723 papers:
- CASE-2015-AicherRV #abstraction #automation #simulation #towards #verification
- Towards finding the appropriate level of abstraction to model and verify automated production systems in discrete event simulation (TA, SR, BVH), pp. 1048–1053.
- DATE-2015-DupuisBFNR #hardware #testing
- New testing procedure for finding insertion sites of stealthy hardware trojans (SD, PSB, MLF, GDN, BR), pp. 776–781.
- SIGMOD-2015-Anagnostopoulos #crowdsourcing #performance
- The Importance of Being Expert: Efficient Max-Finding in Crowdsourcing (AA, LB, AF, IM, MR), pp. 983–998.
- SIGMOD-2015-MozafariGY #database #design #framework #named #robust
- CliffGuard: A Principled Framework for Finding Robust Database Designs (BM, EZYG, DYY), pp. 1167–1182.
- SIGMOD-2015-WuTNX0 #named
- FTT: A System for Finding and Tracking Tourists in Public Transport Services (HW, JAT, WSN, MX, WC), pp. 1093–1098.
- VLDB-2015-LiuXPLZ
- Finding Pareto Optimal Groups: Group-based Skyline (JL, LX, JP, JL, HZ), pp. 2086–2097.
- VLDB-2015-ShiokawaFO #algorithm #clustering #graph #performance #scalability
- SCAN++: Efficient Algorithm for Finding Clusters, Hubs and Outliers on Large-scale Graphs (HS, YF, MO), pp. 1178–1189.
- VLDB-2015-YingKSS #named
- TreeScope: Finding Structural Anomalies In Semi-Structured Data (SY, FK, BS, DS), pp. 1904–1915.
- PLDI-2015-IsradisaikulM #parsing
- Finding counterexamples from parsing conflicts (CI, ACM), pp. 555–564.
- ICALP-v1-2015-BeameLP #bound
- Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space (PB, VL, MP), pp. 103–115.
- ICALP-v1-2015-HenzingerKL #component #polynomial
- Finding 2-Edge and 2-Vertex Strongly Connected Components in Quadratic Time (MH, SK, VL), pp. 713–724.
- ICALP-v1-2015-KawaseKY #graph
- Finding a Path in Group-Labeled Graphs with Two Labels Forbidden (YK, YK, YY), pp. 797–809.
- LATA-2015-DaiW #algorithm #parallel #random #sequence
- A Parallel Algorithm for Finding All Minimal Maximum Subsequences via Random Walk (HKD, ZW), pp. 133–144.
- SEFM-2015-KnapikNP #generative #order
- Generating None-Plans in Order to Find Plans (MK, AN, WP), pp. 310–324.
- CHI-2015-KonradBCTNDPW #adaptation #automation #reduction
- Finding the Adaptive Sweet Spot: Balancing Compliance and Achievement in Automated Stress Reduction (AK, VB, NC, ST, LN, HD, PP, SW), pp. 3829–3838.
- DUXU-IXD-2015-LageiroLD #evaluation
- Evaluation of Users Acceptance of a Digital Medicine Fact Sheet: Findings from a Focus Group (AL, CL, ED), pp. 638–647.
- LCT-2015-IbanezN #design #implementation #multi #using
- Contextualization of Archaeological Findings Using Virtual Worlds. Issues on Design and Implementation of a Multiuser Enabled Virtual Museum (LAHI, VBN), pp. 384–393.
- LCT-2015-KaprosP #api #education #guidelines #usability
- Usability of Educational Technology APIs: Findings and Guidelines (EK, NP), pp. 249–260.
- ICEIS-v1-2015-JuniorS #approach #compilation #optimisation #reasoning #set
- Finding Good Compiler Optimization Sets — A Case-based Reasoning Approach (NLQJ, AFdS), pp. 504–515.
- ICEIS-v2-2015-SarinhoLS #dataset #linked data #open data #question
- Can You Find All the Data You Expect in a Linked Dataset? (WTS, BFL, DS), pp. 648–655.
- ECIR-2015-SadeghiBMSSV #predict #process
- Predicting Re-finding Activity and Difficulty (SS, RB, PM, MS, FS, DV), pp. 715–727.
- ECIR-2015-ZucconKP #effectiveness #self
- Diagnose This If You Can — On the Effectiveness of Search Engines in Finding Medical Self-diagnosis Information (GZ, BK, JRMP), pp. 562–567.
- ICML-2015-GarnettHS #process
- Finding Galaxies in the Shadows of Quasars with Gaussian Processes (RG, SH, JS), pp. 1025–1033.
- ICML-2015-MaLF #analysis #canonical #correlation #dataset #linear #scalability
- Finding Linear Structure in Large Datasets with Scalable Canonical Correlation Analysis (ZM, YL, DPF), pp. 169–178.
- KDD-2015-SmithCS #web
- Going In-Depth: Finding Longform on the Web (VS, MC, IS), pp. 2109–2118.
- SEKE-2015-NakstadWF #crawling #gesture #interactive
- Finding and Emulating Keyboard, Mouse, and Touch Interactions and Gestures while Crawling RIA’s (FN, HW, YF), pp. 631–638.
- SIGIR-2015-DorandoAVKM #information retrieval
- Finding Money in the Haystack: Information Retrieval at Bloomberg (JJD, KA, PV, GK, GM), p. 1075.
- SIGIR-2015-NguyenKNZ #documentation #random #web
- A Time-aware Random Walk Model for Finding Important Documents in Web Archives (TNN, NK, CN, XZ), pp. 915–918.
- SIGIR-2015-OdijkMSR #modelling #query
- Dynamic Query Modeling for Related Content Finding (DO, EM, IS, MdR), pp. 33–42.
- SIGIR-2015-Yulianti #web
- Finding Answers in Web Search (EY), p. 1069.
- ECMFA-J-2012-ButtnerC15 #lightweight #reasoning #string
- Lightweight string reasoning in model finding (FB, JC), pp. 413–427.
- AMT-2015-SelimCDLO #case study #debugging #experience #model transformation #verification
- Finding and Fixing Bugs in Model Transformations with Formal Verification: An Experience Report (GMKS, JRC, JD, LL, BJO), pp. 26–35.
- OOPSLA-2015-LeSS #compilation #debugging #probability
- Finding deep compiler bugs via guided stochastic program mutation (VL, CS, ZS), pp. 386–399.
- REFSQ-2015-RazavianG #requirements
- Consonance Between Economic and IT Services: Finding the Balance Between Conflicting Requirements (MR, JG), pp. 148–163.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-BarikJM #research #social
- I heart hacker news: expanding qualitative research findings by analyzing social news websites (TB, BJ, ERMH), pp. 882–885.
- ESEC-FSE-2015-HuangR #branch
- Finding schedule-sensitive branches (JH, LR), pp. 439–449.
- ICSE-v2-2015-CzerwonkaGT #bibliography #code review #debugging #how
- Code Reviews Do Not Find Bugs. How the Current Code Review Best Practice Slows Us Down (JC, MG, JT), pp. 27–28.
- ICSE-v2-2015-McCarthyRS #comprehension #consistency #named
- Bixie: Finding and Understanding Inconsistent Code (TM, PR, MS), pp. 645–648.
- SOSP-2015-CurtsingerB #named #profiling
- Coz: finding code that counts with causal profiling (CC, EDB), pp. 184–197.
- SOSP-2015-MinKLSK #correctness #debugging #file system #semantics
- Cross-checking semantic correctness: the case of finding file system bugs (CM, SK, BL, CS, TK), pp. 361–377.
- CADE-2015-SaghafiDD
- Exploring Theories with a Model-Finding Assistant (SS, RD, DJD), pp. 434–449.
- CAV-2015-ErezN #automation #bound #graph #smt #using
- Finding Bounded Path in Graph Using SMT for Automatic Clock Routing (AE, AN), pp. 20–36.
- ICST-2015-YuC #embedded #generative #stack #testing #worst-case
- Guided Test Generation for Finding Worst-Case Stack Usage in Embedded Systems (TY, MBC), pp. 1–10.
- ASE-2014-HigoK #consistency #named #nondeterminism #source code
- MPAnalyzer: a tool for finding unintended inconsistencies in program source code (YH, SK), pp. 843–846.
- ASE-2014-MahajanH #comparison #html #image #using
- Finding HTML presentation failures using image comparison techniques (SM, WGJH), pp. 91–96.
- HT-2014-LopezSKT
- Finding mr and mrs entity in the city of knowledge (VL, MS, SK, PT), pp. 261–266.
- SIGMOD-2014-RoyS #approach #database #formal method #query
- A formal approach to finding explanations for database queries (SR, DS), pp. 1579–1590.
- VLDB-2014-YangDCC #keyword #knowledge base #using
- Finding Patterns in a Knowledge Base using Keywords to Compose Table Answers (MY, BD, SC, KC), pp. 1809–1820.
- VLDB-2014-YangGYL #constraints #graph
- Finding the Cost-Optimal Path with Time Constraint over Time-Dependent Graphs (YY, HG, JXY, JL), pp. 673–684.
- ITiCSE-2014-EricssonW #mining #what
- Mining job ads to find what skills are sought after from an employers’ perspective on IT graduates (ME, AW), p. 354.
- FASE-2014-CunhaMG #relational
- Target Oriented Relational Model Finding (AC, NM, TG), pp. 17–31.
- MSR-2014-HanamTHL #ranking #static analysis
- Finding patterns in static analysis alerts: improving actionable alert ranking (QH, LT, RH, PL), pp. 152–161.
- CHI-2014-GarbettCEGO #interface #people #trust
- Finding “real people”: trust and diversity in the interface between professional and citizen journalists (ATG, RC, PE, MG, PO), pp. 3015–3024.
- CHI-2014-LaseckiWFB #dependence #using
- Finding dependencies between actions using the crowd (WSL, LW, GF, JPB), pp. 3095–3098.
- CHI-2014-MorrisSGK #named #smarttech #using
- RecoFit: using a wearable sensor to find, recognize, and count repetitive exercises (DM, TSS, AG, IK), pp. 3225–3234.
- CSCW-2014-ChangKGT #gender #social
- Specialization, homophily, and gender in a social curation site: findings from pinterest (SC, VK, EG, LGT), pp. 674–686.
- DUXU-ELAS-2014-MontAlvao #bibliography #health #using
- Health Care Professionals vs Other Professionals: Do They Have Different Perceptions about Health Care Waste and Dangerous Products Pictograms? Some Findings Using a Digital Device in Field Survey (CRM), pp. 83–90.
- HCI-AS-2014-Hussain #data mining #mining
- Getting the Most from CRM Systems: Data Mining in SugarCRM, Finding Important Patterns (QH), pp. 693–699.
- HCI-AS-2014-LandyLNPLM #analysis #comparative #development #predict
- Finding Directions to a Good GPS System — A Comparative Analysis and Development of a Predictive Model (JL, TL, NN, PP, EL, PM), pp. 454–465.
- HIMI-DE-2014-AokiSMO #research #visualisation
- Visualization Tool for Finding of Researcher Relations (TA, YS, KM, SO), pp. 3–9.
- HIMI-DE-2014-KobayashiS #corpus #topic
- Finding Division Points for Time-Series Corpus Based on Topic Changes (HK, RS), pp. 364–372.
- LCT-TRE-2014-SofticVMWE #research #using
- Finding and Exploring Commonalities between Researchers Using the ResXplorer (SS, LDV, EM, RVdW, ME), pp. 486–494.
- CAiSE-2014-VergneS #community #markov #network #open source #using
- Expert Finding Using Markov Networks in Open Source Communities (MV, AS), pp. 196–210.
- CAiSE-2014-VlaanderenDB #incremental
- Finding Optimal Plans for Incremental Method Engineering (KV, FD, SB), pp. 640–655.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-BeenK #analysis #approach #internet #online #people
- Finding You on the Internet — An Approach for Finding On-line Presences of People for Fraud Risk Analysis (HB, MvK), pp. 697–706.
- ICEIS-v2-2014-ProcaciSA #analysis #community #metric #online #people #reduction #reliability
- Finding Reliable People in Online Communities of Questions and Answers — Analysis of Metrics and Scope Reduction (TBP, SWMS, LCVdA), pp. 526–535.
- CIKM-2014-HassanFVDL0
- Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Finding Expert Teams by CrewScout (NH, HF, RV, GD, CL, NZ), pp. 2030–2032.
- CIKM-2014-OchiaiKT #case study
- Re-call and Re-cognition in Episode Re-retrieval: A User Study on News Re-finding a Fortnight Later (SO, MPK, KT), pp. 579–588.
- ICML-c2-2014-PapailiopoulosMDC #optimisation #rank
- Finding Dense Subgraphs via Low-Rank Bilinear Optimization (DSP, IM, AGD, CC), pp. 1890–1898.
- ICPR-2014-GubarevaSSLM #linear
- Finding the Largest Hypercavity in a Linear Data Space (AG, VS, OS, AL, VM), pp. 4406–4410.
- ICPR-2014-MiyanS #consistency #image #using
- Finding Corresponding Patches in Texture Images Using Tensor Consistency Check (SBM, JS), pp. 4021–4026.
- KDIR-2014-AbouEisha
- Finding Optimal Exact Reducts (HA), pp. 149–153.
- KDIR-2014-AlHuwaishelAB #algorithm #case study #database
- Finding the Frequent Pattern in a Database — A Study on the Apriori Algorithm (NA, MA, GB), pp. 388–396.
- KEOD-2014-Aalst #mining #people #process #what
- No Knowledge Without Processes — Process Mining as a Tool to Find Out What People and Organizations Really Do (WMPvdA), pp. 1–11.
- MLDM-2014-SilvaA #multi
- Finding Multi-dimensional Patterns in Healthcare (AS, CA), pp. 361–375.
- SIGIR-2014-ChengCBB #approach #twitter
- Who is the barbecue king of texas?: a geo-spatial approach to finding local experts on twitter (ZC, JC, HB, VB), pp. 335–344.
- SIGIR-2014-ChengSHCC #named #ranking #self
- IMRank: influence maximization via finding self-consistent ranking (SC, HS, JH, WC, XC), pp. 475–484.
- SIGIR-2014-YeniterziC #bias #testing
- Analyzing bias in CQA-based expert finding test sets (RY, JC), pp. 967–970.
- ECOOP-2014-LiT #analysis #fault #python #source code
- Finding Reference-Counting Errors in Python/C Programs with Affine Analysis (SL, GT), pp. 80–104.
- OOPSLA-2014-PavlinovicKW #fault
- Finding minimum type error sources (ZP, TK, TW), pp. 525–542.
- SAC-2014-LinWCC #query
- Finding targets with the nearest favor neighbor and farthest disfavor neighbor by a skyline query (YWL, ETW, CFC, ALPC), pp. 821–826.
- SAC-2014-PotocnikCS #debugging #named #problem #scala
- Linter: a tool for finding bugs and potential problems in scala code (MP, UC, BS), pp. 1615–1616.
