering- Engineering an Introductory Software Engineering Curriculum (RD, GWH, TBH, AEKS), pp. 99–106.
CSEET-2003-LeBlancBHMLTSD04 #education #re-engineering- IEEE-CS/ACM Computing Curriculum Software Engineering Volume Project (RJL, MBM, TBH, SAM, TCL, JBT, AEKS, JLDH), p. 333–?.
CSEET-2003-TelesO #communication #education #re-engineering- Reviewing the Curriculum of Software Engineering Undergraduate Courses to Incorporate Communication and Interpersonal Skills Teaching (VMT, CETdO), pp. 158–165.
CSEET-2003-Towell #education #re-engineering- Teaching Ethics in the Software Engineering Curriculum (ET), pp. 150–157.
ITiCSE-2003-Christensen #education #exclamation #testing #topic- Systematic testing should not be a topic in the computer science curriculum! (HBC), pp. 7–10.
ITiCSE-2003-Impagliazzo #development #education- Computer engineering curriculum development (JI), p. 221.
ITiCSE-2003-RobbertR #database #education #evolution #roadmap- Trends in the evolution of the database curriculum (MAR, CMR), pp. 139–143.
ITiCSE-2003-RozanskiS #education #usability- Integrating usability engineering into the computer science curriculum: a proposal (EPR, NCS), pp. 202–206.
ICSE-2003-BagertM #education #process #re-engineering #using- Using a Web-Based Project Process Throughout the Software Engineering Curriculum (DJB, SAM), pp. 634–640.
CSEET-2002-DugginsT #education #re-engineering- An Historical Investigation of Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum (SD, BBT), p. 78–?.
CSEET-2002-KroneJS #case study #education #industrial- When Theory Meets Practice: Enriching the CS Curriculum through Industrial Case Studies (JK, DWJ, MS), pp. 207–214.
CSEET-2002-ThompsonE #documentation #education #re-engineering #using- Workshop 1: Developing Software Engineering Courses Using Computing Curriculum 2001 (CC 2001) Documentation (JBT, HME), pp. 260–261.
CSEET-2002-TowhidnejadH #education #quality #tutorial- Tutorial 3: Software Quality Across the Curriculum (MT, TBH), pp. 268–272.
ITiCSE-2002-Impagliazzo #education- Integrating the history of systems software in the computing curriculum (JI), p. 221.
ITiCSE-2002-Ramakrishnan #education #named- DoIT: dynamic curriculum organisation by innovation through technology (SR), p. 242.
ITiCSE-2002-SkevoulisF #education #formal method #tool support- Integrating formal methods tools into undergraduate computer science curriculum (SS, MF), p. 232.
SEKE-2002-HarzallahLT #education #modelling #named- CommOnCV: modelling the competencies underlying a curriculum vitae (MH, ML, FT), pp. 65–71.
ITiCSE-2001-CoverCK #adaptation #education #implementation- An international model for curriculum adaptation and implementation (CFC, RDC, KJK), p. 179.
ITiCSE-2001-RickmanMMH #education #network- Enhancing the computer networking curriculum (JR, MM, GM, PJH), pp. 157–160.
CSEET-2000-BoehmKP #approach #development #education #re-engineering #research- A Combined Curriculum Research and Curriculum Development Approach to Software Engineering Education (BWB, GEK, DP), p. 310–?.
CSEET-2000-HislopH #education- Production of Software Curriculum Modules (GWH, TBH), p. 51–?.
CSEET-2000-McCrackenHRWB #education #re-engineering- A Proposed Curriculum for an Undergraduate Software Engineering Degree (WMM, IH, HAR, RW, LB), p. 246–?.
CSEET-2000-SobelSSH #education #formal method #re-engineering- Teaching Formal Methods Early in the Software Engineering Curriculum (panel) (AEKS, HS, AMS, PBH), p. 55–?.
ITiCSE-2000-KelemenTHAB #education- Has our curriculum become math-phobic? (an American perspective) (CK, ABT, PH, OLA, KBB), pp. 132–135.
ITiCSE-2000-MentoTHS #development #education #internet #multi- Internet and multimedia technology curriculum development (poster session) (BM, DT, KH, SS), pp. 190–191.
ITiCSE-2000-ShangSC #education- Agent technology in computer science and engineering curriculum (YS, HS, SSC), pp. 120–123.
