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723 papers:

CASECASE-2015-AicherRV #abstraction #automation #simulation #towards #verification
Towards finding the appropriate level of abstraction to model and verify automated production systems in discrete event simulation (TA, SR, BVH), pp. 1048–1053.
DATEDATE-2015-DupuisBFNR #hardware #testing
New testing procedure for finding insertion sites of stealthy hardware trojans (SD, PSB, MLF, GDN, BR), pp. 776–781.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-Anagnostopoulos #crowdsourcing #performance
The Importance of Being Expert: Efficient Max-Finding in Crowdsourcing (AA, LB, AF, IM, MR), pp. 983–998.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2015-MozafariGY #database #design #framework #named #robust
CliffGuard: A Principled Framework for Finding Robust Database Designs (BM, EZYG, DYY), pp. 1167–1182.
FTT: A System for Finding and Tracking Tourists in Public Transport Services (HW, JAT, WSN, MX, WC), pp. 1093–1098.
Finding Pareto Optimal Groups: Group-based Skyline (JL, LX, JP, JL, HZ), pp. 2086–2097.
VLDBVLDB-2015-ShiokawaFO #algorithm #clustering #graph #performance #scalability
SCAN++: Efficient Algorithm for Finding Clusters, Hubs and Outliers on Large-scale Graphs (HS, YF, MO), pp. 1178–1189.
VLDBVLDB-2015-YingKSS #named
TreeScope: Finding Structural Anomalies In Semi-Structured Data (SY, FK, BS, DS), pp. 1904–1915.
PLDIPLDI-2015-IsradisaikulM #parsing
Finding counterexamples from parsing conflicts (CI, ACM), pp. 555–564.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-BeameLP #bound
Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space (PB, VL, MP), pp. 103–115.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-HenzingerKL #component #polynomial
Finding 2-Edge and 2-Vertex Strongly Connected Components in Quadratic Time (MH, SK, VL), pp. 713–724.
ICALPICALP-v1-2015-KawaseKY #graph
Finding a Path in Group-Labeled Graphs with Two Labels Forbidden (YK, YK, YY), pp. 797–809.
LATALATA-2015-DaiW #algorithm #parallel #random #sequence
A Parallel Algorithm for Finding All Minimal Maximum Subsequences via Random Walk (HKD, ZW), pp. 133–144.
SEFMSEFM-2015-KnapikNP #generative #order
Generating None-Plans in Order to Find Plans (MK, AN, WP), pp. 310–324.
CHICHI-2015-KonradBCTNDPW #adaptation #automation #reduction
Finding the Adaptive Sweet Spot: Balancing Compliance and Achievement in Automated Stress Reduction (AK, VB, NC, ST, LN, HD, PP, SW), pp. 3829–3838.
HCIDUXU-IXD-2015-LageiroLD #evaluation
Evaluation of Users Acceptance of a Digital Medicine Fact Sheet: Findings from a Focus Group (AL, CL, ED), pp. 638–647.
HCILCT-2015-IbanezN #design #implementation #multi #using
Contextualization of Archaeological Findings Using Virtual Worlds. Issues on Design and Implementation of a Multiuser Enabled Virtual Museum (LAHI, VBN), pp. 384–393.
HCILCT-2015-KaprosP #api #education #guidelines #usability
Usability of Educational Technology APIs: Findings and Guidelines (EK, NP), pp. 249–260.
ICEISICEIS-v1-2015-JuniorS #approach #compilation #optimisation #reasoning #set
Finding Good Compiler Optimization Sets — A Case-based Reasoning Approach (NLQJ, AFdS), pp. 504–515.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2015-SarinhoLS #dataset #linked data #open data #question
Can You Find All the Data You Expect in a Linked Dataset? (WTS, BFL, DS), pp. 648–655.
ECIRECIR-2015-SadeghiBMSSV #predict #process
Predicting Re-finding Activity and Difficulty (SS, RB, PM, MS, FS, DV), pp. 715–727.
ECIRECIR-2015-ZucconKP #effectiveness #self
Diagnose This If You Can — On the Effectiveness of Search Engines in Finding Medical Self-diagnosis Information (GZ, BK, JRMP), pp. 562–567.
ICMLICML-2015-GarnettHS #process
Finding Galaxies in the Shadows of Quasars with Gaussian Processes (RG, SH, JS), pp. 1025–1033.
ICMLICML-2015-MaLF #analysis #canonical #correlation #dataset #linear #scalability
Finding Linear Structure in Large Datasets with Scalable Canonical Correlation Analysis (ZM, YL, DPF), pp. 169–178.
KDDKDD-2015-SmithCS #web
Going In-Depth: Finding Longform on the Web (VS, MC, IS), pp. 2109–2118.
SEKESEKE-2015-NakstadWF #crawling #gesture #interactive
Finding and Emulating Keyboard, Mouse, and Touch Interactions and Gestures while Crawling RIA’s (FN, HW, YF), pp. 631–638.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-DorandoAVKM #information retrieval
Finding Money in the Haystack: Information Retrieval at Bloomberg (JJD, KA, PV, GK, GM), p. 1075.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-NguyenKNZ #documentation #random #web
A Time-aware Random Walk Model for Finding Important Documents in Web Archives (TNN, NK, CN, XZ), pp. 915–918.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-OdijkMSR #modelling #query
Dynamic Query Modeling for Related Content Finding (DO, EM, IS, MdR), pp. 33–42.
SIGIRSIGIR-2015-Yulianti #web
Finding Answers in Web Search (EY), p. 1069.
ECMFAECMFA-J-2012-ButtnerC15 #lightweight #reasoning #string
Lightweight string reasoning in model finding (FB, JC), pp. 413–427.
AMTAMT-2015-SelimCDLO #case study #debugging #experience #model transformation #verification
Finding and Fixing Bugs in Model Transformations with Formal Verification: An Experience Report (GMKS, JRC, JD, LL, BJO), pp. 26–35.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2015-LeSS #compilation #debugging #probability
Finding deep compiler bugs via guided stochastic program mutation (VL, CS, ZS), pp. 386–399.
REFSQREFSQ-2015-RazavianG #requirements
Consonance Between Economic and IT Services: Finding the Balance Between Conflicting Requirements (MR, JG), pp. 148–163.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-BarikJM #research #social
I heart hacker news: expanding qualitative research findings by analyzing social news websites (TB, BJ, ERMH), pp. 882–885.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2015-HuangR #branch
Finding schedule-sensitive branches (JH, LR), pp. 439–449.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-CzerwonkaGT #bibliography #code review #debugging #how
Code Reviews Do Not Find Bugs. How the Current Code Review Best Practice Slows Us Down (JC, MG, JT), pp. 27–28.
ICSEICSE-v2-2015-McCarthyRS #comprehension #consistency #named
Bixie: Finding and Understanding Inconsistent Code (TM, PR, MS), pp. 645–648.
SOSPSOSP-2015-CurtsingerB #named #profiling
Coz: finding code that counts with causal profiling (CC, EDB), pp. 184–197.
SOSPSOSP-2015-MinKLSK #correctness #debugging #file system #semantics
Cross-checking semantic correctness: the case of finding file system bugs (CM, SK, BL, CS, TK), pp. 361–377.
Exploring Theories with a Model-Finding Assistant (SS, RD, DJD), pp. 434–449.
CAVCAV-2015-ErezN #automation #bound #graph #smt #using
Finding Bounded Path in Graph Using SMT for Automatic Clock Routing (AE, AN), pp. 20–36.
ICSTICST-2015-YuC #embedded #generative #stack #testing #worst-case
Guided Test Generation for Finding Worst-Case Stack Usage in Embedded Systems (TY, MBC), pp. 1–10.
ASEASE-2014-HigoK #consistency #named #nondeterminism #source code
MPAnalyzer: a tool for finding unintended inconsistencies in program source code (YH, SK), pp. 843–846.
ASEASE-2014-MahajanH #comparison #html #image #using
Finding HTML presentation failures using image comparison techniques (SM, WGJH), pp. 91–96.
Finding mr and mrs entity in the city of knowledge (VL, MS, SK, PT), pp. 261–266.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2014-RoyS #approach #database #formal method #query
A formal approach to finding explanations for database queries (SR, DS), pp. 1579–1590.
VLDBVLDB-2014-YangDCC #keyword #knowledge base #using
Finding Patterns in a Knowledge Base using Keywords to Compose Table Answers (MY, BD, SC, KC), pp. 1809–1820.
VLDBVLDB-2014-YangGYL #constraints #graph
Finding the Cost-Optimal Path with Time Constraint over Time-Dependent Graphs (YY, HG, JXY, JL), pp. 673–684.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2014-EricssonW #mining #what
Mining job ads to find what skills are sought after from an employers’ perspective on IT graduates (ME, AW), p. 354.
FASEFASE-2014-CunhaMG #relational
Target Oriented Relational Model Finding (AC, NM, TG), pp. 17–31.
MSRMSR-2014-HanamTHL #ranking #static analysis
Finding patterns in static analysis alerts: improving actionable alert ranking (QH, LT, RH, PL), pp. 152–161.
CHICHI-2014-GarbettCEGO #interface #people #trust
Finding “real people”: trust and diversity in the interface between professional and citizen journalists (ATG, RC, PE, MG, PO), pp. 3015–3024.
CHICHI-2014-LaseckiWFB #dependence #using
Finding dependencies between actions using the crowd (WSL, LW, GF, JPB), pp. 3095–3098.
CHICHI-2014-MorrisSGK #named #smarttech #using
RecoFit: using a wearable sensor to find, recognize, and count repetitive exercises (DM, TSS, AG, IK), pp. 3225–3234.
CSCWCSCW-2014-ChangKGT #gender #social
Specialization, homophily, and gender in a social curation site: findings from pinterest (SC, VK, EG, LGT), pp. 674–686.
HCIDUXU-ELAS-2014-MontAlvao #bibliography #health #using
Health Care Professionals vs Other Professionals: Do They Have Different Perceptions about Health Care Waste and Dangerous Products Pictograms? Some Findings Using a Digital Device in Field Survey (CRM), pp. 83–90.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-Hussain #data mining #mining
Getting the Most from CRM Systems: Data Mining in SugarCRM, Finding Important Patterns (QH), pp. 693–699.
HCIHCI-AS-2014-LandyLNPLM #analysis #comparative #development #predict
Finding Directions to a Good GPS System — A Comparative Analysis and Development of a Predictive Model (JL, TL, NN, PP, EL, PM), pp. 454–465.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-AokiSMO #research #visualisation
Visualization Tool for Finding of Researcher Relations (TA, YS, KM, SO), pp. 3–9.
HCIHIMI-DE-2014-KobayashiS #corpus #topic
Finding Division Points for Time-Series Corpus Based on Topic Changes (HK, RS), pp. 364–372.
HCILCT-TRE-2014-SofticVMWE #research #using
Finding and Exploring Commonalities between Researchers Using the ResXplorer (SS, LDV, EM, RVdW, ME), pp. 486–494.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-VergneS #community #markov #network #open source #using
Expert Finding Using Markov Networks in Open Source Communities (MV, AS), pp. 196–210.
CAiSECAiSE-2014-VlaanderenDB #incremental
Finding Optimal Plans for Incremental Method Engineering (KV, FD, SB), pp. 640–655.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-BeenK #analysis #approach #internet #online #people
Finding You on the Internet — An Approach for Finding On-line Presences of People for Fraud Risk Analysis (HB, MvK), pp. 697–706.
ICEISICEIS-v2-2014-ProcaciSA #analysis #community #metric #online #people #reduction #reliability
Finding Reliable People in Online Communities of Questions and Answers — Analysis of Metrics and Scope Reduction (TBP, SWMS, LCVdA), pp. 526–535.
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better: Finding Expert Teams by CrewScout (NH, HF, RV, GD, CL, NZ), pp. 2030–2032.
CIKMCIKM-2014-OchiaiKT #case study
Re-call and Re-cognition in Episode Re-retrieval: A User Study on News Re-finding a Fortnight Later (SO, MPK, KT), pp. 579–588.
ICMLICML-c2-2014-PapailiopoulosMDC #optimisation #rank
Finding Dense Subgraphs via Low-Rank Bilinear Optimization (DSP, IM, AGD, CC), pp. 1890–1898.
ICPRICPR-2014-GubarevaSSLM #linear
Finding the Largest Hypercavity in a Linear Data Space (AG, VS, OS, AL, VM), pp. 4406–4410.
ICPRICPR-2014-MiyanS #consistency #image #using
Finding Corresponding Patches in Texture Images Using Tensor Consistency Check (SBM, JS), pp. 4021–4026.
Finding Optimal Exact Reducts (HA), pp. 149–153.
KDIRKDIR-2014-AlHuwaishelAB #algorithm #case study #database
Finding the Frequent Pattern in a Database — A Study on the Apriori Algorithm (NA, MA, GB), pp. 388–396.
KEODKEOD-2014-Aalst #mining #people #process #what
No Knowledge Without Processes — Process Mining as a Tool to Find Out What People and Organizations Really Do (WMPvdA), pp. 1–11.
MLDMMLDM-2014-SilvaA #multi
Finding Multi-dimensional Patterns in Healthcare (AS, CA), pp. 361–375.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-ChengCBB #approach #twitter
Who is the barbecue king of texas?: a geo-spatial approach to finding local experts on twitter (ZC, JC, HB, VB), pp. 335–344.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-ChengSHCC #named #ranking #self
IMRank: influence maximization via finding self-consistent ranking (SC, HS, JH, WC, XC), pp. 475–484.
SIGIRSIGIR-2014-YeniterziC #bias #testing
Analyzing bias in CQA-based expert finding test sets (RY, JC), pp. 967–970.
ECOOPECOOP-2014-LiT #analysis #fault #python #source code
Finding Reference-Counting Errors in Python/C Programs with Affine Analysis (SL, GT), pp. 80–104.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2014-PavlinovicKW #fault
Finding minimum type error sources (ZP, TK, TW), pp. 525–542.
SACSAC-2014-LinWCC #query
Finding targets with the nearest favor neighbor and farthest disfavor neighbor by a skyline query (YWL, ETW, CFC, ALPC), pp. 821–826.
SACSAC-2014-PotocnikCS #debugging #named #problem #scala
Linter: a tool for finding bugs and potential problems in scala code (MP, UC, BS), pp. 1615–1616.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2014-BanabicCG #distributed
Finding trojan message vulnerabilities in distributed systems (RB, GC, RG), pp. 113–126.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2014-DingZZES #compilation #complexity #runtime #scheduling
Finding the limit: examining the potential and complexity of compilation scheduling for JIT-based runtime systems (YD, MZ, ZZ, SE, XS), pp. 607–622.
