Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Cyprus
1 × Spain
2 × USA
Collaborated with:
∅ P.Ryan S.Bistarelli L.C.Paulson
Talks about:
secur (3) protocol (2) constraint (1) confidenti (1) mechanis (1) interact (1) special (1) kerbero (1) analysi (1) polici (1)
Person: Giampaolo Bella
DBLP: Bella:Giampaolo
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- SAC-2004-BellaR #security
- Editoral message: special track on computer security (GB, PR), pp. 373–374.
- SAC-2003-Bella #protocol
- Availability of Protocol Goals (GB), pp. 312–317.
- SAC-2002-Bell #interactive #policy #security #simulation
- Interactive simulation of security policies (GB), pp. 247–252.
- PADL-2001-BellaB #analysis #constraints #protocol #security
- Soft Constraints for Security Protocol Analysis: Confidentiality (GB, SB), pp. 108–122.
- CAV-1998-BellaP #induction
- Mechanising BAN Kerberos by the Inductive Method (GB, LCP), pp. 416–427.