ITiCSE-2000-YooSLL #education- Present status and direction of information curriculum of Korea (IHY, SBS, CHL, TWL), p. 195.
ICSE-2000-Adroin #adaptation #education #framework #re-engineering- Developing and deploying software engineering courseware in an adaptable curriculum framework (WRA), pp. 284–292.
CSEET-1999-FraileyELD #education #re-engineering- Status Report from the ACM/IEEE-CS Task Forces on Software Engineering Curriculum and Body of Knowledge (panel) (DJF, GLE, RJL, RD), p. 124–?.
ITiCSE-1999-Ackermann #education #internet- Poster session. Internet curriculum. two courses: introductory and advanced (ECA), pp. 179–180.
ITiCSE-1999-Kubilus #development #education #experience #multi- Multi-team development project experience in a core computer science curriculum (NJK), p. 186.
ITiCSE-1999-KurasGZ #education- Changing IS curriculum and methods of instruction (MK, MG, AZ), pp. 36–39.
ITiCSE-1999-Taylor99a #education #learning- Math link: linking curriculum, instructional strategies, and technology to enhance teaching and learning (HGT), p. 201.
ITiCSE-1999-WryczaUGV #challenge #development #education #requirements- The challenges and directions of MIS curriculum development in respect of transformation of business requirements (SW, TWU, AG, BV), pp. 177–178.
ITiCSE-1999-ZoltowskiBD #education- Curriculum and teaching delivery change in an international context (BZ, RDB, JD), pp. 33–35.
CSEET-1998-ParrishBCDHHJS #education #information management #re-engineering- Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Management Information Systems: Partners in a Unified Software Engineering Curriculum (ASP, RBB, DWC, BD, DPH, JEH, JJ, SS), pp. 67–75.
ITiCSE-1998-AbunawassMN #design #distance #education #learning- An integratable unit based computer science distance learning curriculum design for the ACM/IEEE curricula 1991 (AMA, MM, KN), pp. 18–20.
ITiCSE-1998-Clear #collaboration #communication #database #education- A generic collaborative database — part of a strategy to internationalise the curriculum and develop teamwork and communication capabilities (poster) (AGC), p. 274.
ITiCSE-1998-DaviesI #education- History in the computing curriculum (poster) (GD, JI), p. 277.
ITiCSE-1998-Hadjerrouit #education #framework #java #paradigm- A constructivist framework for integrating the Java paradigm into the undergraduate curriculum (SH), pp. 105–107.
ITiCSE-1998-MeyerV #bibliography #education #student- A survey of first computing course students (poster): new findings and their implications for the curriculum (JM, SAV), p. 293.
CSEET-1997-BudgenB #education #empirical #encapsulation #re-engineering- Encapsulating Empirical Practices within the Software Engineering Curriculum (DB, PB), pp. 111–119.
CSEET-1997-Habra #education #evolution #integration #re-engineering- Peopleware Integration in an Evolving Software Engineering Curriculum (NH), pp. 102–110.
CSEET-1997-Kendall #education- A Pattern Based Curriculum for Computer Systems Engineering (EAK), pp. 132–149.
CSEET-1997-Umphress #case study #education #experience #re-engineering- Experiences in constructing a level-2 software engineering graduate curriculum (DAU), pp. 4–12.
CSEET-1997-UpchurchS #design #education- Designing process-based software curriculum (RLU, JSK), pp. 28–39.
ITiCSE-1997-EricksonL #education #web- A pedagogical pattern for bringing service into the curriculum via the web (CE, PL), pp. 54–56.
ITiCSE-1997-FeldmanB #concurrent #education #programming- Concurrent programming CAN be introduced into the lower-level undergraduate curriculum (MBF, BDB), pp. 77–79.
ITiCSE-1997-GrangerL #education #using- Using IT to integrate societal and ethical issues in the CS/IS curriculum (panel) (MJG, JCL), p. 144.
ITiCSE-1997-ImpagliazzoG #education- Perspectives on innovations in the computing curriculum (panel) (JI, MG), p. 146.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Anderson #education #effectiveness #web- Effective organization and management of computer science curriculum with World Wide Web — schematic model presentation (demonstration) (DA), p. 144.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-GoldweberIBCDFM #education- Historical perspectives on the computing curriculum (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on historical perspectives in computing education) (MG, JI, IAB, AGC, GD, HF, JPM, RR), pp. 94–111.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-GrangerLABGJMY #education #information management #social #using- Using information technology to integrate social and ethical issues into the computer science and information systems curriculum (report of the ITiCSE 1997 working group on social and ethical issue in computing curricula) (MJG, JCL, ESA, CB, DG, DDJ, CDM, FHY), pp. 38–50.
