335 papers:
ITiCSE-2015-AbidBA #education #refactoring- Reflections on Teaching Refactoring: A Tale of Two Projects (SA, HAB, NA), pp. 225–230.
FASE-2015-ArcelliCT #fuzzy #refactoring- Performance-Based Software Model Refactoring in Fuzzy Contexts (DA, VC, CT), pp. 149–164.
ICPC-2015-HauptmannJW #automation #generative #refactoring #testing- Generating refactoring proposals to remove clones from automated system tests (BH, EJ, VW), pp. 115–124.
ICSME-2015-KimBD #design pattern #java #parametricity #refactoring- Scripting parametric refactorings in Java to retrofit design patterns (JK, DSB, DD), pp. 211–220.
ICSME-2015-OyetoyanCT- A decision support system to refactor class cycles (TDO, DSC, CTN), pp. 231–240.
ICSME-2015-SzokeNHFG #automation #case study #industrial #maintenance #refactoring- Do automatic refactorings improve maintainability? An industrial case study (GS, CN, PH, RF, TG), pp. 429–438.
ICSME-2015-Verebi #approach #modelling #refactoring- A model-based approach to software refactoring (IV), pp. 606–609.
ICSME-2015-YangHHK #java #refactoring #towards- Towards purity-guided refactoring in Java (JY, KH, YH, SK), pp. 521–525.
SANER-2015-AmmerlaanVZ #refactoring #why- Old habits die hard: Why refactoring for understandability does not give immediate benefits (EA, WV, AZ), pp. 504–507.
SANER-2015-HayashiHMSOM #named #refactoring- Historef: A tool for edit history refactoring (SH, DH, JM, MS, TO, KM), pp. 469–473.
SANER-2015-MondalRS #mining #named #refactoring- SPCP-Miner: A tool for mining code clones that are important for refactoring or tracking (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 484–488.
SCAM-2015-SzokeNFFG #automation #named #refactoring #smell #tool support- FaultBuster: An automatic code smell refactoring toolset (GS, CN, LJF, RF, TG), pp. 253–258.
GaM-2015-RadwanH #detection #refactoring #smell- Detecting and Refactoring Operational Smells within the Domain Name System (MR, RH), pp. 113–128.
MoDELS-J-2011-Steimann15 #refactoring- From well-formedness to meaning preservation: model refactoring for almost free (FS), pp. 307–320.
MoDELS-J-2011-Steimann15 #refactoring- From well-formedness to meaning preservation: model refactoring for almost free (FS), pp. 307–320.
SAC-2015-AlvesMM #case study #detection #fault #impact analysis #refactoring #test coverage- Test coverage and impact analysis for detecting refactoring faults: a study on the extract method refactoring (ELGA, TM, PDdLM), pp. 1534–1540.
SAC-2015-ArbizaBSGT #internet #middleware #network #refactoring- Refactoring internet of things middleware through software-defined network (LMRA, LMB, CRPdS, LZG, LMRT), pp. 640–645.
ESEC-FSE-2015-ZarrasVV #navigation #refactoring- Navigating through the archipelago of refactorings (AVZ, TV, PV), pp. 922–925.
ICSE-v1-2015-HuaKM #automation #editing #question #refactoring- Does Automated Refactoring Obviate Systematic Editing? (LH, MK, KSM), pp. 392–402.
ICSE-v1-2015-LiebigJGAL #named #refactoring #variability- Morpheus: Variability-Aware Refactoring in the Wild (JL, AJ, FG, SA, CL), pp. 380–391.
ICSE-v2-2015-PalombaTBOMPL #refactoring- Extract Package Refactoring in ARIES (FP, MT, GB, RO, AM, DP, ADL), pp. 669–672.
SPLC-2015-Santos #composition #comprehension #hybrid #refactoring- Understanding hybrid SPL composition impact on the refactoring into SPL (ARS), pp. 348–351.
CC-2015-SherwanyZN #compilation #library #refactoring #scala- A Refactoring Library for Scala Compiler Extensions (AS, NZ, NN), pp. 31–48.
ECSA-2014-HeroldM #architecture #consistency #recommendation #refactoring- Recommending Refactorings to Re-establish Architectural Consistency (SH, MM), pp. 390–397.
ECSA-2014-OzturkSSA #architecture #estimation #refactoring- Effort Estimation for Architectural Refactoring to Introduce Module Isolation (FÖ, ES, HS, BA), pp. 300–307.
WICSA-2014-ChenB #agile #architecture #comprehension #development #refactoring #towards- Towards an Evidence-Based Understanding of Emergence of Architecture through Continuous Refactoring in Agile Software Development (LC, MAB), pp. 195–204.
ASE-2014-BavotaPTPOC #recommendation #refactoring- Recommending refactorings based on team co-maintenance patterns (GB, SP, NT, MDP, RO, GC), pp. 337–342.
ASE-2014-MkaouerKBDC #interactive #optimisation #recommendation #refactoring #using- Recommendation system for software refactoring using innovization and interactive dynamic optimization (MWM, MK, SB, KD, MÓC), pp. 331–336.
ASE-2014-RamaK #dynamic analysis #refactoring- A dynamic analysis to support object-sharing code refactorings (GMR, RK), pp. 713–724.
DocEng-2014-BoschGL #automation #css #reduction #refactoring- Automated refactoring for size reduction of CSS style sheets (MB, PG, NL), pp. 13–16.
DocEng-2014-SarkisCD #multi #refactoring #web- The virtual splitter: refactoring web applications for themultiscreen environment (MS, CC, JCD), pp. 139–142.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-BavotaOLMGA #nash #refactoring- In medio stat virtus: Extract class refactoring through nash equilibria (GB, RO, ADL, AM, YGG, GA), pp. 214–223.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-KrishnanT #refactoring #unification- Unification and refactoring of clones (GPK, NT), pp. 104–113.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-MondalRS #automation #mining #ranking #refactoring- Automatic ranking of clones for refactoring through mining association rules (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 114–123.
ICPC-2014-SilvaTV #automation #recommendation #refactoring- Recommending automated extract method refactorings (DS, RT, MTV), pp. 146–156.
ICPC-2014-SteidlE #fault #maintenance #recommendation #refactoring- Prioritizing maintainability defects based on refactoring recommendations (DS, SE), pp. 168–176.
ICSME-2014-ChaparroBMP #metric #on the #quality #refactoring- On the Impact of Refactoring Operations on Code Quality Metrics (OC, GB, AM, MDP), pp. 456–460.
ICSME-2014-KhanIA #approach #behaviour #heuristic #state machine #uml- A Heuristic-Based Approach to Refactor Crosscutting Behaviors in UML State Machines (MUK, MZI, SA), pp. 557–560.
ICSME-2014-MongioviMGSR #refactoring #scalability #testing- Scaling Testing of Refactoring Engines (MM, GM, RG, GS, MR), pp. 371–380.
ICSME-2014-RomanoRP #algorithm #interface #refactoring #search-based #using- Refactoring Fat Interfaces Using a Genetic Algorithm (DR, SR, MP), pp. 351–360.
