63 papers:
ICML-2015-EneN #coordination #random- Random Coordinate Descent Methods for Minimizing Decomposable Submodular Functions (AE, HLN), pp. 787–795.
ICML-2015-NarasimhanK0 #metric #optimisation #performance- Optimizing Non-decomposable Performance Measures: A Tale of Two Classes (HN, PK, PJ), pp. 199–208.
KDD-2014-FangP #algorithm #linear #performance- Fast DTT: a near linear algorithm for decomposing a tensor into factor tensors (XF, RP), pp. 967–976.
PADL-2014-SonPL #multi #prolog #source code- Two Applications of the ASP-Prolog System: Decomposable Programs and Multi-context Systems (TCS, EP, TL), pp. 87–103.
TAP-2014-ArcainiGR #abstraction #model checking #testing- An Abstraction Technique for Testing Decomposable Systems by Model Checking (PA, AG, ER), pp. 36–52.
ICML-c1-2013-KumarB #bound #graph #learning- Convex Relaxations for Learning Bounded-Treewidth Decomposable Graphs (KSSK, FRB), pp. 525–533.
STOC-2012-AlonMS #graph #scalability- Nearly complete graphs decomposable into large induced matchings and their applications (NA, AM, BS), pp. 1079–1090.
IFL-2012-SeningtonD #metaheuristic- Decomposing Metaheuristic Operations (RS, DD), pp. 224–239.
ICML-2012-SamdaniR #learning #performance #predict- Efficient Decomposed Learning for Structured Prediction (RS, DR), p. 200.
ICPR-2012-YangKF #recognition- Decomposed contour prior for shape recognition (ZY, YK, YF), pp. 767–770.
LICS-2012-ChenD #quantifier- Decomposing Quantified Conjunctive (or Disjunctive) Formulas (HC, VD), pp. 205–214.
LICS-2012-GollerJL #complexity #first-order- The Complexity of Decomposing Modal and First-Order Theories (SG, JCJ, ML), pp. 325–334.
ASE-2011-AcherCLF11a #feature model #modelling- Decomposing feature models: language, environment, and applications (MA, PC, PL, RBF), pp. 600–603.
PODS-2011-ShengT #problem- FIFO indexes for decomposable problems (CS, YT), pp. 25–35.
CIKM-2010-MinZWM #component #keyword #topic- Decomposing background topics from keywords by principal component pursuit (KM, ZZ, JW, YM), pp. 269–278.
ICPR-2010-NguyenD #approach #multi- A Multi-scale Approach to Decompose a Digital Curve into Meaningful Parts (TPN, IDR), pp. 1072–1075.
KR-2010-KonevLPW #logic #ontology- Decomposing Description Logic Ontologies (BK, CL, DKP, FW).
DATE-2009-BernasconiCTV #on the- On decomposing Boolean functions via extended cofactoring (AB, VC, GT, TV), pp. 1464–1469.
ICDAR-2009-KanounSGIAH #approach #recognition- Affixal Approach versus Analytical Approach for Off-Line Arabic Decomposable Vocabulary Recognition (SK, FS, HG, RI, AMA, JH), pp. 661–665.
ICSM-2009-FokaefsTCS #clustering #object-oriented #using- Decomposing object-oriented class modules using an agglomerative clustering technique (MF, NT, AC, JS), pp. 93–101.
SAC-2009-Djelloul #exponential #finite #infinity #linear- From exponential to almost linear decomposability of finite or infinite trees (KD), pp. 897–902.
SAC-2009-KoehlerC #automaton- Decomposing port automata (CK, DC), pp. 1369–1373.
DAC-2008-LeeJH #satisfiability #scalability- Bi-decomposing large Boolean functions via interpolation and satisfiability solving (RRL, JHRJ, WLH), pp. 636–641.
SAC-2008-Djelloul #constraints #first-order- Combination of decomposability and propagation for solving first-order constraints in decomposable theories (KD), pp. 1728–1732.
ICDAR-2007-GaoWHD #documentation #image #integer #linear #programming #using- Decompose Document Image Using Integer Linear Programming (DG, YW, HH, MD), pp. 397–401.
IFM-2007-Metzler #specification #verification- Decomposing Integrated Specifications for Verification (BM), pp. 459–479.
ICPR-v3-2006-VlietF #analysis #clustering #multi- Multi-orientation analysis by decomposing the structure tensor and clustering (LJvV, FGAF), pp. 856–860.
SAC-2006-DjelloulD #constraints #finite #first-order #formal method #infinity- Solving first-order constraints in the theory of finite or infinite trees: introduction to the decomposable theories (KD, TBHD), pp. 7–14.
ISMM-2006-AgaramKLM #data type #memory management #performance- Decomposing memory performance: data structures and phases (KKA, SWK, CL, KSM), pp. 95–103.
CSL-2006-Bagan #linear #query- MSO Queries on Tree Decomposable Structures Are Computable with Linear Delay (GB), pp. 167–181.
ICDAR-2005-KanounAL #approach #recognition #validation #word- Affixal Approach for Arabic Decomposable Vocabulary Recognition: A Validation on Printed Word in Only One Font (SK, AMA, YL), pp. 1025–1029.
