Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
Collaborated with:
Michael Braitmaier A.Menychtas T.A.Varvarigou G.Kousiouris A.D.Doulamis K.Tserpes A.Litke C.Christogiannis A.Bergmayr H.Brunelière J.L.C.Izquierdo J.Gorroñogoitia P.Langer L.O.Arrieta C.Pezuela M.Wimmer
Talks about:
servic (3) orient (3) environ (2) infrastructur (1) interact (1) challeng (1) virtual (1) softwar (1) realiti (1) qualiti (1)
Person: Dimosthenis Kyriazis
DBLP: Kyriazis:Dimosthenis
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- CSMR-2013-BergmayrBIGKKLMAPW #legacy #migration
- Migrating Legacy Software to the Cloud with ARTIST (AB, HB, JLCI, JG, GK, DK, PL, AM, LOEA, CP, MW), pp. 465–468.
- EDOC-2008-TserpesKMLCV #quality
- Evaluating Quality Provisioning Levels in Service Oriented Business Environments (KT, DK, AM, AL, CC, TAV), pp. 309–315.
- VS-Games-2011-BraitmaierK #artificial reality #experience #framework #user interface
- Virtual and Augmented Reality: Improved User Experience through a Service Oriented Infrastructure (MB, DK), pp. 40–46.
- VS-Games-2011-KyriazisKMDV #challenge #interactive #social
- Interactive Social TV on Service Oriented Environments: Challenges and Enablers (DK, GK, AM, ADD, TAV), pp. 152–155.