262 papers:
ICPC-2015-LeVLP #automation #commit #information management #named- RCLinker: automated linking of issue reports and commits leveraging rich contextual information (TDBL, MLV, DL, DP), pp. 36–47.
ICALP-v2-2015-StatonU #algebra- Effect Algebras, Presheaves, Non-locality and Contextuality (SS, SU), pp. 401–413.
LATA-2015-Yoshinaka #boolean grammar #grammar inference #learning- Learning Conjunctive Grammars and Contextual Binary Feature Grammars (RY), pp. 623–635.
CHI-2015-EntwistleRVBA #framework #human-computer #research- Beyond the Individual: The Contextual Wheel of Practice as a Research Framework for Sustainable HCI (JME, MKR, NV, RSB, MSA), pp. 1125–1134.
CHI-2015-PatelO- Contextual Influences on the Use and Non-Use of Digital Technology While Exercising at the Gym (MP, AAO), pp. 2923–2932.
HIMI-IKC-2015-FilhoHTJM #smarttech #using- Using Wearable and Contextual Computing to Optimize Field Engineering Work Practices (RSSF, CLH, AT, JJ, PM), pp. 522–533.
LCT-2015-IbanezN #design #implementation #multi #using- Contextualization of Archaeological Findings Using Virtual Worlds. Issues on Design and Implementation of a Multiuser Enabled Virtual Museum (LAHI, VBN), pp. 384–393.
ECIR-2015-Dean-HallC #power of- The Power of Contextual Suggestion (ADH, CLAC), pp. 352–357.
KDD-2015-LeeFZL #knowledge base- Leveraging Knowledge Bases for Contextual Entity Exploration (JL, AF, BZ, YL), pp. 1949–1958.
RecSys-2015-AghdamHMB #adaptation #markov #modelling #recommendation #using- Adapting Recommendations to Contextual Changes Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models (MHA, NH, BM, RDB), pp. 241–244.
SEKE-2015-Colace0LLYC #adaptation #perspective #recommendation- An Adaptive Contextual Recommender System: a Slow Intelligence Perspective (FC, LG, SL, ML, DY, SKC), pp. 64–71.
SIGIR-2015-Kiseleva #behaviour #information management #using- Using Contextual Information to Understand Searching and Browsing Behavior (JK), p. 1059.
SIGIR-2015-TangJLZL #personalisation #recommendation- Personalized Recommendation via Parameter-Free Contextual Bandits (LT, YJ, LL, CZ, TL), pp. 323–332.
OOPSLA-2015-ErdwegBKKM #incremental #type checking- A co-contextual formulation of type rules and its application to incremental type checking (SE, OB, EK, MK, MM), pp. 880–897.
SAC-2015-VilelaCPSCL #behaviour #modelling- Deriving the behavior of context-sensitive systems from contextual goal models (JV, JBdC, JP, MS, PC, ML), pp. 1397–1400.
SAC-2015-Zheng #algorithm #recommendation- Improve general contextual slim recommendation algorithms by factorizing contexts (YZ), pp. 929–930.
CSL-2015-AbramskyBKLM- Contextuality, Cohomology and Paradox (SA, RSB, KK, RL, SM), pp. 211–228.
TLCA-2015-Pientka0 #recursion- Well-Founded Recursion over Contextual Objects (BP, AA), pp. 273–287.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-AlawnehHML #approach #communication #effectiveness- A contextual approach for effective recovery of inter-process communication patterns from HPC traces (LA, AHL, SSM, YL), pp. 274–282.
CSMR-WCRE-2014-HillRFM #case study #code search #query #refinement- NL-based query refinement and contextualized code search results: A user study (EH, MRV, JAF, GM), pp. 34–43.
CIAA-2014-RashidY #automaton #quantum- Implications of Quantum Automata for Contextuality (JR, AY), pp. 318–331.
CHI-2014-HailpernH #documentation #named- Odin: contextual document opinions on the go (JMH, BAH), pp. 1525–1534.
CHI-2014-HuangYWZLMLZS #named #using- FOCUS: enhancing children’s engagement in reading by using contextual BCI training sessions (JH, CY, YW, YZ, SL, CM, JL, LZ, YS), pp. 1905–1908.
CHI-2014-LeivaA #locality #user interface #visual notation- The impact of visual contextualization on UI localization (LAL, VA), pp. 3739–3742.
DUXU-DI-2014-HeiskalaPVHM #framework #information management #mobile #research- A Research Framework for the Smartphone-Based Contextual Study of Mobile Knowledge Work (MH, EP, MV, KH, HM), pp. 246–257.
DUXU-DI-2014-MuukkonenHLV #mobile #process- Tracking Mobile Workers’ Daily Activities with the Contextual Activity Sampling System (HM, KH, SL, MV), pp. 289–300.
DUXU-TMT-2014-GoodeLSGB #approach #research- A Mixed-Method Approach for In-Depth Contextual User Research (AWG, CL, AS, RG, VB), pp. 86–95.
DUXU-TMT-2014-LaamanenSH #design #process- Tracing Design Work through Contextual Activity Sampling (TKL, PSH, KH), pp. 142–152.
HIMI-DE-2014-SakuraiKNTH #pseudo #using- Evoking Emotions in a Story Using Tactile Sensations as Pseudo-body Responses with Contextual Cues (SS, TK, TN, TT, MH), pp. 241–250.
ICEIS-v1-2014-TitoRSFTS #information management #named #recommendation- RecRoute — A Bus Route Recommendation System Based on Users’ Contextual Information (AdOT, ARRR, LMdS, LAVF, PRT, ACS), pp. 357–366.