CAVCAV-2014-CookFHIJP #biology #modelling
Finding Instability in Biological Models (BC, JF, BAH, SI, GJ, NP), pp. 358–372.
ICSTICST-2014-VarvaressosLMGH #automation #case study #debugging #game studies #monitoring #runtime #video
Automated Bug Finding in Video Games: A Case Study for Runtime Monitoring (SV, KL, ABM, SG, SH), pp. 143–152.
ISSTAISSTA-2014-XuZXW #c #named #source code
Canalyze: a static bug-finding tool for C programs (ZX, JZ, ZX, JW), pp. 425–428.
ECSAECSA-2013-AnvaariCJ #architecture #case study #enterprise #industrial
Architectural Decision-Making in Enterprises: Preliminary Findings from an Exploratory Study in Norwegian Electricity Industry (MA, RC, LJ), pp. 162–175.
ASEASE-2013-ChhetriCVK #in the cloud
Smart Cloud Broker: Finding your home in the clouds (MBC, SC, QBV, RK), pp. 698–701.
ASEASE-2013-VanciuA #architecture #constraints #using
Finding architectural flaws using constraints (RV, MAA), pp. 334–344.
ICDARICDAR-2013-DovgalecsBTNH #documentation #exclamation #word
Spot It! Finding Words and Patterns in Historical Documents (VD, AB, PT, SN, LH), pp. 1039–1043.
ICDARICDAR-2013-MauroEF #web
Finding Critical Cells in Web Tables with SRL: Trying to Uncover the Devil’s Tease (NDM, FE, SF), pp. 882–886.
Finding time period-based most frequent path in big trajectory data (WL, HT, LC, LMN), pp. 713–724.
Finding Shortest Paths on Terrains by Killing Two Birds with One Stone (MK, RCWW, BY, CSJ), pp. 73–84.
ITiCSEITiCSE-WGR-2013-ShumbaFSTFTSABH #recommendation #women
Cybersecurity, women and minorities: findings and recommendations from a preliminary investigation (RS, KFB, ES, CT, GF, CT, CS, GA, RB, LH), pp. 1–14.
CSMRCSMR-2013-LerchM #debugging
Finding Duplicates of Your Yet Unwritten Bug Report (JL, MM), pp. 69–78.
WCREWCRE-2013-TeytonFMB #library
Find your library experts (CT, JRF, FM, XB), pp. 202–211.
PLDIPLDI-2013-ZhangNY #abstraction #analysis #data flow #parametricity
Finding optimum abstractions in parametric dataflow analysis (XZ, MN, HY), pp. 365–376.
ICALPICALP-v1-2013-BrunschR #algorithm
Finding Short Paths on Polytopes by the Shadow Vertex Algorithm (TB, HR), pp. 279–290.
CHICHI-2013-WycheM #mobile
Powering the cellphone revolution: findings from mobile phone charging trials in off-grid Kenya (SW, LLM), pp. 1959–1968.
CSCWCSCW-2013-YaroshMZE #enterprise #exclamation #process #taxonomy
I need someone to help!: a taxonomy of helper-finding activities in the enterprise (SY, TM, MXZ, KE), pp. 1375–1386.
HCIDUXU-PMT-2013-ChiuT #design #effectiveness #idea #network #process #social
User Involvement in Idea Brainstorming of Design Process: Finding the Effective Strategy in Social Network Service (SCC, KT), pp. 593–598.
HCIDUXU-WM-2013-KondoK #development #evaluation #image #interactive #prototype #using #visual notation
Trial of Diagnostic to Find Preferable Job Using the Visual Image Information Interaction: Prototype Development and Evaluation in Global Human Resources Matching Site (AK, NK), pp. 525–532.
HCIHCI-UC-2013-YangRV #industrial #interactive
Principled Ways of Finding, Analysing and Planning for Communicative Overhead in Interaction Technology for Fashion Industry (JY, SR, SV), pp. 484–491.
HCIHIMI-LCCB-2013-Tanaka-YamawakiI #prototype
Finding a Prototype Form of Sustainable Strategies for the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (MTY, RI), pp. 616–624.
HCIOCSC-2013-OtakeUS #game studies #social
A Consideration of the Functions That Support to Find New Friends in Social Games (KO, TU, AS), pp. 405–411.
VISSOFTVISSOFT-2013-AbuthawabehBZD #matrix #multi #visualisation
Finding structures in multi-type code couplings with node-link and matrix visualizations (AA, FB, DZ, SD), pp. 1–10.
CIKMCIKM-2013-MorishimaYTSK #dependence #performance #ranking #web
Efficient filtering and ranking schemes for finding inclusion dependencies on the web (AM, EY, MT, SS, HK), pp. 763–768.
ICMLICML-c3-2013-ZhuLM #algorithm #clustering
A Local Algorithm for Finding Well-Connected Clusters (ZAZ, SL, VSM), pp. 396–404.
KDIRKDIR-KMIS-2013-MeiselBI #mining #query
Mining the Long Tail of Search Queries — Finding Profitable Patterns (MM, MB, AI), pp. 225–229.
RecSysRecSys-2013-XuBATMK #recommendation
Catch-up TV recommendations: show old favourites and find new ones (MX, SB, SA, ST, AM, IK), pp. 285–294.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-AslayOAJ #network
Competition-based networks for expert finding (ÇA, NO, LMA, AJ), pp. 1033–1036.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-LiangR #corpus #enterprise #information management
Finding knowledgeable groups in enterprise corpora (SL, MdR), pp. 1005–1008.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-LuoOTW #twitter
Who will retweet me?: finding retweeters in twitter (ZL, MO, JT, TW), pp. 869–872.
SIGIRSIGIR-2013-SekiM #feedback #social #using
Finding impressive social content creators: searching for SNS illustrators using feedback on motifs and impressions (YS, KM), pp. 1041–1044.
SACSAC-PL-J-2010-PopeeaC13 #analysis #debugging #proving #safety
Dual analysis for proving safety and finding bugs (CP, WNC), pp. 390–411.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2013-LiuDZ #composition
Finding incorrect compositions of atomicity (PL, JD, CZ), pp. 158–168.
ICSEICSE-2013-JohnsonSMB #debugging #developer #question #static analysis #tool support #why
Why don’t software developers use static analysis tools to find bugs? (BJ, YS, ERMH, RWB), pp. 672–681.
ICSEICSE-2013-LewisLSZOW #case study #debugging #developer #predict
Does bug prediction support human developers? findings from a google case study (CL, ZL, CS, XZ, RO, EJWJ), pp. 372–381.
CADECADE-2013-ReynoldsTGKDB #finite #quantifier #smt
Quantifier Instantiation Techniques for Finite Model Finding in SMT (AR, CT, AG, SK, MD, CB), pp. 377–391.
CAVCAV-2013-ReynoldsTGK #finite #smt
Finite Model Finding in SMT (AR, CT, AG, SK), pp. 640–655.
CAVCAV-2013-SosnovichGN #network #protocol #security #using
Finding Security Vulnerabilities in a Network Protocol Using Parameterized Systems (AS, OG, GN), pp. 724–739.
ICLPICLP-J-2013-ErdemPSSU #approach #multi
Finding optimal plans for multiple teams of robots through a mediator: A logic-based approach (EE, VP, ZGS, PS, TU), pp. 831–846.
ICTSSICTSS-2013-SapraMCGC #execution #fault #python #source code #symbolic computation #using
Finding Errors in Python Programs Using Dynamic Symbolic Execution (SS, MM, SC, AG, EMC), pp. 283–289.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-ChocklerEY #concurrent #fault
Finding rare numerical stability errors in concurrent computations (HC, KE, EY), pp. 12–22.
ISSTAISSTA-2013-TrippWG #approach #learning #security #testing #web
Finding your way in the testing jungle: a learning approach to web security testing (OT, OW, LG), pp. 347–357.
ICSTSAT-2013-JordanK #reduction
Experiments with Reduction Finding (CJ, LK), pp. 192–207.
ASEASE-2012-HarmanLJWAC #challenge #programming #search-based #source code #using
The GISMOE challenge: constructing the pareto program surface using genetic programming to find better programs (keynote paper) (MH, WBL, YJ, DRW, AA, JAC), pp. 1–14.
ASEASE-2012-ThungLLJRD #debugging #detection #empirical #fault #tool support #what
To what extent could we detect field defects? an empirical study of false negatives in static bug finding tools (FT, L, DL, LJ, FR, PTD), pp. 50–59.
HTHT-2012-RyuLW #social #social media
Finding and exploring memes in social media (HR, ML, NW), pp. 295–304.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2012-AndersonTBRV #graph #named
PAnG: finding patterns in annotation graphs (PA, AT, JB, LR, MEV), pp. 677–680.
Finding related tables (ADS, LF, NG, AYH, HL, FW, RX, CY), pp. 817–828.
VLDBVLDB-2013-LiDLMS12 #problem #question #web
Truth Finding on the Deep Web: Is the Problem Solved? (XL, XLD, KL, WM, DS), pp. 97–108.
ICSMEICSM-2012-RupakhetiH #constraints #fault #modelling #similarity #theorem proving #using
Finding errors from reverse-engineered equality models using a constraint solver (CRR, DH), pp. 77–86.
PEPMPEPM-2012-KarlsenHO #debugging #eclipse #java #plugin
Finding and fixing Java naming bugs with the lancelot eclipse plugin (EKK, EWH, BMØ), pp. 35–38.
PLDIPLDI-2012-BenzHH #float #problem #program analysis
A dynamic program analysis to find floating-point accuracy problems (FB, AH, SH), pp. 453–462.
SASSAS-2012-EmmiL #distributed #source code
Finding Non-terminating Executions in Distributed Asynchronous Programs (ME, AL), pp. 439–455.
STOCSTOC-2012-CebrianCVV #contract #robust
Finding red balloons with split contracts: robustness to individuals’ selfishness (MC, LC, AV, PV), pp. 775–788.
CHICHI-2012-BergmanWSNR #how #navigation
How do we find personal files?: the effect of OS, presentation & depth on file navigation (OB, SW, MS, RN, AR), pp. 2977–2980.
CHICHI-2012-DiakopoulosCN #social #social media
Finding and assessing social media information sources in the context of journalism (ND, MDC, MN), pp. 2451–2460.
CHICHI-2012-HaqueKAALDRHS #mobile #monitoring
Findings of e-ESAS: a mobile based symptom monitoring system for breast cancer patients in rural Bangladesh (MMH, FAK, MA, SIA, RL, RD, DR, SH, RS), pp. 899–908.
CHICHI-2012-KleekSSs #game studies #named #twitter
Twiage: a game for finding good advice on twitter (MVK, DAS, RS, MMCS), pp. 889–898.
CHICHI-2012-KuhnMSCLQD #how #multi #student
How students find, evaluate and utilize peer-collected annotated multimedia data in science inquiry with zydeco (AK, BM, SS, CC, WTL, CQ, ID), pp. 3061–3070.
Finding a new normal: the role of technology in life disruptions (MM, JPD, CALD), pp. 719–728.
ICEISICEIS-J-2012-AmarGMHLN12a #automation #concept analysis
Finding Semi-Automatically a Greatest Common Model Thanks to Formal Concept Analysis (BA, AOG, AM, MH, TL, CN), pp. 72–91.
CIKMCIKM-2012-Chung #using
Finding food entity relationships using user-generated data in recipe service (YjC), pp. 2611–2614.
CIKMCIKM-2012-HaiCC #mining
One seed to find them all: mining opinion features via association (ZH, KC, GC), pp. 255–264.
CIKMCIKM-2012-HuHXLUZ #analysis #mining
Finding nuggets in IP portfolios: core patent mining through textual temporal analysis (PH, MH, PX, WL, AKU, XZ), pp. 1819–1823.
CIKMCIKM-2012-YangYGL #graph #multi
Finding the optimal path over multi-cost graphs (YY, JXY, HG, JL), pp. 2124–2128.
CIKMCIKM-2012-YeoPH #game studies #social
Finding influential products on social domination game (JY, JWP, SwH), pp. 2359–2362.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ZhanZZL #nondeterminism
Finding top k most influential spatial facilities over uncertain objects (LZ, YZ, WZ, XL), pp. 922–931.
CIKMCIKM-2012-ZhouLLZ #community #probability #topic
Topic-sensitive probabilistic model for expert finding in question answer communities (GZ, SL, KL, JZ), pp. 1662–1666.
ICMLICML-2012-HaiderS #clustering #graph #using
Finding Botnets Using Minimal Graph Clusterings (PH, TS), p. 37.
ICPRICPR-2012-CrandallFP #modelling #probability #using #visual notation
Layer-finding in radar echograms using probabilistic graphical models (DJC, GCF, JP), pp. 1530–1533.
ICPRICPR-2012-FrouzeshPH #modelling #optimisation
A combined method for finding best starting points for optimisation in bernoulli mixture models (FF, SP, YH), pp. 1128–1131.
ICPRICPR-2012-GuoZC #representation
Find dominant bins of a histogram by sparse representation (XG, ZCZ, AC), pp. 3038–3041.
Finding discriminative features for Raman spectroscopy (MK, JD), pp. 1823–1826.
KDDKDD-2012-BawabMC #personalisation #query #recommendation #topic
Finding trending local topics in search queries for personalization of a recommendation system (ZAB, GHM, JFC), pp. 397–405.
KDDKDD-2012-GunnemannFVS #clustering #correlation
Subspace correlation clustering: finding locally correlated dimensions in subspace projections of the data (SG, IF, KV, TS), pp. 352–360.
KDDKDD-2012-LiuZW #set
Finding minimum representative pattern sets (GL, HZ, LW), pp. 51–59.
KDDKDD-2012-Saez-TrumperCABB #network
Finding trendsetters in information networks (DST, GC, VAFA, RABY, FB), pp. 1014–1022.
KEODKEOD-2012-MatskanisAMMR #approach #linked data #open data #query #research
A Linked Data Approach for Querying Heterogeneous Sources — Assisting Researchers in Finding Answers to Complex Clinical Questions (NM, VA, PM, KM, JR), pp. 411–414.
KRKR-2012-LacknerP #algorithm #modelling #parametricity
Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Finding Minimal Models (ML, AP).
MLDMMLDM-2012-KhanCDE #3d #case study #correlation #incremental #symmetry
Finding Correlations between 3-D Surfaces: A Study in Asymmetric Incremental Sheet Forming (MSK, FC, CD, SES), pp. 366–379.
RecSysRecSys-2012-LeviMDT #recommendation
Finding a needle in a haystack of reviews: cold start context-based hotel recommender system (AL, OM, CD, NT), pp. 115–122.