ICSME-2014-TaoQ #analysis #concurrent #java #refactoring #source code- Refactoring Java Concurrent Programs Based on Synchronization Requirement Analysis (BT, JQ), pp. 361–370.
ICSME-2014-WangG #design #recommendation #refactoring #using- Recommending Clones for Refactoring Using Design, Context, and History (WW, MWG), pp. 331–340.
SCAM-2014-KallenHH #object-oriented #refactoring #using- Impact of Code Refactoring Using Object-Oriented Methodology on a Scientific Computing Application (MK, SH, EÞH), pp. 125–134.
SCAM-2014-MondalRS #automation #identification #refactoring- Automatic Identification of Important Clones for Refactoring and Tracking (MM, CKR, KAS), pp. 11–20.
SCAM-2014-SzokeANFG #quality #question #refactoring- Bulk Fixing Coding Issues and Its Effects on Software Quality: Is It Worth Refactoring? (GS, GA, CN, RF, TG), pp. 95–104.
FM-2014-MitschQP #hybrid #logic #reasoning #refactoring #refinement- Refactoring, Refinement, and Reasoning — A Logical Characterization for Hybrid Systems (SM, JDQ, AP), pp. 481–496.
SEKE-2014-NevesV #development #refactoring #variability- Reactive Variability Realization with Test Driven Development and Refactoring (GSN, PV), pp. 100–105.
SEKE-2014-ParkHL #power management #refactoring- Investigation for Software Power Consumption of Code Refactoring Techniques (JJP, JEH, SHL), pp. 717–722.
SEKE-2014-YangKSWF #named #refactoring- RefactoringScript: A Script and Its Processor for Composite Refactoring (LY, TK, KS, HW, YF), pp. 711–716.
ECOOP-2014-MayerS #automation #domain-specific language #framework #java #multi #refactoring- Automated Multi-Language Artifact Binding and Rename Refactoring between Java and DSLs Used by Java Frameworks (PM, AS), pp. 437–462.
OOPSLA-2014-AltidorS #java #refactoring- Refactoring Java generics by inferring wildcards, in practice (JA, YS), pp. 271–290.
OOPSLA-2014-GligoricSPVNL #automation #dynamic analysis #migration #refactoring #search-based #using- Automated migration of build scripts using dynamic analysis and search-based refactoring (MG, WS, CP, DvV, IN, BL), pp. 599–616.
RE-2014-NiuBLN #refactoring #requirements- Traceability-enabled refactoring for managing just-in-time requirements (NN, TB, HL, ZN), pp. 133–142.
SAC-2014-Al-RefaiCF #modelling #runtime #using- Using models to dynamically refactor runtime code (MAR, WC, RBF), pp. 1108–1113.
FSE-2014-AlvesSK #bibliography #code review #named #refactoring- RefDistiller: a refactoring aware code review tool for inspecting manual refactoring edits (ELGA, MS, MK), pp. 751–754.
FSE-2014-HermansD #named #refactoring #spreadsheet- BumbleBee: a refactoring environment for spreadsheet formulas (FH, DD), pp. 747–750.
FSE-2014-LinRD #android #concurrent #refactoring- Retrofitting concurrency for Android applications through refactoring (YL, CR, DD), pp. 341–352.
FSE-2014-MazinanianTM #css #refactoring- Discovering refactoring opportunities in cascading style sheets (DM, NT, AM), pp. 496–506.
FSE-2014-MileaJK #abstraction #detection #refactoring #scalability- Vector abstraction and concretization for scalable detection of refactorings (NAM, LJ, SCK), pp. 86–97.
FSE-2014-OverbeyBH #c #metaprogramming #refactoring- A foundation for refactoring C with macros (JLO, FB, MH), pp. 75–85.
ICSE-2014-GeM #automation #refactoring #validation- Manual refactoring changes with automated refactoring validation (XG, ERMH), pp. 1095–1105.
ICSE-2014-VakilianJ #problem #refactoring #usability- Alternate refactoring paths reveal usability problems (MV, REJ), pp. 1106–1116.
ISSTA-2014-MileaJK #detection #refactoring #scalability- Scalable detection of missed cross-function refactorings (NAM, LJ, SCK), pp. 138–148.
ASE-2013-ChenJ #named #parallel #refactoring- JFlow: Practical refactorings for flow-based parallelism (NC, REJ), pp. 202–212.
ASE-2013-PilgrimUTS #approach #co-evolution- Model/code co-refactoring: An MDE approach (JvP, BU, AT, FS), pp. 682–687.
DAC-2013-ColmenaresEHBMCGRBMAK #adaptation #named #refactoring- Tessellation: refactoring the OS around explicit resource containers with continuous adaptation (JAC, GE, SAH, SB, MM, DC, BG, ER, DBB, NM, KA, JK), p. 10.
FASE-2013-RubinC #product line #quality- Quality of Merge-Refactorings for Product Lines (JR, MC), pp. 83–98.
CSMR-2013-Molitorisz #process #refactoring #source code- Pattern-Based Refactoring Process of Sequential Source Code (KM), pp. 357–360.
CSMR-2013-OuniKS #refactoring #search-based #using- Search-Based Refactoring Using Recorded Code Changes (AO, MK, HAS), pp. 221–230.
CSMR-2013-StevensRNJ #detection #multi #query #refactoring- A History Querying Tool and Its Application to Detect Multi-version Refactorings (RS, CDR, CN, VJ), pp. 335–338.
ICSM-2013-KrishnanT #optimisation #problem #refactoring- Refactoring Clones: An Optimization Problem (GPK, NT), pp. 360–363.
ICSM-2013-NguyenNNN #refactoring #web- Output-Oriented Refactoring in PHP-Based Dynamic Web Applications (HAN, HVN, TTN, TNN), pp. 150–159.
ICSM-2013-OyetoyanCC #component #question #refactoring- Can Refactoring Cyclic Dependent Components Reduce Defect-Proneness? (TDO, DSC, RC), pp. 420–423.
ICSM-2013-Perez #design #lessons learnt #refactoring #smell #summary- Refactoring Planning for Design Smell Correction: Summary, Opportunities and Lessons Learned (JP), pp. 572–577.
ICSM-2013-ShahDM #automation #java #on the #refactoring- On the Automation of Dependency-Breaking Refactorings in Java (SMAS, JD, CM), pp. 160–169.
ICSM-2013-SoetensPD #re-engineering- An Initial Investigation into Change-Based Reconstruction of Floss-Refactorings (QDS, JP, SD), pp. 384–387.
ICSM-2013-WrightJKCW #automation #refactoring #scalability #using- Large-Scale Automated Refactoring Using ClangMR (HKW, DJ, MK, CC, ZW), pp. 548–551.
SCAM-2013-Schink #database #multi #named #refactoring #relational- sql-schema-comparer: Support of multi-language refactoring with relational databases (HS), pp. 173–178.
WCRE-2013-HayashiTS #difference #java #named #refactoring- REdiffs: Refactoring-aware difference viewer for java (SH, ST, MS), pp. 487–488.
WCRE-2013-SalesTMV #dependence #recommendation #refactoring #set #using- Recommending Move Method refactorings using dependency sets (VS, RT, LFM, MTV), pp. 232–241.
