63 papers:
CASE-2015-GagliardiniCG #parallel- Dimensioning of cable-driven parallel robot actuators, gearboxes and winches according to the twist feasible workspace (LG, SC, MG), pp. 99–105.
ASE-2014-KehrerKR #modelling #visual notation- Workspace updates of visual models (TK, UK, DR), pp. 827–830.
CASE-2013-NaikMRHB- An example of computing the failure-tolerant workspace area for a planar kinematically redundant robot (PSN, AAM, RGR, RCH, KMBG), pp. 306–311.
CHI-2011-HunterMSK #named- MemTable: an integrated system for capture and recall of shared histories in group workspaces (SEH, PM, SDS, HK), pp. 3305–3314.
CSCW-2011-GrothFY #collaboration- Clinical journal: a collaborative shared medical workspace (KG, OF, AY), pp. 633–636.
CSCW-2011-GutwinSXB #distributed- Chalk sounds: the effects of dynamic synthesized audio on workspace awareness in distributed groupware (CG, OSS, RX, SAB), pp. 85–94.
HIMI-v2-2011-TakahashiT #information management- Big Fat Wand: A Laser Projection System for Information Sharing in a Workspace (TT, TT), pp. 403–410.
CASE-2010-ShahNK #case study #optimisation #parallel- CAD-enhanced workspace optimization for parallel manipulators: A case study (HS, MSN, VNK), pp. 816–821.
CASE-2010-YangO #design #parallel- Singularity-free workspace design for the translational 3-UPU parallel robot (YY, JFO), pp. 222–227.
HT-2010-HsiehPJNS #generative #hypermedia- Assisting two-way mapping generation in hypermedia workspace (HwH, KP, AJ, GN, FMSI), pp. 99–108.
CHI-2010-UnruhSCP- Transforming clinic environments into information workspaces for patients (KTU, MMS, ACH, WP), pp. 183–192.
KMIS-2010-DjordjevicGF #enterprise #semantics #wiki- Process-centric Enterprise Workspace based on Semantic Wiki (DD, RG, DF), pp. 224–233.
KMIS-2010-PenciucAA #development #information management #modelling #requirements- Requirements and Modelling of a Workspace for Tacit Knowledge Management in Railway Product Development (DP, MHA, DVDA), pp. 61–70.
HPDC-2010-CarmichaelBTE #collaboration #data-driven #named #towards- Biocompute: towards a collaborative workspace for data intensive bio-science (RC, PBH, DT, SJE), pp. 489–498.
CHI-2009-TuddenhamR #collaboration #coordination- Territorial coordination and workspace awareness in remote tabletop collaboration (PT, PR), pp. 2139–2148.
OCSC-2009-HuhtamakiNS #development- Catalysing the Development of a Conference Workspace (JH, ON, JS), pp. 43–52.
CIKM-2008-EvansFCMP #social- The social (open) workspace (DAE, SF, EHC, NMF, IP), p. 1529.
FSE-2008-SarmaRH #configuration management #empirical- Empirical evidence of the benefits of workspace awareness in software configuration management (AS, DFR, AvdH), pp. 113–123.
ASE-2007-SarmaBH #configuration management #towards- Towards supporting awareness of indirect conflicts across software configuration management workspaces (AS, GB, AvdH), pp. 94–103.
MSR-2007-Zimmermann #cvs #mining- Mining Workspace Updates in CVS (TZ), p. 11.
CHI-2007-BillmanB- Medical sensemaking with entity workspace (DB, EAB), pp. 229–232.
CHI-2007-ShoemakerG #interactive #multi #visual notation- Supporting multi-point interaction in visual workspaces (GS, CG), pp. 999–1008.
DHM-2007-SunFC #evaluation #generative #modelling- Dynamic Generation of Human-Populated VR Models for Workspace Ergonomic Evaluation (TLS, WYF, CJC), pp. 979–987.
HIMI-IIE-2007-CollinsNMRBCPFHP #collaboration #dataset- The Karst Collaborative Workspace for Analyzing and Annotating Scientific Datasets (LMC, DEN, MLBM, JVR, MAB, CRC, JEP, BFS, SKH, JCP), pp. 3–12.
HPDC-2007-AbbasiWS #named- LIVE: : a light-weight data workspace for computational science (HA, MW, KS), pp. 227–228.
HPDC-2007-DemchenkoSGLGK #security- Security and dynamics in customer controlled virtual workspace organisation (YD, FS, LG, CTAMdL, DLG, OK), pp. 231–232.
CASE-2006-StanBM #optimisation- Optimization of the workspace of PKM with 2 DOF (SS, RB, VM), pp. 69–74.
ECIR-2006-UrbanJ #image #problem #query #question #retrieval- Can a Workspace Help to Overcome the Query Formulation Problem in Image Retrieval? (JU, JMJ), pp. 385–396.
CSCW-2004-HaakeHSBL- End-user controlled group formation and access rights management in a shared workspace system (JMH, AH, TS, MB, BL), pp. 554–563.
CSCW-2004-JuINW #design #physics- Where the wild things work: capturing shared physical design workspaces (WJ, AI, LN, TW), pp. 533–541.
CSCW-2004-ScottCI #collaboration- Territoriality in collaborative tabletop workspaces (SDS, MSTC, KMI), pp. 294–303.
