103 papers:
DAC-2015-CuiWCZNP #energy #grid #smarttech- Optimal control of PEVs for energy cost minimization and frequency regulation in the smart grid accounting for battery state-of-health degradation (TC, YW, SC, QZ, SN, MP), p. 6.
ICFP-2015-KarachaliasSVJ #data type #lazy evaluation #pattern matching- GADTs meet their match: pattern-matching warnings that account for GADTs, guards, and laziness (GK, TS, DV, SLPJ), pp. 424–436.
CHI-2015-BorstTR #problem #what- What Makes Interruptions Disruptive?: A Process-Model Account of the Effects of the Problem State Bottleneck on Task Interruption and Resumption (JPB, NAT, HvR), pp. 2971–2980.
CHI-2015-MunsonKRR #physics #process- Effects of Public Commitments and Accountability in a Technology-Supported Physical Activity Intervention (SAM, EK, CRR, PR), pp. 1135–1144.
CSCW-2015-Hancock #facebook- The Facebook Study: A Personal Account of Data Science, Ethics and Change (JTH), p. 1.
CSCW-2015-Leavitt #community #online #quote #single use- “This is a Throwaway Account”: Temporary Technical Identities and Perceptions of Anonymity in a Massive Online Community (AL), pp. 317–327.
SCSM-2015-PriceMMGBA #multi #named- Inter-Social-Networking: Accounting for Multiple Identities (DP, DM, RM, CG, MAB, SA), pp. 242–252.
ECIR-2015-OentaryoLL #twitter- Chalk and Cheese in Twitter: Discriminating Personal and Organization Accounts (RJO, JWL, EPL), pp. 465–476.
RecSys-2015-VerstrepenG #recommendation- Top-N Recommendation for Shared Accounts (KV, BG), pp. 59–66.
CSL-2015-SchubertDB #automaton #proving- Automata Theoretic Account of Proof Search (AS, WD, HPB), pp. 128–143.
LICS-2015-MaillardM- A Fibrational Account of Local States (KM, PAM), pp. 402–413.
LICS-2015-McIverMR #data flow #markov #modelling #monad- Abstract Hidden Markov Models: A Monadic Account of Quantitative Information Flow (AM, CM, TMR), pp. 597–608.
FoSSaCS-2014-CarraroG #call-by #semantics- A Semantical and Operational Account of Call-by-Value Solvability (AC, GG), pp. 103–118.
FM-2014-ButinM #analysis- Log Analysis for Data Protection Accountability (DB, DLM), pp. 163–178.
CHI-2014-ShayIRC #case study #experience #quote #why- “My religious aunt asked why i was trying to sell her viagra”: experiences with account hijacking (RS, II, RWR, SC), pp. 2657–2666.
CSCW-2014-Lampinen- Account sharing in the context of networked hospitality exchange (AL), pp. 499–504.
CSCW-2014-PineM #logic #problem- Institutional logics of the EMR and the problem of “perfect” but inaccurate accounts (KHP, MM), pp. 283–294.
ICEIS-v3-2014-CarreiraDAD #perspective- Environmental Disclosure — From the Accounting to the Report Perspective (FC, AD, RA, FD), pp. 496–501.
ICEIS-v3-2014-DavidAC- Simplified Business Information — A Technical Position in Accounting and Taxation (FD, RA, FC), pp. 502–507.
CIKM-2014-ShenJ #information management #multi #network #online #social- Controllable Information Sharing for User Accounts Linkage across Multiple Online Social Networks (YS, HJ), pp. 381–390.
SIGIR-2014-AmigoGM #clustering #effectiveness #metric #retrieval- A general account of effectiveness metrics for information tasks: retrieval, filtering, and clustering (EA, JG, SM), p. 1289.
SIGIR-2014-ArkhipovaG #mobile #performance #web- Evaluating mobile web search performance by taking good abandonment into account (OA, LG), pp. 1043–1046.
Onward-2014-Conversy #programming language #visual notation- Unifying Textual and Visual: A Theoretical Account of the Visual Perception of Programming Languages (SC), pp. 201–212.
SAC-2014-ZangerleS #classification #quote #twitter- “Sorry, I was hacked”: a classification of compromised twitter accounts (EZ, GS), pp. 587–593.
