Travelled to:
1 × Czech Republic
1 × Hungary
1 × USA
2 × Switzerland
Collaborated with:
A.Durand ∅ A.Bonifati B.Groz E.Grandjean E.Filiot O.Gauwin B.Lesner R.Brixtel C.Bazin
Talks about:
queri (4) structur (2) conjunct (2) enumer (2) delay (2) trichotomi (1) framework (1) underbar (1) decompos (1) constant (1)
Person: Guillaume Bagan
DBLP: Bagan:Guillaume
Contributed to:
Wrote 5 papers:
- PODS-2013-BaganBG #graph #query
- A trichotomy for regular simple path queries on graphs (GB, AB, BG), pp. 261–272.
- CSL-2010-BaganDFG #performance #query
- Efficient Enumeration for Conjunctive Queries over X-underbar Structures (GB, AD, EF, OG), pp. 80–94.
- SAC-2010-LesnerBBB #detection #exclamation #framework #novel #source code #student
- A novel framework to detect source code plagiarism: now, students have to work for real! (BL, RB, CB, GB), pp. 57–58.
- CSL-2007-BaganDG #constant #on the #query
- On Acyclic Conjunctive Queries and Constant Delay Enumeration (GB, AD, EG), pp. 208–222.
- CSL-2006-Bagan #linear #query
- MSO Queries on Tree Decomposable Structures Are Computable with Linear Delay (GB), pp. 167–181.