Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Greece
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
2 × China
2 × Poland
Collaborated with:
M.Helfert D.Jannach F.Ricci F.Gedikli A.Borek A.K.Parlikad D.Massimo C.Delgado-Battenfeld M.Braunhofer M.Elahi M.Hepp
Talks about:
recommend (5) system (3) inform (3) divers (3) placement (2) framework (2) resourc (2) orient (2) effect (2) valu (2)
Person: Mouzhi Ge
DBLP: Ge:Mouzhi
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- RecSys-2015-GeRM #recommendation
- Health-aware Food Recommender System (MG, FR, DM), pp. 333–334.
- LCT-TRE-2014-BraunhoferEGR #learning #mobile #recommendation
- Context Dependent Preference Acquisition with Personality-Based Active Learning in Mobile Recommender Systems (MB, ME, MG, FR), pp. 105–116.
- ICEIS-J-2012-GeJG #analysis #recommendation
- Bringing Diversity to Recommendation Lists — An Analysis of the Placement of Diverse Items (MG, DJ, FG), pp. 293–305.
- ICEIS-v2-2012-GeJGH #recommendation
- Effects of the Placement of Diverse Items in Recommendation Lists (MG, DJ, FG, MH), pp. 201–208.
- ICEIS-J-2011-BorekHGP #framework
- IS/IT Resources and Business Value: Operationalization of an Information Oriented Framework (AB, MH, MG, AKP), pp. 420–434.
- ICEIS-v4-2011-BorekPHG #framework
- An Information Oriented Framework for Relating IS/IT Resources and Business Value (AB, AKP, MH, MG), pp. 358–367.
- RecSys-2010-GeDJ #recommendation
- Beyond accuracy: evaluating recommender systems by coverage and serendipity (MG, CDB, DJ), pp. 257–260.
- ICEIS-EIS-2007-GeH #quality
- A Theoretical Model to Explain Effects of Information Quality Awareness on Decision Making (MG, MH), pp. 164–169.