- ASPLOS-2014-BanabicCG #distributed
- Finding trojan message vulnerabilities in distributed systems (RB, GC, RG), pp. 113–126.
- ASPLOS-2014-DingZZES #compilation #complexity #runtime #scheduling
- Finding the limit: examining the potential and complexity of compilation scheduling for JIT-based runtime systems (YD, MZ, ZZ, SE, XS), pp. 607–622.
- CAV-2014-CookFHIJP #biology #modelling
- Finding Instability in Biological Models (BC, JF, BAH, SI, GJ, NP), pp. 358–372.
- ICST-2014-VarvaressosLMGH #automation #case study #debugging #game studies #monitoring #runtime #video
- Automated Bug Finding in Video Games: A Case Study for Runtime Monitoring (SV, KL, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 143–152.
- ISSTA-2014-XuZXW #c #named #source code
- Canalyze: a static bug-finding tool for C programs (ZX, JZ, ZX, JW), pp. 425–428.
- ECSA-2013-AnvaariCJ #architecture #case study #enterprise #industrial
- Architectural Decision-Making in Enterprises: Preliminary Findings from an Exploratory Study in Norwegian Electricity Industry (MA, RC, LJ), pp. 162–175.
- ASE-2013-ChhetriCVK #in the cloud
- Smart Cloud Broker: Finding your home in the clouds (MBC, SC, QBV, RK), pp. 698–701.
- ASE-2013-VanciuA #architecture #constraints #using
- Finding architectural flaws using constraints (RV, MAA), pp. 334–344.
- ICDAR-2013-DovgalecsBTNH #documentation #exclamation #word
- Spot It! Finding Words and Patterns in Historical Documents (VD, AB, PT, SN, LH), pp. 1039–1043.
- ICDAR-2013-MauroEF #web
- Finding Critical Cells in Web Tables with SRL: Trying to Uncover the Devil’s Tease (NDM, FE, SF), pp. 882–886.
- SIGMOD-2013-LuoT0N
- Finding time period-based most frequent path in big trajectory data (WL, HT, LC, LMN), pp. 713–724.
- VLDB-2014-KaulWYJ13
- Finding Shortest Paths on Terrains by Killing Two Birds with One Stone (MK, RCWW, BY, CSJ), pp. 73–84.
- ITiCSE-WGR-2013-ShumbaFSTFTSABH #recommendation #women
- Cybersecurity, women and minorities: findings and recommendations from a preliminary investigation (RS, KFB, ES, CT, GF, CT, CS, GA, RB, LH), pp. 1–14.
- CSMR-2013-LerchM #debugging
- Finding Duplicates of Your Yet Unwritten Bug Report (JL, MM), pp. 69–78.
- WCRE-2013-TeytonFMB #library
- Find your library experts (CT, JRF, FM, XB), pp. 202–211.
- PLDI-2013-ZhangNY #abstraction #analysis #data flow #parametricity
- Finding optimum abstractions in parametric dataflow analysis (XZ, MN, HY), pp. 365–376.
- ICALP-v1-2013-BrunschR #algorithm
- Finding Short Paths on Polytopes by the Shadow Vertex Algorithm (TB, HR), pp. 279–290.
- CHI-2013-WycheM #mobile
- Powering the cellphone revolution: findings from mobile phone charging trials in off-grid Kenya (SW, LLM), pp. 1959–1968.
- CSCW-2013-YaroshMZE #enterprise #exclamation #process #taxonomy
- I need someone to help!: a taxonomy of helper-finding activities in the enterprise (SY, TM, MXZ, KE), pp. 1375–1386.
- DUXU-PMT-2013-ChiuT #design #effectiveness #idea #network #process #social
- User Involvement in Idea Brainstorming of Design Process: Finding the Effective Strategy in Social Network Service (SCC, KT), pp. 593–598.
- DUXU-WM-2013-KondoK #development #evaluation #image #interactive #prototype #using #visual notation
- Trial of Diagnostic to Find Preferable Job Using the Visual Image Information Interaction: Prototype Development and Evaluation in Global Human Resources Matching Site (AK, NK), pp. 525–532.
- HCI-UC-2013-YangRV #industrial #interactive
- Principled Ways of Finding, Analysing and Planning for Communicative Overhead in Interaction Technology for Fashion Industry (JY, SR, SV), pp. 484–491.
- HIMI-LCCB-2013-Tanaka-YamawakiI #prototype
- Finding a Prototype Form of Sustainable Strategies for the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (MTY, RI), pp. 616–624.
- OCSC-2013-OtakeUS #game studies #social
- A Consideration of the Functions That Support to Find New Friends in Social Games (KO, TU, AS), pp. 405–411.
- VISSOFT-2013-AbuthawabehBZD #matrix #multi #visualisation
- Finding structures in multi-type code couplings with node-link and matrix visualizations (AA, FB, DZ, SD), pp. 1–10.
- CIKM-2013-MorishimaYTSK #dependence #performance #ranking #web
- Efficient filtering and ranking schemes for finding inclusion dependencies on the web (AM, EY, MT, SS, HK), pp. 763–768.
- ICML-c3-2013-ZhuLM #algorithm #clustering
- A Local Algorithm for Finding Well-Connected Clusters (ZAZ, SL, VSM), pp. 396–404.
- KDIR-KMIS-2013-MeiselBI #mining #query
- Mining the Long Tail of Search Queries — Finding Profitable Patterns (MM, MB, AI), pp. 225–229.
- RecSys-2013-XuBATMK #recommendation
- Catch-up TV recommendations: show old favourites and find new ones (MX, SB, SA, ST, AM, IK), pp. 285–294.
- SIGIR-2013-AslayOAJ #network
- Competition-based networks for expert finding (ÇA, NO, LMA, AJ), pp. 1033–1036.
- SIGIR-2013-LiangR #corpus #enterprise #information management
- Finding knowledgeable groups in enterprise corpora (SL, MdR), pp. 1005–1008.
- SIGIR-2013-LuoOTW #twitter
- Who will retweet me?: finding retweeters in twitter (ZL, MO, JT, TW), pp. 869–872.
- SIGIR-2013-SekiM #feedback #social #using
- Finding impressive social content creators: searching for SNS illustrators using feedback on motifs and impressions (YS, KM), pp. 1041–1044.
- SAC-PL-J-2010-PopeeaC13 #analysis #debugging #proving #safety
- Dual analysis for proving safety and finding bugs (CP, WNC), pp. 390–411.
- ESEC-FSE-2013-LiuDZ #composition
- Finding incorrect compositions of atomicity (PL, JD, CZ), pp. 158–168.
- ICSE-2013-JohnsonSMB #debugging #developer #question #static analysis #tool support #why
- Why don’t software developers use static analysis tools to find bugs? (BJ, YS, ERMH, RWB), pp. 672–681.
- ICSE-2013-LewisLSZOW #case study #debugging #developer #predict
- Does bug prediction support human developers? findings from a google case study (CL, ZL, CS, XZ, RO, EJWJ), pp. 372–381.
- CADE-2013-ReynoldsTGKDB #finite #quantifier #smt
- Quantifier Instantiation Techniques for Finite Model Finding in SMT (AR, CT, AG, SK, MD, CB), pp. 377–391.
- CAV-2013-ReynoldsTGK #finite #smt
- Finite Model Finding in SMT (AR, CT, AG, SK), pp. 640–655.
- CAV-2013-SosnovichGN #network #protocol #security #using
- Finding Security Vulnerabilities in a Network Protocol Using Parameterized Systems (AS, OG, GN), pp. 724–739.
- ICLP-J-2013-ErdemPSSU #approach #multi
- Finding optimal plans for multiple teams of robots through a mediator: A logic-based approach (EE, VP, ZGS, PS, TU), pp. 831–846.
- ICTSS-2013-SapraMCGC #execution #fault #python #source code #symbolic computation #using
- Finding Errors in Python Programs Using Dynamic Symbolic Execution (SS, MM, SC, AG, EMC), pp. 283–289.
- ISSTA-2013-ChocklerEY #concurrent #fault
- Finding rare numerical stability errors in concurrent computations (HC, KE, EY), pp. 12–22.
- ISSTA-2013-TrippWG #approach #learning #security #testing #web
- Finding your way in the testing jungle: a learning approach to web security testing (OT, OW, LG), pp. 347–357.
- SAT-2013-JordanK #reduction
- Experiments with Reduction Finding (CJ, LK), pp. 192–207.
- ASE-2012-HarmanLJWAC #challenge #programming #search-based #source code #using
- The GISMOE challenge: constructing the pareto program surface using genetic programming to find better programs (keynote paper) (MH, WBL, YJ, DRW, AA, JAC), pp. 1–14.
- ASE-2012-ThungLLJRD #debugging #detection #empirical #fault #tool support #what
- To what extent could we detect field defects? an empirical study of false negatives in static bug finding tools (FT, L, DL, LJ, FR, PTD), pp. 50–59.
- HT-2012-RyuLW #social #social media
- Finding and exploring memes in social media (HR, ML, NW), pp. 295–304.
- SIGMOD-2012-AndersonTBRV #graph #named
- PAnG: finding patterns in annotation graphs (PA, AT, JB, LR, MEV), pp. 677–680.
- Finding related tables (ADS, LF, NG, AYH, HL, FW, RX, CY), pp. 817–828.
- VLDB-2013-LiDLMS12 #problem #question #web
- Truth Finding on the Deep Web: Is the Problem Solved? (XL, XLD, KL, WM, DS), pp. 97–108.
- ICSM-2012-RupakhetiH #constraints #fault #modelling #similarity #theorem proving #using
- Finding errors from reverse-engineered equality models using a constraint solver (CRR, DH), pp. 77–86.
- PEPM-2012-KarlsenHO #debugging #eclipse #java #plugin
- Finding and fixing Java naming bugs with the lancelot eclipse plugin (EKK, EWH, BMØ), pp. 35–38.
- PLDI-2012-BenzHH #float #problem #program analysis
- A dynamic program analysis to find floating-point accuracy problems (FB, AH, SH), pp. 453–462.
- SAS-2012-EmmiL #distributed #source code
- Finding Non-terminating Executions in Distributed Asynchronous Programs (ME, AL), pp. 439–455.
- STOC-2012-CebrianCVV #contract #robust
- Finding red balloons with split contracts: robustness to individuals’ selfishness (MC, LC, AV, PV), pp. 775–788.
- CHI-2012-BergmanWSNR #how #navigation
- How do we find personal files?: the effect of OS, presentation & depth on file navigation (OB, SW, MS, RN, AR), pp. 2977–2980.
- CHI-2012-DiakopoulosCN #social #social media
- Finding and assessing social media information sources in the context of journalism (ND, MDC, MN), pp. 2451–2460.
- CHI-2012-HaqueKAALDRHS #mobile #monitoring
- Findings of e-ESAS: a mobile based symptom monitoring system for breast cancer patients in rural Bangladesh (MMH, FAK, MA, SIA, RL, RD, DR, SH, RS), pp. 899–908.
- CHI-2012-KleekSSs #game studies #named #twitter
- Twiage: a game for finding good advice on twitter (MVK, DAS, RS, MMCS), pp. 889–898.
- CHI-2012-KuhnMSCLQD #how #multi #student
- How students find, evaluate and utilize peer-collected annotated multimedia data in science inquiry with zydeco (AK, BM, SS, CC, WTL, CQ, ID), pp. 3061–3070.
- CSCW-2012-MassimiDD
- Finding a new normal: the role of technology in life disruptions (MM, JPD, CALD), pp. 719–728.
- ICEIS-J-2012-AmarGMHLN12a #automation #concept analysis
- Finding Semi-Automatically a Greatest Common Model Thanks to Formal Concept Analysis (BA, AOG, AM, MH, TL, CN), pp. 72–91.
- CIKM-2012-Chung #using
- Finding food entity relationships using user-generated data in recipe service (YjC), pp. 2611–2614.
- CIKM-2012-HaiCC #mining
- One seed to find them all: mining opinion features via association (ZH, KC, GC), pp. 255–264.
- CIKM-2012-HuHXLUZ #analysis #mining
- Finding nuggets in IP portfolios: core patent mining through textual temporal analysis (PH, MH, PX, WL, AKU, XZ), pp. 1819–1823.
- CIKM-2012-YangYGL #graph #multi
- Finding the optimal path over multi-cost graphs (YY, JXY, HG, JL), pp. 2124–2128.
- CIKM-2012-YeoPH #game studies #social
- Finding influential products on social domination game (JY, JWP, SwH), pp. 2359–2362.
- CIKM-2012-ZhanZZL #nondeterminism
- Finding top k most influential spatial facilities over uncertain objects (LZ, YZ, WZ, XL), pp. 922–931.
- CIKM-2012-ZhouLLZ #community #probability #topic
- Topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding in question answer communities (GZ, SL, KL, JZ), pp. 1662–1666.
- ICML-2012-HaiderS #clustering #graph #using
- Finding Botnets Using Minimal Graph Clusterings (PH, TS), p. 37.
- ICPR-2012-CrandallFP #modelling #probability #using #visual notation
- Layer-finding in radar echograms using probabilistic graphical models (DJC, GCF, JP), pp. 1530–1533.
- ICPR-2012-FrouzeshPH #modelling #optimisation
- A combined method for finding best starting points for optimisation in bernoulli mixture models (FF, SP, YH), pp. 1128–1131.
- ICPR-2012-GuoZC #representation
- Find dominant bins of a histogram by sparse representation (XG, ZCZ, AC), pp. 3038–3041.
- ICPR-2012-KemmlerD
- Finding discriminative features for Raman spectroscopy (MK, JD), pp. 1823–1826.
- KDD-2012-BawabMC #personalisation #query #recommendation #topic
- Finding trending local topics in search queries for personalization of a recommendation system (ZAB, GHM, JFC), pp. 397–405.
- KDD-2012-GunnemannFVS #clustering #correlation
- Subspace correlation clustering: finding locally correlated dimensions in subspace projections of the data (SG, IF, KV, TS), pp. 352–360.
- KDD-2012-LiuZW #set
- Finding minimum representative pattern sets (GL, HZ, LW), pp. 51–59.
- KDD-2012-Saez-TrumperCABB #network
- Finding trendsetters in information networks (DST, GC, VAFA, RABY, FB), pp. 1014–1022.
- KEOD-2012-MatskanisAMMR #approach #linked data #open data #query #research
- A Linked Data Approach for Querying Heterogeneous Sources — Assisting Researchers in Finding Answers to Complex Clinical Questions (NM, VA, PM, KM, JR), pp. 411–414.
- KR-2012-LacknerP #algorithm #modelling #parametricity
- Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models (ML, AP).
- MLDM-2012-KhanCDE #3d #case study #correlation #incremental #symmetry
- Finding Correlations between 3-D Surfaces: A Study in Asymmetric Incremental Sheet Forming (MSK, FC, CD, SES), pp. 366–379.
- RecSys-2012-LeviMDT #recommendation
- Finding a needle in a haystack of reviews: cold start context-based hotel recommender system (AL, OM, CD, NT), pp. 115–122.