RecSysRecSys-2012-LeviMDT12a #recommendation
Finding a needle in a haystack of reviews: cold start context-based hotel recommender system demo (AL, OM, CD, NT), pp. 305–306.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-ChenLYYN #network #social #web
Finding web appearances of social network users via latent factor model (KC, ZL, XY, YY, ZN), pp. 1077–1078.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-JiangYHH #social
Finding readings for scientists from social websites (JJ, ZY, SH, DH), pp. 1075–1076.
Finding translations in scanned book collections (IZY, RM), pp. 465–474.
SIGIRSIGIR-2012-YangLLR #analysis #graph #twitter
Finding interesting posts in Twitter based on retweet graph analysis (MCY, JTL, SWL, HCR), pp. 1073–1074.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2012-Xu #data type #reuse
Finding reusable data structures (G(X), pp. 1017–1034.
Finding similar destinations with flickr geotags (DE, AI, LG), pp. 733–736.
SACSAC-2012-HsiehC #social
Finding similar items by leveraging social tag clouds (CCH, JC), pp. 644–651.
ICSEICSE-2012-AlvesSF #named #smell
ConcernReCS: Finding code smells in software aspectization (PA, DS, EF), pp. 1463–1464.
ICSEICSE-2012-GrechanikFX #automation #learning #performance #problem #testing
Automatically finding performance problems with feedback-directed learning software testing (MG, CF, QX), pp. 156–166.
ICSEICSE-2012-Stolee #lightweight #semantics #source code #specification
Finding suitable programs: Semantic search with incomplete and lightweight specifications (KTS), pp. 1571–1574.
Alternate and Learn: Finding Witnesses without Looking All over (NS, NS, SC, MS), pp. 599–615.
ICSTICST-2012-TonellaMNJLH #approximate #execution #modelling
Finding the Optimal Balance between Over and Under Approximation of Models Inferred from Execution Logs (PT, AM, DCN, YJ, KL, MH), pp. 21–30.
ISSTAISSTA-2012-ZhangLE #fault #parallel #thread #user interface
Finding errors in multithreaded GUI applications (SZ, HL, MDE), pp. 243–253.
ICSTSAT-2012-JarvisaloKKK #performance
Finding Efficient Circuits for Ensemble Computation (MJ, PK, MK, JHK), pp. 369–382.
Finding relevant answers in software forums (SG, DL, JJ), pp. 323–332.
Finding the merits and drawbacks of software resources from comments (CL, YZ, SC, BX, HM), pp. 432–435.
ASEASE-2011-WeiRFPHSNM #contract #fault #testing
Stateful testing: Finding more errors in code and contracts (YW, HR, CAF, YP, AH, MJS, MN, BM), pp. 440–443.
PODSPODS-2011-JowhariST #bound #problem
Tight bounds for Lp samplers, finding duplicates in streams, and related problems (HJ, MS, GT), pp. 49–58.
PODSPODS-2011-KimelfeldS #constraints
Finding a minimal tree pattern under neighborhood constraints (BK, YS), pp. 235–246.
PODSPODS-2011-ShengT11a #memory management #on the
On finding skylines in external memory (CS, YT), pp. 107–116.
Finding shortest path on land surface (LL, RCWW), pp. 433–444.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2011-WangWW #semantics
Finding semantics in time series (PW, HW, WW), pp. 385–396.
VLDBVLDB-2011-KargarA #clique #graph #keyword
Keyword Search in Graphs: Finding r-cliques (MK, AA), pp. 681–692.
VLDBVLDB-2011-YanZN #algorithm #network #performance
Efficient Algorithms for Finding Optimal Meeting Point on Road Networks (DY, ZZ, WN), pp. 968–979.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-AkbarFCDSFC #education #how #online
How educators find educational resources online (MA, WF, LNC, LMLD, CAS, EAF, YC), p. 367.
ITiCSEITiCSE-2011-HawthorneKC #community #education
Findings from an ACM strategic summit on computing education in community colleges (EKH, KJK, RDC), p. 373.
Software bertillonage: finding the provenance of an entity (JD, DMG, MWG, AH), pp. 183–192.
MSRMSR-2011-HemelKVD #clone detection #detection
Finding software license violations through binary code clone detection (AH, KTK, RV, ED), pp. 63–72.
PLDIPLDI-2011-YangCER #c #compilation #comprehension #debugging
Finding and understanding bugs in C compilers (XY, YC, EE, JR), pp. 283–294.
STOCSTOC-2011-GroheKMW #parametricity
Finding topological subgraphs is fixed-parameter tractable (MG, KiK, DM, PW), pp. 479–488.
Don’t rush into a union: take time to find your roots (MP, MT), pp. 559–568.
DLTDLT-J-2010-Giammarresi11 #subclass
Exploring inside Tiling Recognizable Picture Languages to Find Deterministic subclasses (DG), pp. 1519–1532.
Unique Small Subgraphs Are Not Easier to Find (MK, AL, EML), pp. 336–341.
LATALATA-2011-ReidenbachS #memory management #scheduling #word
Finding Shuffle Words That Represent Optimal Scheduling of Shared Memory Access (DR, MLS), pp. 465–476.
Cursor relocation techniques to help older adults find “lost” cursors (NH, FH), pp. 863–866.
HCIDUXU-v1-2011-Zender #visual notation
Visual Innovation through Findings in Perception (PMZ), pp. 342–351.
HCIHCD-2011-AlmAGEDVR #aspect-oriented
Cognitive Prostheses: Findings from Attempts to Model Some Aspects of Cognition (NA, AA, GG, ME, RD, PV, PR), pp. 275–284.
HCIHCI-DDA-2011-KalwarHP #behaviour #internet
Finding a Relationship between Internet Anxiety and Human Behavior (SKK, KH, JP), pp. 359–367.
HCIHCI-MIIE-2011-ChenCSL #design #mobile #volunteer
Finding Suitable Candidates: The Design of a Mobile Volunteering Matching System (WCC, YMC, FES, CLL), pp. 21–29.
HCIHCI-UA-2011-LinHLYH #mining #using
Using Grounded Theory and Text Mining to Find Interesting Reading Materials for Slow EFL Learners (YCL, ClH, MHL, HFY, CFH), pp. 77–85.
HCIIDGD-2011-WelkerGS #design #evaluation #web
Designing Web Marketing that Works for Users: Finding Best Practices through Evaluation and Conversation (KW, FYG, SS), pp. 407–416.
ICEISICEIS-v4-2011-AbramowiczBDFK #interface #semantics #web
Web Interface for Semantically Enabled Experts Finding System (WA, EB, JD, AF, MK), pp. 291–296.
CIKMCIKM-2011-BerlingerioCG #community #multi #network
Finding redundant and complementary communities in multidimensional networks (MB, MC, FG), pp. 2181–2184.
CIKMCIKM-2011-ChangYQZW #network #scalability
Finding information nebula over large networks (LC, JXY, LQ, YZ, HW), pp. 1465–1474.
CIKMCIKM-2011-DengZFX #approach #in memory #memory management
Information re-finding by context: a brain memory inspired approach (TD, LZ, LF, WX), pp. 1553–1558.
CIKMCIKM-2011-DouHLSW #query
Finding dimensions for queries (ZD, SH, YL, RS, JRW), pp. 1311–1320.
CIKMCIKM-2011-LiuCZH #learning #random
Learning conditional random fields with latent sparse features for acronym expansion finding (JL, JC, YZ, YH), pp. 867–872.
CIKMCIKM-2011-LiuFYW #enterprise
Finding relevant information of certain types from enterprise data (XL, HF, CY, MW), pp. 47–56.
CIKMCIKM-2011-TanevaKW #image
Finding images of difficult entities in the long tail (BT, MK, GW), pp. 189–194.
CIKMCIKM-2011-WuQD #owl #pipes and filters #using
Finding all justifications of OWL entailments using TMS and MapReduce (GW, GQ, JD), pp. 1425–1434.
CIKMCIKM-2011-YanWN #adaptation #performance
Efficient methods for finding influential locations with adaptive grids (DY, RCWW, WN), pp. 1475–1484.
CIKMCIKM-2011-ZhuCXCT #category theory #ranking #towards
Towards expert finding by leveraging relevant categories in authority ranking (HZ, HC, HX, EC, JT), pp. 2221–2224.
ECIRECIR-2011-ElsweilerBR #case study #email #what
What Makes Re-finding Information Difficult? A Study of Email Re-finding (DE, MB, IR), pp. 568–579.
ECIRECIR-2011-GyllstromM #query #topic
Clash of the Typings — Finding Controversies and Children’s Topics Within Queries (KG, MFM), pp. 80–91.
ECIRECIR-2011-HannonMS #recommendation #twitter
Finding Useful Users on Twitter: Twittomender the Followee Recommender (JH, KM, BS), pp. 784–787.
A User-Oriented Model for Expert Finding (ES, KB), pp. 580–592.
KDIRKDIR-2011-SorgC #modelling #retrieval
Finding the Right Expert — Discriminative Models for Expert Retrieval (PS, PC), pp. 190–199.
KMISKMIS-2011-GretschMH #implementation #process
The Difficulty of Finding Experts — Implementation Process of Corporate Yellow Pages (SG, HM, JH), pp. 48–56.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-AgeevGLA #game studies #interactive #modelling #using #web
Find it if you can: a game for modeling different types of web search success using interaction data (MA, QG, DL, EA), pp. 345–354.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-ElsweilerHH #behaviour #comprehension #email #interactive
Understanding re-finding behavior in naturalistic email interaction logs (DE, MH, MH), pp. 35–44.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-Smirnova #network #social
A model for expert finding in social networks (ES), pp. 1191–1192.
SIGIRSIGIR-2011-TsagkiasRW #geometry #modelling
Hypergeometric language models for republished article finding (MT, MdR, WW), pp. 485–494.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-SchulteJ #development #modelling
Finding Models in Model-Based Development — (Abstract) (WS, EKJ), p. 591.
MODELSMoDELS-2011-SchulteJ #development #modelling
Finding Models in Model-Based Development — (Abstract) (WS, EKJ), p. 591.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2011-SonMS #named #security #what
RoleCast: finding missing security checks when you do not know what checks are (SS, KSM, VS), pp. 1069–1084.
TOOLSTOOLS-EUROPE-2011-Tip #debugging #web
Finding and Fixing Bugs in Web Applications (Invited Talk) (FT), p. 2.
RERE-2011-ErnstBJ #evolution #incremental #requirements
Finding incremental solutions for evolving requirements (NAE, AB, IJ), pp. 15–24.
Finding partitions of arguments with Dung’s properties via SCSPs (SB, PC, FS), pp. 913–919.
SACSAC-2011-HuN #android #debugging #framework #user interface
A GUI bug finding framework for Android applications (CH, IN), pp. 1490–1491.
SACSAC-2011-RosaGO #problem #quality #satisfiability
Optimal stopping methods for finding high quality solutions to satisfiability problems with preferences (EDR, EG, BO), pp. 901–906.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2011-MusluSW #debugging #testing
Finding bugs by isolating unit tests (KM, BS, JW), pp. 496–499.
Finding relevant functions in millions of lines of code (CM), pp. 1170–1172.
ICSEICSE-2011-McMillanGPXF #named
Portfolio: finding relevant functions and their usage (CM, MG, DP, QX, CF), pp. 111–120.
ICSEICSE-2011-McMillanGPXF11a #named
Portfolio: a search engine for finding functions and their usages (CM, MG, DP, QX, CF), pp. 1043–1045.
ICSTICST-2011-BekrarBGM #fuzzing
Finding Software Vulnerabilities by Smart Fuzzing (SB, CB, RG, LM), pp. 427–430.
ICSTICST-2011-ShenFZ #effectiveness #fault #named #ranking
EFindBugs: Effective Error Ranking for FindBugs (HS, JF, JZ), pp. 299–308.
Reducing Chaos in SAT-Like Search: Finding Solutions Close to a Given One (IA, MD, RN, PJS), pp. 273–286.
ASEASE-2010-LawallL #approach #automation #debugging
An automated approach for finding variable-constant pairing bugs (JLL, DL), pp. 103–112.
DACDAC-2010-ChouMM #design #embedded #experience
Find your flow: increasing flow experience by designing “human” embedded systems (CLC, AMM, RM), pp. 619–620.
DACDAC-2010-KongMYW #algorithm
An optimal algorithm for finding disjoint rectangles and its application to PCB routing (HK, QM, TY, MDFW), pp. 212–217.
DATEDATE-2010-ChouYCDK #case study #design #nondeterminism #scalability
Finding reset nondeterminism in RTL designs — scalable X-analysis methodology and case study (HZC, HY, KHC, DD, SYK), pp. 1494–1499.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-ChengKFYZ #clique #network
Finding maximal cliques in massive networks by H*-graph (JC, YK, AWCF, JXY, LZ), pp. 447–458.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2010-TaoSL #graph
Finding maximum degrees in hidden bipartite graphs (YT, CS, JL), pp. 891–902.
VLDBVLDB-2010-SunBL #image #interactive #named #visualisation
iAVATAR: An Interactive Tool for Finding and Visualizing Visual-Representative Tags in Image Search (AS, SSB, YL), pp. 1609–1612.
ICSMEICSM-2010-KameiMMMAH #debugging #modelling #predict #using
Revisiting common bug prediction findings using effort-aware models (YK, SM, AM, KiM, BA, AEH), pp. 1–10.
MSRMSR-2010-SasakiYHI #clone detection
Finding file clones in FreeBSD Ports Collection (YS, TY, YH, KI), pp. 102–105.
MSRMSR-2010-VetroTM #java #mining #precise
Assessing the precision of FindBugs by mining Java projects developed at a university (AV, MT, MM), pp. 110–113.
SCAMSCAM-2010-KesterMB #concurrent #debugging #how #question #static analysis
How Good is Static Analysis at Finding Concurrency Bugs? (DK, MM, JSB), pp. 115–124.
SCAMSCAM-2010-LuoHDQ #concurrent #debugging #effectiveness #java #static analysis
Effective Static Analysis to Find Concurrency Bugs in Java (ZDL, LH, RD, YQ), pp. 135–144.
PLDIPLDI-2010-XuMARSS #data type
Finding low-utility data structures (G(X, NM, MA, AR, ES, GS), pp. 174–186.
DLTDLT-J-2008-GawrychowskiKRS10 #context-free grammar #polynomial
Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular or Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 597–618.
ICALPICALP-v1-2010-KroviMOR #detection #quantum
Finding Is as Easy as Detecting for Quantum Walks (HK, FM, MO, JR), pp. 540–551.
ICALPICALP-v1-2010-ShpilkaV #on the #polynomial #testing
On the Relation between Polynomial Identity Testing and Finding Variable Disjoint Factors (AS, IV), pp. 408–419.