CEFP-2013-Halupka #domain-specific language #refactoring- DSL for Grammar Refactoring Patterns (IH), pp. 446–458.
ICEIS-v2-2013-JuniorVDCCP #aspect-oriented #modelling #object-oriented #refactoring- Concern-based Refactorings Supported by Class Models to Reengineer Object-Oriented Software into Aspect-Oriented Ones (PAPJ, MCV, RSD, VVdC, HAXC, RADP), pp. 46–57.
SEKE-2013-Perez-CastilloFPC #how #modelling #process #refactoring- How Does Refactoring Affect Understandability of Business Process Models? (S) (RPC, MFR, MP, DC), pp. 644–649.
ECOOP-2013-GligoricBLOHM #refactoring #testing- Systematic Testing of Refactoring Engines on Real Software Projects (MG, FB, YL, JO, MH, DM), pp. 629–653.
ECOOP-2013-NegaraCVJD #automation #case study #comparative #refactoring- A Comparative Study of Manual and Automated Refactorings (SN, NC, MV, REJ, DD), pp. 552–576.
ECOOP-2013-ShomratF #detection- Detecting Refactored Clones (MS, YAF), pp. 502–526.
ECOOP-2013-VakilianCMNJ #automation #composition #paradigm #refactoring- A Compositional Paradigm of Automating Refactorings (MV, NC, RZM, SN, REJ), pp. 527–551.
OOPSLA-2013-FeldthausM #automation #javascript #refactoring- Semi-automatic rename refactoring for JavaScript (AF, AM), pp. 323–338.
OOPSLA-2013-RaychevSSV #refactoring #synthesis- Refactoring with synthesis (VR, MS, MS, MTV), pp. 339–354.
RE-2013-MahmoudN #refactoring #requirements #traceability- Supporting requirements traceability through refactoring (AM, NN), pp. 32–41.
SAC-2013-CohenA #composition #refactoring- Practical use of static composition of refactoring operations (JC, AA), pp. 1700–1705.
SAC-2013-Fernandez-RoperoPCP #process #refactoring- Assessing the best-order for business process model refactoring (MFR, RPC, JACL, MP), pp. 1397–1402.
ESEC-FSE-2013-GyoriFDL #functional #imperative #programming #refactoring- Crossing the gap from imperative to functional programming through refactoring (AG, LF, DD, JL), pp. 543–553.
ICSE-2013-FranklinGLD #automation #functional #imperative #named #programming #refactoring- LAMBDAFICATOR: from imperative to functional programming through automated refactoring (LF, AG, JL, DD), pp. 1287–1290.
ICSE-2013-LeeCJ #performance #program transformation #refactoring- Drag-and-drop refactoring: intuitive and efficient program transformation (YYL, NC, REJ), pp. 23–32.
CC-2013-RadpourHS #matlab #refactoring- Refactoring MATLAB (SR, LJH, MS), pp. 224–243.
QoSA-2012-ArcelliCT #performance #refactoring- Antipattern-based model refactoring for software performance improvement (DA, VC, CT), pp. 33–42.
QoSA-2012-EramoCPT #architecture #bidirectional #model transformation #refactoring- Performance-driven architectural refactoring through bidirectional model transformations (RE, VC, AP, MT), pp. 55–60.
ASE-2012-LiT #api #automation #erlang #migration #refactoring #source code- Automated API migration in a user-extensible refactoring tool for Erlang programs (HL, SJT), pp. 294–297.
ASE-2012-Meananeatra #identification #maintenance #refactoring #sequence- Identifying refactoring sequences for improving software maintainability (PM), pp. 406–409.
ASE-2012-SteimannP #refactoring- Refactorings without names (FS, JvP), pp. 290–293.
ASE-2012-TamrawiNNN #analysis #named #refactoring- SYMake: a build code analysis and refactoring tool for makefiles (AT, HAN, HVN, TNN), pp. 366–369.
FASE-2012-LiT #domain-specific language #erlang #refactoring- A Domain-Specific Language for Scripting Refactorings in Erlang (HL, SJT), pp. 501–515.
CSMR-2012-HottaHK #dependence #graph #identification #refactoring- Identifying, Tailoring, and Suggesting Form Template Method Refactoring Opportunities with Program Dependence Graph (KH, YH, SK), pp. 53–62.
CSMR-2012-MoghadamC #automation #design #difference #refactoring #using- Automated Refactoring Using Design Differencing (IHM, MÓC), pp. 43–52.
CSMR-2012-MurgiaTMCCMS #empirical #refactoring- Refactoring and its Relationship with Fan-in and Fan-out: An Empirical Study (AM, RT, MM, GC, SC, JM, SS), pp. 63–72.
CSMR-2012-TerraVCB #architecture #recommendation #refactoring- Recommending Refactorings to Reverse Software Architecture Erosion (RT, MTV, KC, RdSB), pp. 335–340.
CSMR-2012-Villavicencio #maintenance #refactoring- A New Software Maintenance Scenario Based on Refactoring Techniques (GV), pp. 341–346.
ICPC-2012-HottaHIK #named #refactoring- CRat: A refactoring support tool for Form Template Method (KH, YH, HI, SK), pp. 250–252.
ICSM-2012-BadameD #refactoring #spreadsheet- Refactoring meets spreadsheet formulas (SB, DD), pp. 399–409.
ICSM-2012-HayashiOZMS #refactoring #source code- Refactoring edit history of source code (SH, TO, TZ, KM, MS), pp. 617–620.
ICSM-2012-KimuraHIK #dynamic analysis #refactoring- Move code refactoring with dynamic analysis (SK, YH, HI, SK), pp. 575–578.
ICSM-2012-NogueraKRJ #refactoring- Refactoring in the presence of annotations (CN, AK, CDR, VJ), pp. 337–346.
ICSM-2012-OuniKSH #refactoring #search-based #semantics #towards- Search-based refactoring: Towards semantics preservation (AO, MK, HAS, MSH), pp. 347–356.
ICSM-2012-RachatasumritK #empirical #refactoring #testing- An empirical investigation into the impact of refactoring on regression testing (NR, MK), pp. 357–366.
SCAM-2012-BavotaCLPOS #debugging #empirical #refactoring- When Does a Refactoring Induce Bugs? An Empirical Study (GB, BDC, ADL, MDP, RO, OS), pp. 104–113.
SCAM-2012-MayerS #analysis #refactoring- Cross-Language Code Analysis and Refactoring (PM, AS), pp. 94–103.
WCRE-2012-VonkenZ #question #refactoring #testing- Refactoring with Unit Testing: A Match Made in Heaven? (FV, AZ), pp. 29–38.
CAiSE-2012-PuenteD #mindmap #refactoring #wiki- Wiki Refactoring as Mind Map Reshaping (GP, OD), pp. 646–661.
AMT-2012-TaentzerAEH #model transformation #refactoring #rule-based #towards- Towards refactoring of rule-based, in-place model transformation systems (GT, TA, CE, RH), pp. 41–46.
ECOOP-2012-SteimannP #constraints #refactoring- Constraint-Based Refactoring with Foresight (FS, JvP), pp. 535–559.
