Travelled to:
1 × United Kingdom
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
W.Ng Z.Zhao Y.Lu J.Cheng R.C.Wong H.Wu S.Gao K.Xing Y.Bu
Talks about:
graph (3) framework (2) distribut (2) algorithm (2) effici (2) comput (2) locat (2) real (2) find (2) monochromat (1)
Person: Da Yan
DBLP: Yan:Da
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- VLDB-2015-LuCYW14 #distributed #evaluation #graph #scalability
- Large-Scale Distributed Graph Computing Systems: An Experimental Evaluation (YL, JC, DY, HW), pp. 281–292.
- VLDB-2014-YanCLN #distributed #framework #graph #named
- Blogel: A Block-Centric Framework for Distributed Computation on Real-World Graphs (DY, JC, YL, WN), pp. 1981–1992.
- VLDB-2014-YanCXLNB #algorithm #graph #performance #problem
- Pregel Algorithms for Graph Connectivity Problems with Performance Guarantees (DY, JC, KX, YL, WN, YB), pp. 1821–1832.
- KDD-2013-ZhaoYNG #framework #learning #twitter
- A transfer learning based framework of crowd-selection on twitter (ZZ, DY, WN, SG), pp. 1514–1517.
- CIKM-2012-YanZN #realtime
- Leveraging read rates of passive RFID tags for real-time indoor location tracking (DY, ZZ, WN), pp. 375–384.
- CIKM-2012-YanZN12a #nearest neighbour #query
- Monochromatic and bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor queries on land surfaces (DY, ZZ, WN), pp. 942–951.
- CIKM-2011-YanWN #adaptation #performance
- Efficient methods for finding influential locations with adaptive grids (DY, RCWW, WN), pp. 1475–1484.
- VLDB-2011-YanZN #algorithm #network #performance
- Efficient Algorithms for Finding Optimal Meeting Point on Road Networks (DY, ZZ, WN), pp. 968–979.