CHI-2013-PritchardV #human-computer- Digital apartheid: an ethnographic account of racialised hci in Cape Town hip-hop (GWP, JV), pp. 2537–2546.
CHI-2013-RonenRJT #how #question- Taking data exposure into account: how does it affect the choice of sign-in accounts? (SR, OR, MJ, DT), pp. 3423–3426.
CSCW-2013-KokkalisKPCBK #crowdsourcing #email #named- EmailValet: managing email overload through private, accountable crowdsourcing (NK, TK, CP, DC, MSB, SRK), pp. 1291–1300.
CSCW-2013-ThayerSL #using- Recalibrating the ratio: enacting accountability in intimate relationships using shared calendars (AT, BS, CPL), pp. 203–214.
HIMI-D-2013-SugayaSNT #recognition #using- Basic Investigation into Hand Shape Recognition Using Colored Gloves Taking Account of the Peripheral Environment (TS, TS, HN, HT), pp. 133–142.
ECIR-2013-ZhukovskiiGS #ranking- URL Redirection Accounting for Improving Link-Based Ranking Methods (MZ, GG, PS), pp. 656–667.
SIGIR-2013-ChenL- An information-theoretic account of static index pruning (RCC, CJL), pp. 163–172.
PPDP-2013-DanvyZ #call-by #evaluation- A synthetic operational account of call-by-need evaluation (OD, IZ), pp. 97–108.
QoSA-2012-Groenda #modelling #performance #predict- Improving performance predictions by accounting for the accuracy of composed performance models (HG), pp. 111–116.
ITiCSE-2012-FarrellRFKH #assessment- Capstone project: fair, just and accountable assessment (VF, GR, GF, PK, DH), pp. 168–173.
CHI-2012-HayashiPOH #named #using- WebTicket: account management using printable tokens (EH, BAP, FO, JIH), pp. 997–1006.
CHI-2012-TolmieBFBATFG #case study #experience #quote- “Act natural”: instructions, compliance and accountability in ambulatory experiences (PT, SB, MF, PB, MA, NT, JRF, GG), pp. 1519–1528.
CHI-2012-ZhangZF #2d- Extending Fitts’ law to account for the effects of movement direction on 2d pointing (XZ, HZ, WF), pp. 3185–3194.
ICPR-2012-LeiWPMY #robust- Robust tracking by accounting for hard negatives explicitly (PL, TW, MP, AM, ZY), pp. 2112–2115.
ICSE-2012-Kalumbilo #effectiveness #re-engineering #specification- Effective specification of decision rights and accountabilities for better performing software engineering projects (MK), pp. 1503–1506.
LICS-2012-Feigenbaum #privacy- Privacy, Anonymity, and Accountability in Ad-Supported Services (JF), pp. 9–10.
FM-2011-CavalcantiWW #formal method #java #memory management #safety- The Safety-Critical Java Memory Model: A Formal Account (AC, AJW, JW), pp. 246–261.
CHI-2011-DasFS #design #interactive #question- Interaction design for cancer patients: do we need to take into account the effects of illness and medication? (AD, AF, DS), pp. 21–24.
DUXU-v1-2011-DinetVB #community #design #difference #towards- Towards Future Methods to Take into Account Cross-Cultural Differences in Design: An Example with the “Expert Community Staff” (ECS) (JD, RV, EB), pp. 53–61.
DUXU-v1-2011-Kreichgauer #standard- ISO Standards for Standard Software: Accountability, Customer Expectations and Reality (UK), pp. 148–153.
ICEIS-v2-2011-HouGM- Accounting Information Content and Timeliness of Annual Report Disclosure — An Evidence from China’s Listed Companies (PH, GG, ZM), pp. 400–408.
CIKM-2011-KimO #dependence #process- Accounting for data dependencies within a hierarchical dirichlet process mixture model (DK, AHO), pp. 873–878.
KEOD-2011-GerberGM #ambiguity #consistency #development #ontology #standard #using- Using Formal Ontologies for the Development of Consistent and Unambiguous Financial Accounting Standards (MCG, AG, AvdM), pp. 419–424.
SAC-2011-AlmeidaC #enterprise #on the #ontology #towards- On the elements of an enterprise: towards an ontology-based account (JPAA, ECSC), pp. 323–330.