CIKM-2014-DeveaudAMO #learning #on the #rank- On the Importance of Venue-Dependent Features for Learning to Rank Contextual Suggestions (RD, MDA, CM, IO), pp. 1827–1830.
CIKM-2014-NguyenL #clustering #multi- Dynamic Clustering of Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits (TTN, HWL), pp. 1959–1962.
CIKM-2014-ZhengMB #recommendation- Deviation-Based Contextual SLIM Recommenders (YZ, BM, RDB), pp. 271–280.
ECIR-2014-BelloginSVS #challenge #dataset #evaluation #web- Challenges on Combining Open Web and Dataset Evaluation Results: The Case of the Contextual Suggestion Track (AB, TS, APdV, AS), pp. 430–436.
ECIR-2014-VechtomovaST #approach #information retrieval #word- An Information Retrieval-Based Approach to Determining Contextual Opinion Polarity of Words (OV, KS, JT), pp. 553–559.
ECIR-2014-VoskaridesOTWR #streaming- Query-Dependent Contextualization of Streaming Data (NV, DO, MT, WW, MdR), pp. 706–712.
ICML-c2-2014-AgarwalHKLLS #algorithm #performance- Taming the Monster: A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Contextual Bandits (AA, DH, SK, JL, LL, RES), pp. 1638–1646.
ICML-c2-2014-MaryPN #algorithm #evaluation- Improving offline evaluation of contextual bandit algorithms via bootstrapping techniques (JM, PP, ON), pp. 172–180.
ICPR-2014-DominguesMMSR #information management #recommendation #topic #using- Using Contextual Information from Topic Hierarchies to Improve Context-Aware Recommender Systems (MAD, MGM, RMM, CVS, SOR), pp. 3606–3611.
ICPR-2014-FiratCV #detection #learning #representation- Representation Learning for Contextual Object and Region Detection in Remote Sensing (OF, GC, FTYV), pp. 3708–3713.
ICPR-2014-SattaGB #gender #information management #recognition- Children Gender Recognition Under Unconstrained Conditions Based on Contextual Information (RS, JG, LB), pp. 357–362.
RecSys-2014-TangJLL #personalisation #recommendation- Ensemble contextual bandits for personalized recommendation (LT, YJ, LL, TL), pp. 73–80.
RecSys-2014-Zheng #algorithm #recommendation #similarity- Deviation-based and similarity-based contextual SLIM recommendation algorithms (YZ), pp. 437–440.
RecSys-2014-ZhengMB #algorithm #named #recommendation- CSLIM: contextual SLIM recommendation algorithms (YZ, BM, RDB), pp. 301–304.
SIGIR-2014-CeroniTKN #using- Bridging temporal context gaps using time-aware re-contextualization (AC, NKT, NK, CN), pp. 1127–1130.
SIGIR-2014-LivneGTDA #difference #named #recommendation #using- CiteSight: supporting contextual citation recommendation using differential search (AL, VG, JT, STD, EA), pp. 807–816.
SIGIR-2014-WingY #health #named #realtime- FitYou: integrating health profiles to real-time contextual suggestion (CW, HY), pp. 1263–1264.
SAC-2014-FoucaultPFB #metric- Computing contextual metric thresholds (MF, MP, JRF, XB), pp. 1120–1125.
SAC-2014-JuniorGM #collaboration #constraints #modelling #personalisation- Personalized collaborative filtering: a neighborhood model based on contextual constraints (EBSJ, RG, MGM), pp. 919–924.
ICLP-J-2014-PereiraDH #abduction #reasoning- Contextual Abductive Reasoning with Side-Effects (LMP, EAD, SH), pp. 633–648.
ICST-2014-PouldingW #automation #probability- Adding Contextual Guidance to the Automated Search for Probabilistic Test Profiles (SMP, HW), pp. 293–302.
ISSTA-2014-YandrapallyTSC #automation #robust #testing #using- Robust test automation using contextual clues (RY, ST, SS, SC), pp. 304–314.
ASE-2013-ZhangPXJWZ #monitoring #on-demand #towards- Towards contextual and on-demand code clone management by continuous monitoring (GZ, XP, ZX, SJ, HW, WZ), pp. 497–507.
HT-2013-KrestelS #generative #sentiment #topic- Generating contextualized sentiment lexica based on latent topics and user ratings (RK, SS), pp. 129–138.
ICSM-2013-Roldan-VegaMHF #code search #named #query #refinement- CONQUER: A Tool for NL-Based Query Refinement and Contextualizing Code Search Results (MRV, GM, EH, JAF), pp. 512–515.
MSR-2013-AlipourHS #approach #debugging #detection #towards- A contextual approach towards more accurate duplicate bug report detection (AA, AH, ES), pp. 183–192.
MSR-2013-FuLLDZX #analysis #behaviour #comprehension- Contextual analysis of program logs for understanding system behaviors (QF, JGL, QL, RD, DZ, TX), pp. 397–400.
WCRE-2013-XingXJ #difference- Distilling useful clones by contextual differencing (ZX, YX, SJ), pp. 102–111.
SAS-2013-LammichMSW #automaton #network- Contextual Locking for Dynamic Pushdown Networks (PL, MMO, HS, AW), pp. 477–498.
GCM-J-2012-Hoffmann #graph grammar #refinement- Graph Rewriting with Contextual Refinement (BH).
CHI-2013-BullingWG #behaviour #named #recognition #visual notation- EyeContext: recognition of high-level contextual cues from human visual behaviour (AB, CW, HG), pp. 305–308.