- RecSys-2012-LeviMDT12a #recommendation
- Finding a needle in a haystack of reviews: cold start context-based hotel recommender system demo (AL, OM, CD, NT), pp. 305–306.
- SIGIR-2012-ChenLYYN #network #social #web
- Finding web appearances of social network users via latent factor model (KC, ZL, XY, YY, ZN), pp. 1077–1078.
- SIGIR-2012-JiangYHH #social
- Finding readings for scientists from social websites (JJ, ZY, SH, DH), pp. 1075–1076.
- SIGIR-2012-YalnizM
- Finding translations in scanned book collections (IZY, RM), pp. 465–474.
- SIGIR-2012-YangLLR #analysis #graph #twitter
- Finding interesting posts in Twitter based on retweet graph analysis (MCY, JTL, SWL, HCR), pp. 1073–1074.
- OOPSLA-2012-Xu #data type #reuse
- Finding reusable data structures (G(X), pp. 1017–1034.
- SAC-2012-EynardIG
- Finding similar destinations with flickr geotags (DE, AI, LG), pp. 733–736.
- SAC-2012-HsiehC #social
- Finding similar items by leveraging social tag clouds (CCH, JC), pp. 644–651.
- ICSE-2012-AlvesSF #named #smell
- ConcernReCS: Finding code smells in software aspectization (PA, DS, EF), pp. 1463–1464.
- ICSE-2012-GrechanikFX #automation #learning #performance #problem #testing
- Automatically finding performance problems with feedback-directed learning software testing (MG, CF, QX), pp. 156–166.
- ICSE-2012-Stolee #lightweight #semantics #source code #specification
- Finding suitable programs: Semantic search with incomplete and lightweight specifications (KTS), pp. 1571–1574.
- CAV-2012-SinhaSCS
- Alternate and Learn: Finding Witnesses without Looking All over (NS, NS, SC, MS), pp. 599–615.
- ICST-2012-TonellaMNJLH #approximate #execution #modelling
- Finding the Optimal Balance between Over and Under Approximation of Models Inferred from Execution Logs (PT, AM, DCN, YJ, KL, MH), pp. 21–30.
- ISSTA-2012-ZhangLE #fault #parallel #thread #user interface
- Finding errors in multithreaded GUI applications (SZ, HL, MDE), pp. 243–253.
- SAT-2012-JarvisaloKKK #performance
- Finding Efficient Circuits for Ensemble Computation (MJ, PK, MK, JHK), pp. 369–382.
- ASE-2011-GottipatiLJ
- Finding relevant answers in software forums (SG, DL, JJ), pp. 323–332.
- ASE-2011-LiuZCXM
- Finding the merits and drawbacks of software resources from comments (CL, YZ, SC, BX, HM), pp. 432–435.
- ASE-2011-WeiRFPHSNM #contract #fault #testing
- Stateful testing: Finding more errors in code and contracts (YW, HR, CAF, YP, AH, MJS, MN, BM), pp. 440–443.
- PODS-2011-JowhariST #bound #problem
- Tight bounds for Lp samplers, finding duplicates in streams, and related problems (HJ, MS, GT), pp. 49–58.
- PODS-2011-KimelfeldS #constraints
- Finding a minimal tree pattern under neighborhood constraints (BK, YS), pp. 235–246.
- PODS-2011-ShengT11a #memory management #on the
- On finding skylines in external memory (CS, YT), pp. 107–116.
- SIGMOD-2011-LiuW
- Finding shortest path on land surface (LL, RCWW), pp. 433–444.
- SIGMOD-2011-WangWW #semantics
- Finding semantics in time series (PW, HW, WW), pp. 385–396.
- VLDB-2011-KargarA #clique #graph #keyword
- Keyword Search in Graphs: Finding r-cliques (MK, AA), pp. 681–692.
- VLDB-2011-YanZN #algorithm #network #performance
- Efficient Algorithms for Finding Optimal Meeting Point on Road Networks (DY, ZZ, WN), pp. 968–979.
- ITiCSE-2011-AkbarFCDSFC #education #how #online
- How educators find educational resources online (MA, WF, LNC, LMLD, CAS, EAF, YC), p. 367.
- ITiCSE-2011-HawthorneKC #community #education
- Findings from an ACM strategic summit on computing education in community colleges (EKH, KJK, RDC), p. 373.
- MSR-2011-DaviesGGH
- Software bertillonage: finding the provenance of an entity (JD, DMG, MWG, AH), pp. 183–192.
- MSR-2011-HemelKVD #clone detection #detection
- Finding software license violations through binary code clone detection (AH, KTK, RV, ED), pp. 63–72.
- PLDI-2011-YangCER #c #compilation #comprehension #debugging
- Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers (XY, YC, EE, JR), pp. 283–294.
- STOC-2011-GroheKMW #parametricity
- Finding topological subgraphs is fixed-parameter tractable (MG, KiK, DM, PW), pp. 479–488.
- STOC-2011-PatrascuT11a
- Don’t rush into a union: take time to find your roots (MP, MT), pp. 559–568.
- DLT-J-2010-Giammarresi11 #subclass
- Exploring inside Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages to Find Deterministic subclasses (DG), pp. 1519–1532.
- LATA-2011-KowalukLL
- Unique Small Subgraphs Are Not Easier to Find (MK, AL, EML), pp. 336–341.
- LATA-2011-ReidenbachS #memory management #scheduling #word
- Finding Shuffle Words That Represent Optimal Scheduling of Shared Memory Access (DR, MLS), pp. 465–476.
- CHI-2011-HollinworthH
- Cursor relocation techniques to help older adults find “lost” cursors (NH, FH), pp. 863–866.
- DUXU-v1-2011-Zender #visual notation
- Visual Innovation through Findings in Perception (PMZ), pp. 342–351.
- HCD-2011-AlmAGEDVR #aspect-oriented
- Cognitive Prostheses: Findings from Attempts to Model Some Aspects of Cognition (NA, AA, GG, ME, RD, PV, PR), pp. 275–284.
- HCI-DDA-2011-KalwarHP #behaviour #internet
- Finding a Relationship between Internet Anxiety and Human Behavior (SKK, KH, JP), pp. 359–367.
- HCI-MIIE-2011-ChenCSL #design #mobile #volunteer
- Finding Suitable Candidates: The Design of a Mobile Volunteering Matching System (WCC, YMC, FES, CLL), pp. 21–29.
- HCI-UA-2011-LinHLYH #mining #using
- Using Grounded Theory and Text Mining to Find Interesting Reading Materials for Slow EFL Learners (YCL, ClH, MHL, HFY, CFH), pp. 77–85.
- IDGD-2011-WelkerGS #design #evaluation #web
- Designing Web Marketing that Works for Users: Finding Best Practices through Evaluation and Conversation (KW, FYG, SS), pp. 407–416.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-AbramowiczBDFK #interface #semantics #web
- Web Interface for Semantically Enabled Experts Finding System (WA, EB, JD, AF, MK), pp. 291–296.
- CIKM-2011-BerlingerioCG #community #multi #network
- Finding redundant and complementary communities in multidimensional networks (MB, MC, FG), pp. 2181–2184.
- CIKM-2011-ChangYQZW #network #scalability
- Finding information nebula over large networks (LC, JXY, LQ, YZ, HW), pp. 1465–1474.
- CIKM-2011-DengZFX #approach #in memory #memory management
- Information re-finding by context: a brain memory inspired approach (TD, LZ, LF, WX), pp. 1553–1558.
- CIKM-2011-DouHLSW #query
- Finding dimensions for queries (ZD, SH, YL, RS, JRW), pp. 1311–1320.
- CIKM-2011-LiuCZH #learning #random
- Learning conditional random fields with latent sparse features for acronym expansion finding (JL, JC, YZ, YH), pp. 867–872.
- CIKM-2011-LiuFYW #enterprise
- Finding relevant information of certain types from enterprise data (XL, HF, CY, MW), pp. 47–56.
- CIKM-2011-TanevaKW #image
- Finding images of difficult entities in the long tail (BT, MK, GW), pp. 189–194.
- CIKM-2011-WuQD #owl #pipes and filters #using
- Finding all justifications of OWL entailments using TMS and MapReduce (GW, GQ, JD), pp. 1425–1434.
- CIKM-2011-YanWN #adaptation #performance
- Efficient methods for finding influential locations with adaptive grids (DY, RCWW, WN), pp. 1475–1484.
- CIKM-2011-ZhuCXCT #category theory #ranking #towards
- Towards expert finding by leveraging relevant categories in authority ranking (HZ, HC, HX, EC, JT), pp. 2221–2224.
- ECIR-2011-ElsweilerBR #case study #email #what
- What Makes Re-finding Information Difficult? A Study of Email Re-finding (DE, MB, IR), pp. 568–579.
- ECIR-2011-GyllstromM #query #topic
- Clash of the Typings — Finding Controversies and Children’s Topics Within Queries (KG, MFM), pp. 80–91.
- ECIR-2011-HannonMS #recommendation #twitter
- Finding Useful Users on Twitter: Twittomender the Followee Recommender (JH, KM, BS), pp. 784–787.
- ECIR-2011-SmirnovaB
- A User-Oriented Model for Expert Finding (ES, KB), pp. 580–592.
- KDIR-2011-SorgC #modelling #retrieval
- Finding the Right Expert — Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval (PS, PC), pp. 190–199.
- KMIS-2011-GretschMH #implementation #process
- The Difficulty of Finding Experts — Implementation Process of Corporate Yellow Pages (SG, HM, JH), pp. 48–56.
- SIGIR-2011-AgeevGLA #game studies #interactive #modelling #using #web
- Find it if you can: a game for modeling different types of web search success using interaction data (MA, QG, DL, EA), pp. 345–354.
- SIGIR-2011-ElsweilerHH #behaviour #comprehension #email #interactive
- Understanding re-finding behavior in naturalistic email interaction logs (DE, MH, MH), pp. 35–44.
- SIGIR-2011-Smirnova #network #social
- A model for expert finding in social networks (ES), pp. 1191–1192.
- SIGIR-2011-TsagkiasRW #geometry #modelling
- Hypergeometric language models for republished article finding (MT, MdR, WW), pp. 485–494.
- MoDELS-2011-SchulteJ #development #modelling
- Finding Models in Model-Based Development — (Abstract) (WS, EKJ), p. 591.
- MoDELS-2011-SchulteJ #development #modelling
- Finding Models in Model-Based Development — (Abstract) (WS, EKJ), p. 591.
- OOPSLA-2011-SonMS #named #security #what
- RoleCast: finding missing security checks when you do not know what checks are (SS, KSM, VS), pp. 1069–1084.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2011-Tip #debugging #web
- Finding and Fixing Bugs in Web Applications (Invited Talk) (FT), p. 2.
- RE-2011-ErnstBJ #evolution #incremental #requirements
- Finding incremental solutions for evolving requirements (NAE, AB, IJ), pp. 15–24.
- SAC-2011-BistarelliCS
- Finding partitions of arguments with Dung’s properties via SCSPs (SB, PC, FS), pp. 913–919.
- SAC-2011-HuN #android #debugging #framework #user interface
- A GUI bug finding framework for Android applications (CH, IN), pp. 1490–1491.
- SAC-2011-RosaGO #problem #quality #satisfiability
- Optimal stopping methods for finding high quality solutions to satisfiability problems with preferences (EDR, EG, BO), pp. 901–906.
- ESEC-FSE-2011-MusluSW #debugging #testing
- Finding bugs by isolating unit tests (KM, BS, JW), pp. 496–499.
- ICSE-2011-McMillan11a
- Finding relevant functions in millions of lines of code (CM), pp. 1170–1172.
- ICSE-2011-McMillanGPXF #named
- Portfolio: finding relevant functions and their usage (CM, MG, DP, QX, CF), pp. 111–120.
- ICSE-2011-McMillanGPXF11a #named
- Portfolio: a search engine for finding functions and their usages (CM, MG, DP, QX, CF), pp. 1043–1045.
- ICST-2011-BekrarBGM #fuzzing
- Finding Software Vulnerabilities by Smart Fuzzing (SB, CB, RG, LM), pp. 427–430.
- ICST-2011-ShenFZ #effectiveness #fault #named #ranking
- EFindBugs: Effective Error Ranking for FindBugs (HS, JF, JZ), pp. 299–308.
- SAT-2011-AbioDNS
- Reducing Chaos in SAT-Like Search: Finding Solutions Close to a Given One (IA, MD, RN, PJS), pp. 273–286.
- ASE-2010-LawallL #approach #automation #debugging
- An automated approach for finding variable-constant pairing bugs (JLL, DL), pp. 103–112.
- DAC-2010-ChouMM #design #embedded #experience
- Find your flow: increasing flow experience by designing “human” embedded systems (CLC, AMM, RM), pp. 619–620.
- DAC-2010-KongMYW #algorithm
- An optimal algorithm for finding disjoint rectangles and its application to PCB routing (HK, QM, TY, MDFW), pp. 212–217.
- DATE-2010-ChouYCDK #case study #design #nondeterminism #scalability
- Finding reset nondeterminism in RTL designs — scalable X-analysis methodology and case study (HZC, HY, KHC, DD, SYK), pp. 1494–1499.
- SIGMOD-2010-ChengKFYZ #clique #network
- Finding maximal cliques in massive networks by H*-graph (JC, YK, AWCF, JXY, LZ), pp. 447–458.
- SIGMOD-2010-TaoSL #graph
- Finding maximum degrees in hidden bipartite graphs (YT, CS, JL), pp. 891–902.
- VLDB-2010-SunBL #image #interactive #named #visualisation
- iAVATAR: An Interactive Tool for Finding and Visualizing Visual-Representative Tags in Image Search (AS, SSB, YL), pp. 1609–1612.
- ICSM-2010-KameiMMMAH #debugging #modelling #predict #using
- Revisiting common bug prediction findings using effort-aware models (YK, SM, AM, KiM, BA, AEH), pp. 1–10.
- MSR-2010-SasakiYHI #clone detection
- Finding file clones in FreeBSD Ports Collection (YS, TY, YH, KI), pp. 102–105.
- MSR-2010-VetroTM #java #mining #precise
- Assessing the precision of FindBugs by mining Java projects developed at a university (AV, MT, MM), pp. 110–113.
- SCAM-2010-KesterMB #concurrent #debugging #how #question #static analysis
- How Good is Static Analysis at Finding Concurrency Bugs? (DK, MM, JSB), pp. 115–124.
- SCAM-2010-LuoHDQ #concurrent #debugging #effectiveness #java #static analysis
- Effective Static Analysis to Find Concurrency Bugs in Java (ZDL, LH, RD, YQ), pp. 135–144.
- PLDI-2010-XuMARSS #data type
- Finding low-utility data structures (G(X, NM, MA, AR, ES, GS), pp. 174–186.
- DLT-J-2008-GawrychowskiKRS10 #context-free grammar #polynomial
- Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular or Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 597–618.
