Travelled to:
1 × Germany
1 × Portugal
2 × Spain
3 × Italy
Collaborated with:
J.Zwanenburg C.Haack E.Hubbers B.Jacobs G.T.Leavens J.R.Kiniry H.Geuvers J.Schäfer A.Schubert
Talks about:
type (4) java (4) languag (2) object (2) logic (2) immut (2) card (2) jml (2) existenti (1) transact (1)
Person: Erik Poll
DBLP: Poll:Erik
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- ECOOP-2009-HaackP #flexibility #type system
- Type-Based Object Immutability with Flexible Initialization (CH, EP), pp. 520–545.
- CAV-2007-LeavensKP #behaviour #composition #functional #java #ml #specification #tutorial #verification
- A JML Tutorial: Modular Specification and Verification of Functional Behavior for Java (GTL, JRK, EP), p. 37.
- ESOP-2007-HaackPSS #java
- Immutable Objects for a Java-Like Language (CH, EP, JS, AS), pp. 347–362.
- FASE-2004-HubbersP #java #reasoning #transaction
- Reasoning about Card Tears and Transactions in Java Card (EH, EP), pp. 114–128.
- FASE-2001-JacobsP #java #logic #ml #modelling
- A Logic for the Java Modeling Language JML (BJ, EP), pp. 284–299.
- CSL-1999-GeuversPZ #proving #type system
- Safe Proof Checking in Type Theory with Y (HG, EP, JZ), pp. 439–452.
- TLCA-1999-PollZ #data type #logic
- A Logic for Abstract Data Types as Existential Types (EP, JZ), pp. 310–324.