Travelled to:
1 × China
1 × France
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ L.Zhao S.Entwisle H.W.Schmidt I.D.Peake
Talks about:
model (3) system (2) design (2) role (2) curriculum (1) implement (1) framework (1) softwar (1) reliabl (1) program (1)
Person: Elizabeth A. Kendall
DBLP: Kendall:Elizabeth_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- EDOC-2006-EntwisleSPK #exception #framework #modelling #reliability
- A Model Driven Exception Management Framework for Developing Reliable Software Systems (SE, HWS, IDP, EAK), pp. 307–318.
- TOOLS-EUROPE-2000-ZhaoK #component #design #modelling
- Role Modeling for Component Design (LZ, EAK), pp. 312–323.
- OOPSLA-1999-Kendall #aspect-oriented #design #implementation #programming
- Role Model Designs and Implementations with Aspect-oriented Programming (EAK), pp. 353–369.
- CSEET-1997-Kendall #education
- A Pattern Based Curriculum for Computer Systems Engineering (EAK), pp. 132–149.