- ICALP-v1-2010-KroviMOR #detection #quantum
- Finding Is as Easy as Detecting for Quantum Walks (HK, FM, MO, JR), pp. 540–551.
- ICALP-v1-2010-ShpilkaV #on the #polynomial #testing
- On the Relation between Polynomial Identity Testing and Finding Variable Disjoint Factors (AS, IV), pp. 408–419.
- LATA-2010-FlorencioF #approach #bound #consistency
- Finding Consistent Categorial Grammars of Bounded Value: A Parameterized Approach (CCF, HF), pp. 202–213.
- CHI-2010-HuhNS #comprehension #reuse
- Finding the lost treasure: understanding reuse of used computing devices (JH, KN, NS), pp. 1875–1878.
- CHI-2010-Rader #design
- The effect of audience design on labeling, organizing, and finding shared files (ER), pp. 777–786.
- ICEIS-DISI-2010-SchusterJS #using #web
- Finding and Classifying Product Relationships using Information from the Public Web (DS, TMJ, AS), pp. 300–309.
- CIKM-2010-DemartiniMBZ #named
- TAER: time-aware entity retrieval-exploiting the past to find relevant entities in news articles (GD, MMSM, RB, HZ), pp. 1517–1520.
- CIKM-2010-JindalLL #bibliography #using
- Finding unusual review patterns using unexpected rules (NJ, BL, EPL), pp. 1549–1552.
- CIKM-2010-Kawamae #topic
- Latent interest-topic model: finding the causal relationships behind dyadic data (NK), pp. 649–658.
- CIKM-2010-TylerWZ #information retrieval #personalisation
- Utilizing re-finding for personalized information retrieval (SKT, JW, YZ), pp. 1469–1472.
- ECIR-2010-ClementsSVR
- Finding Wormholes with Flickr Geotags (MC, PS, APdV, MJTR), pp. 658–661.
- ICML-2010-BshoutyL #clustering #linear #using
- Finding Planted Partitions in Nearly Linear Time using Arrested Spectral Clustering (NHB, PML), pp. 135–142.
- ICPR-2010-CaiHTP #multi
- Recovering the Topology of Multiple Cameras by Finding Continuous Paths in a Trellis (YC, KH, TT, MP), pp. 3541–3544.
- ICPR-2010-FaradjiWB #approach #classification #problem
- A Simple Approach to Find the Best Wavelet Basis in Classification Problems (FF, RKW, GEB), pp. 641–644.
- ICPR-2010-GuoC #invariant #named
- FIND: A Neat Flip Invariant Descriptor (XG, XC), pp. 515–518.
- ICPR-2010-GuoC10a #constraints
- Triangle-Constraint for Finding More Good Features (XG, XC), pp. 1393–1396.
- ICPR-2010-GuoJWG #multi
- Finding Multiple Object Instances with Occlusion (GG, TJ, YW, WG), pp. 3878–3881.
- ICPR-2010-TamakiTURK #3d #image
- Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales with Spin Images (TT, ST, YU, BR, KK), pp. 3480–3483.
- KDD-2010-LappasTGM #network #social
- Finding effectors in social networks (TL, ET, DG, HM), pp. 1059–1068.
- KR-2010-BrafmanRSVW #constraints #information management #representation
- Finding the Next Solution in Constraint- and Preference-Based Knowledge Representation Formalisms (RIB, FR, DS, KBV, TW).
- KR-2010-EiterFSW #consistency #multi #nondeterminism
- Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems (TE, MF, PS, AW).
- SIGIR-2010-BlancoZ
- Finding support sentences for entities (RB, HZ), pp. 339–346.
- SIGIR-2010-ElliotGPA
- Finding and filtering information for children (DE, RG, TP, LA), p. 702.
- SIGIR-2010-GyllstromM #multi
- A picture is worth a thousand search results: finding child-oriented multimedia results with collAge (KG, MFM), pp. 731–732.
- SIGIR-2010-Weerkamp #people #social #social media
- Finding people and their utterances in social media (WW), p. 918.
- OOPSLA-2010-ArnoldL #ambiguity #programming
- Managing ambiguity in programming by finding unambiguous examples (KCA, HL), pp. 877–884.
- RE-2010-MaidenJKNZM #idea #problem #requirements #research
- Requirements Engineering as Creative Problem Solving: A Research Agenda for Idea Finding (NAMM, SJ, IKK, RN, KZ, AM), pp. 57–66.
- SAC-PL-J-2008-BussBSE10 #analysis #debugging #novel #pointer
- A novel analysis space for pointer analysis and its application for bug finding (MB, DB, VCS, SAE), pp. 921–942.
- SAC-2010-HoqueRA #named #protocol #scalability #using
- S-search: finding RFID tags using scalable and secure search protocol (MEH, FR, SIA), pp. 439–443.
- SAC-2010-KaoLW #approach #hybrid #novel
- Expert finding in question-answering websites: a novel hybrid approach (WCK, DRL, SWW), pp. 867–871.
- SAC-2010-KimY #multi #personalisation #recommendation
- New theoretical findings in multiple personalized recommendations (YHK, YY), pp. 94–98.
- SAC-2010-OttoR #bibliography #data transformation
- Organizing master data management: findings from an expert survey (BO, AR), pp. 106–110.
- SAC-2010-PopeeaC #analysis #debugging #proving #safety
- Dual analysis for proving safety and finding bugs (CP, WNC), pp. 2137–2143.
- SAC-2010-ShinLKLI #database #nearest neighbour #network #performance
- Efficient shortest path finding of k-nearest neighbor objects in road network databases (SHS, SCL, SWK, JL, EGI), pp. 1661–1665.
- FSE-2010-BegelKZ #named
- WhoselsThat: finding software engineers with codebook (AB, YPK, TZ), pp. 381–382.
- FSE-2010-KillianNPBAJ #debugging #implementation #performance
- Finding latent performance bugs in systems implementations (CEK, KN, SP, RB, JWA, RJ), pp. 17–26.
- ICSE-2010-GrechanikFXMPC
- A search engine for finding highly relevant applications (MG, CF, QX, CM, DP, CMC), pp. 475–484.
- ICSE-2010-NandaGSCSB #tool support
- Making defect-finding tools work for you (MGN, MG, SS, SC, DS, PB), pp. 99–108.
- ASPLOS-2010-BurckhardtKMN #debugging #probability #random
- A randomized scheduler with probabilistic guarantees of finding bugs (SB, PK, MM, SN), pp. 167–178.
- OSDI-2010-BeaverKLSV #facebook
- Finding a Needle in Haystack: Facebook’s Photo Storage (DB, SK, HCL, JS, PV), pp. 47–60.
- ICLP-J-2010-BaralGPS #case study #logic #logic programming #modelling
- Logic programming for finding models in the logics of knowledge and its applications: A case study (CB, GG, EP, TCS), pp. 675–690.
- ICST-2010-WeyukerBO #debugging #question #what
- We’re Finding Most of the Bugs, but What are We Missing? (EJW, RMB, TJO), pp. 313–322.
- ISSTA-2010-AyewahP
- The Google FindBugs fixit (NA, WP), pp. 241–252.
- DAC-2009-Li #equation #modelling #performance #scalability
- Finding deterministic solution from underdetermined equation: large-scale performance modeling by least angle regression (XL0), pp. 364–369.
- ICDAR-2009-BalujaC #image
- Finding Images and Line-Drawings in Document-Scanning Systems (SB, MC), pp. 1096–1100.
- ICDAR-2009-ParakhinH #probability #ranking
- Finding the Most Probable Ranking of Objects with Probabilistic Pairwise Preferences (MP, PMH), pp. 616–620.
- FASE-2009-KovacsV #array #invariant #proving #source code #theorem proving #using
- Finding Loop Invariants for Programs over Arrays Using a Theorem Prover (LK, AV), pp. 470–485.
- PLDI-2009-XuAMRS #profiling #runtime
- Go with the flow: profiling copies to find runtime bloat (G(X, MA, NM, AR, GS), pp. 419–430.
- STOC-2009-AndersenP #evolution #set #using
- Finding sparse cuts locally using evolving sets (RA, YP), pp. 235–244.
- STOC-2009-VassilevskaW
- Finding, minimizing, and counting weighted subgraphs (VV, RW), pp. 455–464.
- ICALP-v1-2009-KhullerS #on the
- On Finding Dense Subgraphs (SK, BS), pp. 597–608.
- ICFP-2009-ClaessenPSHSAW #erlang #quickcheck
- Finding race conditions in Erlang with QuickCheck and PULSE (KC, MHP, NS, JH, HS, TA, UTW), pp. 149–160.
- CHI-2009-KoM #java
- Finding causes of program output with the Java Whyline (AJK, BAM), pp. 1569–1578.
- CHI-2009-MankowskiBSS #behaviour #canonical #protocol
- Finding canonical behaviors in user protocols (WCM, PB, AS, DDS), pp. 1323–1326.
- HCI-NT-2009-LiuUC #3d #classification #interface
- Goods-Finding and Orientation in the Elderly on 3D Virtual Store Interface: The Impact of Classification and Landmarks (CLL, STU, CHC), pp. 474–483.
- HCI-VAD-2009-KiefferGMBWKM #standard #towards
- Towards Standardized Pen-Based Annotation of Breast Cancer Findings (SK, AG, RM, CVB, JFDW, FK, BM), pp. 524–533.
- OCSC-2009-ChakrabortyHDN #usability #user interface
- Preliminary Findings from a Cross Cultural Usability Study on the Internationalization of User Interfaces (JC, LH, DAD, AFN), pp. 162–171.
- ICEIS-ISAS-2009-Woo #modelling #process #reuse
- Finding Reusable Business Process Models based on Structural Matching (HGW), pp. 249–255.
- CIKM-2009-HeO #documentation #feedback
- Finding good feedback documents (BH, IO), pp. 2011–2014.
- CIKM-2009-LeeuwenBSS
- Compressing tags to find interesting media groups (MvL, FB, BS, AS), pp. 1147–1156.
- CIKM-2009-RachakondaS #topic #using
- Finding the topical anchors of a context using lexical cooccurrence data (ARR, SS), pp. 1741–1744.
- ECIR-2009-AbbasiCNPS
- Exploiting Flickr Tags and Groups for Finding Landmark Photos (RA, SC, WN, RP, SS), pp. 654–661.
- ECIR-2009-KarimzadehganWR #using
- Enhancing Expert Finding Using Organizational Hierarchies (MK, RWW, MR), pp. 177–188.
- ECIR-2009-LungleyK #automation
- Automatically Maintained Domain Knowledge: Initial Findings (DL, UK), pp. 739–743.
- KDD-2009-HasanSGA #analysis #named #novel
- COA: finding novel patents through text analysis (MAH, WSS, TDG, AA), pp. 1175–1184.
- KDD-2009-LappasLT #network #social
- Finding a team of experts in social networks (TL, KL, ET), pp. 467–476.
- KDD-2009-QiD #clustering #flexibility #framework
- A principled and flexible framework for finding alternative clusterings (ZQ, ID), pp. 717–726.
- KDIR-2009-PaquetV #2d #3d #multi #product line #realtime
- Finding Protein Family Similarities in Real Time through Multiple 3D and 2D Representations, Indexing and Exhaustive Searching (EP, HLV), pp. 127–133.
- MLDM-2009-OkuboH #concept #pseudo
- Finding Top-N Pseudo Formal Concepts with Core Intents (YO, MH), pp. 479–493.
- SIGIR-2009-LeeLPSR #keyword #video
- Finding advertising keywords on video scripts (JTL, HL, HSP, YIS, HCR), pp. 686–687.
- SIGIR-2009-WangMC #approach
- A syntactic tree matching approach to finding similar questions in community-based qa services (KW, ZM, TSC), pp. 187–194.
- RE-2009-Weber-JahnkeO #fault #natural language #requirements
- Finding Defects in Natural Language Confidentiality Requirements (JHWJ, AO), pp. 213–222.
- SAC-2009-FarberB #composition #multi
- Multivariate root finding with search space decomposition and randomisation (MF, BB), pp. 1142–1143.
- ICSE-2009-WeimerNGF #automation #programming #search-based #using
- Automatically finding patches using genetic programming (WW, TN, CLG, SF), pp. 364–374.
- LDTA-2008-ChilowiczDR09 #source code
- Finding Similarities in Source Code Through Factorization (MC, ÉD, GR), pp. 47–62.
- ICLP-2009-EiterEEF #programming #set
- Finding Similar or Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming (TE, EE, HE, MF), pp. 342–356.
- SAT-2009-ChebiryakWKH #agile
- Finding Lean Induced Cycles in Binary Hypercubes (YC, TW, DK, LH), pp. 18–31.
- SAT-2009-KojevnikovKY #performance #using
- Finding Efficient Circuits Using SAT-Solvers (AK, ASK, GY), pp. 32–44.
- TAP-2009-RatschanS #fault #hybrid #optimisation #quality
- Finding Errors of Hybrid Systems by Optimising an Abstraction-Based Quality Estimate (SR, JGS), pp. 153–168.
- VMCAI-2009-KiddRDV #debugging #random #using
- Finding Concurrency-Related Bugs Using Random Isolation (NK, TWR, JD, MV), pp. 198–213.
- CBSE-2008-GamaD #approach #framework
- A Practical Approach for Finding Stale References in a Dynamic Service Platform (KG, DD), pp. 246–261.
- DATE-2008-ZhangZYZSPZCMSIC #multi #network
- Finding the Worst Voltage Violation in Multi-Domain Clock Gated Power Network (WZ, YZ, WY, LZ, RS, HP, ZZ, LCE, RM, TS, NI, CKC), pp. 537–540.
- SIGMOD-2008-ZhangLY #probability
- Finding frequent items in probabilistic data (QZ, FL, KY), pp. 819–832.
- VLDB-2008-CormodeH #data type
- Finding frequent items in data streams (GC, MH), pp. 1530–1541.
- VLDB-2008-LachmannR #sequence
- Finding relevant patterns in bursty sequences (AL, MR), pp. 78–89.
- FoSSaCS-2008-Walukiewicz
- Finding Your Way in a Forest: On Different Types of Trees and Their Properties (IW), pp. 1–4.
- PASTE-2008-ShenZZFY #aspectj #named
- XFindBugs: eXtended FindBugs for AspectJ (HS, SZ, JZ, JF, SY), pp. 70–76.
- STOC-2008-ChoiK #bound #complexity #graph #query
- Optimal query complexity bounds for finding graphs (SSC, JHK), pp. 749–758.
- STOC-2008-GamaN #difference
- Finding short lattice vectors within mordell’s inequality (NG, PQN), pp. 207–216.
- DLT-2008-GawrychowskiKRS #context-free grammar #polynomial
- Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular of Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 339–358.
- ICALP-A-2008-CheboluFM #graph #random
- Finding a Maximum Matching in a Sparse Random Graph in O(n) Expected Time (PC, AMF, PM), pp. 161–172.