CHI-2013-ChilanaKWG #case study #crowdsourcing #multi- A multi-site field study of crowdsourced contextual help: usage and perspectives of end users and software teams (PKC, AJK, JOW, TG), pp. 217–226.
CHI-2013-DoornSG #design #experience #research #user interface #using- Design research by proxy: using children as researchers to gain contextual knowledge about user experience (FvD, PJS, MG), pp. 2883–2892.
CHI-2013-ShiXC #bound #network #social #using- Using contextual integrity to examine interpersonal information boundary on social network sites (PS, HX, YC), pp. 35–38.
HCI-AMTE-2013-RandallCTL #design #multi- Applying Contextual Design to Multiple Teams in Emergency Management (TR, JC, GT, JL), pp. 109–118.
HCI-AS-2013-EskildsenR #challenge #integration #learning- Challenges for Contextualizing Language Learning — Supporting Cultural Integration (SE, MR), pp. 361–369.
HCI-AS-2013-JohnsonOVYP #adaptation- Examining the Role of Contextual Exercises and Adaptive Expertise on CAD Model Creation Procedures (MDJ, EO, LV, BY, XP), pp. 408–417.
HCI-III-2013-DavidCD #collaboration #mobile #user interface- Supportive User Interfaces for MOCOCO (Mobile, Contextualized and Collaborative) Applications (BD, RC, FD), pp. 29–38.
ICEIS-v1-2013-Prados-SuarezMRY #health- Contextualized Access to Electronic Health Records — Application to Hospital Interoperability (BPS, CM, MAPdR, MCPY), pp. 272–279.
CIKM-2013-CarmelSK #retrieval- Position-based contextualization for passage retrieval (DC, AS, OK), pp. 1241–1244.
ICML-c3-2013-AgrawalG #linear- Thompson Sampling for Contextual Bandits with Linear Payoffs (SA, NG), pp. 127–135.
ICML-c3-2013-RossZYDB #learning #policy #predict- Learning Policies for Contextual Submodular Prediction (SR, JZ, YY, DD, DB), pp. 1364–1372.
SIGIR-2013-McParlaneMJ #on the #recommendation- On contextual photo tag recommendation (PJM, YM, JMJ), pp. 965–968.
SIGIR-2013-NoroziA- Kinship contextualization: utilizing the preceding and following structural elements (MAN, PA), pp. 837–840.
TACAS-2012-ChadhaMV #reachability- Reachability under Contextual Locking (RC, PM, MV), pp. 437–450.
CHI-2012-Barkhuus #human-computer #privacy #using- The mismeasurement of privacy: using contextual integrity to reconsider privacy in HCI (LB), pp. 367–376.
CHI-2012-ChilanaKW #crowdsourcing #named #web- LemonAid: selection-based crowdsourced contextual help for web applications (PKC, AJK, JOW), pp. 1549–1558.
CHI-2012-HasanYBI #coordination #interactive- A-coord input: coordinating auxiliary input streams for augmenting contextual pen-based interactions (KH, XDY, AB, PI), pp. 805–814.
CIKM-2012-DongFSZY #framework #mining- A general framework to encode heterogeneous information sources for contextual pattern mining (WD, WF, LS, CZ, XY), pp. 65–74.
CIKM-2012-JiangCLYWZY #recommendation #social- Social contextual recommendation (MJ, PC, RL, QY, FW, WZ, SY), pp. 45–54.
CIKM-2012-JiangHHYN #evaluation #query #simulation- Contextual evaluation of query reformulations in a search session by user simulation (JJ, DH, SH, ZY, CN), pp. 2635–2638.
CIKM-2012-NoroziAV #documentation #using #wiki- Contextualization using hyperlinks and internal hierarchical structure of Wikipedia documents (MAN, PA, APdV), pp. 734–743.
CIKM-2012-ZhuCCXT #classification #information management #mobile- Exploiting enriched contextual information for mobile app classification (HZ, HC, EC, HX, JT), pp. 1617–1621.
ICML-2012-YueHG- Hierarchical Exploration for Accelerating Contextual Bandits (YY, SAH, CG), p. 128.
ICPR-2012-RubioSLP #graph #higher-order #image #representation- Image contextual representation and matching through hierarchies and higher order graphs (JCR, JS, AML, NP), pp. 2664–2667.
ICPR-2012-WangJ #network #recognition- Incorporating contextual knowledge to Dynamic Bayesian Networks for event recognition (XW, QJ), pp. 3378–3381.
ICPR-2012-WongLTYCCBW #approach #automation #graph #locality- Automatic localization of the macula in a supervised graph-based approach with contextual superpixel features (DWKW, JL, NMT, FY, XC, CMGC, MB, TYW), pp. 2063–2066.
ICPR-2012-ZhangWXZL #kernel #recognition- Contextual Fisher kernels for human action recognition (ZZ, CW, BX, WZ, SL), pp. 437–440.
KDD-2012-ChenZC #topic- The contextual focused topic model (XC, MZ, LC), pp. 96–104.
KDIR-2012-ArmanoGV #case study #effectiveness- Are Related Links Effective for Contextual Advertising? — A Preliminary Study (GA, AG, EV), pp. 221–226.
KDIR-2012-HavaSK #classification #documentation #network #semantics- Contextual Latent Semantic Networks used for Document Classification (OH, MS, PK), pp. 425–430.
KDIR-2012-SchonebergM #documentation #identification- Contextual Approaches for Identification of Toponyms in Ancient Documents (HS, FM), pp. 163–168.
