Travelled to:
1 × Ireland
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
E.L.Leiss E.D.Granston J.Zbiciak
Talks about:
architectur (2) schedul (2) modulo (2) vliw (2) tms (2) dsp (2) irregular (1) without (1) softwar (1) pipelin (1)
Person: Eric Stotzer
DBLP: Stotzer:Eric
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- LCTES-2009-StotzerL #scheduling
- Modulo scheduling without overlapped lifetimes (ES, ELL), pp. 1–10.
- LCTES-OM-2001-GranstonSZ #architecture #pipes and filters
- Software Pipelining Irregular Loops on the TMS320C6000 VLIW DSP Architecture (EDG, ES, JZ), pp. 138–144.
- LCTES-1999-StotzerL #architecture #scheduling
- Modulo Scheduling for the TMS320C6x VLIW DSP Architecture (ES, ELL), pp. 28–34.