- ICALP-A-2008-MhallaP
- Finding Optimal Flows Efficiently (MM, SP), pp. 857–868.
- FM-2008-TorlakCJ #declarative #satisfiability #specification
- Finding Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of Declarative Specifications (ET, FSHC, DJ), pp. 326–341.
- CHI-2008-ChauMF #what
- What to do when search fails: finding information by association (DHC, BAM, AF), pp. 999–1008.
- CHI-2008-MorrisMV #named #web
- SearchBar: a search-centric web history for task resumption and information re-finding (DM, MRM, GV), pp. 1207–1216.
- CSCW-2008-ShklovskiPS #communication #community
- Finding community through information and communication technology in disaster response (IS, LP, JS), pp. 127–136.
- ICEIS-SAIC-2008-Bachlechner #analysis #architecture #integration #semantics #web #web service
- Integration Architectures Based on Semantic Web Services: Fad or Model for the Future? — Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis (DB), pp. 45–52.
- CIKM-2008-BalogR
- Non-local evidence for expert finding (KB, MdR), pp. 489–498.
- CIKM-2008-ColucciSDT #concept
- Finding informative commonalities in concept collections (SC, EDS, FMD, ET), pp. 807–817.
- CIKM-2008-SerdyukovRH #modelling #multi
- Modeling multi-step relevance propagation for expert finding (PS, HR, DH), pp. 1133–1142.
- CIKM-2008-ZhangPW #named
- REDUS: finding reducible subspaces in high dimensional data (XZ, FP, WW), pp. 961–970.
- CIKM-2008-ZhouYM #biology
- A system for finding biological entities that satisfy certain conditions from texts (WZ, CTY, WM), pp. 1281–1290.
- CIKM-2008-ZhuSRH #documentation #modelling
- Modeling document features for expert finding (JZ, DS, SMR, XH), pp. 1421–1422.
- ECIR-2008-DeschachtM #retrieval
- Finding the Best Picture: Cross-Media Retrieval of Content (KD, MFM), pp. 539–546.
- ECIR-2008-SerdyukovH #documentation #modelling
- Modeling Documents as Mixtures of Persons for Expert Finding (PS, DH), pp. 309–320.
- ICML-2008-NarayanamurthyR #markov #on the #process #symmetry
- On the hardness of finding symmetries in Markov decision processes (SMN, BR), pp. 688–695.
- ICPR-2008-XuD
- A local descriptor for finding corresponding points in vector fields (LX, HQD), pp. 1–4.
- ICPR-2008-XuP #image
- Finding the splitting vector for image resolution up-conversion (XX, HP), pp. 1–4.
- KDD-2008-MoiseS #approach #clustering #novel #statistics
- Finding non-redundant, statistically significant regions in high dimensional data: a novel approach to projected and subspace clustering (GM, JS), pp. 533–541.
- SIGIR-2008-CongWLSS #online
- Finding question-answer pairs from online forums (GC, LW, CYL, YIS, YS), pp. 467–474.
- SIGIR-2008-LinS #automation #evaluation #how #simulation #towards
- How do users find things with PubMed?: towards automatic utility evaluation with user simulations (JJL, MDS), pp. 19–26.
- SIGIR-2008-MacdonaldHOS
- Limits of opinion-finding baseline systems (CM, BH, IO, IS), pp. 747–748.
- SIGIR-2008-SerdyukovRH #dependence
- Exploiting sequential dependencies for expert finding (PS, HR, DH), pp. 795–796.
- SIGIR-2008-SerdyukovRH08a #modelling #random
- Modeling expert finding as an absorbing random walk (PS, HR, DH), pp. 797–798.
- SAC-2008-ShenK #fault #named #uml
- ICER: a tool for finding errors in a UML model (WS, DKK), pp. 804–808.
- SAC-2008-VellosoR #algorithm #analysis
- Percolation analyses in a swarm based algorithm for shortest-path finding (BPV, MR), pp. 1861–1865.
- FSE-2008-BoddenLH #fault #monitoring #programming #runtime
- Finding programming errors earlier by evaluating runtime monitors ahead-of-time (EB, PL, LJH), pp. 36–47.
- OSDI-2008-MusuvathiQBBNN #concurrent #source code
- Finding and Reproducing Heisenbugs in Concurrent Programs (MM, SQ, TB, GB, PAN, IN), pp. 267–280.
- ICST-2008-KimC #object-oriented #sequence #source code #testing
- A Fitness Function to Find Feasible Sequences of Method Calls for Evolutionary Testing of Object-Oriented Programs (MK, YC), pp. 537–540.
- ISSTA-2008-ArtziKDTDPE #debugging #web
- Finding bugs in dynamic web applications (SA, AK, JD, FT, DD, AMP, MDE), pp. 261–272.
- ISSTA-2008-KondohO #debugging #interface #java #source code
- Finding bugs in java native interface programs (GK, TO), pp. 109–118.
- ISSTA-2008-PachecoLB #dot-net #fault #random testing #testing
- Finding errors in .net with feedback-directed random testing (CP, SKL, TB), pp. 87–96.
- SAT-2008-MaarenW #performance
- Finding Guaranteed MUSes Fast (HvM, SW), pp. 291–304.
- TAP-2008-ClaessenS #induction #proving
- Finding Counter Examples in Induction Proofs (KC, HS), pp. 48–65.
- ASE-2007-Grechanik #component #fault #xml
- Finding errors in components that exchange xml data (MG), pp. 264–273.
- ASE-2007-RaysideM #memory management #profiling
- Object ownership profiling: a technique for finding and fixing memory leaks (DR, LM), pp. 194–203.
- CASE-2007-KimCAY #mobile #using
- RFID-enabled Target Tracking and Following with a Mobile Robot Using Direction Finding Antennas (MK, NYC, HSA, WY), pp. 1014–1019.
- DAC-2007-VytyazLLMMM #parametricity
- Parameter Finding Methods for Oscillators with a Specified Oscillation Frequency (IV, DCL, SL, AM, UKM, KM), pp. 424–429.
- PODS-2007-ChierichettiPRSTU #clustering
- Finding near neighbors through cluster pruning (FC, AP, PR, MS, AT, EU), pp. 103–112.
- FASE-2007-ChechikGG
- Finding Environment Guarantees (MC, MG, AG), pp. 352–367.
- ICSM-2007-Reiss
- Finding Unusual Code (SPR), pp. 34–43.
- MSR-2007-GrechanikCP #prototype
- Finding Relevant Applications for Prototyping (MG, KMC, KP), p. 12.
- MSR-2007-MizunoINK #approach
- Spam Filter Based Approach for Finding Fault-Prone Software Modules (OM, SI, SN, TK), p. 4.
- PASTE-2007-HovemeyerP #debugging #null #pointer
- Finding more null pointer bugs, but not too many (DH, WP), pp. 9–14.
- SCAM-2007-NaylorR
- Finding Inputs that Reach a Target Expression (MN, CR), pp. 133–142.
- ICALP-2007-FellowsFHV #graph
- Sharp Tractability Borderlines for Finding Connected Motifs in Vertex-Colored Graphs (MRF, GF, DH, SV), pp. 340–351.
- IFM-2007-GheorghiuGC #logic #query
- Finding State Solutions to Temporal Logic Queries (MG, AG, MC), pp. 273–292.
- DHM-2007-KurodaOKTOY #animation #coordination
- Finding Origin Points for New Coordinate System Suitable for Sign Animation (TK, KO, RK, TT, NO, HY), pp. 415–422.
- HCI-IDU-2007-HwangS #detection #problem #usability #what
- What Makes Evaluators to Find More Usability Problems?: A Meta-analysis for Individual Detection Rates (WH, GS), pp. 499–507.
- HCI-IPT-2007-DengZTDW #documentation #what
- Improving Document Icon to Re-find Efficiently What You Need (CD, MZ, FT, GD, HW), pp. 49–52.
- HCI-IPT-2007-ZamanV #design #exclamation #process
- Getting Lost? Touch and You Will Find! The User-Centered Design Process of a Touch Screen (BZ, RV), pp. 197–206.
- HIMI-IIE-2007-WakitaAT #metric #mobile #prototype #using
- Methodology for Constructing a Prototype Site for Finding Employment SPI Measures Using Mobile Phones (SW, MA, TT), pp. 983–993.
- HIMI-MTT-2007-ParkK07a #case study #effectiveness #mobile
- A Case Study on Effective Application of Inquiry Methods to Find Out Mobile Phone’s New Function (SP, YK), pp. 163–170.
- CIKM-2007-FengA
- Finding and linking incidents in news (AF, JA), pp. 821–830.
- CIKM-2007-FuXLZM #formal method
- A CDD-based formal model for expert finding (YF, RX, YL, MZ, SM), pp. 881–884.
- CIKM-2007-LangA #graph
- Finding dense and isolated submarkets in a sponsored search spending graph (KJL, RA), pp. 613–622.
- CIKM-2007-ShinL #data type #interactive #online
- An on-line interactive method for finding association rules data streams (SJS, WSL), pp. 963–966.
- ECIR-2007-FangZ #modelling #probability
- Probabilistic Models for Expert Finding (HF, CZ), pp. 418–430.
- ECIR-2007-HeO #normalisation
- Setting Per-field Normalisation Hyper-parameters for the Named-Page Finding Search Task (BH, IO), pp. 468–480.
- KDD-2007-FriedlandJ #identification
- Finding tribes: identifying close-knit individuals from employment patterns (LF, DJ), pp. 290–299.
- KDD-2007-HeikinheimoSHMM #set
- Finding low-entropy sets and trees from binary data (HH, JKS, EH, HM, TM), pp. 350–359.
- KDD-2007-LaxmanSU #algorithm #performance
- A fast algorithm for finding frequent episodes in event streams (SL, PSS, KPU), pp. 410–419.
- KDD-2007-PonCBC #multi #topic
- Tracking multiple topics for finding interesting articles (RKP, AFC, DB, TC), pp. 560–569.
- SIGIR-2007-AlmeidaGCC #adaptation #approach #component #programming #ranking #search-based
- A combined component approach for finding collection-adapted ranking functions based on genetic programming (HMdA, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 399–406.
- SIGIR-2007-BalogR
- Finding similar experts (KB, MdR), pp. 821–822.
- SIGIR-2007-PopoviciMM #documentation #effectiveness
- An effective method for finding best entry points in semi-structured documents (EP, PFM, GM), pp. 851–852.
- MoDELS-2007-KampffmeyerZ #design pattern #ontology
- Finding the Pattern You Need: The Design Pattern Intent Ontology (HK, SZ), pp. 211–225.
- MoDELS-2007-KampffmeyerZ #design pattern #ontology
- Finding the Pattern You Need: The Design Pattern Intent Ontology (HK, SZ), pp. 211–225.
- SAC-2007-HuangJL
- Finding putative core promoter elements with position-dependent consensuses (YFH, YCJ, SWL), pp. 138–139.
- SAC-2007-JinC #graph
- Hierarchical alignment graph for gene teams finding on whole genomes (HJJ, HGC), pp. 113–117.
- SAC-2007-LiYAZ #metric #network
- Finding hierarchical heavy hitters in network measurement system (YL, JY, CA, HZ), pp. 232–236.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-DolbyVT #debugging #satisfiability
- Finding bugs efficiently with a SAT solver (JD, MV, FT), pp. 195–204.
- ESEC-FSE-2007-LaTozaGHM #comprehension
- Program comprehension as fact finding (TDL, DG, JDH, BAM), pp. 361–370.
- ISSTA-2007-ChangPY #approach #what
- Finding what’s not there: a new approach to revealing neglected conditions in software (RYC, AP, JY), pp. 163–173.
- ASE-2006-SatohKU #diagrams #uml
- Contradiction Finding and Minimal Recovery for UML Class Diagrams (KS, KK, TU), pp. 277–280.
- CASE-2006-LiuWL #algorithm #performance #petri net #set
- A fast algorithm to find a set of elementary siphons for a class of petri nets (XL, AW, ZL), pp. 399–404.
- HT-2006-ChinC #community #hypermedia #social
- A social hypertext model for finding community in blogs (AC, MHC), pp. 11–22.
- PODS-2006-KimelfeldS #approximate #keyword #proximity
- Finding and approximating top-k answers in keyword proximity search (BK, YS), pp. 173–182.
- PODS-2006-LeeT #performance
- A simpler and more efficient deterministic scheme for finding frequent items over sliding windows (LKL, HFT), pp. 290–297.
- PODS-2006-ZhaoOWX #distributed #set
- Finding global icebergs over distributed data sets (QZ, MO, HW, J(X), pp. 298–307.
- SIGMOD-2006-ChanJTTZ
- Finding k-dominant skylines in high dimensional space (CYC, HVJ, KLT, AKHT, ZZ), pp. 503–514.
- STOC-2006-FeigeM
- Finding small balanced separators (UF, MM), pp. 375–384.
- STOC-2006-VassilevskaW #3d
- Finding a maximum weight triangle in n3-Delta time, with applications (VV, RW), pp. 225–231.
- CIAA-2006-AntoniouHIMP #automaton #finite #using
- Finding Common Motifs with Gaps Using Finite Automata (PA, JH, CSI, BM, PP), pp. 69–77.
- DLT-2006-GruberH #bound #complexity #nondeterminism
- Finding Lower Bounds for Nondeterministic State Complexity Is Hard (HG, MH), pp. 363–374.
- ICALP-v1-2006-VassilevskaWY #graph #problem
- Finding the Smallest H-Subgraph in Real Weighted Graphs and Related Problems (VV, RW, RY), pp. 262–273.
- CHI-2006-FernaeusT #design #programming
- Finding design qualities in a tangible programming space (YF, JT), pp. 447–456.
- EDOC-2006-Hashemzadeh #navigation #network #performance
- A Fast and Efficient Route Finding Method for Car Navigation Systems with Neural Networks (MH), pp. 423–426.
- CIKM-2006-NanavatiGDCDMJ #graph #on the
- On the structural properties of massive telecom call graphs: findings and implications (AAN, SG, GD, DC, KD, SM, AJ), pp. 435–444.
- CIKM-2006-ZhangF #correlation
- Finding highly correlated pairs efficiently with powerful pruning (JZ, JF), pp. 152–161.
- ICPR-v1-2006-AnC #dataset
- Finding Rule Groups to Classify High Dimensional Gene Expression Datasets (JA, YPPC), pp. 1196–1199.
- ICPR-v1-2006-BauerBSP #sequence #video
- Finding Highly Frequented Paths in Video Sequences (DB, NB, SS, RPP), pp. 387–391.
- ICPR-v3-2006-PanWQW #3d #symmetry
- Finding Symmetry Plane of 3D Face Shape (GP, YW, YQ, ZW), pp. 1143–1146.
- ICPR-v4-2006-RanCZ
- Finding Gait in Space and Time (YR, RC, QZ), pp. 586–589.