OOPSLA-2012-CousotCLB #abstract interpretation #contract #framework #refactoring- An abstract interpretation framework for refactoring with application to extract methods with contracts (PC, RC, FL, MB), pp. 213–232.
OOPSLA-2012-Zhang0LZMY #android #java #on-demand #refactoring- Refactoring android Java code for on-demand computation offloading (YZ, GH, XL, WZ, HM, SY), pp. 233–248.
SAC-2012-GiuntaPT #aspect-oriented #composition #design pattern #named #refactoring- AODP: refactoring code to provide advanced aspect-oriented modularization of design patterns (RG, GP, ET), pp. 1243–1250.
SAC-2012-Tronicek #flexibility #java #named #refactoring- RefactoringNG: a flexible Java refactoring tool (ZT), pp. 1165–1170.
FSE-2012-KimZN #case study #challenge #refactoring- A field study of refactoring challenges and benefits (MK, TZ, NN), p. 50.
ICSE-2012-Bavota #refactoring #semantics #using- Using structural and semantic information to support software refactoring (GB), pp. 1479–1482.
ICSE-2012-BavotaLMOP #eclipse #refactoring- Supporting extract class refactoring in Eclipse: The ARIES project (GB, ADL, AM, RO, FP), pp. 1419–1422.
ICSE-2012-FosterGL #ide #named #realtime #refactoring- WitchDoctor: IDE support for real-time auto-completion of refactorings (SRF, WGG, SL), pp. 222–232.
ICSE-2012-GeDM #automation #refactoring- Reconciling manual and automatic refactoring (XG, QLD, ERMH), pp. 211–221.
ICSE-2012-VakilianCNRBJ #automation #refactoring- Use, disuse, and misuse of automated refactorings (MV, NC, SN, BAR, BPB, REJ), pp. 233–243.
LDTA-2012-JongeV #refactoring- A language generic solution for name binding preservation in refactorings (MdJ, EV), p. 2.
ISSTA-2012-ThiesB #java #named #refactoring #source code- RefaFlex: safer refactorings for reflective Java programs (AT, EB), pp. 1–11.
ASE-2011-OverbeyJ #analysis #difference #lightweight #refactoring #reuse #tool support- Differential precondition checking: A lightweight, reusable analysis for refactoring tools (JLO, REJ), pp. 303–312.
CSMR-2011-TsantalisC #ranking #refactoring- Ranking Refactoring Suggestions Based on Historical Volatility (NT, AC), pp. 25–34.
ICPC-2011-ZibranR #approach #constraints #programming #refactoring #scheduling- Conflict-Aware Optimal Scheduling of Code Clone Refactoring: A Constraint Programming Approach (MFZ, CKR), pp. 266–269.
ICSM-2011-SoaresMG #identification #implementation #refactoring- Identifying overly strong conditions in refactoring implementations (GS, MM, RG), pp. 173–182.
MSR-2011-BiegelSHDD #comparison #detection #metric #refactoring #similarity- Comparison of similarity metrics for refactoring detection (BB, QDS, WH, SD, SD), pp. 53–62.
SCAM-2011-ZibranR #approach #constraints #programming #refactoring #scheduling- A Constraint Programming Approach to Conflict-Aware Optimal Scheduling of Prioritized Code Clone Refactoring (MFZ, CKR), pp. 105–114.
WCRE-2011-MurgiaTCCM #empirical #refactoring- An Empirical Study of Refactoring in the Context of FanIn and FanOut Coupling (AM, RT, SC, GC, MM), pp. 372–376.
WCRE-2011-YingM #refactoring- Refactoring Traditional Forms into Ajax-enabled Forms (MY, JM), pp. 367–371.
SEKE-2011-CassellAG #approach #clustering #refactoring- A Dual Clustering Approach to the Extract Class Refactoring (KC, PA, LG), pp. 77–82.
ICMT-2011-BeckerLDBG #development #refactoring #rule-based- Iterative Development of Consistency-Preserving Rule-Based Refactorings (BB, LL, JD, SB, HG), pp. 123–137.
MoDELS-2011-AkiyamaHKS #design #refactoring- Supporting Design Model Refactoring for Improving Class Responsibility Assignment (MA, SH, TK, MS), pp. 455–469.
MoDELS-2011-Steimann #constraints #refactoring- Constraint-Based Model Refactoring (FS), pp. 440–454.
MoDELS-2011-AkiyamaHKS #design #refactoring- Supporting Design Model Refactoring for Improving Class Responsibility Assignment (MA, SH, TK, MS), pp. 455–469.
MoDELS-2011-Steimann #constraints #refactoring- Constraint-Based Model Refactoring (FS), pp. 440–454.
ECOOP-2011-SteimannKP #constraints #eiffel #refactoring- A Refactoring Constraint Language and Its Application to Eiffel (FS, CK, JvP), pp. 255–280.
OOPSLA-2011-FeldthausMMST #javascript #refactoring- Tool-supported refactoring for JavaScript (AF, TDM, AM, MS, FT), pp. 119–138.
PLATEAU-2011-VakilianCNRMJ #refactoring- The need for richer refactoring usage data (MV, NC, SN, BAR, RZM, REJ), pp. 31–38.
ICSE-2011-FokaefsTSC #identification #named #refactoring- JDeodorant: identification and application of extract class refactorings (MF, NT, ES, AC), pp. 1037–1039.
ICSE-2011-KimCK #empirical #evolution #refactoring- An empirical investigation into the role of API-level refactorings during software evolution (MK, DC, SK), pp. 151–160.
ICSE-2011-Lee #case study #haskell #refactoring #source code- A case study on refactoring in Haskell programs (DYL), pp. 1164–1166.
ICSE-2011-SchaferSDT #flexibility #java #refactoring #source code- Refactoring Java programs for flexible locking (MS, MS, JD, FT), pp. 71–80.
ICSE-2011-SteimannS #refactoring- Refactoring to role objects (FS, FUS), pp. 441–450.
ICSE-2011-StoleeE #refactoring- Refactoring pipe-like mashups for end-user programmers (KTS, SGE), pp. 81–90.
SLE-2011-JongeV #algorithm #layout #refactoring- An Algorithm for Layout Preservation in Refactoring Transformations (MdJ, EV), pp. 40–59.
SPLC-2011-Lopez-HerrejonME #case study #feature model #refactoring #requirements- From Requirements to Features: An Exploratory Study of Feature-Oriented Refactoring (RELH, LMM, AE), pp. 181–190.
ECSA-2010-SaraivaPBDPKAFMS #architecture #aspect-oriented #experience #middleware #modelling #product line #refactoring- Architecting a Model-Driven Aspect-Oriented Product Line for a Digital TV Middleware: A Refactoring Experience (DS, LP, TVB, FCD, PFP, UK, RPMdA, TF, SMF, ALSS), pp. 166–181.
ASE-2010-BavotaLMO #refactoring- A two-step technique for extract class refactoring (GB, ADL, AM, RO), pp. 151–154.
ASE-2010-KhatchadourianM #automation #java #refactoring- Enumeration refactoring: a tool for automatically converting Java constants to enumerated types (RK, BM), pp. 181–182.