ITiCSE-WGR-1997-Martin #education #social- The case for integrating ethical and social impact into the computer science curriculum (CDM), pp. 114–120.
ITiCSE-1996-GrangerL #automation #education #tool support- Integrating CASE tools into the CS/CIS curriculum (MJG, JCL), pp. 130–132.
ITiCSE-1996-KwiatkowskiALMCLKS #development #education #parallel #tool support- Teaching parallel processing: development of curriculum and software tools (JK, MA, EL, TM, JCC, JL, HK, SS), pp. 159–161.
ITiCSE-1996-Prey #education #learning- Cooperative learning and closed laboratories in an undergraduate computer science curriculum (JCP), pp. 23–24.
CSEE-1995-AtkinsonEM #education #evolution #re-engineering- An Evolution of a Software Engineering Curriculum (CA, DE, CM), pp. 99–112.
CSEE-1995-GarlanBJTW #education #re-engineering- The CMU Master of Software Engineering Core Curriculum (DG, AWB, DJ, JET, JMW), pp. 65–86.
CSEE-1995-HilburnHK #education #integration #re-engineering- The Integration of Software Engineering into a Computer Science Curriculum (TBH, IH, AJK), pp. 87–97.
CSEE-1995-Robinson #development #education #re-engineering- Software Engineering Curriculum Development Model (JSR), p. 257.
FPLE-1995-ThompsonH #education #functional #programming- Functional Programming Through the Curriculum (SJT, SH), pp. 85–102.
CSEE-1994-AmarBGJ #collaboration #education- Implication of Practitioners in a Post-Graduate Curriculum, a Successful Collaboration (BA, YB, JG, JPJ), pp. 251–261.
AdaEurope-1994-Rymer #ada #education #evolution- Evolving an Ada Curriculum to 9X (JRR), pp. 170–174.
TRI-Ada-1994-LuksL #ada #education- Educating Educators: Lessons in Adding Ada to a Small School Curriculum (SL, SPL), pp. 203–208.
HCI-SHI-1993-Akinmayowa #development #education- Computer Technology in the Educational Curriculum Development in Nigeria in the 21st Century (NKA), pp. 766–771.
HCI-SHI-1993-BorgesBLT #design #education #framework #knowledge base #using- A Framework for Building a Knowledge Based System Using Several Experts — With an Application for Curriculum Design of Engineering Degree Courses (MNB, YB, ML, MTT), pp. 344–349.
TOOLS-USA-1993-Meyer93a #education #object-oriented #towards- Towards an Object-Oriented Curriculum (BM), pp. 585–594.
SEI-1992-FriedmanT #education #object-oriented #re-engineering- Integrating Object-Oriented Software Engineering in the Computer Science Curriculum (FLF, RT), pp. 270–284.
SEI-1992-Garlan #design #education #formal method #trade-off- Formal Methods for Software Engineers: Tradeoffs in Curriculum Design (DG), pp. 131–142.
SEI-1990-MillsNE #education #re-engineering- An Undergraduate Curriculum in Software Engineering (HDM, JRN, CBEJ), pp. 24–37.
SEI-1989-Friedman #education #harmful #re-engineering- A Separate Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum Considered Harmful (FLF), pp. 267–270.
SEI-1989-Scoy #education #re-engineering- Developing an Undergraduate Software Engineering Curriculum within an Existing Computer Science Program (FLVS), pp. 294–303.
SEI-1989-Zweben #education #re-engineering- Integrating Software Engineering into an Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum (SHZ), pp. 310–312.
SEI-1988-AmorosoKWG #education #re-engineering- Revised Graduate Software Engineering Curriculum at Monmouth College (SA, RK, TW, BG), pp. 70–80.
SEI-1988-Ardis #design #education- SEI Report: The Design of an MSE Curriculum (MAA), p. 55.
ICSE-1978-FreemanW #education #re-engineering- A Proposed Curriculum for Software Engineering Education (PF, AIW), pp. 56–62.
DAC-1972-RosinF #education- The role of microprogramming in the computer science curriculum (RFR, GF), pp. 282–285.