DAC-2004-KapoorJ #concurrent #logic #specification #synthesis- Decomposing specifications with concurrent outputs to resolve state coding conflicts in asynchronous logic synthesis (HKK, MBJ), pp. 830–833.
DAC-2004-SasaoM #logic #multi- A method to decompose multiple-output logic functions (TS, MM), pp. 428–433.
ICPR-v2-2004-SuW #normalisation #using- Decomposing Chinese Characters into Stroke Segments Using SOGD Filters and Orientation Normalization (YMS, JFW), pp. 351–354.
ICPR-v4-2004-ZhangLT #analysis #image #recognition #using #word- Italic Font Recognition Using Stroke Pattern Analysis on Wavelet Decomposed Word Images (LZ, YL, CLT), pp. 835–838.
WCRE-2003-BodhuinGT #migration #using #web- Migration of non-decomposable software systems to the Web using screen proxies (TB, EG, MT), pp. 165–174.
SIGMOD-2002-VriesMNK #performance- Efficient k-NN search on vertically decomposed data (APdV, NM, NN, MLK), pp. 322–333.
ICGT-2002-BauderonC #graph #symmetry- Decomposing Graphs with Symmetries (MB, FC), pp. 45–59.
KR-2002-Amir #calculus- Projection in Decomposed Situation Calculus (EA), pp. 315–326.
KR-2002-Broxvall #constraints #infinity- Constraint Satisfaction on Infinite Domains: Composing Domains and Decomposing Constraints (MB), pp. 509–520.
CAV-2001-Cabodi #named #representation- Meta-BDDs: A Decomposed Representation for Layered Symbolic Manipulation of Boolean Functions (GC), pp. 118–130.
SAS-1999-ZaffanellaHB- Decomposing Non-redundant Sharing by Complementation (EZ, PMH, RB), pp. 69–84.
HPDC-1999-LigonMS #multi #problem- Spatially Decomposed Multigrain MOM Problems on NOWs (WBLI, AQM, DCSJ), pp. 149–155.
IWPC-1998-CanforaCLL #legacy #migration #source code #towards- Decomposing Legacy Programs: A First Step Towards Migrating to Client-Server Platforms (GC, AC, ADL, GADL), pp. 136–144.
ICPR-1998-LamIL #algorithm #performance- Approaches to decompose flat structuring element for fast overlapping search morphological algorithm (RWKL, HHSI, CKL), pp. 1461–1463.
ICRE-1998-KaindlKK #case study #functional #requirements #using- A Case Study of Decomposing Functional Requirements Using Scenarios (HK, SK, RK), pp. 156–163.
CAV-1998-HosabettuSG #correctness #pipes and filters #proving- Decomposing the Proof of Correctness of pipelined Microprocessors (RH, MKS, GG), pp. 122–134.
ICALP-1997-GrossiI #algorithm #order #performance #problem- Efficient Splitting and Merging Algorithms for Order Decomposable Problems (Extended Abstract) (RG, GFI), pp. 605–615.
HCI-SEC-1997-PatelK #design #interactive #interface #learning- Granular Interface Design: Decomposing Learning Tasks and Enhancing Tutoring Interaction (AP, K), pp. 161–164.
CAV-1996-McMillan #model checking #representation- A Conjunctively Decomposed Boolean Representation for Symbolic Model Checking (KLM), pp. 13–25.
KR-1992-ZhangP #diagrams- Stepwise-Decomposable Influence Diagrams (NLZ, DLP), pp. 141–152.
ICALP-1991-BruyereF- Degree and Decomposability of Variable-Length Codes (VB, CdF), pp. 575–587.
SIGMOD-1989-Dong #database #datalog #distributed #on the #query- On Distributed Processibility of Datalog Queries by Decomposing Databases (GD), pp. 26–35.
DAC-1988-HouOI #named- DECOMPOSER: A Synthesizer for Systolic Systems (PPH, RMO, MJI), pp. 650–653.
ICALP-1988-ArnborgLS #graph #problem- Problems Easy for Tree-Decomposable Graphs (Extended Abstract) (SA, JL, DS), pp. 38–51.
PODS-1987-Dechter- Decomposing an N-ary Relation into a Tree of Binary Relations (RD), pp. 185–189.
PODS-1985-Gyssens #dependence #embedded- Embedded Join Dependencies as a Tool for Decomposing Full Join Dependencies (MG), pp. 205–214.
VLDB-1984-DeenAT #query- A Strategy for Decomposing Complex Queries in a Heterogeneous DDB (SMD, RRA, MCT), pp. 397–400.
STOC-1983-Iwama #communication #multi #string- Unique Decomposability of Shuffled Strings: A Formal Treatment of Asynchronous Time-Multiplexed Communication (KI), pp. 374–381.
STOC-1979-ChazelleD- Decomposing a Polygon into its Convex Parts (BC, DPD), pp. 38–48.
ICSE-1976-Salter #requirements- A Methodology for Decomposing System Requirements Into Data Processing Requirements (KGS), pp. 91–101.
STOC-1975-Skyum #on the #parallel- On Decomposing Languages Defined by Parallel Devices (SS), pp. 121–125.
ICALP-1974-MichelisS #diagrams #semantics- Semantic Characterization of Flow Diagrams and Their Decomposability (GDM, CS), pp. 81–96.