LATALATA-2010-FlorencioF #approach #bound #consistency
Finding Consistent Categorial Grammars of Bounded Value: A Parameterized Approach (CCF, HF), pp. 202–213.
CHICHI-2010-HuhNS #comprehension #reuse
Finding the lost treasure: understanding reuse of used computing devices (JH, KN, NS), pp. 1875–1878.
CHICHI-2010-Rader #design
The effect of audience design on labeling, organizing, and finding shared files (ER), pp. 777–786.
ICEISICEIS-DISI-2010-SchusterJS #using #web
Finding and Classifying Product Relationships using Information from the Public Web (DS, TMJ, AS), pp. 300–309.
CIKMCIKM-2010-DemartiniMBZ #named
TAER: time-aware entity retrieval-exploiting the past to find relevant entities in news articles (GD, MMSM, RB, HZ), pp. 1517–1520.
CIKMCIKM-2010-JindalLL #bibliography #using
Finding unusual review patterns using unexpected rules (NJ, BL, EPL), pp. 1549–1552.
CIKMCIKM-2010-Kawamae #topic
Latent interest-topic model: finding the causal relationships behind dyadic data (NK), pp. 649–658.
CIKMCIKM-2010-TylerWZ #information retrieval #personalisation
Utilizing re-finding for personalized information retrieval (SKT, JW, YZ), pp. 1469–1472.
Finding Wormholes with Flickr Geotags (MC, PS, APdV, MJTR), pp. 658–661.
ICMLICML-2010-BshoutyL #clustering #linear #using
Finding Planted Partitions in Nearly Linear Time using Arrested Spectral Clustering (NHB, PML), pp. 135–142.
ICPRICPR-2010-CaiHTP #multi
Recovering the Topology of Multiple Cameras by Finding Continuous Paths in a Trellis (YC, KH, TT, MP), pp. 3541–3544.
ICPRICPR-2010-FaradjiWB #approach #classification #problem
A Simple Approach to Find the Best Wavelet Basis in Classification Problems (FF, RKW, GEB), pp. 641–644.
ICPRICPR-2010-GuoC #invariant #named
FIND: A Neat Flip Invariant Descriptor (XG, XC), pp. 515–518.
ICPRICPR-2010-GuoC10a #constraints
Triangle-Constraint for Finding More Good Features (XG, XC), pp. 1393–1396.
ICPRICPR-2010-GuoJWG #multi
Finding Multiple Object Instances with Occlusion (GG, TJ, YW, WG), pp. 3878–3881.
ICPRICPR-2010-TamakiTURK #3d #image
Scale Matching of 3D Point Clouds by Finding Keyscales with Spin Images (TT, ST, YU, BR, KK), pp. 3480–3483.
KDDKDD-2010-LappasTGM #network #social
Finding effectors in social networks (TL, ET, DG, HM), pp. 1059–1068.
KRKR-2010-BrafmanRSVW #constraints #information management #representation
Finding the Next Solution in Constraint- and Preference-Based Knowledge Representation Formalisms (RIB, FR, DS, KBV, TW).
KRKR-2010-EiterFSW #consistency #multi #nondeterminism
Finding Explanations of Inconsistency in Multi-Context Systems (TE, MF, PS, AW).
Finding support sentences for entities (RB, HZ), pp. 339–346.
Finding and filtering information for children (DE, RG, TP, LA), p. 702.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-GyllstromM #multi
A picture is worth a thousand search results: finding child-oriented multimedia results with collAge (KG, MFM), pp. 731–732.
SIGIRSIGIR-2010-Weerkamp #people #social #social media
Finding people and their utterances in social media (WW), p. 918.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2010-ArnoldL #ambiguity #programming
Managing ambiguity in programming by finding unambiguous examples (KCA, HL), pp. 877–884.
RERE-2010-MaidenJKNZM #idea #problem #requirements #research
Requirements Engineering as Creative Problem Solving: A Research Agenda for Idea Finding (NAMM, SJ, IKK, RN, KZ, AM), pp. 57–66.
SACSAC-PL-J-2008-BussBSE10 #analysis #debugging #novel #pointer
A novel analysis space for pointer analysis and its application for bug finding (MB, DB, VCS, SAE), pp. 921–942.
SACSAC-2010-HoqueRA #named #protocol #scalability #using
S-search: finding RFID tags using scalable and secure search protocol (MEH, FR, SIA), pp. 439–443.
SACSAC-2010-KaoLW #approach #hybrid #novel
Expert finding in question-answering websites: a novel hybrid approach (WCK, DRL, SWW), pp. 867–871.
SACSAC-2010-KimY #multi #personalisation #recommendation
New theoretical findings in multiple personalized recommendations (YHK, YY), pp. 94–98.
SACSAC-2010-OttoR #bibliography #data transformation
Organizing master data management: findings from an expert survey (BO, AR), pp. 106–110.
SACSAC-2010-PopeeaC #analysis #debugging #proving #safety
Dual analysis for proving safety and finding bugs (CP, WNC), pp. 2137–2143.
SACSAC-2010-ShinLKLI #database #nearest neighbour #network #performance
Efficient shortest path finding of k-nearest neighbor objects in road network databases (SHS, SCL, SWK, JL, EGI), pp. 1661–1665.
FSEFSE-2010-BegelKZ #named
WhoselsThat: finding software engineers with codebook (AB, YPK, TZ), pp. 381–382.
FSEFSE-2010-KillianNPBAJ #debugging #implementation #performance
Finding latent performance bugs in systems implementations (CEK, KN, SP, RB, JWA, RJ), pp. 17–26.
A search engine for finding highly relevant applications (MG, CF, QX, CM, DP, CMC), pp. 475–484.
ICSEICSE-2010-NandaGSCSB #tool support
Making defect-finding tools work for you (MGN, MG, SS, SC, DS, PB), pp. 99–108.
ASPLOSASPLOS-2010-BurckhardtKMN #debugging #probability #random
A randomized scheduler with probabilistic guarantees of finding bugs (SB, PK, MM, SN), pp. 167–178.
OSDIOSDI-2010-BeaverKLSV #facebook
Finding a Needle in Haystack: Facebook’s Photo Storage (DB, SK, HCL, JS, PV), pp. 47–60.
ICLPICLP-J-2010-BaralGPS #case study #logic #logic programming #modelling
Logic programming for finding models in the logics of knowledge and its applications: A case study (CB, GG, EP, TCS), pp. 675–690.
ICSTICST-2010-WeyukerBO #debugging #question #what
We’re Finding Most of the Bugs, but What are We Missing? (EJW, RMB, TJO), pp. 313–322.
The Google FindBugs fixit (NA, WP), pp. 241–252.
DACDAC-2009-Li #equation #modelling #performance #scalability
Finding deterministic solution from underdetermined equation: large-scale performance modeling by least angle regression (XL0), pp. 364–369.
ICDARICDAR-2009-BalujaC #image
Finding Images and Line-Drawings in Document-Scanning Systems (SB, MC), pp. 1096–1100.
ICDARICDAR-2009-ParakhinH #probability #ranking
Finding the Most Probable Ranking of Objects with Probabilistic Pairwise Preferences (MP, PMH), pp. 616–620.
FASEFASE-2009-KovacsV #array #invariant #proving #source code #theorem proving #using
Finding Loop Invariants for Programs over Arrays Using a Theorem Prover (LK, AV), pp. 470–485.
PLDIPLDI-2009-XuAMRS #profiling #runtime
Go with the flow: profiling copies to find runtime bloat (G(X, MA, NM, AR, GS), pp. 419–430.
STOCSTOC-2009-AndersenP #evolution #set #using
Finding sparse cuts locally using evolving sets (RA, YP), pp. 235–244.
Finding, minimizing, and counting weighted subgraphs (VV, RW), pp. 455–464.
ICALPICALP-v1-2009-KhullerS #on the
On Finding Dense Subgraphs (SK, BS), pp. 597–608.
ICFPICFP-2009-ClaessenPSHSAW #erlang #quickcheck
Finding race conditions in Erlang with QuickCheck and PULSE (KC, MHP, NS, JH, HS, TA, UTW), pp. 149–160.
CHICHI-2009-KoM #java
Finding causes of program output with the Java Whyline (AJK, BAM), pp. 1569–1578.
CHICHI-2009-MankowskiBSS #behaviour #canonical #protocol
Finding canonical behaviors in user protocols (WCM, PB, AS, DDS), pp. 1323–1326.
HCIHCI-NT-2009-LiuUC #3d #classification #interface
Goods-Finding and Orientation in the Elderly on 3D Virtual Store Interface: The Impact of Classification and Landmarks (CLL, STU, CHC), pp. 474–483.
HCIHCI-VAD-2009-KiefferGMBWKM #standard #towards
Towards Standardized Pen-Based Annotation of Breast Cancer Findings (SK, AG, RM, CVB, JFDW, FK, BM), pp. 524–533.
HCIOCSC-2009-ChakrabortyHDN #usability #user interface
Preliminary Findings from a Cross Cultural Usability Study on the Internationalization of User Interfaces (JC, LH, DAD, AFN), pp. 162–171.
ICEISICEIS-ISAS-2009-Woo #modelling #process #reuse
Finding Reusable Business Process Models based on Structural Matching (HGW), pp. 249–255.
CIKMCIKM-2009-HeO #documentation #feedback
Finding good feedback documents (BH, IO), pp. 2011–2014.
Compressing tags to find interesting media groups (MvL, FB, BS, AS), pp. 1147–1156.
CIKMCIKM-2009-RachakondaS #topic #using
Finding the topical anchors of a context using lexical cooccurrence data (ARR, SS), pp. 1741–1744.
Exploiting Flickr Tags and Groups for Finding Landmark Photos (RA, SC, WN, RP, SS), pp. 654–661.
ECIRECIR-2009-KarimzadehganWR #using
Enhancing Expert Finding Using Organizational Hierarchies (MK, RWW, MR), pp. 177–188.
ECIRECIR-2009-LungleyK #automation
Automatically Maintained Domain Knowledge: Initial Findings (DL, UK), pp. 739–743.
KDDKDD-2009-HasanSGA #analysis #named #novel
COA: finding novel patents through text analysis (MAH, WSS, TDG, AA), pp. 1175–1184.
KDDKDD-2009-LappasLT #network #social
Finding a team of experts in social networks (TL, KL, ET), pp. 467–476.
KDDKDD-2009-QiD #clustering #flexibility #framework
A principled and flexible framework for finding alternative clusterings (ZQ, ID), pp. 717–726.
KDIRKDIR-2009-PaquetV #2d #3d #multi #product line #realtime
Finding Protein Family Similarities in Real Time through Multiple 3D and 2D Representations, Indexing and Exhaustive Searching (EP, HLV), pp. 127–133.
MLDMMLDM-2009-OkuboH #concept #pseudo
Finding Top-N Pseudo Formal Concepts with Core Intents (YO, MH), pp. 479–493.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-LeeLPSR #keyword #video
Finding advertising keywords on video scripts (JTL, HL, HSP, YIS, HCR), pp. 686–687.
SIGIRSIGIR-2009-WangMC #approach
A syntactic tree matching approach to finding similar questions in community-based qa services (KW, ZM, TSC), pp. 187–194.
RERE-2009-Weber-JahnkeO #fault #natural language #requirements
Finding Defects in Natural Language Confidentiality Requirements (JHWJ, AO), pp. 213–222.
SACSAC-2009-FarberB #composition #multi
Multivariate root finding with search space decomposition and randomisation (MF, BB), pp. 1142–1143.
ICSEICSE-2009-WeimerNGF #automation #programming #search-based #using
Automatically finding patches using genetic programming (WW, TN, CLG, SF), pp. 364–374.
LDTALDTA-2008-ChilowiczDR09 #source code
Finding Similarities in Source Code Through Factorization (MC, ÉD, GR), pp. 47–62.
ICLPICLP-2009-EiterEEF #programming #set
Finding Similar or Diverse Solutions in Answer Set Programming (TE, EE, HE, MF), pp. 342–356.
ICSTSAT-2009-ChebiryakWKH #agile
Finding Lean Induced Cycles in Binary Hypercubes (YC, TW, DK, LH), pp. 18–31.
ICSTSAT-2009-KojevnikovKY #performance #using
Finding Efficient Circuits Using SAT-Solvers (AK, ASK, GY), pp. 32–44.
TAPTAP-2009-RatschanS #fault #hybrid #optimisation #quality
Finding Errors of Hybrid Systems by Optimising an Abstraction-Based Quality Estimate (SR, JGS), pp. 153–168.
VMCAIVMCAI-2009-KiddRDV #debugging #random #using
Finding Concurrency-Related Bugs Using Random Isolation (NK, TWR, JD, MV), pp. 198–213.
CBSECBSE-2008-GamaD #approach #framework
A Practical Approach for Finding Stale References in a Dynamic Service Platform (KG, DD), pp. 246–261.
DATEDATE-2008-ZhangZYZSPZCMSIC #multi #network
Finding the Worst Voltage Violation in Multi-Domain Clock Gated Power Network (WZ, YZ, WY, LZ, RS, HP, ZZ, LCE, RM, TS, NI, CKC), pp. 537–540.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2008-ZhangLY #probability
Finding frequent items in probabilistic data (QZ, FL, KY), pp. 819–832.
VLDBVLDB-2008-CormodeH #data type
Finding frequent items in data streams (GC, MH), pp. 1530–1541.
VLDBVLDB-2008-LachmannR #sequence
Finding relevant patterns in bursty sequences (AL, MR), pp. 78–89.
Finding Your Way in a Forest: On Different Types of Trees and Their Properties (IW), pp. 1–4.
PASTEPASTE-2008-ShenZZFY #aspectj #named
XFindBugs: eXtended FindBugs for AspectJ (HS, SZ, JZ, JF, SY), pp. 70–76.
STOCSTOC-2008-ChoiK #bound #complexity #graph #query
Optimal query complexity bounds for finding graphs (SSC, JHK), pp. 749–758.
STOCSTOC-2008-GamaN #difference
Finding short lattice vectors within mordell’s inequality (NG, PQN), pp. 207–216.
DLTDLT-2008-GawrychowskiKRS #context-free grammar #polynomial
Finding the Growth Rate of a Regular of Context-Free Language in Polynomial Time (PG, DK, NR, JS), pp. 339–358.
ICALPICALP-A-2008-CheboluFM #graph #random
Finding a Maximum Matching in a Sparse Random Graph in O(n) Expected Time (PC, AMF, PM), pp. 161–172.
Finding Optimal Flows Efficiently (MM, SP), pp. 857–868.