CSCW-2004-TseHSG #clustering #dependence #how #people- Avoiding interference: how people use spatial separation and partitioning in SDG workspaces (ET, JH, SDS, SG), pp. 252–261.
VLDB-2003-AbiteboulBBCCDMMP #distributed #xml- Managing Distributed Workspaces with Active XML (SA, JB, AB, GC, CC, FD, IM, TM, NP), pp. 1061–1064.
CHI-2003-RoddenRHT #design #novel- Designing novel interactional workspaces to support face to face consultations (TR, YR, JH, IT), pp. 57–64.
SEKE-2003-MaierS #information management #named- Infotop — A Shared-context Information Workspace (RM, JS), pp. 534–541.
ICSE-2003-SarmaNH #configuration management #named- Palantír: Raising Awareness among Configuration Management Workspaces (AS, ZN, AvdH), pp. 444–454.
CSCW-2002-BakerGG #development #empirical #evaluation #heuristic- Empirical development of a heuristic evaluation methodology for shared workspace groupware (KB, SG, CG), pp. 96–105.
HT-2001-RubartHTW #component #enterprise #hypermedia #using- Organizing shared enterprise workspaces using component-based cooperative hypermedia (JR, JMH, DAT, WW), pp. 73–82.
HT-1999-ShipmanML #hypermedia- Beyond Location: Hypertext Workspaces and Non-Linear Views (FMSI, CCM, ML), pp. 121–130.
SIGMOD-1999-BergstraesserBPS #repository- Versions and Workspaces in Microsoft Repository (TB, PAB, SP, DS), pp. 532–533.
DATE-1998-OlcozAIP- VHDL Teamwork, Organization Units and Workspace Management (SO, LA, II, OP), pp. 297–302.
HT-1998-HayashiNHTHG #documentation #thread- Temporally Threaded Workspace: A Model for Providing Activity-Based Perspectives on Document Spaces (KH, TN, TH, MT, SH, SG), pp. 87–96.
CSCW-1998-GutwinG #design #trade-off- Design for Individuals, Design for Groups: Tradeoffs between Power and Workspace Awareness (CG, SG), pp. 207–216.
CSCW-1998-NomuraHHG #named #process- Interlocus: Workspace Configuration Mechanisms for Activity Awareness (TN, KH, TH, SG), pp. 19–28.
HT-1997-WiilL #approach #internet #named- Workspaces: The HyperDisco Approach to Internet Distribution (UKW, JJL), pp. 13–23.
CAiSE-1997-TaivalsaariV #collaboration #design #distributed #named- TDE: Supporting Geographically Distributed Software Design with Shared, Collaborative Workspaces (AT, SV), pp. 389–408.
CHI-1996-CardRY #web- The WebBook and the Web Forager: An Information Workspace for the World-Wide Web (SKC, GGR, WY), p. 111.
CSCW-1996-Gutwin- Groupware Support for Workspace Awareness (doctoral colloquium) (CG), p. 447.
CSCW-1996-GutwinGR #video- Supporting Workspace Awareness in Groupware (Video Program) (CG, SG, MR), p. 8.
CSCW-1996-GutwinRG #usability- A Usability Study of Awareness Widgets in a Shared Workspace Groupware System (CG, MR, SG), pp. 258–267.
CSCW-1996-KuzuokaINN #collaboration #communication #named #video- GestureCam: A Video Communication System to Support Spatial Workspace Collaboration (Video Program) (HK, GI, YN, YN), p. 9.
CSCW-1996-LeePJW #multi- Supporting Multi-User, Multi-Applet Workspaces in CBE (JHL, AP, TJ, GW), pp. 344–353.
CHI-1992-Kuzuoka #collaboration #video- Spatial Workspace Collaboration: A SharedView Video Support System for Remote Collaboration Capability (HK), pp. 533–540.
CHI-1992-OlsenMM #architecture #editing #named- Workspaces: An Architecture for Editing Collections of Objects (DRO, TGM, DCM), pp. 267–272.
CSCW-1992-DourishB #coordination- Awareness and Coordination in Shared Workspaces (PD, VB), pp. 107–114.
CSCW-1992-IshiiKG #design #integration- Integration of Inter-Personal Space and Shared Workspace: ClearBoard Design and Experiments (HI, MK, JG), pp. 33–42.
CSCW-1992-TakemuraK #using- Cooperative Work Environment Using Virtual Workspace (HT, FK), pp. 226–232.
CHI-1991-CardRM #visualisation- The information visualizer, an information workspace (SKC, GGR, JDM), pp. 181–186.
CAiSE-1991-ConradiM #design #implementation #transaction- Cooperating Transactions and Workspaces in EPOS: Design and Preliminary Implementation (RC, CCM), pp. 375–392.
CSCW-1990-Ishii #named #towards- TeamWorkStation: Towards a Seamless Shared Workspace (HI), pp. 13–26.
CSCW-1988-TangL #comprehension #design #framework #process- A Framework for Understanding the Workspace Activity of Design Teams (JCT, LJL), pp. 244–249.
VLDB-1985-GoldSH #performance- The Private Workspace Model Feasibility and Applications to 2PL Performance Improvements (IG, OS, MH), pp. 192–208.
DAC-1976-RabideauF #interactive #layout- Interactive graphics package for human engineering and layout of vehicle workspace (GFR, JF), pp. 34–41.