Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × India
1 × Italy
1 × Spain
Collaborated with:
E.Shihab W.Le S.A.Malachowsky J.Palmerino Q.Yu T.Desell M.Mirakhorli A.Ruiz J.Peterson A.Filipski J.Smith
Talks about:
clone (3) code (3) detect (2) concol (2) volatil (1) process (1) dataset (1) android (1) analysi (1) account (1)
Person: Daniel E. Krutz
DBLP: Krutz:Daniel_E=
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- MSR-2015-KrutzMMRPFS #android #dataset #open source
- A Dataset of Open-Source Android Applications (DEK, MM, SAM, AR, JP, AF, JS), pp. 522–525.
- SAC-2015-KrutzMS #analysis #detection #effectiveness #using
- Examining the effectiveness of using concolic analysis to detect code clones (DEK, SAM, ES), pp. 1610–1615.
- MSR-2014-KrutzL #clone detection
- A code clone oracle (DEK, WL), pp. 388–391.
- WCRE-2013-KrutzS #clone detection #detection #named
- CCCD: Concolic code clone detection (DEK, ES), pp. 489–490.
- ASE-2019-PalmerinoYDK #adaptation #process #self
- Improving the Decision-Making Process of Self-Adaptive Systems by Accounting for Tactic Volatility (JP, QY, TD, DEK), pp. 949–961.