- ICPR-v4-2006-ShenC #segmentation
- Finding Text in Natural Scenes by Figure-Ground Segmentation (HS, JMC), pp. 113–118.
- SIGIR-2006-AzzopardiR #automation
- Automatic construction of known-item finding test beds (LA, MdR), pp. 603–604.
- SIGIR-2006-BalogAR #corpus #enterprise #formal method #modelling
- Formal models for expert finding in enterprise corpora (KB, LA, MdR), pp. 43–50.
- SIGIR-2006-BastW #performance
- Type less, find more: fast autocompletion search with a succinct index (HB, IW), pp. 364–371.
- SIGIR-2006-GaoN #case study #modelling #query #statistics
- A study of statistical models for query translation: finding a good unit of translation (JG, JYN), pp. 194–201.
- SIGIR-2006-Henzinger #algorithm #evaluation #scalability #web
- Finding near-duplicate web pages: a large-scale evaluation of algorithms (MRH), pp. 284–291.
- SIGIR-2006-MunavalliM #named
- MathFind: a math-aware search engine (RM, RM), p. 735.
- SIGIR-2006-SmuckerA #named #similarity
- Find-similar: similarity browsing as a search tool (MDS, JA), pp. 461–468.
- ECMDA-FA-2006-FombelleBRG #consistency
- Finding a Path to Model Consistency (GdF, XB, LR, MPG), pp. 101–112.
- SAC-2006-AlmeidaG #algorithm #database #incremental #nearest neighbour #network #using
- Using Dijkstra’s algorithm to incrementally find the k-Nearest Neighbors in spatial network databases (VTdA, RHG), pp. 58–62.
- SAC-2006-MontanesCRD #categorisation #feature model #linear #metric
- Finding optimal linear measures for feature selection in text categorization (EM, EFC, JR, ID), pp. 861–862.
- FSE-2006-StorzerRRT #classification #java #source code #using
- Finding failure-inducing changes in java programs using change classification (MS, BGR, XR, FT), pp. 57–68.
- OSDI-2006-YangSE #fault #lightweight #named
- EXPLODE: A Lightweight, General System for Finding Serious Storage System Errors (JY, CS, DRE), pp. 131–146.
- ISSTA-2006-CsallnerS #analysis #debugging #hybrid #named
- DSD-Crasher: a hybrid analysis tool for bug finding (CC, YS), pp. 245–254.
- CBSE-2005-TansalarakC #component #ranking
- Finding a Needle in the Haystack: A Technique for Ranking Matches Between Components (NT, KTC), pp. 171–186.
- DATE-2005-TeslenkoD #algorithm #graph #performance
- An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Double-Vertex Dominators in Circuit Graphs (MT, ED), pp. 406–411.
- SIGMOD-2005-BoulosDMMRS #named #using
- MYSTIQ: a system for finding more answers by using probabilities (JB, NND, BM, SM, CR, DS), pp. 891–893.
- SIGMOD-2005-TungXO #clustering #correlation #named #visualisation
- CURLER: Finding and Visualizing Nonlinear Correlated Clusters (AKHT, XX, BCO), pp. 467–478.
- TACAS-2005-JinHS #analysis #performance
- Efficient Conflict Analysis for Finding All Satisfying Assignments of a Boolean Circuit (HJ, HH, FS), pp. 287–300.
- ICSM-2005-EisenbergV
- Dynamic Feature Traces: Finding Features in Unfamiliar Code (ADE, KDV), pp. 337–346.
- PASTE-2005-HovemeyerSP #debugging #null #pointer #static analysis
- Evaluating and tuning a static analysis to find null pointer bugs (DH, JS, WP), pp. 13–19.
- SAS-2005-NarasamdyaV
- Finding Basic Block and Variable Correspondence (IN, AV), pp. 251–267.
- CIAA-J-2004-GeserHWZ05 #automaton #finite #string #term rewriting #termination
- Finding finite automata that certify termination of string rewriting systems (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 471–486.
- CIAA-2005-MoraisMR #automaton #regular expression
- Acyclic Automata with Easy-to-Find Short Regular Expressions (JJM, NM, RR), pp. 349–350.
- ICALP-2005-AlstrupGRTZ #constant
- Union-Find with Constant Time Deletions (SA, ILG, TR, MT, UZ), pp. 78–89.
- CIKM-2005-JeonCL #scalability
- Finding similar questions in large question and answer archives (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 84–90.
- CIKM-2005-LiuCK
- Finding experts in community-based question-answering services (XL, WBC, MBK), pp. 315–316.
- KDD-2005-FormanEC #documentation #repository #scalability
- Finding similar files in large document repositories (GF, KE, SC), pp. 394–400.
- KDD-2005-UkkonenFM #partial order
- Finding partial orders from unordered 0-1 data (AU, MF, HM), pp. 285–293.
- SIGIR-2005-JeonCL #semantics
- Finding semantically similar questions based on their answers (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 617–618.
- OOPSLA-2005-MartinLL #fault #query #security #using
- Finding application errors and security flaws using PQL: a program query language (MCM, VBL, MSL), pp. 365–383.
- RE-2005-Fuji #analysis #education #requirements
- Finding Competitive Advantage in Requirements Analysis Education (TF), pp. 493–494.
- SAC-2005-EbertG #approach
- A “Go With the Winners” approach to finding frequent patterns (TE, DG), pp. 498–502.
- SAC-2005-ReddyC #bound #using
- Finding saddle points using stability boundaries (CKR, HDC), pp. 212–213.
- SAC-2005-SongR #transaction
- Finding frequent itemsets by transaction mapping (MS, SR), pp. 488–492.
- SAC-2005-Suzuki #documentation #xml
- Finding an optimum edit script between an XML document and a DTD (NS), pp. 647–653.
- ESEC-FSE-2005-LivshitsZ #fault #mining #named
- DynaMine: finding common error patterns by mining software revision histories (VBL, TZ), pp. 296–305.
- ICLP-2005-Fruhwirth #analysis #confluence #constraints #using
- Parallelizing Union-Find in Constraint Handling Rules Using Confluence Analysis (TWF), pp. 113–127.
- SAT-2005-LiffitonS #on the #satisfiability
- On Finding All Minimally Unsatisfiable Subformulas (MHL, KAS), pp. 173–186.
- TestCom-2005-WagnerJKT #debugging #testing #tool support
- Comparing Bug Finding Tools with Reviews and Tests (SW, JJ, CK, PT), pp. 40–55.
- DAC-2004-HandaV #algorithm #online #performance
- An efficient algorithm for finding empty space for online FPGA placement (MH, RV), pp. 960–965.
- DATE-v1-2004-BjesseK #abstraction #debugging #refinement #using
- Using Counter Example Guided Abstraction Refinement to Find Complex Bugs (PB, JHK), pp. 156–161.
- DATE-v1-2004-HandaV #algorithm #performance
- A Fast Algorithm for Finding Maximal Empty Rectangles for Dynamic FPGA Placement (MH, RV), pp. 744–745.
- SIGMOD-2004-CongXPTY #array #dataset #named
- FARMER: Finding Interesting Rule Groups in Microarray Datasets (GC, AKHT, XX, FP, JY), pp. 143–154.
- SIGMOD-2004-CormodeKMS #multi
- Diamond in the Rough: Finding Hierarchical Heavy Hitters in Multi-Dimensional Data (GC, FK, SM, DS), pp. 155–166.
- STOC-2004-Gabow
- Finding paths and cycles of superpolylogarithmic length (HNG), pp. 407–416.
- CIAA-2004-GeserHWZ #automaton #finite #string #termination
- Finding Finite Automata That Certify Termination of String Rewriting (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 134–145.
- SEFM-2004-Yoshiura #specification
- Finding the Causes of Unrealizability of Reactive System Formal Specifications (NY), pp. 34–43.
- CHI-2004-MillerM #clustering
- Cluster-based find and replace (RCM, AMM), pp. 57–64.
- CHI-2004-Oulasvirta #research
- Finding meaningful uses for context-aware technologies: the humanistic research strategy (AO), pp. 247–254.
- ICPR-v4-2004-ChetverikovMJ
- Finding Region Correspondences for Wide Baseline Stereo (DC, ZM, ZJ), pp. 276–279.
- SIGIR-2004-YangC #classification #effectiveness #web
- Effectiveness of web page classification on finding list answers (HY, TSC), pp. 522–523.
- ECOOP-2004-AmmonsCGS #performance #scalability
- Finding and Removing Performance Bottlenecks in Large Systems (GA, JDC, MG, NS), pp. 170–194.
- OOPSLA-2004-GuyerM #static analysis
- Finding your cronies: static analysis for dynamic object colocation (SZG, KSM), pp. 237–250.
- OOPSLA-2004-WeimerN #fault #runtime
- Finding and preventing run-time error handling mistakes (WW, GCN), pp. 419–431.
- SAC-2004-AbulAPB #generative #using
- Finding differentially expressed genes: pattern generation using Q-values (OA, RA, FP, KB), pp. 138–142.
- SAC-2004-Savinov #dependence #mining
- Mining dependence rules by finding largest itemset support quota (AAS), pp. 525–529.
- ICSE-2004-BrunE #fault #machine learning
- Finding Latent Code Errors via Machine Learning over Program Executions (YB, MDE), pp. 480–490.
- LCTES-2004-AlmagorCGHRSTW #compilation #effectiveness #sequence
- Finding effective compilation sequences (LA, KDC, AG, TJH, SWR, DS, LT, TW), pp. 231–239.
- OSDI-2004-LiLMZ #debugging #named #operating system
- CP-Miner: A Tool for Finding Copy-paste and Related Bugs in Operating System Code (ZL, SL, SM, YZ), pp. 289–302.
- OSDI-2004-WhitakerCG #debugging
- Configuration Debugging as Search: Finding the Needle in the Haystack (AW, RSC, SDG), pp. 77–90.
- OSDI-2004-YangTEM #exclamation #fault #file system #model checking #using
- Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors (Awarded Best Paper!) (JY, PT, DRE, MM), pp. 273–288.
- VMCAI-2004-EnglerM #debugging #model checking #static analysis
- Static Analysis versus Software Model Checking for Bug Finding (DRE, MM), pp. 191–210.
- HT-2003-RutledgeABPDV #generative #hypermedia #semantics
- Finding the story: broader applicability of semantics and discourse for hypermedia generation (LR, MA, RB, SP, WvD, MV), pp. 67–76.
- ICDAR-2003-Breuel #algorithm #analysis #documentation #layout
- An Algorithm for Finding Maximal Whitespace Rectangles at Arbitrary Orientations for Document Layout Analysis (TMB), pp. 66–70.
- PODS-2003-KiferGBW #how
- How to quickly find a witness (DK, JG, CB, WMW), pp. 272–283.
- VLDB-2003-CormodeKMS #data type
- Finding Hierarchical Heavy Hitters in Data Streams (GC, FK, SM, DS), pp. 464–475.
- CSMR-2003-LanubileM #clone detection #web
- Finding Function Clones in Web Applications (FL, TM), p. 379–?.
- ICALP-2003-GarganoH #graph #how
- There Are Spanning Spiders in Dense Graphs (and We Know How to Find Them) (LG, MH), pp. 802–816.
- AdaEurope-2003-BriotGDCW #ada #memory management
- Exposing Memory Corruption and Finding Leaks: Advanced Mechanisms in Ada (EB, FG, RD, DC, PW), pp. 129–141.
- CIKM-2003-SunL #mining #web
- Web unit mining: finding and classifying subgraphs of web pages (AS, EPL), pp. 108–115.
- CIKM-2003-WuSC #performance #web
- Finding more useful information faster from web search results (YfBW, LS, XC), pp. 568–571.
- ICML-2003-KubicaMCS #analysis #collaboration #graph #performance #query
- Finding Underlying Connections: A Fast Graph-Based Method for Link Analysis and Collaboration Queries (JK, AWM, DC, JGS), pp. 392–399.
- KDD-2003-ChangL #adaptation #data type #online
- Finding recent frequent itemsets adaptively over online data streams (JHC, WSL), pp. 487–492.
- KDD-2003-PanCTYZ #biology #dataset #named
- Carpenter: finding closed patterns in long biological datasets (FP, GC, AKHT, JY, MJZ), pp. 637–642.
- SEKE-2003-RafiqueA #information management #performance
- An Efficient Knowledge Management Technique for finding Association Rules (FR, AA), pp. 245–249.
- PPDP-2003-BandaSW #satisfiability #set
- Finding all minimal unsatisfiable subsets (MJGdlB, PJS, JW), pp. 32–43.
- SAC-2003-GondraS #algorithm #parallel #search-based
- A Coarse-Grain Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Finding Ramsey Numbers (IG, MHS), pp. 2–8.
- LCTES-2003-KulkarniZMCWDBPG #effectiveness #optimisation #sequence
- Finding effective optimization phase sequences (PAK, WZ, HM, KC, DBW, JWD, MWB, YP, KG), pp. 12–23.
- DATE-2002-Dubrova #composition #order
- Composition Trees in Finding Best Variable Orderings for ROBDDs (ED), p. 1084.
- DATE-2002-PomeranzRR #debugging #fault
- Finding a Common Fault Response for Diagnosis during Silicon Debug (IP, JR, SMR), p. 1116.
- WCRE-2002-MittermeirC #source code #spreadsheet
- Finding High-Level Structures in Spreadsheet Programs (RM, MC), pp. 221–232.
- STOC-2002-KaplanST
- Meldable heaps and boolean union-find (HK, NS, RET), pp. 573–582.
- STOC-2002-KargerR #metric #nearest neighbour #strict
- Finding nearest neighbors in growth-restricted metrics (DRK, MR), pp. 741–750.
- ICALP-2002-BjorklundH
- Finding a Path of Superlogarithmic Length (AB, TH), pp. 985–992.
- ICALP-2002-CharikarCF #data type
- Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams (MC, KCC, MFC), pp. 693–703.
- CHI-2002-JensenDF #online #social
- Finding others online: reputation systems for social online spaces (CJ, JD, SF), pp. 447–454.
- CSCW-2002-PranteMS #design #empirical #idea #tool support
- Developing CSCW tools for idea finding -: empirical results and implications for design (TP, CM, NAS), pp. 106–115.
- ICEIS-2002-AnwarH #approach
- An Integrated Approach for Finding enRoute Best Alternate Route (MAA, SH), pp. 226–234.
- CIKM-2002-HamerlyE #algorithm #clustering
- Alternatives to the k-means algorithm that find better clusterings (GH, CE), pp. 600–607.
- ICML-2002-TakechiS #induction
- Finding an Optimal Gain-Ratio Subset-Split Test for a Set-Valued Attribute in Decision Tree Induction (FT, ES), pp. 618–625.
- ICPR-v1-2002-CamusW #image #performance #reliability
- Reliable and Fast Eye Finding in Close-up Images (TAC, RPW), pp. 389–394.
- ICPR-v3-2002-BoomgaardW #analysis #equivalence #estimation #on the #robust
- On the Equivalence of Local-Mode Finding, Robust Estimation and Mean-Shift Analysis as Used in Early Vision Tasks (RvdB, JvdW), pp. 927–930.