RecSys-2012-ZelenikB #information management #recommendation- Reducing the sparsity of contextual information for recommender systems (DZ, MB), pp. 341–344.
SAC-2012-IencoPPT #automation #taxonomy #towards- Towards an automatic construction of Contextual Attribute-Value Taxonomies (DI, YP, PP, MT), pp. 113–118.
ICSE-2012-Dilshener #concept #information retrieval #using- Improving information retrieval-based concept location using contextual relationships (TD), pp. 1499–1502.
ICLP-J-2012-Martin #logic programming #semantics #source code- Contextual hypotheses and semantics of logic programs (EM), pp. 843–887.
ASE-2011-DengJ #dependence #fault- Inferred dependence coverage to support fault contextualization (FD, JAJ), pp. 512–515.
CSEET-2011-ReedJ #android #education- Contextual Android education (JR, DSJ), pp. 487–491.
ITiCSE-2011-RussellMD #approach #learning #student- A contextualized project-based approach for improving student engagement and learning in AI courses (IR, ZM, JD), p. 368.
AGTIVE-2011-DrewesHM- Contextual Hyperedge Replacement (FD, BH, MM), pp. 182–197.
CHI-2011-HailpernJWKSS #named- YouPivot: improving recall with contextual search (JMH, NJ, AW, KK, RS, NS), pp. 1521–1530.
CHI-2011-JonesO- Contextual dynamics of group-based sharing decisions (SLJ, EO), pp. 1777–1786.
CIKM-2011-WongTP #health- Health conversational system based on contextual matching of community-driven question-answer pairs (WW, JT, LP), pp. 2577–2580.
CIKM-2011-WuXPZHL #concept #wiki- Leveraging Wikipedia concept and category information to enhance contextual advertising (ZW, GX, RP, YZ, ZH, JL), pp. 2105–2108.
KDIR-2011-ArmanoGV #concept #semantics #using- Semantic Enrichment of Contextual Advertising by using Concepts (GA, AG, EV), pp. 232–237.
KEOD-2011-MohtassebAAC #ontology- PsychoNet 2 — Contextualized and Enriched Psycholinguistic Commonsense Ontology (HM, AA, AA, DC), pp. 339–343.
KEOD-2011-SeppalaN #analysis #modelling- Contextual Analysis and Modeling of Personal Wellness (AS, PN), pp. 202–207.
KMIS-2011-SchmidlK #information management #using- Using Task Histories to Support Person-to-person Knowledge Exchange — Extracting and using Contextual Overlap and Levels of Expertise to Connect Knowledge Workers (JS, HK), pp. 77–86.
SEKE-2011-AntunesCCG #development #information management #using- Using Contextual Information to Improve Awareness in Software Development(S) (BA, JC, PC, PG), pp. 349–352.
SIGIR-2011-Wang #comprehension #information management #recommendation #using- Understanding and using contextual information in recommender systems (LW), pp. 1329–1330.
PPDP-2011-SabelS #concurrent #haskell #semantics- A contextual semantics for concurrent Haskell with futures (DS, MSS), pp. 101–112.
ICSE-2011-LopezH- The code orb: supporting contextualized coding via at-a-glance views (NL, AvdH), pp. 824–827.
DocEng-2010-YangJPL #web- Contextual advertising for web article printing (SY, JJ, JP, SL), pp. 195–198.
DRR-2010-HuangDC #modelling #recognition #word- A word language model based contextual language processing on Chinese character recognition (CH, XD, YC), pp. 1–10.
HT-2010-VariawaM #assessment- Balancing content contextualization and accessibility in engineering assessment (CV, SM), pp. 275–276.
FLOPS-2010-Pientka #dependent type #named #programming- Beluga: Programming with Dependent Types, Contextual Data, and Contexts (BP), pp. 1–12.
ICGT-2010-BaldanBCKS #graph grammar #on the- On the Computation of McMillan’s Prefix for Contextual Nets and Graph Grammars (PB, AB, AC, BK, SS), pp. 91–106.
CHI-2010-GrossmanF #comprehension #named #video- ToolClips: an investigation of contextual video assistance for functionality understanding (TG, GWF), pp. 1515–1524.
CHI-2010-KirmanLLMGG #facebook #game studies #information management #social- Improving social game engagement on facebook through enhanced socio-contextual information (BK, SWL, CL, FM, LG, AG), pp. 1753–1756.
CIKM-2010-DaveV #keyword- Pattern based keyword extraction for contextual advertising (KSD, VV), pp. 1885–1888.
CIKM-2010-GMLPG #trade-off- Relevance-index size tradeoff in contextual advertising (PKG, KPL, MP, SG), pp. 1721–1724.
ECIR-2010-XingZH #image #predict #query #retrieval- Query Difficulty Prediction for Contextual Image Retrieval (XX, YZ, MH), pp. 581–585.
ICPR-2010-LaunilaS #estimation #game studies- Contextual Features for Head Pose Estimation in Football Games (AL, JS), pp. 340–343.
KDD-2010-LiWZCMJ #performance- Exploitation and exploration in a performance based contextual advertising system (WL, XW, RZ, YC, JM, RJ), pp. 27–36.
KDIR-2010-ArmanoV #recommendation- A Unifying View of Contextual Advertising and Recommender Systems (GA, EV), pp. 463–466.
KEOD-2010-Alfort #approach #classification #information retrieval- Scale and the Classificatory Dimension — A Linguistic Approach to Contextual IR (EA), pp. 370–373.
KEOD-2010-CruzC #ontology- Contextualizing Ontologies for Agents (LPC, JNC), pp. 147–152.
