Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Italy
1 × Japan
1 × Latvia
1 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
∅ M.Lohrey B.Steinberg
Talks about:
grammar (4) eras (4) product (3) automata (2) matrix (2) understand (1) submonoid (1) transduc (1) downward (1) approach (1)
Person: Georg Zetzsche
DBLP: Zetzsche:Georg
Contributed to:
Wrote 8 papers:
- ICALP-v2-2015-Zetzsche #approach
- An Approach to Computing Downward Closures (GZ), pp. 440–451.
- ICALP-v2-2013-LohreySZ #set
- Rational Subsets and Submonoids of Wreath Products (ML, BS, GZ), pp. 361–372.
- ICALP-v2-2013-Zetzsche #automaton
- Silent Transitions in Automata with Storage (GZ), pp. 434–445.
- DLT-2011-Zetzsche
- A Sufficient Condition for Erasing Productions to Be Avoidable (GZ), pp. 452–463.
- ICALP-v2-2011-Zetzsche #automaton #monad #on the #transducer
- On the Capabilities of Grammars, Automata, and Transducers Controlled by Monoids (GZ), pp. 222–233.
- ICALP-v2-2010-Zetzsche #on the #random
- On Erasing Productions in Random Context Grammars (GZ), pp. 175–186.
- DLT-2009-Zetzsche #matrix #petri net
- Erasing in Petri Net Languages and Matrix Grammars (GZ), pp. 490–501.
- DLT-J-2009-Zetzsche11 #capacity #comprehension #generative #matrix #towards
- Toward Understanding the Generative Capacity of Erasing Rules in Matrix Grammars (GZ), pp. 411–426.