Travelled to:
1 × Italy
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × Taiwan
Collaborated with:
F.Frasincar D.Vandic U.Kaymak M.Capelle A.Hogenboom W.Hop S.d.Ridder J.v.Dam M.Moerland A.Verheij A.Kleijn J.v.d.Meer F.Boon K.Schouten P.Ruijgrok J.Borsje L.Levering
Talks about:
semant (4) news (4) approach (3) use (3) recommend (2) framework (2) bing (2) base (2) web (2) vocabulari (1)
Person: Frederik Hogenboom
DBLP: Hogenboom:Frederik
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- SAC-2015-CapelleMHFV #hybrid #recommendation #semantics
- Bing-SF-IDF+: a hybrid semantics-driven news recommender (MC, MM, FH, FF, DV), pp. 732–739.
- SAC-2013-CapelleHHF #recommendation #semantics #using
- Semantic news recommendation using wordnet and bing similarities (MC, FH, AH, FF), pp. 296–302.
- SAC-2012-HopRFH #ontology #using #visualisation
- Using Hierarchical Edge Bundles to visualize complex ontologies in GLOW (WH, SdR, FF, FH), pp. 304–311.
- SAC-2012-VerheijKFVH #framework #query #ranking
- Querying and ranking news items in the hermes framework (AV, AK, FF, DV, FH), pp. 672–679.
- SAC-2011-MeerBHFK #automation #framework #using #web
- A framework for automatic annotation of web pages using the Google rich snippets vocabulary (JvdM, FB, FH, FF, UK), pp. 765–772.
- SAC-2011-VandicDHF #approach #clustering #semantics
- A semantic clustering-based approach for searching and browsing tag spaces (DV, JWvD, FH, FF), pp. 1693–1699.
- SAC-2010-HogenboomFK #overview #owl #representation
- A review of approaches for representing RCC8 in OWL (FH, FF, UK), pp. 1444–1445.
- SAC-2010-SchoutenRBFLH #approach #personalisation #semantics
- A semantic web-based approach for personalizing news (KS, PR, JB, FF, LL, FH), pp. 854–861.