Travelled to:
1 × Switzerland
7 × USA
Collaborated with:
H.R.Hartson L.T.Nowell J.D.Chase A.C.Siochi R.S.Schulman J.N.Templeman R.J.K.Jacob M.Paretti B.Amento W.C.Hill L.G.Terveen P.Ju R.K.France L.S.Heath E.A.Fox J.L.Brandenburg P.S.Pyla M.A.Pérez-Quiñones J.D.Arthur T.L.Smith-Jackson
Talks about:
user (6) evalu (5) interfac (4) techniqu (3) document (2) behavior (2) project (2) develop (2) visual (2) search (2)
Person: Deborah Hix
DBLP: Hix:Deborah
Contributed to:
Wrote 9 papers:
- HCD-2009-PylaHPASH #case study #evaluation #experience #how
- “How Do I Evaluate THAT?” Experiences from a Systems-Level Evaluation Effort (PSP, HRH, MAPQ, JDA, TLSJ, DH), pp. 292–301.
- CHI-1999-AmentoHTHJ #empirical #evaluation #topic #user interface #web
- An Empirical Evaluation of User Interfaces for Topic Management of Web Sites (BA, WCH, LGT, DH, PJ), pp. 552–559.
- SIGIR-1996-NowellFHHF #similarity #visualisation
- Visualizing Search Results: Some Alternatives to Query-Document Similarity (LTN, RKF, DH, LSH, EAF), pp. 67–75.
- CHI-1995-HixTJ #concept #interactive #testing
- Pre-Screen Projection: From Concept to Testing of a New Interaction Technique (DH, JNT, RJKJ), pp. 226–233.
- CHI-1994-ChaseSHH94a #behaviour #development #evaluation #representation
- Development and evaluation of a taxonomical model of behavioral representation techniques (JDC, RSS, HRH, DH), pp. 159–165.
- HCI-ACS-1993-ChasePHH #case study #documentation #using
- Task-Oriented User Documentation Using the User Action Notation: A Case Study (JDC, MP, HRH, DH), pp. 421–426.
- HCI-SHI-1993-ChaseHHSB #behaviour #design #representation #user interface
- A Model of Behavioral Techniques for Representing User Interface Designs (JDC, HRH, DH, RSS, JLB), pp. 861–866.
- HCI-SHI-1993-NowellH #database #development #user interface #visualisation
- Visualizing Search Results: User Interface Development for the Project Envision Database of Computer Science Literature (LTN, DH), pp. 56–61.
- CHI-1991-SiochiH #analysis #case study #evaluation #user interface #using
- A study of computer-supported user interface evaluation using maximal repeating pattern analysis (ACS, DH), pp. 301–305.