CSMR-2010-SanchezNCP #case study #java #refactoring- Refactoring Generics in JAVA: A Case Study on Extract Method (RMS, CLN, YC, FJP), pp. 212–221.
ICSM-2010-BavotaOLAG #game studies #identification #refactoring- Playing with refactoring: Identifying extract class opportunities through game theory (GB, RO, ADL, GA, YGG), pp. 1–5.
ICSM-2010-Dig #parallel #refactoring #tutorial- A practical tutorial on refactoring for parallelism (DD), pp. 1–2.
ICSM-2010-PreteRSK #re-engineering #refactoring- Template-based reconstruction of complex refactorings (KP, NR, NS, MK), pp. 1–10.
SCAM-2010-LiT #composition #erlang #maintenance #refactoring- Refactoring Support for Modularity Maintenance in Erlang (HL, SJT), pp. 157–166.
WCRE-2010-Eshkevari #identifier #refactoring #source code- Linguistic Driven Refactoring of Source Code Identifiers (LME), pp. 297–300.
WCRE-2010-LethbridgeFB #abstraction #incremental #named #refactoring- Umplification: Refactoring to Incrementally Add Abstraction to a Program (TCL, AF, OBB), pp. 220–224.
ICGT-2010-Qayum #automation #graph transformation #refactoring #search-based #using- Automated Assistance for Search-Based Refactoring Using Unfolding of Graph Transformation Systems (FQ), pp. 407–409.
SIGIR-2010-Flake #problem #refactoring- Refactoring the search problem (GWF), p. 250.
MoDELS-v2-2010-ReimannSA #refactoring- Role-Based Generic Model Refactoring (JR, MS, UA), pp. 78–92.
ECOOP-2010-SchaferDSTT #concurrent #java #refactoring- Correct Refactoring of Concurrent Java Code (MS, JD, MS, ET, FT), pp. 225–249.
OOPSLA-2010-KapurCW #library #migration #refactoring- Refactoring references for library migration (PK, BC, RJW), pp. 726–738.
OOPSLA-2010-SchaferM #implementation #refactoring #specification- Specifying and implementing refactorings (MS, OdM), pp. 286–301.
RE-2010-StoiberFJG #product line #refactoring #requirements #specification #weaving- Feature Unweaving: Refactoring Software Requirements Specifications into Software Product Lines (RS, SF, MJ, MG), pp. 403–404.
SAC-2010-TairasG #open source #refactoring- Sub-clone refactoring in open source software artifacts (RT, JGG), pp. 2373–2374.
SAC-2010-ThapaS #impact analysis #process #refactoring- Assessing the impact of refactoring activities on the JHotDraw project (IT, HPS), pp. 2369–2370.
FSE-2010-KimGLR #logic #named #query #re-engineering #refactoring- Ref-Finder: a refactoring reconstruction tool based on logic query templates (MK, MG, AL, NR), pp. 371–372.
ICSE-2010-Soares #refactoring- Making program refactoring safer (GLS), pp. 521–522.
CSMR-2009-TsantalisC #identification #refactoring- Identification of Extract Method Refactoring Opportunities (NT, AC), pp. 119–128.
ICSM-2009-Wang #developer #motivation #source code #what- What motivate software engineers to refactor source code? evidences from professional developers (YW), pp. 413–416.
PEPM-2009-LiT #clone detection #detection #erlang #refactoring- Clone detection and removal for Erlang/OTP within a refactoring environment (HL, SJT), pp. 169–178.
GT-VMT-2009-EhrigEE #model transformation #refactoring- Refactoring of Model Transformations (HE, KE, CE), pp. 128–146.
EDOC-2009-ZhuM #case study #refactoring- Refactoring J2EE Application for JBI-Based ESB: A Case Study (WZ, WM), pp. 213–217.
ICEIS-J-2009-HunoldKRRR #legacy #refactoring- Pattern-Based Refactoring of Legacy Software Systems (SH, BK, TR, TR, GR), pp. 78–89.
MoDELS-2009-MohaMBJ #refactoring- Generic Model Refactorings (NM, VM, OB, JMJ), pp. 628–643.
MoDELS-2009-MussbacherAW #aspect-oriented #modelling- Refactoring-Safe Modeling of Aspect-Oriented Scenarios (GM, DA, JW), pp. 286–300.
MoDELS-2009-MohaMBJ #refactoring- Generic Model Refactorings (NM, VM, OB, JMJ), pp. 628–643.
MoDELS-2009-MussbacherAW #aspect-oriented #modelling- Refactoring-Safe Modeling of Aspect-Oriented Scenarios (GM, DA, JW), pp. 286–300.
ECOOP-2009-SchaferVEM #refactoring- Stepping Stones over the Refactoring Rubicon (MS, MV, TE, OdM), pp. 369–393.
ECOOP-2009-SteimannT #java #refactoring #source code- From Public to Private to Absent: Refactoring Java Programs under Constrained Accessibility (FS, AT), pp. 419–443.
OOPSLA-2009-OverbeyJ #programming language #refactoring #tool support- Regrowing a language: refactoring tools allow programming languages to evolve (JLO, REJ), pp. 493–502.
GPCE-2009-KastnerAK #refactoring- A model of refactoring physically and virtually separated features (CK, SA, MK), pp. 157–166.
PPDP-2009-SagonasA #automation #erlang #refactoring #source code- Automatic refactoring of Erlang programs (KFS, TA), pp. 13–24.
SAC-2009-PivetaPAMGP #refactoring #representation- Representing refactoring opportunities (EKP, MSP, JA, AMDM, PG, RTP), pp. 1867–1872.
ESEC-FSE-2009-LiuYNMS #order #refactoring #smell- Facilitating software refactoring with appropriate resolution order of bad smells (HL, LY, ZN, ZM, WS), pp. 265–268.
ESEC-FSE-2009-WlokaST #refactoring- Refactoring for reentrancy (JW, MS, FT), pp. 173–182.
GTTSE-2009-Borba #product line #refactoring- An Introduction to Software Product Line Refactoring (PB), pp. 1–26.
ICSE-2009-DigME #concurrent #java #library #refactoring- Refactoring sequential Java code for concurrency via concurrent libraries (DD, JM, MDE), pp. 397–407.
ICSE-2009-Murphy-HillPB #how- How we refactor, and how we know it (ERMH, CP, APB), pp. 287–297.
PPoPP-2009-MarkstrumFM #concurrent #refactoring #towards- Towards concurrency refactoring for x10 (SM, RMF, TDM), pp. 303–304.
ICST-2009-WedyanAB #automation #detection #effectiveness #fault #predict #refactoring #static analysis #tool support- The Effectiveness of Automated Static Analysis Tools for Fault Detection and Refactoring Prediction (FW, DA, JMB), pp. 141–150.
FASE-2008-BisztrayHE #architecture #refactoring #verification- Verification of Architectural Refactorings by Rule Extraction (DB, RH, HE), pp. 347–361.
FASE-2008-MassoniGB #formal method #modelling #refactoring- Formal Model-Driven Program Refactoring (TM, RG, PB), pp. 362–376.