RecSys-2010-Said #hybrid #identification #recommendation- Identifying and utilizing contextual data in hybrid recommender systems (AS), pp. 365–368.
SIGIR-2010-YiLWR #using #video- Contextual video advertising system using scene information inferred from video scripts (BJY, JTL, HWW, HCR), pp. 771–772.
OOPSLA-2010-ChibaIZ #compilation #composition- Mostly modular compilation of crosscutting concerns by contextual predicate dispatch (SC, AI, SZ), pp. 539–554.
RE-2010-SeyffGG #information management #using- Using Contextual Information to Guide on-site Analysts (NS, FG, PG), pp. 397–398.
HT-2009-Martinez-RomoA #approach #information management #using #web- Retrieving broken web links using an approach based on contextual information (JMR, LA), pp. 351–352.
WCRE-1999-Perez-CastilloGAP99a #legacy #on the #source code- On the Use of ADM to Contextualize Data on Legacy Source Code for Software Modernization (RPC, IGRdG, OAG, MP), pp. 128–132.
CHI-2009-MedynskiyDD- Exploring websites through contextual facets (YEM, MD, SMD), pp. 2013–2022.
CHI-2009-WonJH #using #visual notation #web- Contextual web history: using visual and contextual cues to improve web browser history (SSW, JJ, JIH), pp. 1457–1466.
HCD-2009-KohNTTWH #analysis #why- Why Taking Medicine Is a Chore — An Analysis of Routine and Contextual Factors in the Home (WKK, JN, OYT, ZT, AHYW, MGH), pp. 452–461.
HIMI-II-2009-ChanLLH #mobile #requirements #user interface- Discovering User Interface Requirements of Search Results for Mobile Clients by Contextual Inquiry (DLC, RWPL, HVL, EKSH), pp. 365–374.
IDGD-2009-SwansonSG #framework #using- Exploring Cultural Context Using the Contextual Scenario Framework (ES, KS, JG), pp. 117–126.
ICEIS-J-2009-SilvaS #collaboration #game studies- Promoting Collaboration through a Culturally Contextualized Narrative Game (MARS, JCAS), pp. 870–881.
CIKM-2009-AgarwalGHJK- Translating relevance scores to probabilities for contextual advertising (DA, EG, RH, VJ, RK), pp. 1899–1902.
CIKM-2009-FanC- Blogger-centric contextual advertising (TKF, CHC), pp. 1803–1806.
ECIR-2009-FanC #sentiment- Sentiment-Oriented Contextual Advertising (TKF, CHC), pp. 202–215.
ECIR-2009-Pablo-SanchezM #classification #graph- Building a Graph of Names and Contextual Patterns for Named Entity Classification (CdPS, PM), pp. 530–537.
ECIR-2009-PapadopoulosMKB #graph #recommendation- Lexical Graphs for Improved Contextual Ad Recommendation (SP, FM, YK, BB), pp. 216–227.
ECIR-2009-WeerkampBR #email #information management #using- Using Contextual Information to Improve Search in Email Archives (WW, KB, MdR), pp. 400–411.
RecSys-2009-HelouSSG #process #ranking #recommendation- The 3A contextual ranking system: simultaneously recommending actors, assets, and group activities (SEH, CS, SS, DG), pp. 373–376.
SIGIR-2009-WhiteBC #information management #predict- Predicting user interests from contextual information (RWW, PB, LC), pp. 363–370.
REFSQ-2009-SeyffGMG #case study #experience #requirements- Scenarios in the Wild: Experiences with a Contextual Requirements Discovery Method (NS, FG, NAMM, PG), pp. 147–161.
SAC-2009-ZaidiBC #network #protocol #testing- Network protocol interoperability testing based on contextual signatures and passive testing (FZ, EB, ARC), pp. 2–7.
DRR-2008-El-HajjML #modelling #recognition #using #word- Recognition of Arabic handwritten words using contextual character models (REH, CM, LLS), p. 681503.
DRR-2008-KimLT #approach #hybrid #identification #statistics- Hybrid approach combining contextual and statistical information for identifying MEDLINE citation terms (ICK, DXL, GRT), p. 68150.
FASE-2008-DenaroGP #integration #testing- Contextual Integration Testing of Classes (GD, AG, MP), pp. 246–260.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-DAgostiniFDG #semantics #using- Contextual Semantic Search — Capturing, using the User’s Context to Direct Semantic Search (CSD, RF, MARD, FAOG), pp. 154–159.
ICEIS-SAIC-2008-HampelPS #flexibility #robust #web- Web 2.0 Mashups for Contextualization, Flexibility, Pragmatism, and Robustness (TH, TP, JS), pp. 107–112.
CIKM-2008-ArvolaKJ #retrieval #xml- The effect of contextualization at different granularity levels in content-oriented xml retrieval (PA, JK, MJ), pp. 1491–1492.
CIKM-2008-UkkonenCDG #information management #wiki- Searching the wikipedia with contextual information (AU, CC, DD, AG), pp. 1351–1352.
CIKM-2008-WangBFJ- A note on search based forecasting of ad volume in contextual advertising (XW, AZB, MF, VJ), pp. 1343–1344.
KDD-2008-ZhangSPN #documentation #learning #multi #topic #web- Learning from multi-topic web documents for contextual advertisement (YZ, ACS, JCP, MN), pp. 1051–1059.
RecSys-2008-Baltrunas #information management #recommendation- Exploiting contextual information in recommender systems (LB), pp. 295–298.
