Travelled to:
1 × Sweden
Collaborated with:
A.M.Álvarez-Meza S.Molina-Giraldo D.Cárdenas-Peña M.Orbes-Arteaga A.E.Castro-Ospina J.D.Martínez-Vargas C.C.Hoyos C.D.Acosta-Medina
Talks about:
support (2) base (2) correntropi (1) unsupervis (1) stationari (1) constraint (1) represent (1) stochast (1) surveil (1) subspac (1)
Person: Germán Castellanos-Domínguez
DBLP: Castellanos-Dom=iacute=nguez:Germ=aacute=n
Contributed to:
Wrote 3 papers:
- ICPR-2014-Alvarez-MezaMC #adaptation #learning #video
- Correntropy-Based Adaptive Learning to Support Video Surveillance Systems (AMÁM, SMG, GCD), pp. 2590–2595.
- ICPR-2014-Cardenas-PenaOCAC #3d #clustering #kernel #representation
- A Kernel-Based Representation to Support 3D MRI Unsupervised Clustering (DCP, MOA, AECO, AMÁM, GCD), pp. 3203–3208.
- ICPR-2014-Martinez-VargasHAAC #component #constraints #probability #recursion
- Recursive Separation of Stationary Components by Subspace Projection and Stochastic Constraints (JDMV, CCH, AMÁM, CDAM, GCD), pp. 3469–3474.