Travelled to:
1 × France
1 × Germany
1 × Spain
1 × USA
Collaborated with:
A.L.Meur L.Duchien P.Sriplakich
Talks about:
framework (3) base (3) architectur (2) static (2) compon (2) model (2) contractu (1) properti (1) interact (1) function (1)
Person: Guillaume Waignier
DBLP: Waignier:Guillaume
Contributed to:
Wrote 4 papers:
- QoSA-2009-WaignierMD #component #debugging #design #framework #modelling
- A Model-Based Framework to Design and Debug Safe Component-Based Autonomic Systems (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 1–17.
- MoDELS-2008-WaignierSMD #component #framework #interactive #modelling
- A Model-Based Framework for Statically and Dynamically Checking Component Interactions (GW, PS, AFLM, LD), pp. 371–385.
- QoSA-2008-WaignierMD #analysis #architecture #specification
- Architectural Specification and Static Analyses of Contractual Application Properties (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 152–170.
- ECSA-2007-WaignierMD #architecture #framework #named
- FIESTA: A Generic Framework for Integrating New Functionalities into Software Architectures (GW, AFLM, LD), pp. 76–91.