FMFM-2008-TorlakCJ #declarative #satisfiability #specification
Finding Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of Declarative Specifications (ET, FSHC, DJ), pp. 326–341.
CHICHI-2008-ChauMF #what
What to do when search fails: finding information by association (DHC, BAM, AF), pp. 999–1008.
CHICHI-2008-MorrisMV #named #web
SearchBar: a search-centric web history for task resumption and information re-finding (DM, MRM, GV), pp. 1207–1216.
CSCWCSCW-2008-ShklovskiPS #communication #community
Finding community through information and communication technology in disaster response (IS, LP, JS), pp. 127–136.
ICEISICEIS-SAIC-2008-Bachlechner #analysis #architecture #integration #semantics #web #web service
Integration Architectures Based on Semantic Web Services: Fad or Model for the Future? — Findings of a Comprehensive SWOT Analysis (DB), pp. 45–52.
Non-local evidence for expert finding (KB, MdR), pp. 489–498.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ColucciSDT #concept
Finding informative commonalities in concept collections (SC, EDS, FMD, ET), pp. 807–817.
CIKMCIKM-2008-SerdyukovRH #modelling #multi
Modeling multi-step relevance propagation for expert finding (PS, HR, DH), pp. 1133–1142.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ZhangPW #named
REDUS: finding reducible subspaces in high dimensional data (XZ, FP, WW), pp. 961–970.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ZhouYM #biology
A system for finding biological entities that satisfy certain conditions from texts (WZ, CTY, WM), pp. 1281–1290.
CIKMCIKM-2008-ZhuSRH #documentation #modelling
Modeling document features for expert finding (JZ, DS, SMR, XH), pp. 1421–1422.
ECIRECIR-2008-DeschachtM #retrieval
Finding the Best Picture: Cross-Media Retrieval of Content (KD, MFM), pp. 539–546.
ECIRECIR-2008-SerdyukovH #documentation #modelling
Modeling Documents as Mixtures of Persons for Expert Finding (PS, DH), pp. 309–320.
ICMLICML-2008-NarayanamurthyR #markov #on the #process #symmetry
On the hardness of finding symmetries in Markov decision processes (SMN, BR), pp. 688–695.
A local descriptor for finding corresponding points in vector fields (LX, HQD), pp. 1–4.
ICPRICPR-2008-XuP #image
Finding the splitting vector for image resolution up-conversion (XX, HP), pp. 1–4.
KDDKDD-2008-MoiseS #approach #clustering #novel #statistics
Finding non-redundant, statistically significant regions in high dimensional data: a novel approach to projected and subspace clustering (GM, JS), pp. 533–541.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-CongWLSS #online
Finding question-answer pairs from online forums (GC, LW, CYL, YIS, YS), pp. 467–474.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-LinS #automation #evaluation #how #simulation #towards
How do users find things with PubMed?: towards automatic utility evaluation with user simulations (JJL, MDS), pp. 19–26.
Limits of opinion-finding baseline systems (CM, BH, IO, IS), pp. 747–748.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-SerdyukovRH #dependence
Exploiting sequential dependencies for expert finding (PS, HR, DH), pp. 795–796.
SIGIRSIGIR-2008-SerdyukovRH08a #modelling #random
Modeling expert finding as an absorbing random walk (PS, HR, DH), pp. 797–798.
SACSAC-2008-ShenK #fault #named #uml
ICER: a tool for finding errors in a UML model (WS, DKK), pp. 804–808.
SACSAC-2008-VellosoR #algorithm #analysis
Percolation analyses in a swarm based algorithm for shortest-path finding (BPV, MR), pp. 1861–1865.
FSEFSE-2008-BoddenLH #fault #monitoring #programming #runtime
Finding programming errors earlier by evaluating runtime monitors ahead-of-time (EB, PL, LJH), pp. 36–47.
OSDIOSDI-2008-MusuvathiQBBNN #concurrent #source code
Finding and Reproducing Heisenbugs in Concurrent Programs (MM, SQ, TB, GB, PAN, IN), pp. 267–280.
ICSTICST-2008-KimC #object-oriented #sequence #source code #testing
A Fitness Function to Find Feasible Sequences of Method Calls for Evolutionary Testing of Object-Oriented Programs (MK, YC), pp. 537–540.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-ArtziKDTDPE #debugging #web
Finding bugs in dynamic web applications (SA, AK, JD, FT, DD, AMP, MDE), pp. 261–272.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-KondohO #debugging #interface #java #source code
Finding bugs in java native interface programs (GK, TO), pp. 109–118.
ISSTAISSTA-2008-PachecoLB #dot-net #fault #random testing #testing
Finding errors in .net with feedback-directed random testing (CP, SKL, TB), pp. 87–96.
ICSTSAT-2008-MaarenW #performance
Finding Guaranteed MUSes Fast (HvM, SW), pp. 291–304.
TAPTAP-2008-ClaessenS #induction #proving
Finding Counter Examples in Induction Proofs (KC, HS), pp. 48–65.
ASEASE-2007-Grechanik #component #fault #xml
Finding errors in components that exchange xml data (MG), pp. 264–273.
ASEASE-2007-RaysideM #memory management #profiling
Object ownership profiling: a technique for finding and fixing memory leaks (DR, LM), pp. 194–203.
CASECASE-2007-KimCAY #mobile #using
RFID-enabled Target Tracking and Following with a Mobile Robot Using Direction Finding Antennas (MK, NYC, HSA, WY), pp. 1014–1019.
DACDAC-2007-VytyazLLMMM #parametricity
Parameter Finding Methods for Oscillators with a Specified Oscillation Frequency (IV, DCL, SL, AM, UKM, KM), pp. 424–429.
PODSPODS-2007-ChierichettiPRSTU #clustering
Finding near neighbors through cluster pruning (FC, AP, PR, MS, AT, EU), pp. 103–112.
Finding Environment Guarantees (MC, MG, AG), pp. 352–367.
Finding Unusual Code (SPR), pp. 34–43.
MSRMSR-2007-GrechanikCP #prototype
Finding Relevant Applications for Prototyping (MG, KMC, KP), p. 12.
MSRMSR-2007-MizunoINK #approach
Spam Filter Based Approach for Finding Fault-Prone Software Modules (OM, SI, SN, TK), p. 4.
PASTEPASTE-2007-HovemeyerP #debugging #null #pointer
Finding more null pointer bugs, but not too many (DH, WP), pp. 9–14.
Finding Inputs that Reach a Target Expression (MN, CR), pp. 133–142.
ICALPICALP-2007-FellowsFHV #graph
Sharp Tractability Borderlines for Finding Connected Motifs in Vertex-Colored Graphs (MRF, GF, DH, SV), pp. 340–351.
IFMIFM-2007-GheorghiuGC #logic #query
Finding State Solutions to Temporal Logic Queries (MG, AG, MC), pp. 273–292.
HCIDHM-2007-KurodaOKTOY #animation #coordination
Finding Origin Points for New Coordinate System Suitable for Sign Animation (TK, KO, RK, TT, NO, HY), pp. 415–422.
HCIHCI-IDU-2007-HwangS #detection #problem #usability #what
What Makes Evaluators to Find More Usability Problems?: A Meta-analysis for Individual Detection Rates (WH, GS), pp. 499–507.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-DengZTDW #documentation #what
Improving Document Icon to Re-find Efficiently What You Need (CD, MZ, FT, GD, HW), pp. 49–52.
HCIHCI-IPT-2007-ZamanV #design #exclamation #process
Getting Lost? Touch and You Will Find! The User-Centered Design Process of a Touch Screen (BZ, RV), pp. 197–206.
HCIHIMI-IIE-2007-WakitaAT #metric #mobile #prototype #using
Methodology for Constructing a Prototype Site for Finding Employment SPI Measures Using Mobile Phones (SW, MA, TT), pp. 983–993.
HCIHIMI-MTT-2007-ParkK07a #case study #effectiveness #mobile
A Case Study on Effective Application of Inquiry Methods to Find Out Mobile Phone’s New Function (SP, YK), pp. 163–170.
Finding and linking incidents in news (AF, JA), pp. 821–830.
CIKMCIKM-2007-FuXLZM #formal method
A CDD-based formal model for expert finding (YF, RX, YL, MZ, SM), pp. 881–884.
CIKMCIKM-2007-LangA #graph
Finding dense and isolated submarkets in a sponsored search spending graph (KJL, RA), pp. 613–622.
CIKMCIKM-2007-ShinL #data type #interactive #online
An on-line interactive method for finding association rules data streams (SJS, WSL), pp. 963–966.
ECIRECIR-2007-FangZ #modelling #probability
Probabilistic Models for Expert Finding (HF, CZ), pp. 418–430.
ECIRECIR-2007-HeO #normalisation
Setting Per-field Normalisation Hyper-parameters for the Named-Page Finding Search Task (BH, IO), pp. 468–480.
KDDKDD-2007-FriedlandJ #identification
Finding tribes: identifying close-knit individuals from employment patterns (LF, DJ), pp. 290–299.
KDDKDD-2007-HeikinheimoSHMM #set
Finding low-entropy sets and trees from binary data (HH, JKS, EH, HM, TM), pp. 350–359.
KDDKDD-2007-LaxmanSU #algorithm #performance
A fast algorithm for finding frequent episodes in event streams (SL, PSS, KPU), pp. 410–419.
KDDKDD-2007-PonCBC #multi #topic
Tracking multiple topics for finding interesting articles (RKP, AFC, DB, TC), pp. 560–569.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-AlmeidaGCC #adaptation #approach #component #programming #ranking #search-based
A combined component approach for finding collection-adapted ranking functions based on genetic programming (HMdA, MAG, MC, PC), pp. 399–406.
Finding similar experts (KB, MdR), pp. 821–822.
SIGIRSIGIR-2007-PopoviciMM #documentation #effectiveness
An effective method for finding best entry points in semi-structured documents (EP, PFM, GM), pp. 851–852.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-KampffmeyerZ #design pattern #ontology
Finding the Pattern You Need: The Design Pattern Intent Ontology (HK, SZ), pp. 211–225.
MODELSMoDELS-2007-KampffmeyerZ #design pattern #ontology
Finding the Pattern You Need: The Design Pattern Intent Ontology (HK, SZ), pp. 211–225.
Finding putative core promoter elements with position-dependent consensuses (YFH, YCJ, SWL), pp. 138–139.
SACSAC-2007-JinC #graph
Hierarchical alignment graph for gene teams finding on whole genomes (HJJ, HGC), pp. 113–117.
SACSAC-2007-LiYAZ #metric #network
Finding hierarchical heavy hitters in network measurement system (YL, JY, CA, HZ), pp. 232–236.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-DolbyVT #debugging #satisfiability
Finding bugs efficiently with a SAT solver (JD, MV, FT), pp. 195–204.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2007-LaTozaGHM #comprehension
Program comprehension as fact finding (TDL, DG, JDH, BAM), pp. 361–370.
ISSTAISSTA-2007-ChangPY #approach #what
Finding what’s not there: a new approach to revealing neglected conditions in software (RYC, AP, JY), pp. 163–173.
ASEASE-2006-SatohKU #diagrams #uml
Contradiction Finding and Minimal Recovery for UML Class Diagrams (KS, KK, TU), pp. 277–280.
CASECASE-2006-LiuWL #algorithm #performance #petri net #set
A fast algorithm to find a set of elementary siphons for a class of petri nets (XL, AW, ZL), pp. 399–404.
HTHT-2006-ChinC #community #hypermedia #social
A social hypertext model for finding community in blogs (AC, MHC), pp. 11–22.
PODSPODS-2006-KimelfeldS #approximate #keyword #proximity
Finding and approximating top-k answers in keyword proximity search (BK, YS), pp. 173–182.
PODSPODS-2006-LeeT #performance
A simpler and more efficient deterministic scheme for finding frequent items over sliding windows (LKL, HFT), pp. 290–297.
PODSPODS-2006-ZhaoOWX #distributed #set
Finding global icebergs over distributed data sets (QZ, MO, HW, J(X), pp. 298–307.
Finding k-dominant skylines in high dimensional space (CYC, HVJ, KLT, AKHT, ZZ), pp. 503–514.
Finding small balanced separators (UF, MM), pp. 375–384.
STOCSTOC-2006-VassilevskaW #3d
Finding a maximum weight triangle in n3-Delta time, with applications (VV, RW), pp. 225–231.
CIAACIAA-2006-AntoniouHIMP #automaton #finite #using
Finding Common Motifs with Gaps Using Finite Automata (PA, JH, CSI, BM, PP), pp. 69–77.
DLTDLT-2006-GruberH #bound #complexity #nondeterminism
Finding Lower Bounds for Nondeterministic State Complexity Is Hard (HG, MH), pp. 363–374.
ICALPICALP-v1-2006-VassilevskaWY #graph #problem
Finding the Smallest H-Subgraph in Real Weighted Graphs and Related Problems (VV, RW, RY), pp. 262–273.
CHICHI-2006-FernaeusT #design #programming
Finding design qualities in a tangible programming space (YF, JT), pp. 447–456.
EDOCEDOC-2006-Hashemzadeh #navigation #network #performance
A Fast and Efficient Route Finding Method for Car Navigation Systems with Neural Networks (MH), pp. 423–426.
CIKMCIKM-2006-NanavatiGDCDMJ #graph #on the
On the structural properties of massive telecom call graphs: findings and implications (AAN, SG, GD, DC, KD, SM, AJ), pp. 435–444.
CIKMCIKM-2006-ZhangF #correlation
Finding highly correlated pairs efficiently with powerful pruning (JZ, JF), pp. 152–161.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-AnC #dataset
Finding Rule Groups to Classify High Dimensional Gene Expression Datasets (JA, YPPC), pp. 1196–1199.
ICPRICPR-v1-2006-BauerBSP #sequence #video
Finding Highly Frequented Paths in Video Sequences (DB, NB, SS, RPP), pp. 387–391.
ICPRICPR-v3-2006-PanWQW #3d #symmetry
Finding Symmetry Plane of 3D Face Shape (GP, YW, YQ, ZW), pp. 1143–1146.
Finding Gait in Space and Time (YR, RC, QZ), pp. 586–589.
ICPRICPR-v4-2006-ShenC #segmentation
Finding Text in Natural Scenes by Figure-Ground Segmentation (HS, JMC), pp. 113–118.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-AzzopardiR #automation
Automatic construction of known-item finding test beds (LA, MdR), pp. 603–604.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-BalogAR #corpus #enterprise #formal method #modelling
Formal models for expert finding in enterprise corpora (KB, LA, MdR), pp. 43–50.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-BastW #performance
Type less, find more: fast autocompletion search with a succinct index (HB, IW), pp. 364–371.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-GaoN #case study #modelling #query #statistics
A study of statistical models for query translation: finding a good unit of translation (JG, JYN), pp. 194–201.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-Henzinger #algorithm #evaluation #scalability #web
Finding near-duplicate web pages: a large-scale evaluation of algorithms (MRH), pp. 284–291.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-MunavalliM #named
MathFind: a math-aware search engine (RM, RM), p. 735.
