Travelled to:
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
S.Erdweg O.Bracevac M.Mezini M.Krebs A.Bejleri
Talks about:
type (3) contextu (2) featherweight (1) increment (1) checker (1) formul (1) applic (1) check (1) rule (1) java (1)
Person: Edlira Kuci
DBLP: Kuci:Edlira
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- OOPSLA-2015-ErdwegBKKM #incremental #type checking
- A co-contextual formulation of type rules and its application to incremental type checking (SE, OB, EK, MK, MM), pp. 880–897.
- ECOOP-2017-KuciEBBM #java
- A Co-contextual Type Checker for Featherweight Java (EK, SE, OB, AB, MM), p. 26.