CSMR-2008-BrytonA #refactoring- Modularity-Oriented Refactoring (SB, FBeA), pp. 294–297.
MSR-2008-RatzingerSG #fault #on the #predict #refactoring- On the relation of refactorings and software defect prediction (JR, TS, HCG), pp. 35–38.
PEPM-2008-LiT #functional #refactoring #source code #tool support- Tool support for refactoring functional programs (HL, SJT), pp. 199–203.
PEPM-2008-SultanaT #refactoring #verification- Mechanical verification of refactorings (NS, SJT), pp. 51–60.
ICGT-2008-Bisztray #architecture #refactoring #tool support #verification- Verification of Architectural Refactorings: Rule Extraction and Tool Support (DB), pp. 475–477.
ICGT-2008-RangelLKEB #behaviour #refactoring #using- Behavior Preservation in Model Refactoring Using DPO Transformations with Borrowed Contexts (GR, LL, BK, HE, PB), pp. 242–256.
CAiSE-2008-WeberR #modelling #process #refactoring #repository #scalability- Refactoring Process Models in Large Process Repositories (BW, MR), pp. 124–139.
ICEIS-ISAS2-2008-PivetaMPAGP #process #ranking #refactoring #using- Ranking Refactoring Patterns Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (EKP, AMDM, MSP, JA, PG, RTP), pp. 195–200.
OOPSLA-2008-TanseyT #legacy #refactoring- Annotation refactoring: inferring upgrade transformations for legacy applications (WT, ET), pp. 295–312.
OOPSLA-2008-TatlockTSJL #refactoring- Deep typechecking and refactoring (ZT, CT, DS, RJ, SL), pp. 37–52.
GPCE-2008-ApelKB #aspect-oriented #functional #refactoring #using- Program refactoring using functional aspects (SA, CK, DSB), pp. 161–170.
GPCE-2008-SavgaRGA #framework- Practical refactoring-based framework upgrade (IS, MR, SG, UA), pp. 171–180.
ICSE-2008-KegelS #inheritance #java #refactoring- Systematically refactoring inheritance to delegation in java (HK, FS), pp. 431–440.
ICSE-2008-Murphy-HillB #refactoring #tool support- Breaking the barriers to successful refactoring: observations and tools for extract method (ERMH, APB), pp. 421–430.
ICST-2008-UbayashiPST #aspect-oriented #contract #refactoring #verification- Contract-Based Verification for Aspect-Oriented Refactoring (NU, JP, SS, TT), pp. 180–189.
WICSA-2007-MurthyRH #refactoring- Refactoring Methods (PVRM, TR, SH), p. 37.
ASE-2007-LiuLMS #quality #refactoring #scheduling- Scheduling of conflicting refactorings to promote quality improvement (HL, GL, ZM, WS), pp. 489–492.
ASE-2007-TanejaDX #api #automation #detection #library #refactoring- Automated detection of api refactorings in libraries (KT, DD, TX), pp. 377–380.
CSMR-2007-BourqunK #architecture #refactoring- High-impact Refactoring Based on Architecture Violations (FB, RKK), pp. 149–158.
ICSM-2007-Ettinger #refactoring #slicing- Refactoring via Program Slicing and Sliding (RE), pp. 505–506.
ICSM-2007-KhatchadourianSR #automation #java #legacy #refactoring- Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Enumerated Types (RK, JS, AR), pp. 224–233.
SCAM-2007-JuilleratH #implementation #refactoring #towards- Toward an Implementation of the “Form Template Method” Refactoring (NJ, BH), pp. 81–90.
SAS-2007-Tip #constraints #refactoring #using- Refactoring Using Type Constraints (FT), pp. 1–17.
CEFP-2007-KozsikCHKKLNTV #case study #erlang #refactoring- Use Cases for Refactoring in Erlang (TK, ZC, ZH, RK, RK, LL, TN, MT, ANV), pp. 250–285.
IFL-2007-LiT #erlang #quickcheck #refactoring #testing- Testing Erlang Refactorings with QuickCheck (HL, SJT), pp. 19–36.
AGTIVE-2007-TaentzerMM #graph transformation #refactoring #specification- Specifying Domain-Specific Refactorings for AndroMDA Based on Graph Transformation (GT, DM, TM), pp. 104–119.
SEKE-2007-KoskerB #graph transformation #refactoring #uml- Synchronization of UML Based Refactoring with Graph Transformation (YK, ABB), pp. 232–237.
MoDELS-2007-CorreaWB #empirical #ocl #refactoring #smell #specification- An Empirical Study of the Impact of OCL Smells and Refactorings on the Understandability of OCL Specifications (ALC, CW, MdOB), pp. 76–90.
MoDELS-2007-CorreaWB #empirical #ocl #refactoring #smell #specification- An Empirical Study of the Impact of OCL Smells and Refactorings on the Understandability of OCL Specifications (ALC, CW, MdOB), pp. 76–90.
GPCE-2007-SavgaR #evolution #framework- Refactoring-based support for binary compatibility in evolving frameworks (IS, MR), pp. 175–184.
SAC-OOPS-J-2006-Steimann07 #interface #programming #refactoring- The Infer Type Refactoring and its Use for Interface-Based Programming (FS), pp. 99–120.
ESEC-FSE-2007-DanielDGM #automation #refactoring #testing- Automated testing of refactoring engines (BD, DD, KG, DM), pp. 185–194.
ESEC-FSE-2007-ShonleGL #composition #design #framework #maintenance #refactoring- Beyond refactoring: a framework for modular maintenance of crosscutting design idioms (MS, WGG, SL), pp. 175–184.
ICSE-2007-AnbalaganX #aspect-oriented #automation #refactoring- Automated Inference of Pointcuts in Aspect-Oriented Refactoring (PA, TX), pp. 127–136.
ICSE-2007-DigMJN #configuration management #object-oriented #refactoring #source code- Refactoring-Aware Configuration Management for Object-Oriented Programs (DD, KM, REJ, TNN), pp. 427–436.
ICSE-2007-KiezunETF #java #refactoring- Refactoring for Parameterizing Java Classes (AK, MDE, FT, RMF), pp. 437–446.
CC-2007-Batory #development #modelling #refactoring #synthesis- Program Refactoring, Program Synthesis, and Model-Driven Development (DSB), pp. 156–171.
CBSE-2006-BastideSO #adaptation #component #refactoring- Adaptation of Monolithic Software Components by Their Transformation into Composite Configurations Based on Refactoring (GB, AS, MO), pp. 368–375.
ASE-2006-WeissgerberD #identification #refactoring #source code- Identifying Refactorings from Source-Code Changes (PW, SD), pp. 231–240.
CSMR-2006-Bastide #adaptation #component- A Refactoring-based Tool for Software Component Adaptation (GB), pp. 315–318.
CSMR-2006-IvkovicK #architecture #framework #model transformation #refactoring #semantics #using- A Framework for Software Architecture Refactoring using Model Transformations and Semantic Annotations (II, KK), pp. 135–144.
CSMR-2006-JoshiJ #metric #refactoring- Microscopic Coupling Metrics for Refactoring (PJ, RKJ), pp. 145–152.