SIGIRSIGIR-2006-SmuckerA #named #similarity
Find-similar: similarity browsing as a search tool (MDS, JA), pp. 461–468.
ECMFAECMDA-FA-2006-FombelleBRG #consistency
Finding a Path to Model Consistency (GdF, XB, LR, MPG), pp. 101–112.
SACSAC-2006-AlmeidaG #algorithm #database #incremental #nearest neighbour #network #using
Using Dijkstra’s algorithm to incrementally find the k-Nearest Neighbors in spatial network databases (VTdA, RHG), pp. 58–62.
SACSAC-2006-MontanesCRD #categorisation #feature model #linear #metric
Finding optimal linear measures for feature selection in text categorization (EM, EFC, JR, ID), pp. 861–862.
FSEFSE-2006-StorzerRRT #classification #java #source code #using
Finding failure-inducing changes in java programs using change classification (MS, BGR, XR, FT), pp. 57–68.
OSDIOSDI-2006-YangSE #fault #lightweight #named
EXPLODE: A Lightweight, General System for Finding Serious Storage System Errors (JY, CS, DRE), pp. 131–146.
ISSTAISSTA-2006-CsallnerS #analysis #debugging #hybrid #named
DSD-Crasher: a hybrid analysis tool for bug finding (CC, YS), pp. 245–254.
CBSECBSE-2005-TansalarakC #component #ranking
Finding a Needle in the Haystack: A Technique for Ranking Matches Between Components (NT, KTC), pp. 171–186.
DATEDATE-2005-TeslenkoD #algorithm #graph #performance
An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Double-Vertex Dominators in Circuit Graphs (MT, ED), pp. 406–411.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-BoulosDMMRS #named #using
MYSTIQ: a system for finding more answers by using probabilities (JB, NND, BM, SM, CR, DS), pp. 891–893.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2005-TungXO #clustering #correlation #named #visualisation
CURLER: Finding and Visualizing Nonlinear Correlated Clusters (AKHT, XX, BCO), pp. 467–478.
TACASTACAS-2005-JinHS #analysis #performance
Efficient Conflict Analysis for Finding All Satisfying Assignments of a Boolean Circuit (HJ, HH, FS), pp. 287–300.
Dynamic Feature Traces: Finding Features in Unfamiliar Code (ADE, KDV), pp. 337–346.
PASTEPASTE-2005-HovemeyerSP #debugging #null #pointer #static analysis
Evaluating and tuning a static analysis to find null pointer bugs (DH, JS, WP), pp. 13–19.
Finding Basic Block and Variable Correspondence (IN, AV), pp. 251–267.
CIAACIAA-J-2004-GeserHWZ05 #automaton #finite #string #term rewriting #termination
Finding finite automata that certify termination of string rewriting systems (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 471–486.
CIAACIAA-2005-MoraisMR #automaton #regular expression
Acyclic Automata with Easy-to-Find Short Regular Expressions (JJM, NM, RR), pp. 349–350.
ICALPICALP-2005-AlstrupGRTZ #constant
Union-Find with Constant Time Deletions (SA, ILG, TR, MT, UZ), pp. 78–89.
CIKMCIKM-2005-JeonCL #scalability
Finding similar questions in large question and answer archives (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 84–90.
Finding experts in community-based question-answering services (XL, WBC, MBK), pp. 315–316.
KDDKDD-2005-FormanEC #documentation #repository #scalability
Finding similar files in large document repositories (GF, KE, SC), pp. 394–400.
KDDKDD-2005-UkkonenFM #partial order
Finding partial orders from unordered 0-1 data (AU, MF, HM), pp. 285–293.
SIGIRSIGIR-2005-JeonCL #semantics
Finding semantically similar questions based on their answers (JJ, WBC, JHL), pp. 617–618.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2005-MartinLL #fault #query #security #using
Finding application errors and security flaws using PQL: a program query language (MCM, VBL, MSL), pp. 365–383.
RERE-2005-Fuji #analysis #education #requirements
Finding Competitive Advantage in Requirements Analysis Education (TF), pp. 493–494.
SACSAC-2005-EbertG #approach
A “Go With the Winners” approach to finding frequent patterns (TE, DG), pp. 498–502.
SACSAC-2005-ReddyC #bound #using
Finding saddle points using stability boundaries (CKR, HDC), pp. 212–213.
SACSAC-2005-SongR #transaction
Finding frequent itemsets by transaction mapping (MS, SR), pp. 488–492.
SACSAC-2005-Suzuki #documentation #xml
Finding an optimum edit script between an XML document and a DTD (NS), pp. 647–653.
ESEC-FSEESEC-FSE-2005-LivshitsZ #fault #mining #named
DynaMine: finding common error patterns by mining software revision histories (VBL, TZ), pp. 296–305.
ICLPICLP-2005-Fruhwirth #analysis #confluence #constraints #using
Parallelizing Union-Find in Constraint Handling Rules Using Confluence Analysis (TWF), pp. 113–127.
ICSTSAT-2005-LiffitonS #on the #satisfiability
On Finding All Minimally Unsatisfiable Subformulas (MHL, KAS), pp. 173–186.
ICTSSTestCom-2005-WagnerJKT #debugging #testing #tool support
Comparing Bug Finding Tools with Reviews and Tests (SW, JJ, CK, PT), pp. 40–55.
DACDAC-2004-HandaV #algorithm #online #performance
An efficient algorithm for finding empty space for online FPGA placement (MH, RV), pp. 960–965.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-BjesseK #abstraction #debugging #refinement #using
Using Counter Example Guided Abstraction Refinement to Find Complex Bugs (PB, JHK), pp. 156–161.
DATEDATE-v1-2004-HandaV #algorithm #performance
A Fast Algorithm for Finding Maximal Empty Rectangles for Dynamic FPGA Placement (MH, RV), pp. 744–745.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-CongXPTY #array #dataset #named
FARMER: Finding Interesting Rule Groups in Microarray Datasets (GC, AKHT, XX, FP, JY), pp. 143–154.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2004-CormodeKMS #multi
Diamond in the Rough: Finding Hierarchical Heavy Hitters in Multi-Dimensional Data (GC, FK, SM, DS), pp. 155–166.
Finding paths and cycles of superpolylogarithmic length (HNG), pp. 407–416.
CIAACIAA-2004-GeserHWZ #automaton #finite #string #termination
Finding Finite Automata That Certify Termination of String Rewriting (AG, DH, JW, HZ), pp. 134–145.
SEFMSEFM-2004-Yoshiura #specification
Finding the Causes of Unrealizability of Reactive System Formal Specifications (NY), pp. 34–43.
CHICHI-2004-MillerM #clustering
Cluster-based find and replace (RCM, AMM), pp. 57–64.
CHICHI-2004-Oulasvirta #research
Finding meaningful uses for context-aware technologies: the humanistic research strategy (AO), pp. 247–254.
Finding Region Correspondences for Wide Baseline Stereo (DC, ZM, ZJ), pp. 276–279.
SIGIRSIGIR-2004-YangC #classification #effectiveness #web
Effectiveness of web page classification on finding list answers (HY, TSC), pp. 522–523.
ECOOPECOOP-2004-AmmonsCGS #performance #scalability
Finding and Removing Performance Bottlenecks in Large Systems (GA, JDC, MG, NS), pp. 170–194.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2004-GuyerM #static analysis
Finding your cronies: static analysis for dynamic object colocation (SZG, KSM), pp. 237–250.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2004-WeimerN #fault #runtime
Finding and preventing run-time error handling mistakes (WW, GCN), pp. 419–431.
SACSAC-2004-AbulAPB #generative #using
Finding differentially expressed genes: pattern generation using Q-values (OA, RA, FP, KB), pp. 138–142.
SACSAC-2004-Savinov #dependence #mining
Mining dependence rules by finding largest itemset support quota (AAS), pp. 525–529.
ICSEICSE-2004-BrunE #fault #machine learning
Finding Latent Code Errors via Machine Learning over Program Executions (YB, MDE), pp. 480–490.
LCTESLCTES-2004-AlmagorCGHRSTW #compilation #effectiveness #sequence
Finding effective compilation sequences (LA, KDC, AG, TJH, SWR, DS, LT, TW), pp. 231–239.
OSDIOSDI-2004-LiLMZ #debugging #named #operating system
CP-Miner: A Tool for Finding Copy-paste and Related Bugs in Operating System Code (ZL, SL, SM, YZ), pp. 289–302.
OSDIOSDI-2004-WhitakerCG #debugging
Configuration Debugging as Search: Finding the Needle in the Haystack (AW, RSC, SDG), pp. 77–90.
OSDIOSDI-2004-YangTEM #exclamation #fault #file system #model checking #using
Using Model Checking to Find Serious File System Errors (Awarded Best Paper!) (JY, PT, DRE, MM), pp. 273–288.
VMCAIVMCAI-2004-EnglerM #debugging #model checking #static analysis
Static Analysis versus Software Model Checking for Bug Finding (DRE, MM), pp. 191–210.
HTHT-2003-RutledgeABPDV #generative #hypermedia #semantics
Finding the story: broader applicability of semantics and discourse for hypermedia generation (LR, MA, RB, SP, WvD, MV), pp. 67–76.
ICDARICDAR-2003-Breuel #algorithm #analysis #documentation #layout
An Algorithm for Finding Maximal Whitespace Rectangles at Arbitrary Orientations for Document Layout Analysis (TMB), pp. 66–70.
PODSPODS-2003-KiferGBW #how
How to quickly find a witness (DK, JG, CB, WMW), pp. 272–283.
VLDBVLDB-2003-CormodeKMS #data type
Finding Hierarchical Heavy Hitters in Data Streams (GC, FK, SM, DS), pp. 464–475.
CSMRCSMR-2003-LanubileM #clone detection #web
Finding Function Clones in Web Applications (FL, TM), p. 379–?.
ICALPICALP-2003-GarganoH #graph #how
There Are Spanning Spiders in Dense Graphs (and We Know How to Find Them) (LG, MH), pp. 802–816.
AdaEuropeAdaEurope-2003-BriotGDCW #ada #memory management
Exposing Memory Corruption and Finding Leaks: Advanced Mechanisms in Ada (EB, FG, RD, DC, PW), pp. 129–141.
CIKMCIKM-2003-SunL #mining #web
Web unit mining: finding and classifying subgraphs of web pages (AS, EPL), pp. 108–115.
CIKMCIKM-2003-WuSC #performance #web
Finding more useful information faster from web search results (YfBW, LS, XC), pp. 568–571.
ICMLICML-2003-KubicaMCS #analysis #collaboration #graph #performance #query
Finding Underlying Connections: A Fast Graph-Based Method for Link Analysis and Collaboration Queries (JK, AWM, DC, JGS), pp. 392–399.
KDDKDD-2003-ChangL #adaptation #data type #online
Finding recent frequent itemsets adaptively over online data streams (JHC, WSL), pp. 487–492.
KDDKDD-2003-PanCTYZ #biology #dataset #named
Carpenter: finding closed patterns in long biological datasets (FP, GC, AKHT, JY, MJZ), pp. 637–642.
SEKESEKE-2003-RafiqueA #information management #performance
An Efficient Knowledge Management Technique for finding Association Rules (FR, AA), pp. 245–249.
PPDPPPDP-2003-BandaSW #satisfiability #set
Finding all minimal unsatisfiable subsets (MJGdlB, PJS, JW), pp. 32–43.
SACSAC-2003-GondraS #algorithm #parallel #search-based
A Coarse-Grain Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Finding Ramsey Numbers (IG, MHS), pp. 2–8.
LCTESLCTES-2003-KulkarniZMCWDBPG #effectiveness #optimisation #sequence
Finding effective optimization phase sequences (PAK, WZ, HM, KC, DBW, JWD, MWB, YP, KG), pp. 12–23.
DATEDATE-2002-Dubrova #composition #order
Composition Trees in Finding Best Variable Orderings for ROBDDs (ED), p. 1084.
DATEDATE-2002-PomeranzRR #debugging #fault
Finding a Common Fault Response for Diagnosis during Silicon Debug (IP, JR, SMR), p. 1116.
WCREWCRE-2002-MittermeirC #source code #spreadsheet
Finding High-Level Structures in Spreadsheet Programs (RM, MC), pp. 221–232.
Meldable heaps and boolean union-find (HK, NS, RET), pp. 573–582.
STOCSTOC-2002-KargerR #metric #nearest neighbour #strict
Finding nearest neighbors in growth-restricted metrics (DRK, MR), pp. 741–750.
Finding a Path of Superlogarithmic Length (AB, TH), pp. 985–992.
ICALPICALP-2002-CharikarCF #data type
Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams (MC, KCC, MFC), pp. 693–703.
CHICHI-2002-JensenDF #online #social
Finding others online: reputation systems for social online spaces (CJ, JD, SF), pp. 447–454.
CSCWCSCW-2002-PranteMS #design #empirical #idea #tool support
Developing CSCW tools for idea finding -: empirical results and implications for design (TP, CM, NAS), pp. 106–115.
ICEISICEIS-2002-AnwarH #approach
An Integrated Approach for Finding enRoute Best Alternate Route (MAA, SH), pp. 226–234.
CIKMCIKM-2002-HamerlyE #algorithm #clustering
Alternatives to the k-means algorithm that find better clusterings (GH, CE), pp. 600–607.
ICMLICML-2002-TakechiS #induction
Finding an Optimal Gain-Ratio Subset-Split Test for a Set-Valued Attribute in Decision Tree Induction (FT, ES), pp. 618–625.
ICPRICPR-v1-2002-CamusW #image #performance #reliability
Reliable and Fast Eye Finding in Close-up Images (TAC, RPW), pp. 389–394.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-BoomgaardW #analysis #equivalence #estimation #on the #robust
On the Equivalence of Local-Mode Finding, Robust Estimation and Mean-Shift Analysis as Used in Early Vision Tasks (RvdB, JvdW), pp. 927–930.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-GolenzerVL #documentation #image
Finding Regions of Interest in Document Images by Planar HMM (JG, CVG, PML), pp. 415–418.
ICPRICPR-v3-2002-PekalskaD #difference #performance #prototype
Prototype Selection for Finding Efficient Representations of Dissimilarity Data (EP, RPWD), pp. 37–40.