- ICPR-v3-2002-GolenzerVL #documentation #image
- Finding Regions of Interest in Document Images by Planar HMM (JG, CVG, PML), pp. 415–418.
- ICPR-v3-2002-PekalskaD #difference #performance #prototype
- Prototype Selection for Finding Efficient Representations of Dissimilarity Data (EP, RPWD), pp. 37–40.
- KDD-2002-KeoghLC #database #linear
- Finding surprising patterns in a time series database in linear time and space (EJK, SL, BYcC), pp. 550–556.
- SIGIR-2002-ParkPGK #analysis #documentation
- Analysis of lexical signatures for finding lost or related documents (STP, DMP, CLG, RK), pp. 11–18.
- SIGIR-2002-WhiteJR #documentation #feedback #ranking #using #web
- A system using implicit feedback and top ranking sentences to help users find relevant web documents (RW, JMJ, IR), p. 446.
- SIGIR-2002-WhiteRJ #documentation #evaluation #ranking #using
- Finding relevant documents using top ranking sentences: an evaluation of two alternative schemes (RW, IR, JMJ), pp. 57–64.
- SAC-2002-BillhardtBM #algorithm #retrieval #search-based #using
- Using genetic algorithms to find suboptimal retrieval expert combinations (HB, DB, VM), pp. 657–662.
- SAC-2002-ButenkoPSSS #graph #independence #set
- Finding maximum independent sets in graphs arising from coding theory (SB, PMP, IS, VS, PS), pp. 542–546.
- FSE-2002-XieE #fault #using
- Using redundancies to find errors (YX, DRE), pp. 51–60.
- ICSE-2002-RobillardM #dependence #graph #using
- Concern graphs: finding and describing concerns using structural program dependencies (MPR, GCM), pp. 406–416.
- PODS-2001-BykowskiR #representation
- A condensed representation to find frequent patterns (AB, CR).
- ESOP-2001-KomondoorH #dependence #tool support #using
- Tool Demonstration: Finding Duplicated Code Using Program Dependences (RK, SH), pp. 383–386.
- TACAS-2001-PasareanuDV #java #model checking #source code
- Finding Feasible Counter-examples when Model Checking Abstracted Java Programs (CSP, MBD, WV), pp. 284–298.
- SCAM-2001-BiemanM #web
- Finding Code on the World Wibe Web: A Preliminary Investigation (JMB, VM), pp. 75–80.
- CIKM-2001-Shen #image #using
- Finding Similar Images Quickly Using Object Shapes (HTS), pp. 498–505.
- KDD-2001-MannilaS #sequence
- Finding simple intensity descriptions from event sequence data (HM, MS), pp. 341–346.
- SIGIR-2001-ChenWHLZ #image #named #web
- IFind: A Web Image Search Engine (ZC, LW, CH, ML, HZ), p. 450.
- SIGIR-2001-CraswellHR #effectiveness #using
- Effective Site Finding Using Link Anchor Information (NC, DH, SER), pp. 250–257.
- SIGIR-2001-Kauwell #internet #question #visualisation
- Does Visualization Improve Our Ability to Find and Learn from Internet Based Information? (DAK, JL, HJY, YJL, JE, AB), p. 453.
- SIGIR-2001-LawrieCR #summary #topic #word
- Finding Topic Words for Hierarchical Summarization (DL, WBC, ALR), pp. 349–357.
- QAPL-2001-Martin
- Powerdomains and Zero Finding (KM), pp. 173–184.
- PADL-2001-TyagiT #algorithm #interface #prolog
- A Most Specific Method Finding Algorithm for Reflection Based Dynamic Prolog-to-Java Interfaces (ST, PT), pp. 322–336.
- SAC-2001-AnwarY #database #network #object-oriented
- Integrating OO road network database, cases and knowledge for route finding (MAA, TY), pp. 215–219.
- SAC-2001-HuangH #approach #clustering
- Finding a hamiltonian paths in tournaments on clusters — a provably communication-efficient approach (CHH, XH), pp. 549–553.
- ICSE-2001-DickinsonLP #analysis #clustering #execution
- Finding Failures by Cluster Analysis of Execution Profiles (WD, DL, AP), pp. 339–348.
- CAV-2001-BjesseLM #debugging #satisfiability #using
- Finding Bugs in an α Microprocessor Using Satisfiability Solvers (PB, TL, AM), pp. 454–464.
- SAT-2001-BruniS #maintenance #satisfiability
- Restoring Satisfiability or Maintaining Unsatisfiability by finding small Unsatisfiable Subformulae (RB, AS), pp. 162–173.
- ASE-2000-Lecoeuche #concept
- Finding Comparatively Important Concepts between Texts (RL), p. 55–?.
- HT-2000-YooB #analysis
- Finding linking opportunities through relationship-based analysis (JY, MB), pp. 181–190.
- SIGMOD-2000-AggarwalY #clustering
- Finding Generalized Projected Clusters In High Dimensional Spaces (CCA, PSY), pp. 70–81.
- SIGMOD-2000-ChoSG #web
- Finding Replicated Web Collections (JC, NS, HGM), pp. 355–366.
- STOC-2000-Boneh #integer #using
- Finding smooth integers in short intervals using CRT decoding (DB), pp. 265–272.
- STOC-2000-FederMS #graph
- Finding long paths and cycles in sparse Hamiltonian graphs (TF, RM, CSS), pp. 524–529.
- STOC-2000-MahajanV #graph
- A new NC-algorithm for finding a perfect matching in bipartite planar and small genus graphs (extended abstract) (MM, KRV), pp. 351–357.
- ICALP-2000-AlstrupH #algorithm
- Improved Algorithms for Finding Level Ancestors in Dynamic Trees (SA, JH), pp. 73–84.
- WLC-2000-KoshibaH #consistency
- A Note on Finding One-Variable Patterns Consistent with Examples and Counterexamples (TK, KH), pp. 253–265.
- CHI-2000-LinNHL #design #named #tool support #web
- DENIM: finding a tighter fit between tools and practice for Web site design (JL, MWN, JIH, JAL), pp. 510–517.
- CHI-2000-VivacquL
- Agents to assist in finding help (ASV, HL), pp. 65–72.
- ICML-2000-Brand #optimisation
- Finding Variational Structure in Data by Cross-Entropy Optimization (MB), pp. 95–102.
- ICPR-v1-2000-ClarkM #image #metric #statistics
- Combining Statistical Measures to Find Image Text Regions (PC, MM), pp. 1450–1453.
- ICPR-v2-2000-YaoHGM #image
- Finding Green River in SeaWiFS Satellite Images (WY, LOH, DBG, FEMK), pp. 2307–2310.
- ICPR-v4-2000-LuSR #independence
- Script-Independent, HMM-Based Text Line Finding for OCR (ZL, RMS, CR), pp. 4551–4554.
- KDD-2000-HsuLLL #database #mining
- Exploration mining in diabetic patients databases: findings and conclusions (WH, MLL, BL, TWL), pp. 430–436.
- KR-2000-DimopoulosNT
- Finding Admissible and Preferred Arguments Can be Very Hard (YD, BN, FT), pp. 53–61.
- SIGIR-2000-BergerCCFM #statistics
- Bridging the lexical chasm: statistical approaches to answer-finding (ALB, RC, DC, DF, VOM), pp. 192–199.
- SIGIR-2000-HoenkamG #proximity #using
- Finding relevant passages using noun-noun compounds: coherence vs. proximity (EH, RdG), pp. 385–387.
- OOPSLA-2000-DemeyerDN #metric #refactoring
- Finding refactorings via change metrics (SD, SD, ON), pp. 166–177.
- CL-2000-AltamiranoE
- Finding Tractable Formulas in NNF (EA, GEI), pp. 493–507.
- ISSTA-2000-JacksonV #constraints #debugging #theorem proving
- Finding bugs with a constraint solver (DJ, MV), pp. 14–25.
- HT-1999-MizuuchiT #web
- Finding Context Paths for Web Pages (YM, KT), pp. 13–22.
- HT-1999-Walker
- Piecing Together and Tearing Apart: Finding the Story in Afternoon (JW), pp. 111–117.
- ICDAR-1999-Hobby #classification #composition #geometry #layout
- Page Decomposition and Signature Finding via Shape Classification and Geometric Layout (JDH), pp. 555–558.
- VLDB-1999-KnorrN
- Finding Intensional Knowledge of Distance-Based Outliers (EMK, RTN), pp. 211–222.
- STOC-1999-AlstrupBR #worst-case
- Worst-Case and Amortised Optimality in Union-Find (Extended Abstract) (SA, AMBA, TR), pp. 499–506.
- STOC-1999-LiMW #string
- Finding Similar Regions in Many Strings (ML, BM, LW), pp. 473–482.
- CIKM-1999-Giles #question #web #what
- Searching the Web: Can You Find What You Want? (CLG), pp. 1–2.
- KDD-1999-DorreGS #mining
- Text Mining: Finding Nuggets in Mountains of Textual Data (JD, PG, RS), pp. 398–401.
- ICLP-1999-TickYM #constraints #problem
- Finding Fair Allocations for the Coalition Problem with Constraints (ET, RHCY, MJM), pp. 530–544.
- DAC-1998-HasteerMB #algorithm #automaton #verification
- An Implicit Algorithm for Finding Steady States and its Application to FSM Verification (GH, AM, PB), pp. 611–614.
- HT-1998-Moulthrop
- Straight Talk for Troubled Times, Or: The Street Finds Its Uses for Things (SM), p. 306.
- HT-1998-Tebbutt
- Finding Links (JT), pp. 299–300.
- ITiCSE-1998-MeyerV #bibliography #education #student
- A survey of first computing course students (poster): new findings and their implications for the curriculum (JM, SAV), p. 293.
- STOC-1998-KargerL #graph
- Finding Maximum Flows in Undirected Graphs Seems Easier than Bipartite Matching (DRK, MSL), pp. 69–78.
- STOC-1998-Zwick
- Finding Almost-Satisfying Assignments (UZ), pp. 551–560.
- CHI-1998-TerveenH #graph #visualisation
- Finding and Visualizing Inter-Site Clan Graphs (LGT, WCH), pp. 448–455.
- CIKM-1998-AggarwalSY #algorithm #online
- Online Algorithms for Finding Profile Association Rules (CCA, ZS, PSY), pp. 86–95.
- CIKM-1998-HsuC #database #music #performance
- Efficient Repeating Pattern Finding in Music Databases (JLH, ALPC), pp. 281–288.
- ICML-1998-LochS #markov #policy #process #using
- Using Eligibility Traces to Find the Best Memoryless Policy in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (JL, SPS), pp. 323–331.
- ICPR-1998-FlorebySS #bound #fourier #image #order #using
- Boundary finding using Fourier surfaces of increasing order [simulated medical images] (LF, LS, KS), pp. 465–467.
- ICPR-1998-NishikawaOM #3d #using
- Selective acquisition of 3-D information enough for finding passable free spaces using an active stereo vision system (AN, AO, FM), pp. 857–861.
- KDD-1998-DehaspeTK
- Finding Frequent Substructures in Chemical Compounds (LD, HT, RDK), pp. 30–36.
- SAC-1998-CookSW
- Finding rural postman tours (CC, DAS, RLW), pp. 318–326.
- SAC-1998-McGuireS #algorithm #linear #search-based #using
- Using a genetic algorithm to find good linear error-correcting codes (KMM, RES), pp. 332–337.
- FSE-1998-Mahony #re-engineering
- Finding a History for Software Engineering (MSM), p. 87.
- ISSTA-1998-TraceyCM #automation #using
- Automated Program Flaw Finding Using Simulated Annealing (NT, JAC, KM), pp. 73–81.
- EDTC-1997-ChoiH #estimation
- Improving the accuracy of support-set finding method for power estimation of combinational circuits (HC, SHH), pp. 526–530.
- ICDAR-1997-AriasCM
- Finding straight lines in drawings (JFA, AKC, VM), pp. 788–791.
- ICDAR-1997-VuurpijlS #categorisation #clustering
- Finding structure in diversity: a hierarchical clustering method for the categorization of allographs in handwriting (LV, LS), p. 387–?.
- VLDB-1997-EicklerKK
- Finding Data in the Neighborhood (AE, AK, DK), pp. 336–345.
- ICSM-1997-GirardK #architecture #component #comprehension #towards
- Finding Components in a Hierarchy of Modules: a Step towards Architectural Understanding (JFG, RK), pp. 58–65.
- STOC-1997-Karger #graph #random #using
- Using Random Sampling to Find Maximum Flows in Uncapacitated Undirected Graphs (DRK), pp. 240–249.
- TOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Noble #design
- Patterns for Finding Objects within Designs (JN), pp. 113–120.
- CADE-1997-DennisBG #bisimulation #induction #proving #using
- Using A Generalisation Critic to Find Bisimulations for Coinductive Proofs (LAD, AB, IG), pp. 276–290.
- WCRE-1996-Neighbors #component #reuse #scalability
- Finding Reusable Software Components in Large Systems (JMN), pp. 2–10.
- STOC-1996-CleggEI #algorithm #proving #satisfiability #using
- Using the Groebner Basis Algorithm to Find Proofs of Unsatisfiability (MC, JE, RI), pp. 174–183.
- AKDDM-1996-BerndtC #approach #programming
- Finding Patterns in Time Series: A Dynamic Programming Approach (DJB, JC), pp. 229–248.
- CIKM-1996-JingHR #optimisation
- Hierarchical Optimization of Optimal Path Finding for Transportation Applications (NJ, YWH, EAR), pp. 261–268.
- ICML-1996-PerezR #concept #learning
- Learning Despite Concept Variation by Finding Structure in Attribute-based Data (EP, LAR), pp. 391–399.
- ICPR-1996-Busching
- Efficiently finding bitangents (DB), pp. 428–432.
- ICPR-1996-KnechtS #geometry #modelling #using
- Finding map correspondence using geometric models (JdK, KS), pp. 755–759.
- ICPR-1996-KornaiC #statistics
- Statistical zone finding (AK, SDC), pp. 818–822.
- KDD-1996-PfitznerS #parallel #simulation
- Parallel Halo Finding in N-Body Cosmology Simulations (DWP, JKS), pp. 26–31.
- SEKE-1996-YoonH #framework #object-oriented #optimisation #query #semantics
- Finding Interesting Knowledge in Object-Oriented Frameworks for Semantic Query Optimization (SCY, LJH), pp. 108–115.
- SAC-1996-HoeltingSW #algorithm #network #search-based #using
- Finding investigator tours in telecommunication networks using genetic algorithms (CJH, DAS, RLW), pp. 82–87.
- DAC-1995-StanionS #synthesis
- A Method for Finding Good Ashenhurst Decompositions and Its Application to FPGA Synthesis (TS, CS), pp. 60–64.
