Collaborated with:
M.Tudruj I.D.Falco R.Olejnik U.Scafuri E.Tarantino
Talks about:
program (2) reconfigur (1) distribut (1) schedul (1) system (1) extrem (1) condit (1) branch (1) balanc (1) state (1)
Person: Eryk Laskowski
DBLP: Laskowski:Eryk
Contributed to:
Wrote 2 papers:
- PDP-2014-FalcoLOSTT #distributed #optimisation #source code
- Extremal Optimization with Guided State Changes in Load Balancing of Distributed Programs (IDF, EL, RO, US, ET, MT), pp. 228–231.
- PDP-2006-LaskowskiT #branch #configuration management #scheduling #source code
- Scheduling Programs with Conditional Branches for Look-Ahead Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems (EL, MT), pp. 211–218.