Travelled to:
1 × France
4 × USA
Collaborated with:
M.C.Stone K.P.Fishkin K.A.Pier D.Billman L.Good K.Pier A.Perer S.Freeman A.C.Popat W.C.Janssen K.Popat A.Newberger B.Janssen E.Saund P.Wall M.A.Sprague W.Buxton T.Baudel S.B.Cousins A.Paepcke T.Winograd
Talks about:
document (4) interfac (3) multi (3) user (3) librari (2) digit (2) tool (2) workspac (1) taxonomi (1) sensemak (1)
Person: Eric A. Bier
DBLP: Bier:Eric_A=
Contributed to:
Wrote 10 papers:
- DocEng-2012-JanssenSBWS #documentation #named
- Receipts2Go: the big world of small documents (BJ, ES, EAB, PW, MAS), pp. 121–124.
- CHI-2007-BillmanB
- Medical sensemaking with entity workspace (DB, EAB), pp. 229–232.
- ECDL-2005-GoodPJB #interface #library
- A Fluid Interface for Personal Digital Libraries (LG, ACP, WCJ, EAB), pp. 162–173.
- CHI-1994-BierSFBB94a #taxonomy #tool support
- A taxonomy of see-through tools (EAB, MCS, KPF, WB, TB), pp. 358–364.
- CHI-1994-StoneFB94a #user interface
- The movable filter as a user interface tool (MCS, KPF, EAB), pp. 306–312.
- CHI-1992-BierFP #multi #named
- MMM: The Multi-Device Multi-User Multi-Editor (EAB, SF, KAP), pp. 645–646.
- CHI-1991-BierP #documentation #user interface
- Documents as user interfaces (EAB, KP), pp. 443–444.
- DL-1997-CousinsPWBP #library
- The Digital Library Integrated Task Environment (DLITE) (SBC, AP, TW, EAB, KAP), pp. 142–151.
- JCDL-2004-BierGPN #corpus #documentation
- A document corpus browser for in-depth reading (EAB, LG, KP, AN), pp. 87–96.
- JCDL-2005-BierP #documentation
- Icon abacus: positional display of document attributes (EAB, AP), pp. 289–290.