KDDKDD-2002-KeoghLC #database #linear
Finding surprising patterns in a time series database in linear time and space (EJK, SL, BYcC), pp. 550–556.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-ParkPGK #analysis #documentation
Analysis of lexical signatures for finding lost or related documents (STP, DMP, CLG, RK), pp. 11–18.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-WhiteJR #documentation #feedback #ranking #using #web
A system using implicit feedback and top ranking sentences to help users find relevant web documents (RW, JMJ, IR), p. 446.
SIGIRSIGIR-2002-WhiteRJ #documentation #evaluation #ranking #using
Finding relevant documents using top ranking sentences: an evaluation of two alternative schemes (RW, IR, JMJ), pp. 57–64.
SACSAC-2002-BillhardtBM #algorithm #retrieval #search-based #using
Using genetic algorithms to find suboptimal retrieval expert combinations (HB, DB, VM), pp. 657–662.
SACSAC-2002-ButenkoPSSS #graph #independence #set
Finding maximum independent sets in graphs arising from coding theory (SB, PMP, IS, VS, PS), pp. 542–546.
FSEFSE-2002-XieE #fault #using
Using redundancies to find errors (YX, DRE), pp. 51–60.
ICSEICSE-2002-RobillardM #dependence #graph #using
Concern graphs: finding and describing concerns using structural program dependencies (MPR, GCM), pp. 406–416.
PODSPODS-2001-BykowskiR #representation
A condensed representation to find frequent patterns (AB, CR).
ESOPESOP-2001-KomondoorH #dependence #tool support #using
Tool Demonstration: Finding Duplicated Code Using Program Dependences (RK, SH), pp. 383–386.
TACASTACAS-2001-PasareanuDV #java #model checking #source code
Finding Feasible Counter-examples when Model Checking Abstracted Java Programs (CSP, MBD, WV), pp. 284–298.
SCAMSCAM-2001-BiemanM #web
Finding Code on the World Wibe Web: A Preliminary Investigation (JMB, VM), pp. 75–80.
CIKMCIKM-2001-Shen #image #using
Finding Similar Images Quickly Using Object Shapes (HTS), pp. 498–505.
KDDKDD-2001-MannilaS #sequence
Finding simple intensity descriptions from event sequence data (HM, MS), pp. 341–346.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-ChenWHLZ #image #named #web
IFind: A Web Image Search Engine (ZC, LW, CH, ML, HZ), p. 450.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-CraswellHR #effectiveness #using
Effective Site Finding Using Link Anchor Information (NC, DH, SER), pp. 250–257.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-Kauwell #internet #question #visualisation
Does Visualization Improve Our Ability to Find and Learn from Internet Based Information? (DAK, JL, HJY, YJL, JE, AB), p. 453.
SIGIRSIGIR-2001-LawrieCR #summary #topic #word
Finding Topic Words for Hierarchical Summarization (DL, WBC, ALR), pp. 349–357.
Powerdomains and Zero Finding (KM), pp. 173–184.
PADLPADL-2001-TyagiT #algorithm #interface #prolog
A Most Specific Method Finding Algorithm for Reflection Based Dynamic Prolog-to-Java Interfaces (ST, PT), pp. 322–336.
SACSAC-2001-AnwarY #database #network #object-oriented
Integrating OO road network database, cases and knowledge for route finding (MAA, TY), pp. 215–219.
SACSAC-2001-HuangH #approach #clustering
Finding a hamiltonian paths in tournaments on clusters — a provably communication-efficient approach (CHH, XH), pp. 549–553.
ICSEICSE-2001-DickinsonLP #analysis #clustering #execution
Finding Failures by Cluster Analysis of Execution Profiles (WD, DL, AP), pp. 339–348.
CAVCAV-2001-BjesseLM #debugging #satisfiability #using
Finding Bugs in an α Microprocessor Using Satisfiability Solvers (PB, TL, AM), pp. 454–464.
ICSTSAT-2001-BruniS #maintenance #satisfiability
Restoring Satisfiability or Maintaining Unsatisfiability by finding small Unsatisfiable Subformulae (RB, AS), pp. 162–173.
ASEASE-2000-Lecoeuche #concept
Finding Comparatively Important Concepts between Texts (RL), p. 55–?.
HTHT-2000-YooB #analysis
Finding linking opportunities through relationship-based analysis (JY, MB), pp. 181–190.
SIGMODSIGMOD-2000-AggarwalY #clustering
Finding Generalized Projected Clusters In High Dimensional Spaces (CCA, PSY), pp. 70–81.
Finding Replicated Web Collections (JC, NS, HGM), pp. 355–366.
STOCSTOC-2000-Boneh #integer #using
Finding smooth integers in short intervals using CRT decoding (DB), pp. 265–272.
STOCSTOC-2000-FederMS #graph
Finding long paths and cycles in sparse Hamiltonian graphs (TF, RM, CSS), pp. 524–529.
STOCSTOC-2000-MahajanV #graph
A new NC-algorithm for finding a perfect matching in bipartite planar and small genus graphs (extended abstract) (MM, KRV), pp. 351–357.
ICALPICALP-2000-AlstrupH #algorithm
Improved Algorithms for Finding Level Ancestors in Dynamic Trees (SA, JH), pp. 73–84.
WLCWLC-2000-KoshibaH #consistency
A Note on Finding One-Variable Patterns Consistent with Examples and Counterexamples (TK, KH), pp. 253–265.
CHICHI-2000-LinNHL #design #named #tool support #web
DENIM: finding a tighter fit between tools and practice for Web site design (JL, MWN, JIH, JAL), pp. 510–517.
Agents to assist in finding help (ASV, HL), pp. 65–72.
ICMLICML-2000-Brand #optimisation
Finding Variational Structure in Data by Cross-Entropy Optimization (MB), pp. 95–102.
ICPRICPR-v1-2000-ClarkM #image #metric #statistics
Combining Statistical Measures to Find Image Text Regions (PC, MM), pp. 1450–1453.
ICPRICPR-v2-2000-YaoHGM #image
Finding Green River in SeaWiFS Satellite Images (WY, LOH, DBG, FEMK), pp. 2307–2310.
ICPRICPR-v4-2000-LuSR #independence
Script-Independent, HMM-Based Text Line Finding for OCR (ZL, RMS, CR), pp. 4551–4554.
KDDKDD-2000-HsuLLL #database #mining
Exploration mining in diabetic patients databases: findings and conclusions (WH, MLL, BL, TWL), pp. 430–436.
Finding Admissible and Preferred Arguments Can be Very Hard (YD, BN, FT), pp. 53–61.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-BergerCCFM #statistics
Bridging the lexical chasm: statistical approaches to answer-finding (ALB, RC, DC, DF, VOM), pp. 192–199.
SIGIRSIGIR-2000-HoenkamG #proximity #using
Finding relevant passages using noun-noun compounds: coherence vs. proximity (EH, RdG), pp. 385–387.
OOPSLAOOPSLA-2000-DemeyerDN #metric #refactoring
Finding refactorings via change metrics (SD, SD, ON), pp. 166–177.
Finding Tractable Formulas in NNF (EA, GEI), pp. 493–507.
ISSTAISSTA-2000-JacksonV #constraints #debugging #theorem proving
Finding bugs with a constraint solver (DJ, MV), pp. 14–25.
HTHT-1999-MizuuchiT #web
Finding Context Paths for Web Pages (YM, KT), pp. 13–22.
Piecing Together and Tearing Apart: Finding the Story in Afternoon (JW), pp. 111–117.
ICDARICDAR-1999-Hobby #classification #composition #geometry #layout
Page Decomposition and Signature Finding via Shape Classification and Geometric Layout (JDH), pp. 555–558.
Finding Intensional Knowledge of Distance-Based Outliers (EMK, RTN), pp. 211–222.
STOCSTOC-1999-AlstrupBR #worst-case
Worst-Case and Amortised Optimality in Union-Find (Extended Abstract) (SA, AMBA, TR), pp. 499–506.
STOCSTOC-1999-LiMW #string
Finding Similar Regions in Many Strings (ML, BM, LW), pp. 473–482.
CIKMCIKM-1999-Giles #question #web #what
Searching the Web: Can You Find What You Want? (CLG), pp. 1–2.
KDDKDD-1999-DorreGS #mining
Text Mining: Finding Nuggets in Mountains of Textual Data (JD, PG, RS), pp. 398–401.
ICLPICLP-1999-TickYM #constraints #problem
Finding Fair Allocations for the Coalition Problem with Constraints (ET, RHCY, MJM), pp. 530–544.
DACDAC-1998-HasteerMB #algorithm #automaton #verification
An Implicit Algorithm for Finding Steady States and its Application to FSM Verification (GH, AM, PB), pp. 611–614.
Straight Talk for Troubled Times, Or: The Street Finds Its Uses for Things (SM), p. 306.
Finding Links (JT), pp. 299–300.
ITiCSEITiCSE-1998-MeyerV #bibliography #education #student
A survey of first computing course students (poster): new findings and their implications for the curriculum (JM, SAV), p. 293.
STOCSTOC-1998-KargerL #graph
Finding Maximum Flows in Undirected Graphs Seems Easier than Bipartite Matching (DRK, MSL), pp. 69–78.
Finding Almost-Satisfying Assignments (UZ), pp. 551–560.
CHICHI-1998-TerveenH #graph #visualisation
Finding and Visualizing Inter-Site Clan Graphs (LGT, WCH), pp. 448–455.
CIKMCIKM-1998-AggarwalSY #algorithm #online
Online Algorithms for Finding Profile Association Rules (CCA, ZS, PSY), pp. 86–95.
CIKMCIKM-1998-HsuC #database #music #performance
Efficient Repeating Pattern Finding in Music Databases (JLH, ALPC), pp. 281–288.
ICMLICML-1998-LochS #markov #policy #process #using
Using Eligibility Traces to Find the Best Memoryless Policy in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (JL, SPS), pp. 323–331.
ICPRICPR-1998-FlorebySS #bound #fourier #image #order #using
Boundary finding using Fourier surfaces of increasing order [simulated medical images] (LF, LS, KS), pp. 465–467.
ICPRICPR-1998-NishikawaOM #3d #using
Selective acquisition of 3-D information enough for finding passable free spaces using an active stereo vision system (AN, AO, FM), pp. 857–861.
Finding Frequent Substructures in Chemical Compounds (LD, HT, RDK), pp. 30–36.
Finding rural postman tours (CC, DAS, RLW), pp. 318–326.
SACSAC-1998-McGuireS #algorithm #linear #search-based #using
Using a genetic algorithm to find good linear error-correcting codes (KMM, RES), pp. 332–337.
FSEFSE-1998-Mahony #re-engineering
Finding a History for Software Engineering (MSM), p. 87.
ISSTAISSTA-1998-TraceyCM #automation #using
Automated Program Flaw Finding Using Simulated Annealing (NT, JAC, KM), pp. 73–81.
DATEEDTC-1997-ChoiH #estimation
Improving the accuracy of support-set finding method for power estimation of combinational circuits (HC, SHH), pp. 526–530.
Finding straight lines in drawings (JFA, AKC, VM), pp. 788–791.
ICDARICDAR-1997-VuurpijlS #categorisation #clustering
Finding structure in diversity: a hierarchical clustering method for the categorization of allographs in handwriting (LV, LS), p. 387–?.
Finding Data in the Neighborhood (AE, AK, DK), pp. 336–345.
ICSMEICSM-1997-GirardK #architecture #component #comprehension #towards
Finding Components in a Hierarchy of Modules: a Step towards Architectural Understanding (JFG, RK), pp. 58–65.
STOCSTOC-1997-Karger #graph #random #using
Using Random Sampling to Find Maximum Flows in Uncapacitated Undirected Graphs (DRK), pp. 240–249.
TOOLSTOOLS-PACIFIC-1997-Noble #design
Patterns for Finding Objects within Designs (JN), pp. 113–120.
CADECADE-1997-DennisBG #bisimulation #induction #proving #using
Using A Generalisation Critic to Find Bisimulations for Coinductive Proofs (LAD, AB, IG), pp. 276–290.
WCREWCRE-1996-Neighbors #component #reuse #scalability
Finding Reusable Software Components in Large Systems (JMN), pp. 2–10.
STOCSTOC-1996-CleggEI #algorithm #proving #satisfiability #using
Using the Groebner Basis Algorithm to Find Proofs of Unsatisfiability (MC, JE, RI), pp. 174–183.
KDDAKDDM-1996-BerndtC #approach #programming
Finding Patterns in Time Series: A Dynamic Programming Approach (DJB, JC), pp. 229–248.
CIKMCIKM-1996-JingHR #optimisation
Hierarchical Optimization of Optimal Path Finding for Transportation Applications (NJ, YWH, EAR), pp. 261–268.
ICMLICML-1996-PerezR #concept #learning
Learning Despite Concept Variation by Finding Structure in Attribute-based Data (EP, LAR), pp. 391–399.
Efficiently finding bitangents (DB), pp. 428–432.
ICPRICPR-1996-KnechtS #geometry #modelling #using
Finding map correspondence using geometric models (JdK, KS), pp. 755–759.
ICPRICPR-1996-KornaiC #statistics
Statistical zone finding (AK, SDC), pp. 818–822.
KDDKDD-1996-PfitznerS #parallel #simulation
Parallel Halo Finding in N-Body Cosmology Simulations (DWP, JKS), pp. 26–31.
SEKESEKE-1996-YoonH #framework #object-oriented #optimisation #query #semantics
Finding Interesting Knowledge in Object-Oriented Frameworks for Semantic Query Optimization (SCY, LJH), pp. 108–115.
SACSAC-1996-HoeltingSW #algorithm #network #search-based #using
Finding investigator tours in telecommunication networks using genetic algorithms (CJH, DAS, RLW), pp. 82–87.
DACDAC-1995-StanionS #synthesis
A Method for Finding Good Ashenhurst Decompositions and Its Application to FPGA Synthesis (TS, CS), pp. 60–64.
WCREWCRE-1995-Baker #on the #scalability
On Finding Duplication and Near-Duplication in Large Software Systems (BSB), pp. 86–95.
WCREWCRE-1995-GallK #approach #source code
Finding Objects in Procedural Programs: An Alternative Approach (HG, RK), pp. 208–216.
ICALPICALP-1995-Chen #algorithm #set #string
NC Algorithms for Finding a Maximal Set of Paths with Application to Compressing Strings (ZZC), pp. 99–110.
CHICHI-1995-ShipmanMM #using
Finding and Using Implicit Structure in Human-Organized Spatial Layouts of Information (FMSI, CCM, TPM), pp. 346–353.
CAiSECAiSE-1995-SiauWB #concept
A Psychological Study on the Use of Relationship Concept — Some Preliminary Findings (KS, YW, IB), pp. 341–354.