SEKE-2008-CuiSXM #architecture #design #reuse- A Decision-centric Architecture Design Method Facilitating the Contextually Capture and Reuse of Design Knowledge (XC, YS, SX, HM), pp. 321–326.
POPL-2008-NeamtiuHFP #concurrent #programming- Contextual effects for version-consistent dynamic software updating and safe concurrent programming (IN, MH, JSF, PP), pp. 37–49.
SAC-2008-FelicissimoCBFL #multi- Contextualizing normative open multi-agent systems (CHF, CC, JPB, AEFS, CJPdL), pp. 52–59.
SAC-2008-TierneyJ #ontology #semantics #using- C-SAW---contextual semantic alignment of ontologies: using negative semantic reinforcement (BT, MJ), pp. 2346–2347.
DRR-2007-WalvoordEC #information management #recognition- Adding contextual information to improve character recognition on the Archimedes Palimpsest (DJW, RLEJ, RLC).
ESOP-2007-Pitts #equivalence #higher-order- Techniques for Contextual Equivalence in Higher-Order, Typed Languages (AMP), p. 1.
CHI-2007-TabardMRL #named- PageLinker: integrating contextual bookmarks within a browser (AT, WEM, NR, CL), pp. 337–346.
HCI-AS-2007-ErikssonA #mobile #multi- Multi-users and Multi-contextuality — A Mobile Tourism Setting (CIE, MÅ), pp. 48–57.
HCI-IPT-2007-Truillet #physics #taxonomy- A Taxonomy of Physical Contextual Sensors (PT), pp. 982–989.
ICEIS-HCI-2007-LewandowskiBT #component #modelling- Tasks Models for Component Contextualization (AL, GB, JCT), pp. 176–181.
CIKM-2007-AnagnostopoulosBGJR- Just-in-time contextual advertising (AA, AZB, EG, VJ, LR), pp. 331–340.
SIGIR-2007-BroderFJR #approach #semantics- A semantic approach to contextual advertising (AZB, MF, VJ, LR), pp. 559–566.
SIGIR-2007-GyllstromSV #confluence #named- Confluence: enhancing contextual desktop search (KG, CANS, ACV), pp. 717–718.
SAC-2007-KimHK #approach #folksonomy #mining- FCA-based approach for mining contextualized folksonomy (HLK, ShH, HGK), pp. 1340–1345.
SAC-2007-YouH #approach #personalisation #ranking- Personalized ranking: a contextual ranking approach (GwY, SwH), pp. 506–510.
HT-2006-AndersonHB #hypermedia #query- Templates and queries in contextual hypermedia (KMA, FAH, NOB), pp. 99–110.
DLT-2006-DediuKKN #approach #generative #graph grammar- Contextual Hypergraph Grammars — A New Approach to the Generation of Hypergraph Languages (AHD, RKH, HJK, BN), pp. 327–338.
DLT-2006-Lakshmanan- End-Marked Maximal Depth-First Contextual Grammars (LK), pp. 339–350.
ICEIS-ISAS-2006-MaamarBBNC #approach #development #modelling #towards #web #web service- Towards a Contextual Model-Driven Development Approach for Web Services (ZM, KB, DB, NCN, MC), pp. 78–85.
CIKM-2006-ChitrapuraJK #ambiguity #summary- Search result summarization and disambiguation via contextual dimensions (KPC, SJ, RK), pp. 876–877.
ECIR-2006-Tamine-LechaniB #diagrams #information management #information retrieval- Influence Diagrams for Contextual Information Retrieval (LTL, MB), pp. 464–467.
ICPR-v1-2006-BouterucheA #fuzzy #gesture #online #recognition- Fuzzy Point of View Combination for Contextual Shape Recognition: Application to On-line Graphic Gesture Recognition (FB, ÉA), pp. 1088–1091.
KDD-2006-MeiZ #mining- A mixture model for contextual text mining (QM, CZ), pp. 649–655.
SEKE-2006-MazzoleniVFMB #image #towards #using- Towards a contextualized access to the cultural heritage world using 360 Panoramic Images (PM, SV, SF, PM, EB), pp. 416–419.
SIGIR-2006-HuangWAH #framework #information management #information retrieval- A platform for Okapi-based contextual information retrieval (XH, MW, AA, YRH), p. 728.
SIGIR-2006-MinkovCN #ambiguity #email #graph #using- Contextual search and name disambiguation in email using graphs (EM, WWC, AYN), pp. 27–34.
SAC-2006-SauvagnatHB #question #retrieval #using #what #xml- XML retrieval: what about using contextual relevance? (KS, LH, MB), pp. 1114–1115.
ICLP-2006-NogueiraA #logic programming #towards- Towards Temporal Contextual Logic Programming (VN, SA), pp. 439–441.
VLDB-2005-Ohrn- Contextual Insight in Search: Enabling Technologies and Applications (AØ), p. 1366.
CSEET-2005-Richardson #education #named #re-engineering- Informatics: Contextualizing Computer Science and Software Engineering Education (DJR), p. 3.
CHI-2005-LeeFH #effectiveness #navigation- Studying the effectiveness of MOVE: a contextually optimized in-vehicle navigation system (JL, JF, SEH), pp. 571–580.
CIKM-2005-ArvolaJK #information retrieval #xml- Generalized contextualization method for XML information retrieval (PA, MJ, JK), pp. 20–27.
CIKM-2005-KraftMC #exclamation- Y!Q: contextual search at the point of inspiration (RK, FM, CCC), pp. 816–823.
SIGIR-2005-HuangHW #information management #information retrieval- A dual index model for contextual information retrieval (XH, YRH, MW), pp. 613–614.