CHI-2010-DantecE #bound #information management #multi- Across boundaries of influence and accountability: the multiple scales of public sector information systems (CALD, WKE), pp. 113–122.
OSDI-2010-HaeberlenARD #virtual machine- Accountable Virtual Machines (AH, PA, RR, PD), pp. 119–134.
CHI-2009-KarapanosMH- Accounting for diversity in subjective judgments (EK, JBM, MH), pp. 639–648.
IDGD-2009-Singh #design- Balancing Separateness and Jointness of Money in Relationships: The Design of Bank Accounts in Australia and India (SS), pp. 505–514.
ICEIS-J-2009-SiepermannS #automation #generative- e-Learning in Logistics Cost Accounting Automatic Generation and Marking of Exercises (MS, CS), pp. 665–676.
ICML-2009-DoyleE #modelling #topic- Accounting for burstiness in topic models (GD, CE), pp. 281–288.
KMIS-2009-Bolisani #analysis #modelling #transaction- Modelling Cognitive Transactions for Economic and Accounting Analysis (EB), pp. 242–247.
SAC-2009-LiuAD #email #internet- Incorporating accountability into internet email (WL, SA, ZD), pp. 875–882.
ASPLOS-2009-EyermanE #smt #thread- Per-thread cycle accounting in SMT processors (SE, LE), pp. 133–144.
CGO-2009-MoseleyGP #compilation #named #optimisation #performance- OptiScope: Performance Accountability for Optimizing Compilers (TM, DG, RP), pp. 254–264.
TLCA-2009-HerbelinZ #call-by #deduction #λ-calculus- An Operational Account of Call-by-Value Minimal and Classical λ-Calculus in “Natural Deduction” Form (HH, SZ), pp. 142–156.
CHI-2008-SuhCKP #social #wiki- Lifting the veil: improving accountability and social transparency in Wikipedia with wikidashboard (BS, EHC, AK, BAP), pp. 1037–1040.
CHI-2008-TroshynskiLD- Accountabilities of presence: reframing location-based systems (ET, CPL, PD), pp. 487–496.
CHI-2008-WuBRBM #distributed #memory management #product line- Collaborating to remember: a distributed cognition account of families coping with memory impairments (MW, JPB, BR, RB, MM), pp. 825–834.
CSCW-2008-EgelmanBI #paradigm #product line- Family accounts: a new paradigm for user accounts within the home environment (SE, AJBB, KMI), pp. 669–678.
KR-2008-LoriniL #logic- A Logical Account of Institutions: From Acceptances to Norms via Legislators (EL, DL), pp. 38–48.
MoDELS-2008-CraneD #execution #formal method #modelling #set #towards #uml- Towards a Formal Account of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models (MLC, JD), pp. 675–689.
MoDELS-2008-CraneD #execution #formal method #modelling #set #towards #uml- Towards a Formal Account of a Foundational Subset for Executable UML Models (MLC, JD), pp. 675–689.
POPL-2008-GaboardiMR #logic- A logical account of pspace (MG, JYM, SRDR), pp. 121–131.
CASE-2007-GomezHR #fuzzy #logic #maintenance- Decision Making Based on Fuzzy Logic for Product Subcontracting Taking into Account Maintenance Actions (RAFG, SH, NR), pp. 771–776.
DAC-2007-YuDFL #analysis #framework #nondeterminism #process #statistics- A Framework for Accounting for Process Model Uncertainty in Statistical Static Timing Analysis (GY, WD, ZF, PL), pp. 829–834.
DATE-2007-JuCR #analysis #scheduling- Accounting for cache-related preemption delay in dynamic priority schedulability analysis (LJ, SC, AR), pp. 1623–1628.
ITiCSE-2007-GorraLC #assessment #database #student- An account of the use of synoptic assessment for students in the area of databases at level 2 (AG, SL, JC), p. 334.
SOSP-2007-HaeberlenKD #distributed #named- PeerReview: practical accountability for distributed systems (AH, PK, PD), pp. 175–188.
CHI-2006-BonhardHMS #recommendation #similarity #using- Accounting for taste: using profile similarity to improve recommender systems (PB, CH, JDM, MAS), pp. 1057–1066.
CHI-2005-BrushWTS #difference #metadata #social- Assessing differential usage of usenet social accounting meta-data (AJBB, XW, TCT, MAS), pp. 889–898.
