Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
L.Blume G.Maheswara J.S.Bradbury R.M.Baecker A.Donohue R.Baecker D.Fono D.Couto
Talks about:
interact (2) scientist (1) interleav (1) communic (1) webcast (1) persist (1) dialogu (1) visual (1) thread (1) comput (1)
Person: Christopher Collins
DBLP: Collins:Christopher
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- SOFTVIS-2010-MaheswaraBC #concurrent #interactive #named #thread #visualisation
- TIE: an interactive visualization of thread interleavings (GM, JSB, CC), pp. 215–216.
- ITiCSE-2009-BlumeBCD #communication
- A “communication skills for computer scientists” course (LB, RMB, CC, AD), pp. 65–69.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-BaeckerFBCC #chat #interactive #learning #persistent
- Webcasting Made Interactive: Persistent Chat for Text Dialogue During and About Learning Events (RB, DF, LB, CC, DC), pp. 260–268.