RE-2005-CoheneE #analysis #design- Contextual Risk Analysis for Interview Design (TC, SME), pp. 95–104.
RE-2005-SutcliffeFS #requirements- Personal and Contextual Requirements Engineering (AGS, SF, MMS), pp. 19–30.
SAC-2005-QianZQ #classification #image- Spatial contextual noise removal for post classification smoothing of remotely sensed images (YQ, KZ, FQ), pp. 524–528.
ICSE-2005-HoekKR #education #re-engineering- A B.S. degree in informatics: contextualizing software engineering education (AvdH, DGK, DJR), pp. 641–642.
HT-2004-HansenBCGPG #web- Integrating the web and the world: contextual trails on the move (FAH, NOB, BGC, KG, TBP, JG), pp. 98–107.
ECIR-2004-DobryninPR #clustering #documentation- Contextual Document Clustering (VD, DWP, NR), pp. 167–180.
ICPR-v1-2004-LombardiZ #architecture #design- Architectural Design Issues for Bayesian Contextual Vision (PL, BZ), pp. 753–756.
ICPR-v2-2004-LiT #modelling #recognition #set- Influence of Language Models and Candidate Set Size on Contextual Post-processing for Chinese Script Recognition (YL, CLT), pp. 537–540.
ICPR-v3-2004-EhtiatiC #architecture #identification- A Strongly Coupled Architecture for Contextual Object and Scene Identification (TE, JJC), pp. 69–72.
SEKE-2004-BuchnerBHP #comparison #information management- Contextual Comparison of Discovered Knowledge Patterns (AGB, MB, JGH, DWP), pp. 388–391.
SIGIR-2004-DumaisCSH #query- Implicit queries (IQ) for contextualized search (STD, EC, RS, EH), p. 594.
SIGIR-2004-ShenSZ #named- ACES: a contextual engine for search (XS, SS, CZ), p. 597.
SIGIR-2004-Sun #comprehension #representation- Discovering and representing the contextual and narrative structure of e-books to support reading and comprehension (abstract only) (YS), p. 603.
SIGIR-2004-WenLM #probability #retrieval- Probabilistic model for contextual retrieval (JRW, NL, WYM), pp. 57–63.
ICDAR-2003-BesagniBB #segmentation- A Segmentation Method for Bibliographic References by Contextual Tagging of Fields (DB, AB, NB), pp. 384–388.
ICDAR-2003-GrandidierSS #information management #integration #recognition- Integration of Contextual Information in Handwriting Recognition Systems (FG, RS, CYS), pp. 1252–1256.
ICEIS-v1-2003-JouanotCY #distance #integration #semantics- A Solution for Contextual Integration Based on the Calculation of a Semantic Distance (FJ, NC, KY), pp. 483–486.
ICEIS-v2-2003-HoeschlBBMRBT #security- Structured Contextual Search for the Un Security Council (HCH, TCDB, AB, EdSM, MSR, RMB, IT), pp. 100–107.
HT-2002-ChigonaS #image- Contextualized preview of image map links (WC, TS), pp. 150–158.
CIAA-2002-GranaAV #compilation #constraints #finite #transducer- Compilation of Constraint-Based Contextual Rules for Part-of-Speech Tagging into Finite State Transducers (JG, GA, JV), pp. 128–137.
ICPR-v2-2002-LoogG #classification #segmentation- Supervised Segmentation by Iterated Contextual Pixel Classification (ML, BvG), pp. 925–928.
SAC-2002-BrownJ #retrieval- Exploiting contextual change in context-aware retrieval (PJB, GJFJ), pp. 650–656.
HT-2001-AguiarB #information management #retrieval #web- Improvement of Web retrieval by the use of contextual information of pages (FA, MB), pp. 247–248.
ICDAR-2001-HoN #classification #constraints- Exploration of Contextual Constraints for Character Pre-Classification (TKH, GN), pp. 450–454.
ICDAR-2001-WongSA #recognition- Contextual Focus for Improved Recognition of Hand-Filled Forms (WSW, NS, TA), pp. 748–752.
PASTE-2001-SouterP- Contextual def-use associations for object aggregation (ALS, LLP), pp. 13–19.
ICALP-2000-BruniS #algebra #modelling- Algebraic Models for Contextual Nets (RB, VS), pp. 175–186.
CHI-2000-ParkK #navigation #web- Effects of contextual navigation aids on browsing diverse Web systems (JP, JK), pp. 257–264.
CHI-2000-WangM #constraints #visual notation- The role of contextual haptic and visual constraints on object manipulation in virtual environments (YW, CLM), pp. 532–539.
UML-2000-FelfernigJZ #design #diagrams #knowledge base #uml- Contextual Diagrams as Structuring Mechanisms for Designing Configuration Knowledge Bases in UML (AF, DJ, MZ), pp. 240–254.
ICDAR-1999-DowntonLD #evaluation #lazy evaluation #recognition- Lazy Evaluation for Best-First Contextual Handwriting Recognition (ACD, SML, LD), pp. 589–592.
DLT-1999-Holzer #on the- On fixed and general membership for external and internal contextual languages (MH), pp. 351–361.
DLT-1999-Martin-VideM- Contextual grammars with trajectories (CMV, AM), pp. 362–374.
CHI-1999-SawhneyS #smarttech- Nomadic Radio: Scaleable and Contextual Notification for Wearable Audio Messaging (NS, CS), pp. 96–103.
HCI-CCAD-1999-Kuutti #framework #information management- Supporting perspective making and perspective taking: a framework for contextual information (KK), pp. 293–297.
