Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Italy
1 × Korea
1 × Switzerland
2 × Portugal
Collaborated with:
N.Fanizzi F.Esposito P.Minervini B.Fazzinga G.Gottlob T.Lukasiewicz
Talks about:
semant (3) induct (3) knowledg (2) descript (2) concept (2) base (2) evolutionari (1) probabilist (1) terminolog (1) dissimilar (1)
Person: Claudia d'Amato
DBLP: d'Amato:Claudia
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- SAC-2013-MinerviniFdE #predict #rank #semantics
- Rank prediction for semantically annotated resources (PM, NF, Cd, FE), pp. 333–338.
- SAC-2012-MinervinidF #concept #learning #logic #probability
- Learning probabilistic Description logic concepts: under different Assumptions on missing knowledge (PM, Cd, NF), pp. 378–383.
- SAC-2010-EspositoFd #nondeterminism #validation
- Recovering uncertain mappings through structural validation and aggregation with the MoTo system (FE, NF, Cd), pp. 1428–1432.
- SAC-2010-FanizzidE #induction #towards
- Towards the induction of terminological decision trees (NF, Cd, FE), pp. 1423–1427.
- SAC-2010-dAmatoEFFGL #induction #reasoning #semantics #web
- Inductive reasoning and semantic web search (Cd, FE, NF, BF, GG, TL), pp. 1446–1447.
- CIKM-2007-FanizzidE #clustering #concept #induction #knowledge base #metric #random #semantics
- Randomized metric induction and evolutionary conceptual clustering for semantic knowledge bases (NF, Cd, FE), pp. 51–60.
- SAC-2007-FanizzidE #retrieval
- Instance-based retrieval by analogy (NF, Cd, FE), pp. 1398–1402.
- SAC-2006-dAmatoFE #concept #difference
- A dissimilarity measure for ALC concept descriptions (Cd, NF, FE), pp. 1695–1699.