Travelled to:
1 × Spain
2 × Poland
Collaborated with:
D.Jannach M.Ge M.Hepp
Talks about:
recommend (3) divers (3) placement (2) list (2) item (2) frequenc (1) analysi (1) effect (1) bring (1) rate (1)
Person: Fatih Gedikli
DBLP: Gedikli:Fatih
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICEIS-J-2012-GeJG #analysis #recommendation
- Bringing Diversity to Recommendation Lists — An Analysis of the Placement of Diverse Items (MG, DJ, FG), pp. 293–305.
- ICEIS-v2-2012-GeJGH #recommendation
- Effects of the Placement of Diverse Items in Recommendation Lists (MG, DJ, FG, MH), pp. 201–208.
- RecSys-2010-GedikliJ #rating #recommendation
- Recommending based on rating frequencies (FG, DJ), pp. 233–236.