HCI-CCAD-1999-RuuskaV #communication #design #mobile #research- Contextual research for technological innovation — satisfying user needs in the design of mobile communication devices (SR, KVVM), pp. 28–32.
SIGIR-1999-DaiLK #information management #segmentation #statistics- A New Statistical Formula for Chinese Text Segmentation Incorporating Contextual Information (YD, TEL, CSGK), pp. 82–89.
RE-1999-Holtzblatt #design #implementation- Contextual Design: From Customer Data to Implementation (KH), p. 1–?.
FoSSaCS-1998-BaldanCM #semantics #symmetry- An Event Structure Semantics for P/T Contextual Nets: Asymmetric Event Structures (PB, AC, UM), pp. 63–80.
ICALP-1998-GadducciM #axiom #process- Axioms for Contextual Net Processes (FG, UM), pp. 296–308.
KR-1998-GiunchigliaG #locality #modelling #reasoning #semantics- Local Models Semantics, or Contextual Reasoning = Locality + Compatibility (FG, CG), pp. 282–291.
ICDAR-1997-DuDLA #documentation #evaluation #lazy evaluation #recognition #semantics #using- Generalized Contextual Recognition of Hand-Printed Documents Using Semantic Trees with Lazy Evaluation (LD, ACD, SML, BAB), pp. 238–242.
ICDAR-1997-ShiP #recognition- Font Recognition and Contextual Processing for More Accurate Text Recognition (HS, TP), pp. 39–44.
CHI-1997-BaldonadoW #evolution #interface #named- SenseMaker: An Information-Exploration Interface Supporting the Contextual Evolution of a User’s Interests (MQWB, TW), pp. 11–18.
HCI-CC-1997-ZauchnerKVW #implementation- The Second Vienna Implementation Study: I. Contextual Factors Modifying the Effects of Continuous Implementations of Information Technology (SZ, CK, OV, AW), pp. 383–386.
ESEC-FSE-1997-PohlW #approach #tool support- A Contextual Approach for Process-Integrated Tools (KP, KW), pp. 176–192.
ICML-1996-Widmer #incremental #recognition- Recognition and Exploitation of Contextual CLues via Incremental Meta-Learning (GW), pp. 525–533.
ICPR-1996-CordellaFSV #algorithm #graph #performance #using- An efficient algorithm for the inexact matching of ARG graphs using a contextual transformational model (LPC, PF, CS, MV), pp. 180–184.
ICDAR-v2-1995-KwonHKL #constraints- Contextual postprocessing of a Korean OCR system by linguistic constraints (HCK, HJH, MJK, SWL), pp. 557–562.
ILPS-1995-PedroM #approach #logic programming #verification- An Approach to Verification in Contextual Logic Programming (VP, LM), p. 634.
HT-ECHT-1994-Haake #hypermedia #implementation- Under CoVer: The Implementation of a Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications (AH), pp. 81–93.
SEKE-1994-Rolland #approach #process #requirements- A contextual approach for the requirements engineering process (CR), pp. 28–35.
ICDAR-1993-HochK #clustering #on the #recognition #scalability- On virtual partitioning of large dictionaries for contextual post-processing to improve character recognition (RH, TK), pp. 226–231.
ICDAR-1993-LebourgeoisH #learning- A contextual processing for an OCR system, based on pattern learning (FL, JLH), pp. 862–865.
ICDAR-1993-Srihari #modelling #recognition- From pixels to paragraphs: The use of contextual models in text recognition (SNS), pp. 416–423.
DLT-1993-PaunRS- Contextual Grammars: Erasing, Determinism, One-Side Contexts (GP, GR, AS), pp. 370–388.
HCI-SHI-1993-PalanqueBD #design #for free- Contextual Help for Free with Formal Dialogue Design (PAP, RB, LD), pp. 615–620.
PLILP-1993-NataliO #logic programming- Objects with State in Contextual Logic Programming (AN, AO), pp. 220–234.
RE-1993-IshiharaSK #dependence #natural language #specification #using- A translation method from natural language specifications into formal specifications using contextual dependencies (YI, HS, TK), pp. 232–239.
HT-ECHT-1992-Haake #hypermedia #named- CoVer: A Contextual Version Server for Hypertext Applications (AH), pp. 43–52.
JICSLP-1992-JacquetM #communication #logic programming #towards- Communicating Clauses: Towards Synchronous Communication in Contextual Logic Programming (JMJ, LM), pp. 98–112.
KDD-1991-Frawley #induction #statistics #using- Using Functions to Encode Domain and Contextual Knowledge in Statistical Induction (WJF), pp. 261–276.
CHI-1990-WixonHK #design- Contextual design: an emergent view of system design (DRW, KH, SK), pp. 329–336.
NACLP-1990-JacquetM #comparative #logic programming #parallel #programming language #semantics- Comparative Semantics for a Parallel Contextual Logic Programming Language (JMJ, LM), pp. 195–214.
CHI-1989-GoodCLW #experience #research- Experience with contextual field research (MG, RC, GL, PW), pp. 21–24.
ML-1989-Danyluk #bias #induction #information management- Finding New Rules for Incomplete Theories: Explicit Biases for Induction with Contextual Information (APD), pp. 34–36.
CSCW-1988-WhitesideW- Contextualism as a World View for the Reformation of Meetings (JAW, DRW), pp. 369–376.
RTA-1987-Qian- Structured Contextual Rewriting (ZQ), pp. 168–179.
RTA-1985-ZhangR- Contextual Rewriting (HZ, JLR), pp. 46–62.