POPL-2005-BornatCOP #logic- Permission accounting in separation logic (RB, CC, PWO, MJP), pp. 259–270.
SAC-2005-Khurana #scalability #security- Scalable security and accounting services for content-based publish/subscribe systems (HK), pp. 801–807.
DAC-2004-KouroussisAN #power management #worst-case- Worst-case circuit delay taking into account power supply variations (DK, RA, FNN), pp. 652–657.
FoSSaCS-2004-FilinskiR #evaluation #normalisation- A Denotational Account of Untyped Normalization by Evaluation (AF, HKR), pp. 167–181.
PEPM-2004-HulaasB #cpu #java #program transformation- Program transformations for portable CPU accounting and control in Java (JH, WB), pp. 169–177.
ICALP-2004-EdalatP #theorem- A Domain Theoretic Account of Picard’s Theorem (AE, DP), pp. 494–505.
CSCW-2004-Randell- Accountability in an alarming environment (RR), pp. 125–131.
ISMM-2004-WickF #memory management- Memory accounting without partitions (AW, MF), pp. 120–130.
ISMM-2004-YangHBKM #automation #memory management- Automatic heap sizing: taking real memory into account (TY, MH, EDB, SFK, JEBM), pp. 61–72.
ICEIS-v3-2003-BokovecD #enterprise #implementation #multi- The Relevance of a Global Accounting Model in Multi-Site Erp Implementations (KB, TD), pp. 23–31.
ICEIS-2002-CostaA- Evaluating EMS Value — The Case of a Small Accountancy Firm (CJC, PA), pp. 460–466.
KR-2002-Shanahan #feedback #logic- A Logical Account of Perception Incorporating Feedback and Expectation (MS), pp. 3–13.
CSL-2002-Ogata #continuation #proving- A Proof Theoretical Account of Continuation Passing Style (IO), pp. 490–505.
ICLP-2002-Bruscoli #logic #proving- A Purely Logical Account of Sequentiality in Proof Search (PB), pp. 302–316.
DATE-2000-RingeLB #analysis- Static Timing Analysis Taking Crosstalk into Account (MR, TL, EB), pp. 451–455.
DATE-1999-MansouriV #design #verification- Accounting for Various Register Allocation Schemes During Post-Synthesis Verification of RTL Designs (NM, RV), p. 223–?.
HCI-CCAD-1999-BekiarisO #human-computer- Improved HCI accessibility: An account of costs involved (EB, PO), pp. 853–857.
PPDP-1999-Filinski #partial evaluation #semantics- A Semantic Account of Type-Directed Partial Evaluation (AF), pp. 378–395.
POPL-1999-Yelland #composition #java #virtual machine- A Compositional Account of the Java Virtual Machine (PMY), pp. 57–69.
CSMR-1998-GhannouchiGK #approach #reverse engineering- A Generic Approach for Data Reverse Engineering Taking into Account Application Doamin Knowledge (SAG, HHBG, FK), pp. 21–28.
OOPSLA-1998-CzajkowskiE #interface #java #named- JRes: A Resource Accounting Interface for Java (GC, TvE), pp. 21–35.
KDD-1997-Domingos #why- Why Does Bagging Work? A Bayesian Account and its Implications (PMD), pp. 155–158.
LICS-1997-RieckeS #call-by #relational- A Relational Account of Call-by-Value Sequentiality (JGR, AS), pp. 258–267.
KR-1994-ArtaleF #logic- A Computational Account for a Description Logic of Time and Action (AA, EF), pp. 3–14.
POPL-1994-HatcliffD #continuation- A Generic Account of Continuation-Passing Styles (JH, OD), pp. 458–471.
SIGMOD-1991-HansenU #dependence- An Extended Memoryless Inference Control Method: Accounting for Dependence in Table-level Controls (SCH, EAU), pp. 348–356.
LICS-1988-Griffin #formal method- Notational definition — a formal account (TG), pp. 372–383.
VLDB-1985-FaloutsosC #design #query- Design of a Signature File Method that Accounts for Non-Uniform Occurrence and Query Frequencies (CF, SC), pp. 165–170.
DAC-1984-BellonV #functional- Taking into account asynchronous signals in functional test of complex circuits (CB, RV), pp. 490–496.