ICPC-2006-SchofieldTXS #development #refactoring- Digging the Development Dust for Refactorings (CS, BT, ZX, ES), pp. 23–34.
ICSM-2006-XingS #case study #eclipse #how #refactoring- Refactoring Practice: How it is and How it Should be Supported — An Eclipse Case Study (ZX, ES), pp. 458–468.
MSR-2006-WeissgerberD #question #refactoring- Are refactorings less error-prone than other changes? (PW, SD), pp. 112–118.
MSR-2006-WeissgerberDG #mining #refactoring- Mining refactorings in ARGOUML (PW, SD, CG), pp. 175–176.
SCAM-2006-LiT #case study #comparative #erlang #haskell #refactoring #source code- Comparative Study of Refactoring Haskell and Erlang Programs (HL, SJT), pp. 197–206.
SCAM-2006-StreinKL #program analysis #refactoring- Cross-Language Program Analysis and Refactoring (DS, HK, WL), pp. 207–216.
WCRE-2006-XingS #detection #query #refactoring- Refactoring Detection based on UMLDiff Change-Facts Queries (ZX, ES), pp. 263–274.
FM-2006-BannwartM #refactoring #source code #specification- Changing Programs Correctly: Refactoring with Specifications (FB, PM), pp. 492–507.
SIGAda-2006-PlantecS #ada #automation #library #refactoring- Refactoring of an Ada 95 library with a Meta CASE tool (AP, FS), pp. 61–70.
ECOOP-2006-DigCMJ #automation #component #detection #evolution #refactoring- Automated Detection of Refactorings in Evolving Components (DD, CC, DM, REJ), pp. 404–428.
GPCE-2006-AlvesGMKBL #product line #refactoring- Refactoring product lines (VA, RG, TM, UK, PB, CJPdL), pp. 201–210.
GPCE-2006-TrujilloBD #multi #product line #refactoring- Feature refactoring a multi-representation program into a product line (ST, DSB, OD), pp. 191–200.
SAC-2006-AdvaniHC #open source #refactoring #roadmap- Extracting refactoring trends from open-source software and a possible solution to the “related refactoring” conundrum (DA, YH, SC), pp. 1713–1720.
SAC-2006-DobrzanskiK #approach #execution #modelling #refactoring #uml- An approach to refactoring of executable UML models (LD, LK), pp. 1273–1279.
SAC-2006-StraetenD #consistency #nondeterminism #refactoring #rule-based- Model refactorings through rule-based inconsistency resolution (RVDS, MD), pp. 1210–1217.
FSE-2006-NgCCY #design pattern #empirical #experience #refactoring- Work experience versus refactoring to design patterns: a controlled experiment (THN, SCC, WKC, YTY), pp. 12–22.
ICSE-2006-Freese #refactoring #version control- Refactoring-aware version control (TF), pp. 953–956.
ICSE-2006-LiuBL #legacy #refactoring- Feature oriented refactoring of legacy applications (JL, DSB, CL), pp. 112–121.
ICSE-2006-VerbaereEM #named #refactoring #scripting language- JunGL: a scripting language for refactoring (MV, RE, OdM), pp. 172–181.
VMCAI-2006-LogozzoC #abstract interpretation #refactoring #semantics- Semantic Hierarchy Refactoring by Abstract Interpretation (FL, AC), pp. 313–331.
ASE-2005-GheyiMB #approach #proving #refactoring- A rigorous approach for proving model refactorings (RG, TM, PB), pp. 372–375.
CSMR-2005-BoisDV #comprehension #question #reverse engineering- Does the “Refactor to Understand” Reverse Engineering Pattern Improve Program Comprehension? (BDB, SD, JV), pp. 334–343.
ICSM-2005-BinkleyCHRT #aspect-oriented #automation #object-oriented #refactoring- Automated Refactoring of Object Oriented Code into Aspects (DB, MC, MH, FR, PT), pp. 27–36.
ICSM-2005-Demeyer #morphism #performance #polymorphism #question #what- Refactor Conditionals into Polymorphism: What’s the Performance Cost of Introducing Virtual Calls? (SD), pp. 627–630.
ICSM-2005-DigJ #api #evolution #refactoring- The Role of Refactorings in API Evolution (DD, REJ), pp. 389–398.
ICSM-2005-KolbMPY #case study #component #legacy #product line #refactoring #reuse- A Case Study in Refactoring a Legacy Component for Reuse in a Product Line (RK, DM, TP, KY), pp. 369–378.
ICSM-2005-MonteiroF #aspectj #java #refactoring- Refactoring a Java Code Base to AspectJ: An Illustrative Example (MPM, JMF), pp. 17–26.
ICSM-IT-2005-Goschl #java #refactoring- Continuous Refactoring of a Java Server Application (SG), pp. 11–15.
ICSM-IT-2005-VittekBM #c++ #comprehension #java #plugin #refactoring- A collection of C, C++ and Java code understanding and refactoring plugins (MV, PB, PEM), pp. 61–64.
IWPC-2005-GorgW #detection #refactoring #visualisation- Detecting and Visualizing Refactorings from Software Archives (CG, PW), pp. 205–214.
IWPC-2005-MaruyamaY #design #implementation #refactoring- Design and Implementation of an Extensible and Modifiable Refactoring Tool (KM, SY), pp. 195–204.
MSR-2005-GorgW #detection #fault #re-engineering #refactoring- Error detection by refactoring reconstruction (CG, PW), pp. 86–90.
MSR-2005-RatzingerFG #refactoring- Improving evolvability through refactoring (JR, MF, HCG), pp. 96–100.
PASTE-2005-Perkins #api #automation #evolution #generative #refactoring- Automatically generating refactorings to support API evolution (JHP), pp. 111–114.
SEKE-2005-ZhouXZS #approach #refactoring- An Aspect Transformation Approach with Refactoring (CZ, BX, TZ, LS), pp. 318–323.
MoDELS-2005-MarkovicB #diagrams #ocl #refactoring #uml- Refactoring OCL Annotated UML Class Diagrams (SM, TB), pp. 280–294.
MoDELS-2005-PretschnerP #behaviour #modelling #refactoring- Computing Refactorings of Behavior Models (AP, WP), pp. 126–141.
MoDELS-2005-MarkovicB #diagrams #ocl #refactoring #uml- Refactoring OCL Annotated UML Class Diagrams (SM, TB), pp. 280–294.
MoDELS-2005-PretschnerP #behaviour #modelling #refactoring- Computing Refactorings of Behavior Models (AP, WP), pp. 126–141.
ECOOP-2005-FuhrerTKDK #java #library #refactoring- Efficiently Refactoring Java Applications to Use Generic Libraries (RMF, FT, AK, JD, MK), pp. 71–96.
OOPSLA-2005-BalabanTF #library #migration #refactoring- Refactoring support for class library migration (IB, FT, RMF), pp. 265–279.
ESEC-FSE-2005-McCloskeyB #approach #c #named #refactoring- ASTEC: a new approach to refactoring C (BM, EAB), pp. 21–30.
GTTSE-2005-KrahnR #generative #lightweight #refactoring- Techniques for Lightweight Generator Refactoring (HK, BR), pp. 437–446.
