Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Switzerland
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
Y.Chen S.Mancoridis B.S.Mitchell J.M.Mocenigo S.C.North E.Koutsofios Y.Hu S.G.Kobourov C.Volinsky T.S.Souder J.L.Korn P.T.Devanbu H.A.Müller J.Martin C.Rorres
Talks about:
softwar (3) cluster (3) engin (3) mainten (2) visual (2) system (2) code (2) telecommun (1) recommend (1) hyperlink (1)
Person: Emden R. Gansner
DBLP: Gansner:Emden_R=
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- RecSys-2009-GansnerHKV #clustering #recommendation #visualisation
- Putting recommendations on the map: visualizing clusters and relations (ERG, YH, SGK, CV), pp. 345–348.
- SOFTVIS-2003-GansnerMN #visualisation
- Visualizing Software for Telecommunication Services (ERG, JMM, SCN), pp. 151–157.
- WCRE-2001-MancoridisSCGK #named #reverse engineering
- REportal: A Web-Based Portal Site for Reverse Engineering (SM, TSS, YFC, ERG, JLK), pp. 221–230.
- ICSE-1999-DevanbuCGMM #maintenance #named #re-engineering
- CHIME: Customizable Hyperlink Insertion and Maintenance Engine for Software Engineering Environments (PTD, YFC, ERG, HAM, JM), pp. 473–482.
- ICSM-1999-MancoridisMCG #clustering #maintenance #named
- Bunch: A Clustering Tool for the Recovery and Maintenance of Software System Structures (SM, BSM, YFC, ERG), p. 50–?.
- IWPC-1998-MancoridisMRCG #automation #clustering #source code #using
- Using Automatic Clustering to Produce High-Level System Organizations of Source Code (SM, BSM, CR, YFC, ERG), pp. 45–52.
- ESEC-FSE-1997-ChenGK #analysis #c++ #detection #reachability
- A C++ Data Model Supporting Reachability Analysis and Dead Code Detection (YFC, ERG, EK), pp. 414–431.