Travelled to:
1 × Austria
1 × Cyprus
1 × Denmark
1 × France
1 × Hungary
1 × Israel
1 × Japan
1 × Spain
1 × United Kingdom
3 × Germany
3 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ S.Schaffert R.Manthey P.Patranjan M.Eckert M.Kraus D.Olteanu T.Furche F.Weigel H.Meuss K.U.Schulz S.Berger C.Wieser
Talks about:
queri (6) data (6) databas (4) logic (4) xml (4) semistructur (3) program (3) languag (3) effici (3) deduct (3)
Person: François Bry
DBLP: Bry:Fran=ccedil=ois
Contributed to:
Wrote 16 papers:
- ICLP-2012-BryS #query #semistructured data #simulation #unification
- Simulation Unification: Beyond Querying Semistructured Data (FB, SS), pp. 1–13.
- HT-2005-BryE #web
- Processing link structures and linkbases in the web’s open world linking (FB, ME), pp. 135–144.
- SAC-2005-BryP #paradigm #web
- Reactivity on the web: paradigms and applications of the language XChange (FB, PLP), pp. 1645–1649.
- ECIR-2004-WeigelMBS #information retrieval #performance #xml
- Content-Aware DataGuides: Interleaving IR and DB Indexing Techniques for Efficient Retrieval of Textual XML Data (FW, HM, FB, KUS), pp. 378–393.
- ICLP-2004-BryPS #evolution #logic programming #programming language #query #web
- Xcerpt and XChange — Logic Programming Languages for Querying and Evolution on the Web (FB, PLP, SS), pp. 450–451.
- SAC-2004-OlteanuFB #data type #performance #query #xml
- An efficient single-pass query evaluator for XML data streams (DO, TF, FB), pp. 627–631.
- VLDB-2003-BergerBSW #query #semistructured data #visual notation #xml
- Xcerpt and visXcerpt: From Pattern-Based to Visual Querying of XML and Semistructured Data (SB, FB, SS, CW), pp. 1053–1056.
- ICLP-2002-BryS #declarative #model transformation #query #semistructured data #simulation #towards #transformation language #unification #xml
- Towards a Declarative Query and Transformation Language for XML and Semistructured Data: Simulation Unification (FB, SS), pp. 255–270.
- SAC-2002-BryK #documentation #modelling
- Advanced modeling and browsing of technical documents (FB, MK), pp. 520–524.
- JICSLP-1996-Bry #composition #database #deduction #logic programming #semantics #source code
- A Compositional Semantics for Logic Programs and Deductive Databases (FB), pp. 453–467.
- CLP-1990-Bry90 #abduction #deduction
- Intensional Updates: Abduction via Deduction (FB), pp. 561–575.
- PODS-1989-Bry #database #formal method #logic programming
- Logic Programming as Constructivism: A Formalization and its Application to Databases (FB), pp. 34–50.
- SIGMOD-1989-Bry #evaluation #performance #quantifier #query #revisited #towards
- Towards an Efficient Evaluation of General Queries: Quantifier and Disjunction Processing Revisited (FB), pp. 193–204.
- CADE-1988-MantheyB #named #prolog #proving #theorem proving
- SATCHMO: A Theorem Prover Implemented in Prolog (RM, FB), pp. 415–434.
- CSL-1987-BryM #database #deduction #finite #proving #satisfiability
- Proving Finite Satisfiability of Deductive Databases (FB, RM), pp. 44–55.
- VLDB-1986-BryM #consistency #constraints #database #logic
- Checking Consistency of Database Constraints: a Logical Basis (FB, RM), pp. 13–20.