Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
I.I.Bittencourt E.d.B.Costa H.Barros M.Silva P.Bispo J.P.Pontes D.Dermeval H.P.L.Luna
Talks about:
web (2) methodolog (1) platform (1) perspect (1) semant (1) person (1) integr (1) applic (1) under (1) solut (1)
Person: Douglas Véras
DBLP: V=eacute=ras:Douglas
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- SAC-2011-VerasBBSC #education #framework #personalisation #platform #web
- A solution for personalized t-learning applications integrated with a web educational platform (DV, IIB, HB, MS, EdBC), pp. 1187–1193.
- ICEIS-J-2009-BittencourtBCPVDL #modelling #semantics #web
- Modeling JADE Agents from GAIA Methodology under the Perspective of Semantic Web (IIB, PB, EdBC, JPP, DV, DD, HPLL), pp. 780–789.