Travelled to:
1 × Greece
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
B.H.Ximenes I.N.Alves D.F.O.d.Paula B.H.X.M.Menezes
Talks about:
design (2) think (2) user (2) startup (1) softwar (1) qualiti (1) project (1) experi (1) combin (1) center (1)
Person: Cristiano C. Araújo
DBLP: Ara=uacute=jo:Cristiano_C=
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- DUXU-DD-2015-XimenesAA #agile #design #project management
- Software Project Management Combining Agile, Lean Startup and Design Thinking (BHX, INA, CCA), pp. 356–367.
- DUXU-DI-2014-PaulaMA #design #experience #mobile #quality #usability #user interface
- Building a Quality Mobile Application: A User-Centered Study Focusing on Design Thinking, User Experience and Usability (DFOdP, BHXMM, CCA), pp. 313–322.