ICMLICML-1995-FultonKS #algorithm #multi #performance
Efficient Algorithms for Finding Multi-way Splits for Decision Trees (TF, SK, SS), pp. 244–251.
ICMLICML-1995-PerezR #multi #using
Using Multidimensional Projection to Find Relations (EP, LAR), pp. 447–455.
SIGIRSIGIR-1995-ChakravarthyH #internet #named #semantics #using
Netserf: Using Semantic Knowledge to Find Internet Information Archives (ASC, KBH), pp. 4–11.
DATEEDAC-1994-GhatrajuAM #fixpoint #synthesis
High-Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits by Finding Fixpoints (LG, MHAEB, CM), pp. 94–98.
SASSAS-1994-Jorgensen #analysis #finite #fixpoint #using
Finding Fixpoints in Finite Function Spaces Using Neddedness Analysis and Chaotic Iteration (NJ), pp. 329–345.
STOCSTOC-1994-AlonYZ #graph #named #scalability
Color-coding: a new method for finding simple paths, cycles and other small subgraphs within large graphs (NA, RY, UZ), pp. 326–335.
STOCSTOC-1994-KleinT #algorithm #linear #random
A randomized linear-time algorithm for finding minimum spanning trees (PNK, RET), pp. 9–15.
STOCSTOC-1994-KollerMS #algorithm #game studies #performance #random
Fast algorithms for finding randomized strategies in game trees (DK, NM, BvS), pp. 750–759.
STOCSTOC-1994-Miltersen #bound #problem #random
Lower bounds for union-split-find related problems on random access machines (PBM), pp. 625–634.
ICALPICALP-1994-YusterZ #performance
Finding Even Cycles Even Faster (RY, UZ), pp. 532–543.
CHICHI-1994-RaoCJKT94a #documentation #named
Protofoil: storing and finding the information worker’s paper documents in an electronic file cabinet (RR, SKC, WJ, LK, RHT), pp. 180–185.
CSCWCSCW-1994-WanJ #approach #collaboration #learning #using
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Using CLARE: The Approach and Experimental Findings (DW, PMJ), pp. 187–198.
CIKMCIKM-1994-KlemettinenMRTV #scalability #set
Finding Interesting Rules from Large Sets of Discovered Association Rules (MK, HM, PR, HT, AIV), pp. 401–407.
KDDKDD-1994-BerndtC #using
Using Dynamic Time Warping to Find Patterns in Time Series (DJB, JC), pp. 359–370.
HPDCHPDC-1994-PuthukattukaranCS #algorithm #design #implementation #parallel
Design and Implementation of Parallel Algorithms for Gene-Finding (JP, SC, PS), pp. 186–193.
ICLPICLP-1994-BurgLH #backtracking #set
Finding Conflict Sets and Backtrack Points in CLP(R) (JB, SDL, CEH), pp. 323–338.
ICDARICDAR-1993-Bunke #algorithm #nearest neighbour #performance #taxonomy #word
A fast algorithm for finding the nearest neighbor of a word in a dictionary (HB), pp. 632–637.
ICDARICDAR-1993-WieserP #analysis #image #layout
Layout and analysis: Finding text, titles, and photos in digital images of newspaper pages (JW, AP), pp. 774–777.
PODSPODS-1993-Chaudhuri #datalog #recursion
Finding Nonrecursive Envelopes for Datalog Predicates (SC), pp. 135–146.
STOCSTOC-1993-Bodlaender #algorithm #linear
A linear time algorithm for finding tree-decompositions of small treewidth (HLB), pp. 226–234.
STOCSTOC-1993-FarachKW #robust
A robust model for finding optimal evolutionary trees (MF, SK, TW), pp. 137–145.
STOCSTOC-1993-ParkP #graph
Finding minimum-quotient cuts in planar graphs (JKP, CAP), pp. 766–775.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-CarayonLYSSL #monitoring #performance #research
Recent Research Findings on Stress and Electronic Performance Monitoring (PC, SYL, CLY, MJS, KJS, DL), pp. 1017–1022.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-Westlander #health #research
The Simultaneous Attack on Several Work Environment Factors — An Organizational Change Project Inspired of Occupational Health Research Findings (GW), pp. 833–838.
HCIHCI-ACS-1993-WestlanderSCA #evaluation
The Success of an Ambtious Broad QWL Strategy — Our Methods of Evaluation and Interpretation of the Findings (GW, IS, BC, ), pp. 857–862.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-Byrne #documentation #using
Using icons to find documents: simplicity is critical (MDB), pp. 446–453.
CHIINTERCHI-1993-NielsenL #problem #usability
A mathematical model of the finding of usability problems (JN, TKL), pp. 206–213.
SACSAC-1993-RankinW #combinator #fixpoint #prolog #using
Finding Fixed Point Combinators Using Prolog (RR, RWW), pp. 604–608.
HTHT-ECHT-1992-Ritchie #future of #hypermedia #question
The Future of Electronic Literacy: Will Hypertext Ever Find Acceptance? (IR), p. 1.
STOCSTOC-1992-Rao #algorithm #graph #performance
Faster Algorithms for Finding Small Edge Cuts in Planar Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SR), pp. 229–240.
STOCSTOC-1992-Reed #approximate
Finding Approximate Separators and Computing Tree Width Quickly (BAR), pp. 221–228.
CHICHI-1992-Nielsen #evaluation #heuristic #problem #usability
Finding usability problems through heuristic evaluation (JN), pp. 373–380.
ICMLML-1992-ChengS #representation
The Right Representation for Discovery: Finding the Conservation of Momentum (PCHC, HAS), pp. 62–71.
STOCSTOC-1991-AndersonW #algorithm #parallel #problem
Wait-free Parallel Algorithms for the Union-Find Problem (RJA, HW), pp. 370–380.
Finding Hidden Hamiltonian Cycles (Extended Abstract) (AZB, AMF, ES), pp. 182–189.
STOCSTOC-1991-Gabow #approach
A Matroid Approach to Finding Edge Connectivity and Packing Arborescences (HNG), pp. 112–122.
SASWSA-1991-Monsuez #abstract interpretation #polymorphism
An Attempt to Find Polymorphic Types by Abstract Interpretation (BM), pp. 18–25.
ICALPICALP-1991-Furer #algorithm #graph #performance
An Efficient NC Algorithm for Finding Hamiltonian Cycles in Dense Directed Graphs (MF), pp. 429–440.
ICALPICALP-1991-LagergrenA #congruence #finite #using
Finding Minimal Forbidden Minors Using a Finite Congruence (JL, SA), pp. 532–543.
KDDKDD-1991-Schaffer #evaluation #independence #on the
On Evaluation of Domain-Independent Scientific Function-Finding Systems (CS), pp. 93–106.
TOOLSTOOLS-USA-1991-Meyer #how #question
Do we know how to find the classes? (BM), pp. 349–350.
STOCSTOC-1990-Poutre #bound #pointer #problem
Lower Bounds for the Union-Find and the Split-Find Problem on Pointer Machines (JALP), pp. 34–44.
ICMLML-1990-UtgoffB #incremental #multi
An Incremental Method for Finding Multivariate Splits for Decision Trees (PEU, CEB), pp. 58–65.
PPDPPLILP-1990-Sahlin #fixpoint #prolog #using
Finding the Least Fixed Point Using Wait-Declarations in Prolog (DS), pp. 151–158.
ICLPNACLP-1990-Umrigar #order #prolog #unification
Finding Advantageous Orders for Argument Unification for the Prolog WAM (ZDU), pp. 80–96.
PODSPODS-1989-MannilaR #algorithm #normalisation #testing
Practical Algorithms for Finding Prime Attributes and Testing Normal Forms (HM, KJR), pp. 128–133.
VLDBVLDB-1989-IyerRV #algorithm #multi
Percentile Finding Algorithm for Multiple Sorted Runs (BRI, GRR, PJV), pp. 135–144.
VLDBVLDB-1989-MendelzonW #database #graph
Finding Regular Simple Paths in Graph Databases (AOM, PTW), pp. 185–193.
STOCSTOC-1989-Beame #trade-off
A General Sequential Time-Space Tradeoff for Finding Unique Elements (PB), pp. 197–203.
ICALPICALP-1989-FussellRT #component
Finding Triconnected Components by Local Replacements (DSF, VR, RT), pp. 379–393.
ICMLML-1989-Danyluk #bias #induction #information management
Finding New Rules for Incomplete Theories: Explicit Biases for Induction with Contextual Information (APD), pp. 34–36.
DACDAC-1988-WolfKA #algorithm #kernel #logic #multi
A Kernel-Finding State Assignment Algorithm for Multi-Level Logic (WW, KK, JA), pp. 433–438.
STOCSTOC-1988-GoldbergT #low cost
Finding Minimum-Cost Circulations by Canceling Negative Cycles (AVG, RET), pp. 388–397.
CSCWCSCW-1988-Hiltz #collaboration #learning
Collaborative Learning in a Virtual Classroom: Highlights of Findings (SRH), pp. 282–290.
CADECADE-1988-GallierNPRS #canonical #equation #finite #polynomial #set #term rewriting
Finding Canonical Rewriting Systems Equivalent to a Finite Set of Ground Equations in Polynomial Time (JHG, PN, DAP, SR, WS), pp. 182–196.
ICLPJICSCP-1988-Port88 #approach
A Simple Approach to Finding the Cause of Non-Unifiability (GSP), pp. 651–665.
DACDAC-1987-FriedmanS #diagrams
Finding the Optimal Variable Ordering for Binary Decision Diagrams (SJF, KJS), pp. 358–356.
ICALPICALP-1987-MehlhornNA #bound #complexity #problem
A Lower Bound for the Complexity of the Union-Split-Find Problem (KM, SN, HA), pp. 479–488.
FPCAFPCA-1987-MartinH #finite #fixpoint
Finding fixed points in finite lattices (CM, CH), pp. 426–445.
HCIHCI-CE-1987-Ulich #concept #difference #human-computer #interactive #research
Individual Differences in Human-Computer Interaction: Concepts and Research Findings (EU), pp. 29–36.
HCIHCI-SES-1987-AndersonJSA #empirical
Diffusion and Impact of Computer in Organizational Settings: Empirical Findings form a Hospital (JGA, SJJ, HMS, MMA), pp. 3–10.
DACDAC-1986-BhaskerS #algorithm #graph #linear
A linear algorithm to find a rectangular dual of a planar triangulated graph (JB, SS), pp. 108–114.
STOCSTOC-1986-AdlemanL #finite
Finding Irreducible Polynomials over Finite Fields (LMA, HWLJ), pp. 350–355.
ICALPICALP-1986-SpirakisT #algorithm #performance
A Very Fast, Practical Algorithm for Finding a Negative Cycle in a Digraph (PGS, AKT), pp. 397–406.
POPLPOPL-1986-Wand #fault
Finding the Source of Type Errors (MW), pp. 38–43.
PODSPODS-1985-Kundu #algorithm
An Improved Algorithm for Finding a Key of a Relation (SK), pp. 189–192.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1985-DemoK #analysis #database #dependence
Analysis of the Context Dependency of CODASYL Find-Statements with Application to Database Program Conversion (GBD, SK), pp. 354–361.
Finding the Median Requires 2n Comparisons (SWB, JWJ), pp. 213–216.
STOCSTOC-1985-BollobasFF #algorithm #graph #random
An Algorithm for Finding Hamilton Cycles in a Random Graph (BB, TIF, AMF), pp. 430–439.
STOCSTOC-1985-Harel #algorithm #graph #linear #problem
A Linear Time Algorithm for Finding Dominators in Flow Graphs and Related Problems (DH), pp. 185–194.
STOCSTOC-1985-Huang #finite
Riemann Hypothesis and Finding Roots over Finite Fields (MDAH), pp. 121–130.
DACDAC-1984-KozminskiK #algorithm #graph
An algorithm for finding a rectangular dual of a planar graph for use in area planning for VLSI integrated circuits (KK, EK), pp. 655–656.
STOCSTOC-1984-AwerbuchIS #parallel
Finding Euler Circuits in Logarithmic Parallel Time (BA, AI, YS), pp. 249–257.
STOCSTOC-1984-GoldbergM #on the #problem
On Finding the Exact Solution of a Zero-One Knapsack Problem (AVG, AMS), pp. 359–368.
STOCSTOC-1984-Miller #graph
Finding Small Simple Cycle Separators for 2-Connected Planar Graphs (GLM), pp. 376–382.
ICALPICALP-1984-Jerrum #complexity #generative #sequence
The Complexity of Finding Minimum-Length Generator Sequences (Extended Abstract) (MJ), pp. 270–280.
DACDAC-1982-MalingMH #on the
On finding most optimal rectangular package plans (KM, SHM, WRH), pp. 663–670.
Finding Extremal Polygons (JEB, DPD, RL(DI, LJG), pp. 282–289.
STOCSTOC-1982-PachlKR #algorithm #bound #distributed #proving
A Technique for Proving Lower Bounds for Distributed Maximum-Finding Algorithms (JKP, EK, DR), pp. 378–382.
ICLPILPC-1982-Eshghi82 #fault #logic #metalanguage #programming
Application of Meta-language Programming to Fault Finding in Logic Circuits (KE), pp. 240–246.
STOCSTOC-1979-Angluin #set #string
Finding Patterns Common to a Set of Strings (Extended Abstract) (DA), pp. 130–141.
STOCSTOC-1979-SedgewickS #complexity
The Complexity of Finding Periods (RS, TGS), pp. 74–80.
POPLPOPL-1979-Banning #alias #performance
An Efficient Way to Find Side Effects of Procedure Calls and Aliases of Variables (JB), pp. 29–41.
VLDBVLDB-1977-FieldsN #using
Using New Clues to Find Data (CF, NN), pp. 156–158.
STOCSTOC-1977-Itai #graph
Finding a Minimum Circuit in a Graph (AI), pp. 1–10.
STOCSTOC-1976-FongU #graph
Finding the Depth of a Flow Graph (ACF, JDU), pp. 121–125.
SIGMODSIGMOD-1975-FadousF #database #relational
Finding Candidate Keys for Relational Data Bases (RF, JF), pp. 203–210.
STOCSTOC-1973-AhoHU #on the
On Finding Lowest Common Ancestors in Trees (AVA, JEH, JDU), pp. 253–265.
STOCSTOC-1973-WeinerSB #algorithm
Neighborhood Search Algorithms for Finding Optimal Traveling Salesman Tours Must Be Inefficient (PW, SLS, AB), pp. 207–213.

Bibliography of Software Language Engineering in Generated Hypertext (BibSLEIGH) is created and maintained by Dr. Vadim Zaytsev.
Hosted as a part of SLEBOK on GitHub.