Travelled to:
1 × Canada
1 × Portugal
1 × Spain
1 × Switzerland
1 × Taiwan
1 × United Kingdom
Collaborated with:
J.Ji H.Cho Y.Lee M.Bae H.S.Chae H.Jang E.Kim J.Lim D.Chae S.Kim J.Ha S.Lee
Talks about:
code (4) plagiar (3) detect (3) program (2) visual (2) style (2) sourc (2) represent (1) intermedi (1) birthmark (1)
Person: Gyun Woo
DBLP: Woo:Gyun
Contributed to:
Wrote 7 papers:
- SAC-2013-ChaeKHLW #api #detection
- Software plagiarism detection via the static API call frequency birthmark (DKC, SWK, JH, SCL, GW), pp. 1639–1643.
- SAC-2011-LeeKCW #sequence #visualisation
- Visualizing dispute sections and relations from the sequence of replying comments (YJL, EKK, HGC, GW), pp. 786–791.
- SAC-2011-LimJLW #c #education #visualisation
- Style Avatar: a visualization system for teaching C coding style (JSL, JHJ, YJL, GW), pp. 1210–1211.
- HT-2010-BaeJW #web
- Show my code in the web (MJB, JHJ, GW), pp. 309–310.
- ITiCSE-2008-JiWC #contest #detection #experience #programming #source code
- An experience of detecting plagiarized source codes in competitive programming contests (JHJ, GW, HGC), p. 369.
- AdaEurope-2007-WooCJ #approach #compilation #representation #testing
- An Intermediate Representation Approach to Reducing Test Suites for Retargeted Compilers (GW, HSC, HJ), pp. 100–113.
- ITiCSE-2007-JiWC #detection #source code
- A source code linearization technique for detecting plagiarized programs (JHJ, GW, HGC), pp. 73–77.