GTTSE-2005-Mens #graph transformation #on the #refactoring- On the Use of Graph Transformations for Model Refactoring (TM), pp. 219–257.
ICSE-2005-HenkelD #api #evolution #exclamation #game studies #refactoring- CatchUp!: capturing and replaying refactorings to support API evolution (JH, AD), pp. 274–283.
ICSE-2005-TilevichS #refactoring- Binary refactoring: improving code behind the scenes (ET, YS), pp. 264–273.
LDTA-2005-LiTR #api #haskell- The Haskell Refactorer, HaRe, and its API (HL, SJT, CR), pp. 29–34.
ASE-2004-RysselbergheD #clone detection #detection #perspective #refactoring- Evaluating Clone Detection Techniques from a Refactoring Perspective (FVR, SD), pp. 336–339.
ASE-2004-YuLB #case study #modelling #refactoring- Refactoring Use Case Models on Episodes (WY, JL, GB), pp. 328–331.
FASE-2004-McComb #refactoring #specification- Refactoring Object-Z Specifications (TM), pp. 69–83.
CSMR-2004-PingK #architecture #refactoring #web- Refactoring Web sites to the Controller-Centric Architecture (YP, KK), pp. 204–213.
ICSM-2004-MendoncaMFA #framework #named #refactoring #xml- RefaX: A Refactoring Framework Based on XML (NCM, PHMM, LAF, RMCA), pp. 147–156.
WCRE-2004-BoisDV #named #refactoring- Refactoring — Improving Coupling and Cohesion of Existing Code (BDB, SD, JV), pp. 144–151.
AFP-2004-Thompson04 #functional #refactoring #source code- Refactoring Functional Programs (SJT), pp. 331–357.
ICGT-2004-EetveldeJ #graph grammar #refactoring- Extending Graph Rewriting for Refactoring (NVE, DJ), pp. 399–415.
SIGAda-2004-Anderson #ada #refactoring- A refactoring tool for Ada 95 (PA), pp. 23–28.
ICEIS-v3-2004-RenBRXYL #case study #prototype #refactoring- A Prototype Tool for Use Case Refactoring (SR, GB, KR, JX, WY, RL), pp. 173–178.
UML-2004-CorreaW #modelling #ocl #refactoring #uml- Applying Refactoring Techniques to UML/OCL Models (ALC, CMLW), pp. 173–187.
UML-2004-StraetenJM #behaviour #consistency #inheritance #refactoring- Supporting Model Refactorings Through Behaviour Inheritance Consistencies (RVDS, VJ, TM), pp. 305–319.
OOPSLA-2004-StreckenbachS #refactoring- Refactoring class hierarchies with KABA (MS, GS), pp. 315–330.
PPDP-2004-RajeshJ #design pattern #named #refactoring- JIAD: a tool to infer design patterns in refactoring (JR, DJ), pp. 227–237.
ICLP-2004-SchrijversS #prolog #refactoring #source code- Improving Prolog Programs: Refactoring for Prolog (TS, AS), pp. 58–72.
ASE-2003-Collard #difference #framework #refactoring #source code- An Infrastructure to Support Meta-Differencing and Refactoring of Source Code (MLC), pp. 377–380.
ASE-2003-GarridoJ #c #compilation #refactoring- Refactoring C with Conditional Compilation (AG, REJ), pp. 323–326.
CSMR-2003-NajjarCLM #object-oriented #refactoring- The Role of Constructors in the Context of Refactoring Object-Oriented System (RN, SC, GL, KM), p. 111–?.
CSMR-2003-TourweM #identification #logic #metaprogramming #refactoring #using- Identifying Refactoring Opportunities Using Logic Meta Programming (TT, TM), pp. 91–100.
CSMR-2003-Vittek #preprocessor #refactoring- Refactoring Browser with Preprocessor (MV), pp. 101–110.
AGTIVE-2003-BottoniPT #distributed #graph transformation #refactoring #specification- Specifying Integrated Refactoring with Distributed Graph Transformations (PB, FPP, GT), pp. 220–235.
ICEIS-v3-2003-RuiRB #case study #modelling #refactoring- Refactoring Use Case Models: A Case Study (KR, SR, GB), pp. 239–244.
UML-2003-GorpSMD #automation #refactoring #towards #uml- Towards Automating Source-Consistent UML Refactorings (PVG, HS, TM, SD), pp. 144–158.
UML-2003-Porres #refactoring #rule-based- Model Refactorings as Rule-Based Update Transformations (IP), pp. 159–174.
OOPSLA-2003-TipKB #constraints #refactoring #using- Refactoring for generalization using type constraints (FT, AK, DB), pp. 13–26.
ESEC-FSE-2003-ChengYHP #analysis #composition #design #modelling #refactoring #scalability #towards- Towards scalable compositional analysis by refactoring design models (YPC, MY, CLH, CYP), pp. 247–256.
LDTA-2003-MensDBSG #named #refactoring #research #roadmap- Refactoring: Current Research and Future Trends (TM, SD, BDB, HS, PVG), pp. 483–499.
ICLP-2003-SerebrenikD #logic programming #refactoring #source code- Refactoring Logic Programs: Extended Abstract (AS, BD), pp. 509–510.
CSMR-2002-Leitao #lisp #pattern matching #refactoring #source code- A Formal Pattern Language for Refactoring of Lisp Programs (APTdMCL), pp. 186–192.
ICSM-2002-KataokaIAF #evaluation #maintenance #refactoring- A Quantitative Evaluation of Maintainability Enhancement by Refactoring (YK, TI, HA, TF), pp. 576–585.
GPCE-2002-Butler #architecture #case study #evolution #framework #refactoring- Architectural Refactoring in Framework Evolution: A Case Study (GB), pp. 128–139.
ISSTA-2002-Cheng #design #induction #modelling #refactoring #verification- Refactoring design models for inductive verification (YPC), pp. 164–168.
CSMR-2001-SimonSL #metric #refactoring- Metrics Based Refactoring (FS, FS, CL), pp. 30–38.
ICSM-2001-KataokaEGN #automation #invariant #refactoring #using- Automated Support for Program Refactoring Using Invariants (YK, MDE, WGG, DN), pp. 736–743.
UML-2001-SunyePTJ #modelling #refactoring #uml- Refactoring UML Models (GS, DP, YLT, JMJ), pp. 134–148.
WCRE-2000-BalazinskaMDLK #object-oriented #refactoring- Advanced Clone-Analysis to Support Object-Oriented System Refactoring (MB, EM, MD, BL, KK), pp. 98–107.
OOPSLA-2000-DemeyerDN #metric #refactoring- Finding refactorings via change metrics (SD, SD, ON), pp. 166–177.
ICSE-2000-Cinneide #automation #design pattern #refactoring- Automated refactoring to introduce design patterns (MÓC), pp. 722–724.
CL-2000-Tarau #named #prolog #refactoring- Fluents: A Refactoring of Prolog for Uniform Reflection an Interoperation with External Objects (PT), pp. 1225–1239.
ASE-1999-TokudaB #design #evolution #object-oriented #refactoring- Evolving Object-Oriented Designs with Refactorings (LT, DSB), p. 174–?.
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