- WCRE-1995-Baker #on the #scalability
- On Finding Duplication and Near-Duplication in Large Software Systems (BSB), pp. 86–95.
- WCRE-1995-GallK #approach #source code
- Finding Objects in Procedural Programs: An Alternative Approach (HG, RK), pp. 208–216.
- ICALP-1995-Chen #algorithm #set #string
- NC Algorithms for Finding a Maximal Set of Paths with Application to Compressing Strings (ZZC), pp. 99–110.
- CHI-1995-ShipmanMM #using
- Finding and Using Implicit Structure in Human-Organized Spatial Layouts of Information (FMSI, CCM, TPM), pp. 346–353.
- CAiSE-1995-SiauWB #concept
- A Psychological Study on the Use of Relationship Concept — Some Preliminary Findings (KS, YW, IB), pp. 341–354.
- ICML-1995-FultonKS #algorithm #multi #performance
- Efficient Algorithms for Finding Multi-way Splits for Decision Trees (TF, SK, SS), pp. 244–251.
- ICML-1995-PerezR #multi #using
- Using Multidimensional Projection to Find Relations (EP, LAR), pp. 447–455.
- SIGIR-1995-ChakravarthyH #internet #named #semantics #using
- Netserf: Using Semantic Knowledge to Find Internet Information Archives (ASC, KBH), pp. 4–11.
- EDAC-1994-GhatrajuAM #fixpoint #synthesis
- High-Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits by Finding Fixpoints (LG, MHAEB, CM), pp. 94–98.
- SAS-1994-Jorgensen #analysis #finite #fixpoint #using
- Finding Fixpoints in Finite Function Spaces Using Neddedness Analysis and Chaotic Iteration (NJ), pp. 329–345.
- STOC-1994-AlonYZ #graph #named #scalability
- Color-coding: a new method for finding simple paths, cycles and other small subgraphs within large graphs (NA, RY, UZ), pp. 326–335.
- STOC-1994-KleinT #algorithm #linear #random
- A randomized linear-time algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees (PNK, RET), pp. 9–15.
- STOC-1994-KollerMS #algorithm #game studies #performance #random
- Fast algorithms for finding randomized strategies in game trees (DK, NM, BvS), pp. 750–759.
- STOC-1994-Miltersen #bound #problem #random
- Lower bounds for union-split-find related problems on random access machines (PBM), pp. 625–634.
- ICALP-1994-YusterZ #performance
- Finding Even Cycles Even Faster (RY, UZ), pp. 532–543.
- CHI-1994-RaoCJKT94a #documentation #named
- Protofoil: storing and finding the information worker’s paper documents in an electronic file cabinet (RR, SKC, WJ, LK, RHT), pp. 180–185.
- CSCW-1994-WanJ #approach #collaboration #learning #using
- Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Using CLARE: The Approach and Experimental Findings (DW, PMJ), pp. 187–198.
- CIKM-1994-KlemettinenMRTV #scalability #set
- Finding Interesting Rules from Large Sets of Discovered Association Rules (MK, HM, PR, HT, AIV), pp. 401–407.
- KDD-1994-BerndtC #using
- Using Dynamic Time Warping to Find Patterns in Time Series (DJB, JC), pp. 359–370.
- HPDC-1994-PuthukattukaranCS #algorithm #design #implementation #parallel
- Design and Implementation of Parallel Algorithms for Gene-Finding (JP, SC, PS), pp. 186–193.
- ICLP-1994-BurgLH #backtracking #set
- Finding Conflict Sets and Backtrack Points in CLP(R) (JB, SDL, CEH), pp. 323–338.
- ICDAR-1993-Bunke #algorithm #nearest neighbour #performance #taxonomy #word
- A fast algorithm for finding the nearest neighbor of a word in a dictionary (HB), pp. 632–637.
- ICDAR-1993-WieserP #analysis #image #layout
- Layout and analysis: Finding text, titles, and photos in digital images of newspaper pages (JW, AP), pp. 774–777.
- PODS-1993-Chaudhuri #datalog #recursion
- Finding Nonrecursive Envelopes for Datalog Predicates (SC), pp. 135–146.
- STOC-1993-Bodlaender #algorithm #linear
- A linear time algorithm for finding tree-decompositions of small treewidth (HLB), pp. 226–234.
- STOC-1993-FarachKW #robust
- A robust model for finding optimal evolutionary trees (MF, SK, TW), pp. 137–145.
- STOC-1993-ParkP #graph
- Finding minimum-quotient cuts in planar graphs (JKP, CAP), pp. 766–775.
- HCI-ACS-1993-CarayonLYSSL #monitoring #performance #research
- Recent Research Findings on Stress and Electronic Performance Monitoring (PC, SYL, CLY, MJS, KJS, DL), pp. 1017–1022.
- HCI-ACS-1993-Westlander #health #research
- The Simultaneous Attack on Several Work Environment Factors — An Organizational Change Project Inspired of Occupational Health Research Findings (GW), pp. 833–838.
- HCI-ACS-1993-WestlanderSCA #evaluation
- The Success of an Ambtious Broad QWL Strategy — Our Methods of Evaluation and Interpretation of the Findings (GW, IS, BC, EÅ), pp. 857–862.
- INTERCHI-1993-Byrne #documentation #using
- Using icons to find documents: simplicity is critical (MDB), pp. 446–453.
- INTERCHI-1993-NielsenL #problem #usability
- A mathematical model of the finding of usability problems (JN, TKL), pp. 206–213.
- SAC-1993-RankinW #combinator #fixpoint #prolog #using
- Finding Fixed Point Combinators Using Prolog (RR, RWW), pp. 604–608.
- HT-ECHT-1992-Ritchie #future of #hypermedia #question
- The Future of Electronic Literacy: Will Hypertext Ever Find Acceptance? (IR), p. 1.
- STOC-1992-Rao #algorithm #graph #performance
- Faster Algorithms for Finding Small Edge Cuts in Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SR), pp. 229–240.
- STOC-1992-Reed #approximate
- Finding Approximate Separators and Computing Tree Width Quickly (BAR), pp. 221–228.
- CHI-1992-Nielsen #evaluation #heuristic #problem #usability
- Finding usability problems through heuristic evaluation (JN), pp. 373–380.
- ML-1992-ChengS #representation
- The Right Representation for Discovery: Finding the Conservation of Momentum (PCHC, HAS), pp. 62–71.
- STOC-1991-AndersonW #algorithm #parallel #problem
- Wait-free Parallel Algorithms for the Union-Find Problem (RJA, HW), pp. 370–380.
- STOC-1991-BroderFS
- Finding Hidden Hamiltonian Cycles (Extended Abstract) (AZB, AMF, ES), pp. 182–189.
- STOC-1991-Gabow #approach
- A Matroid Approach to Finding Edge Connectivity and Packing Arborescences (HNG), pp. 112–122.
- WSA-1991-Monsuez #abstract interpretation #polymorphism
- An Attempt to Find Polymorphic Types by Abstract Interpretation (BM), pp. 18–25.
- ICALP-1991-Furer #algorithm #graph #performance
- An Efficient NC Algorithm for Finding Hamiltonian Cycles in Dense Directed Graphs (MF), pp. 429–440.
- ICALP-1991-LagergrenA #congruence #finite #using
- Finding Minimal Forbidden Minors Using a Finite Congruence (JL, SA), pp. 532–543.
- KDD-1991-Schaffer #evaluation #independence #on the
- On Evaluation of Domain-Independent Scientific Function-Finding Systems (CS), pp. 93–106.
- TOOLS-USA-1991-Meyer #how #question
- Do we know how to find the classes? (BM), pp. 349–350.
- STOC-1990-Poutre #bound #pointer #problem
- Lower Bounds for the Union-Find and the Split-Find Problem on Pointer Machines (JALP), pp. 34–44.
- ML-1990-UtgoffB #incremental #multi
- An Incremental Method for Finding Multivariate Splits for Decision Trees (PEU, CEB), pp. 58–65.
- PLILP-1990-Sahlin #fixpoint #prolog #using
- Finding the Least Fixed Point Using Wait-Declarations in Prolog (DS), pp. 151–158.
- NACLP-1990-Umrigar #order #prolog #unification
- Finding Advantageous Orders for Argument Unification for the Prolog WAM (ZDU), pp. 80–96.
- PODS-1989-MannilaR #algorithm #normalisation #testing
- Practical Algorithms for Finding Prime Attributes and Testing Normal Forms (HM, KJR), pp. 128–133.
- VLDB-1989-IyerRV #algorithm #multi
- Percentile Finding Algorithm for Multiple Sorted Runs (BRI, GRR, PJV), pp. 135–144.
- VLDB-1989-MendelzonW #database #graph
- Finding Regular Simple Paths in Graph Databases (AOM, PTW), pp. 185–193.
- STOC-1989-Beame #trade-off
- A General Sequential Time-Space Tradeoff for Finding Unique Elements (PB), pp. 197–203.
- ICALP-1989-FussellRT #component
- Finding Triconnected Components by Local Replacements (DSF, VR, RT), pp. 379–393.
- ML-1989-Danyluk #bias #induction #information management
- Finding New Rules for Incomplete Theories: Explicit Biases for Induction with Contextual Information (APD), pp. 34–36.
- DAC-1988-WolfKA #algorithm #kernel #logic #multi
- A Kernel-Finding State Assignment Algorithm for Multi-Level Logic (WW, KK, JA), pp. 433–438.
- STOC-1988-GoldbergT #low cost
- Finding Minimum-Cost Circulations by Canceling Negative Cycles (AVG, RET), pp. 388–397.
- CSCW-1988-Hiltz #collaboration #learning
- Collaborative Learning in a Virtual Classroom: Highlights of Findings (SRH), pp. 282–290.
- CADE-1988-GallierNPRS #canonical #equation #finite #polynomial #set #term rewriting
- Finding Canonical Rewriting Systems Equivalent to a Finite Set of Ground Equations in Polynomial Time (JHG, PN, DAP, SR, WS), pp. 182–196.
- JICSCP-1988-Port88 #approach
- A Simple Approach to Finding the Cause of Non-Unifiability (GSP), pp. 651–665.
- DAC-1987-FriedmanS #diagrams
- Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams (SJF, KJS), pp. 358–356.
- ICALP-1987-MehlhornNA #bound #complexity #problem
- A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem (KM, SN, HA), pp. 479–488.
- FPCA-1987-MartinH #finite #fixpoint
- Finding fixed points in finite lattices (CM, CH), pp. 426–445.
- HCI-CE-1987-Ulich #concept #difference #human-computer #interactive #research
- Individual Differences in Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts and Research Findings (EU), pp. 29–36.
- HCI-SES-1987-AndersonJSA #empirical
- Diffusion and Impact of Computer in Organizational Settings: Empirical Findings form a Hospital (JGA, SJJ, HMS, MMA), pp. 3–10.
- DAC-1986-BhaskerS #algorithm #graph #linear
- A linear algorithm to find a rectangular dual of a planar triangulated graph (JB, SS), pp. 108–114.
- STOC-1986-AdlemanL #finite
- Finding Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields (LMA, HWLJ), pp. 350–355.
- ICALP-1986-SpirakisT #algorithm #performance
- A Very Fast, Practical Algorithm for Finding a Negative Cycle in a Digraph (PGS, AKT), pp. 397–406.
- POPL-1986-Wand #fault
- Finding the Source of Type Errors (MW), pp. 38–43.
- PODS-1985-Kundu #algorithm
- An Improved Algorithm for Finding a Key of a Relation (SK), pp. 189–192.
- SIGMOD-1985-DemoK #analysis #database #dependence
- Analysis of the Context Dependency of CODASYL Find-Statements with Application to Database Program Conversion (GBD, SK), pp. 354–361.
- STOC-1985-BentJ
- Finding the Median Requires 2n Comparisons (SWB, JWJ), pp. 213–216.
- STOC-1985-BollobasFF #algorithm #graph #random
- An Algorithm for Finding Hamilton Cycles in a Random Graph (BB, TIF, AMF), pp. 430–439.
- STOC-1985-Harel #algorithm #graph #linear #problem
- A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Dominators in Flow Graphs and Related Problems (DH), pp. 185–194.
- STOC-1985-Huang #finite
- Riemann Hypothesis and Finding Roots over Finite Fields (MDAH), pp. 121–130.
- DAC-1984-KozminskiK #algorithm #graph
- An algorithm for finding a rectangular dual of a planar graph for use in area planning for VLSI integrated circuits (KK, EK), pp. 655–656.
- STOC-1984-AwerbuchIS #parallel
- Finding Euler Circuits in Logarithmic Parallel Time (BA, AI, YS), pp. 249–257.
- STOC-1984-GoldbergM #on the #problem
- On Finding the Exact Solution of a Zero-One Knapsack Problem (AVG, AMS), pp. 359–368.
- STOC-1984-Miller #graph
- Finding Small Simple Cycle Separators for 2-Connected Planar Graphs (GLM), pp. 376–382.
- ICALP-1984-Jerrum #complexity #generative #sequence
- The Complexity of Finding Minimum-Length Generator Sequences (Extended Abstract) (MJ), pp. 270–280.
- DAC-1982-MalingMH #on the
- On finding most optimal rectangular package plans (KM, SHM, WRH), pp. 663–670.
- STOC-1982-BoyceDDG
- Finding Extremal Polygons (JEB, DPD, RL(DI, LJG), pp. 282–289.
- STOC-1982-PachlKR #algorithm #bound #distributed #proving
- A Technique for Proving Lower Bounds for Distributed Maximum-Finding Algorithms (JKP, EK, DR), pp. 378–382.
- ILPC-1982-Eshghi82 #fault #logic #metalanguage #programming
- Application of Meta-language Programming to Fault Finding in Logic Circuits (KE), pp. 240–246.
- STOC-1979-Angluin #set #string
- Finding Patterns Common to a Set of Strings (Extended Abstract) (DA), pp. 130–141.
- STOC-1979-SedgewickS #complexity
- The Complexity of Finding Periods (RS, TGS), pp. 74–80.
- POPL-1979-Banning #alias #performance
- An Efficient Way to Find Side Effects of Procedure Calls and Aliases of Variables (JB), pp. 29–41.
- VLDB-1977-FieldsN #using
- Using New Clues to Find Data (CF, NN), pp. 156–158.
- STOC-1977-Itai #graph
- Finding a Minimum Circuit in a Graph (AI), pp. 1–10.
- STOC-1976-FongU #graph
- Finding the Depth of a Flow Graph (ACF, JDU), pp. 121–125.
- SIGMOD-1975-FadousF #database #relational
- Finding Candidate Keys for Relational Data Bases (RF, JF), pp. 203–210.
- STOC-1973-AhoHU #on the
- On Finding Lowest Common Ancestors in Trees (AVA, JEH, JDU), pp. 253–265.
- STOC-1973-WeinerSB #algorithm
- Neighborhood Search Algorithms for Finding Optimal Traveling Salesman Tours Must Be Inefficient (PW, SLS, AB), pp. 207–213.